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Latest revision as of 05:33, 22 September 2018

Setting up Shop
Date of Scene: 29 August 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: June Connor, Shadow, Batwoman

June Connor has posed:
    June's black hoody covers her head. It's a little warm for hoodies, but that doesn't bother her. A lock of bright red hair hangs forward over her eyes, bright green eyeshadow and thick mascara on her face. She chews casually on her gum, smacking it with little care to etiquette.
    She stands inside the No Tresspassing sign, hands in her shredded pants pockets as she eyes a warehouse that looks like absolute trash. Paint is falling off, There are a few mismatched panels of sheet metal. She sent word to Babs that she found something that might be useful to this new team. A really A+ base for operations. Apparently this dilapidated warehouse by the docks is it. Old barrels lie strewn about, not useful to anyone, broken wooden pallets dot the parking lot, and the barbed wire hasn't been maintained in years, cut by someone long ago to gain access.

Shadow has posed:
    "Definitely something of a fixer-upper," comes a sudden comment as a familiar dark shape shimmers into visibility beside June, looking over the exterior with a critical eye.

     "It looks worse than it probably is, but we'll need to check out inside to be sure," the Shadow comments, then turns to look at just past June's other shoulder. "Shall we?" they ask...

Batwoman has posed:
    It's also warm for body armor, and a cape, and a cowl. But sometimes a girl must make sacrifices in the name of fighting crime and fashion. Kate emerges from the side of the building, her richly painted lips almost as much of a draw as the red logo emblazoned upon her chest or the crimson cape that follows her. "Location, location, location. I can't say it's in the best neighbourhood, but it's remarkably close to work, isn't it?" A smile is given to June, and any of her friends that might have wandered along with her.

    Because although Oracle might have offered her some warning as to who to expect, the somewhat rag-tag nature of June's company hasn't impressed. Although the Shadow does get a one-sided smirk, "I might have known we played for the same team. And yet this is where you've chosen to make our nest? A lady would never."

June Connor has posed:
    June starts a little as the Shadow appears next to her. "Fuck me," she curses. "You gotta do that? Good way to get stabbed in the eye." She glances up, and shrugs. "We aren't makin' a penthouse, we're makin' a base. It's perfect." She spots Kate as she comes around the corner, then gives a critical eye to Kate. "You're not her," she says, presumably referring to Babs.
    "Thsi groupd seems bigger all the time," she comments. "It's a short commute, that's for sure," she explains, walking to the door. She pulls a kunai from her belt, and pops the simple lock on the door. "Deals go down in this parking lot every night, S'why we're here during the day. Nobody would expect us to be set up right in the middle of where they do business."

Shadow has posed:
"Oracle has been speaking to quite a few people," the Shadow comments, then turns to look at Batwoman. Think of it as a target-rich environment close to hand," they point out as they join June by the door. "Besides, even if they don't know where we come from our presence will have a... Quelling effect on what ill deals go down in this area..."

Batwoman has posed:
"You'll excuse me for saying but I'd rather people not confuse our clubhouse for a ganghouse or something similar. A touch of class. Mobsteresque." Sometimes it can be hard to tell if Kate is joking, from that smile, and that rich voice. "I volunteered to help Oracle out. It's the least I can do for her after all these years. What's most important is that we can mask our presence, our comings and our goings. Furnishings do not matter if someone decides to bathe our home-away-from-home in gamma rays, or delivers a semi loaded with dynamite to our front door." Joining the others by the door, she turns to look at Shadow.

"Seems I was right about you." A chuckle. "Your tip panned out a touch late, by the way. Mister Nygma has a rectal examination booked with one of my boots."

June Connor has posed:
    June opens the door, which looks no more glorious inside than it did outside. Dirt and dust, asbestos in the rafters, It'd never pass an inspection today. "Best way to prevent someone from breaking in is for them not to know it's here," she says. "And..." she points at a slab that is on the floor. "See that concrete slab?" she says. "That would've been a mechanic's pit. There's a concrete vault under that." She strolls casually over to a drain in the floor. "Building was built in 1968 according to public records," she says. "Means it doesn't follow very eco-friendly standards. This drain should connect to the greywater system. Could use it to create an exit that would bring us out...wherever we want in the city, really." She stands on the slab. "Everything up here? fluff, but if we can use the area beneath, we'd have a one entrance/one exit, making it hard to break in unknown, and we'd also have a second way out of the warehouse through the drain that would keep us from getting too locked down in here in an emergency." She blows a bubble and pops it.

