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Latest revision as of 05:47, 22 September 2018

Just another evening in the Watchtower
Date of Scene: 02 September 2018
Location: Watchtower
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Martian Manhunter, Nick Fury

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn is seated in front of the monitors, viewing communications and surveillance. At the moment he is focused on the long range sensors which monitor outer space. A large package of Oreos is beside him and he reaches for a cookie ever several seconds.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD, walks onto the Watchtower with a frown, after appearing through the zeta beam transportation device. Looking left, and right, he taps a button on his wrist, and moves silently through the decks. They appear empty, for now. Touching the nearest wall, he nods, and continues walking towards the Mission Monitor Room.

    Ensuring he doesn't startle the man on duty, Fury clears his throat as he enters the room. "Manhunter." Fury says, with a even, cool tone of voice. "I thought I would drop in and check things out." Looking at the monitor that J'onn had been studying, , Fury says, "All safe and sound?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn gives a solemn nod to Nick as he turns to face the man, "Indeed. It is quiet.. in space at least. It is never a certainty how long it will last however, and I am enjoying the peace. On Earth it is more of the same unfortunately but that is a constant as you know. But at least resources can be fully deployed to keep the peace on the planet."

Nick Fury has posed:
    Nick Fury nods, walking up to stand besides J'Onn with a smooth motion. Putting his hands behind his back in the classic "at ease" pose, Fury regards the room solemnly. "That is a rare treat. Glad to hear it actually." Fury says, "I know SWORD and Alpha Flight are also going a bit stir crazy. Calm before the Fury of the Storm."

    Nodding absently, Fury adds, "Yeah, resoruces are being deplyed. Its been a good fewe months, catching up with several things that have been held in abeyance for too long." A pause. "How are you doing?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods in agreement, "Indeed. I am doing quite well. All of my body's systems are functioning perfectly and I am prepared to assist as needed. Thank you for your concern Director Fury."

He looks down at his cookies, "And please help yourself to an Oreo if you wish." J'onn looks to the Gotham monitor, listening in on the police signals, "I remember when I used to act as a detective in Gotham full time before the Justice League was founded. I never took credit for anything I did, I could not, but the service was its' own reward. I enjoy talking to you and the other members of SHIELD when I can. You all understand this well. We do not do what we do for the recognition."

Nick Fury has posed:
    "That's certainly good to hear." Fury nods, and says, "And thank you for the offer, but I'll pass this time." Fury nearly smiles at the offer of an Oreo. "I appreciate it though. Gotta watch the middle lately." Fury taps his stomach, although he didn't appear to be out of shape in the slightest. "These young agents nowadays keep me on my toes. Can't get out of shape."

    Nodding silently, Fury lets J'Onn talk about the art of publix service, and that helping others was its own reward. "It's good to hear you say that. Too many are in it for glory or recognition. I especially appreciate hearing that from people who can crack the world in two. Makes my job just a little easier."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn gives another nod, "Yes for some time I believed that so few on Earth believed in the greater good. Then I believed it was only the Justice League. Then at last I was acquainted with SHIELD, the Avengers, and many others. Over the past two decades that I have been on Earth, my respect for this world has only grown, and I am proud to call it my home now."

He continues, "I never feel anxious or worried when it is my turn to watch the surveillance. I have full confidence in this world's ability to counter any threat. I have seen this time and again."

Nick Fury has posed:
    "Quite a Who's WHo you have listed there." Fury nods, and adds, "Good to hear this is now your home. It can be trying coming to a new place, with no friends or family, and making it a part of you. Welcome." Fury says, and adds, "Anyway, I just wanted to swing by, check in on things, see how you were doing."

    Fury prepares himself, as if getting ready to leave. Before turning completely, he looks at J'Onn once more, and says, "We'll at least try and turn any invasion or threat aside. That's why you guys are up here, a shining beacon for everyone, and we're deep in the trenches and the shadows...making sure you guys get all the credit."

     Fury nearly smiles. "After all, we don't do this for medals or recognition. A wise person once told me, "We do not do what we do for the recognition.".

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods yet again, "Agreed. I hope to meet them all in person one day. Perhaps when everyone is not quite so busy we can have.. one of those cocktail parties I hear so much about. There are many kinds of parties I have found, but those seem to be the least.. rambunctious."

He switches back to the space monitor, "I am fine letting Superman get all the credit. I have been told that my face is not.. poster friendly." Is that humor? It's hard to tell since his tone hasn't change at all.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury allows himself a shadow of a smile, and says, "A cocktail party...I'll see what I can do. If I order Agent Johnson to run it, she'll explode, literally. Fun to watch." Fury's sense of humor was dark and dry, but it was there. Shockingly enough.

    "Well, we have that in common, Manhunter. My face isn't exactly one you put up on screen or on a poster either. Well, it's been fun. Thanks for the chat. If you ever need anything, let me know. You'll have no problem reaching me." With that, Fury moves to the door, and down the hall, gone once more.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn continues to survey the space monitor, "Good evening then Director Fury.."