Batwoman has posed:
    "Mhmn. And leave us with very little in the way of storage, which makes it less feasible for errands abroad but... There's no reason we can't store the more fun toys offsite and just have this as a 'location'." A pause. "The way I see it, every location requires extensive modification to be fit for purpose. And considering what we'll be getting up to, I'm not entirely certain we'll be keeping Gotham City Planning in the loop." Batwoman walks through, looking around the warehouse with an idle eye. "I would say, we mask the entire warehouse. A dummy shipping front, and keep our own little slice of paradise in a sub-level. Should the worst happen, all we need do is maintain the ruse."

June Connor has posed:
    June quirks her mouth. "I mean, it's whatever," she says, receding from authority on the matter. "I saw the place, thought it could work. Access to the gray water means we can have a few locations networked if we wanted. Could pop up around the city. Makes it harder to keep track. A trick I learned from some mutant freaks in New York City. Took the Foot forever to find them."

Batwoman has posed:
    Batwoman stops. "It's a good place. We can make it work for what we need. I'll have my people pull up some information and make sure we can get what we need to get done quickly and discretely. There's enough /enough/ around here that we can obfuscate anything we need to." A flattering smile for June. "I think you've done well. You would be the one who is on the run from the ninjas, then?"

June Connor has posed:
    June stops chewing on her gum, a mask of a stare at Batwoman. "Good to know that's public knowledge," she says after a moment. "Hiding might be more accurate. Whenever they find me I'll be dead, so...probably best not to get too attached." She hides the fear pretty well behind the apathetic tone.
    "But if I can fly a bird at them on the way out, all the better." She stops, and considers, "No pun intended."

Batwoman has posed:
"Ah. Forgive me, I thought it was somewhat public knowledge - I did go snooping when Oracle told me what she was doing." A soft chucke escapes those intensely painted lips, and Kate gestures to June, "I wouldn't worry. The Shadow behind you seems competent so far, Oracle is extremely so. Professional, I would go as far as to say." Her cowl cants to the side, those long, synthetic locks shifting a little with it. "And if you're under Oracle's care, you are under mine. And although I do come off as quite fussy, sometimes it's fun to have my prey delivered to me." Someone is either overconfident, uninformed, or simply that good. "Unfortunately, my day-trip has about come to an end - My absence won't go un-noticed for much longer. If this is where you want to be, tell Oracle and we'll get the paperwork done and begin drawing up plans."

June Connor has posed:
    "Right," June says, "Well, I ain't callin' any shots, I just saw the place and thought I'd point it out. I may not be that smart, but I know how to keep shit under the floorboards." She glances back at the Shadow, then to Kate again. "Just don't expect me to dress up as a bat, or in red tights, or any of that stuff. That ain't my thing." She walks over and flips the light switch. Nothing happens. "Guess we'll have to hack the power grid," she comments.

Batwoman has posed:
    "A disguise is simply that. When I'm not busy being Batwoman, I have something of a life to return to. And, one day, when I no longer need to be her... Well, it'll be nice to just be me." Batwoman smiles, "Besides, haven't you seen the look on the boys faces when they see that I've come to crash the party? It's given me something of a reputation. Ciao, for now." With that, the vigilante strides out the door.

Shadow has posed:
    The Shadow emerges from the building's interior, brushing concrete dust off their coat. "Structurally, this place is not as well off as I'd hoped, but much better than I'd feared. It will take some work, but Oracle implied she knew a reliable and discreet contractor, and financing will... Not be a problem."

    "The number of records we'll need to fudge is going to be substantial, but again Oracle and DarkSky will be up to the task. It should suffice. As for abroad..." It's hard to tell any kind of facial expression underneath that hat and scarf, but June gets the distinct impression that the Shadow is smirking. "You're not quite cleared for that, yet. But rest assured we have options."

June Connor has posed:
    "Cleared for going abroad? Like overseas?" June asks. "Nobody said nothin' about that. I hate flying. I mean, I've never done it, but I'm pretty sure I'd hate it. I don't like not being able to control where I'm going." She points around. "No windows here, that's a good thing. "So, someone in our little team has money?" she asks. "That's good to know. There ain't a lot of mutual trust floating around in this little group of ours, for all I know we're funding terrorists and shit."

Shadow has posed:
    "It would serve to at least temporarily solve the problem of your being hunted, would it not?" The Shadow points out almost reasonably. "Then again, unless the mission was in Britain you might not speak the local language', so..."

June Connor has posed:
    "Might slow them down," June admits. "Cept it would slow me down, too. Foot has branches all over the planet. The only advantage is that they wouldn't think I have a way to get overseas, so they probably wouldn't be watchin' for it." She glances down, spotting a scuff of dust that looks like it was disturbed. "Damn, somebody was here. Bet there's drugs hidden here someplace."

    She starts to poke around some trash nearby, carelessly kicking an old oil drum laying on its side as she starts to search. "And no, I flunked English, so probably not gonna do a lot in another language. Know a couple words in Japanese, but I wouldn't really say I speak it. Just gleaned a little from all the ninja shit in the Foot, some of them try to hide what they are talkin' about by speaking in Japanese sometimes. So what's your story?" she asks. "I mean, you got the creepy get up, you got some kind of powers that let you walk through walls and blink in and out."

Shadow has posed:
    As she digs, suddenly a pair of latex gloves are held in front of her. "Wearing these will likely be good for your health," the Shadow comments. However, I must admit I'm disappointed - I'd expect a ninja of all people to understand the value of sleight of hand and trickery.."

June Connor has posed:
    "I do, you want me to steal your wallet for you or somethin'?" June asks, reaching up to take the gloves. "Who said I didn't?" June pulls the latex gloves on, then pulls on an old pallet, revealing a dirty beat up backpack. "Well, here we go," she says.

Shadow has posed:
    The Shadow nods, crouching to examine the backpack more closely. "Seems to have been stashed here for quite some time," she concludes, pointing at the discolorations that indicate water damage. "Perhaps whoever hid it here failed to return for it later. It certainly appears to have been stashed in a hurry..."

June Connor has posed:
    June grabs teh pack without ceremony, then pauses, glancing over her shoulder. She looks over the Shadow. "Well fuck me and call me Sally," she says to the Shadow. "You're a chick. Seriously? You didn't go with the whole, look at my tits routine?" Obviously a comment on the normal female superhero look. "Good for you. Shit, I been callin' you a dude the whole time. Or..." she lower the bag. "Is it one a those 'I identify as some fifty other genders' thing?" She doesn't open the bag yet, seeming distracted by realizing that the Shadow is a female.

Shadow has posed:
    The Shadow simply chuckles. "The outfit is... Traditional," she answers after a moment. "And most of the time, the more flawed assumptions my opponents make about me, the better."

    She straightens up again, the combination of the heavy coat and opera cloak very efficiently shrouding any hint of feminine curvature. "We may want to check the side pockets for possible identifying information, but otherwise that's fairly useless -- without a chain of custody it's useless as evidence..."

June Connor has posed:
    June simply shrugs with her eyebrows. "Fair enough," she answers, checking the pockets in the bag, then unzipping the main compartment. "Somethin's in..." she opens it. "Hell ya," she grins, pulling out a small wad of cash with a rubberband around it. "It's somebody's 'oh shit' bag." She drops the wad back in, and pulls out a ziplock bag with a 9mm pistol in it. She gives it a quick glance, "Meh, probably only get about $100 for that piece of shit," she appraises it with a frown, then digs back in, pulling out a bag of weed. "There we go, now we're talkin'." She gives a grin that says she isn't happy with finding that for the purposes of evidence collection. "Split it?" she asks. "I call dibs on the cash, I'm broke."

Shadow has posed:
    Another shrug. "If you need the money that badly, it's yours," comes the response. "As for the rest -- use it as you like, although I'd caution against relying on a cheap pistol that's lain exposed to the elements for at least several weeks. But if you /ever/ show up high and unable to function when you're called upon, I will /personally/ deliver you gift-wrapped to Karai's doorstep. Am I understood?"

June Connor has posed:
    "Jeez," June answers with a sneer, "A simple 'No thanks' woulda done. No need to be a bitch about it," she comments. "You threatening me because I offered you some pot? That's pretty harsh. I get you helped me escape Karai, and maybe you can kick my ass..." She points a finger back at the Shadow, "But don't think that means you can bully me and tell me what to do."

    She reaches back in, pulling the small wad of cash out, probably not more than a grand from the looks of it. "I ain't never showed up high to nothin', and if I just need an edge taken off that's my business. I had enough of people forcin' stuff on me. That clear?" Despite the fact that she knows full well she would lose in a fight, it doesn't seem to keep her mouth in check.

Shadow has posed:
    Whatever response June might expect from the Shadow, an amused chuckle probably wasn't it. "Good. Set your boundaries, and let no one push you beyond them, no matter the cost." There's a hint of approval filtering through whatever she uses to mask her voice even as she starts to fade out of view. "Hold on to that courage. You'll need it in the days to come, I expect..."

    June can just make out a moving shadow in the few streetlights still intact as the sound of footsteps fades, and she finds herself alone in the warehouse's back yard...