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Latest revision as of 05:11, 24 September 2018

All the Colors
Date of Scene: 07 September 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Captain America, Caim Kataras, Jake Benetti, Peggy Carter

Captain America has posed:
Night time. NYC.

Less than 15 minutes ago an explosion went off knocking out the entire floor of one U-Dynamic Stock Exchange buildings. The fire contained by automated systems but the burglers', scattered in a web outside of the structure.

No less than 1 minute ago four black-neon glowing cycles with equal adorned riders have darted off in opposing directions.
Unfortunately for the Green Rider a shield has made itself known to the side of his cycle's hanlebars hitting in to them with a loud PANG sending it careening in a skitter hop, Captain America himself leaping to grab the sky-biker off the vehicle, yanking him in to an almost hug before dropping the man to his left in the grass of a small between building park.

"Anyone on local emergency frequencies?" Captain America toggles with his headpiece, built in to his mask. The shield he threw rebounding back to sheath itself on his forearm. "I am on uh... " He rambles off two sets of street signs, "Currently engaginig four hostiles in my proximity. Any sort of back up to contain this situation would be greatly appreciated." Click.
Turning around Captain America looks at the green-and-black rider, who is standing up aiming what appears to be a futuristic gun at him.

Those other three cyclists are turning around wide, weaving between buildings and cars at breakneck speeds on their 'hovercycles' returning back to their fallen companion. Who is right now facing down the red-white-and-blue Avenger.

Caim Kataras has posed:
    Once upon a time, Caim was an enemy to Captain America. Known as Freidrich Gunsche in world war 2, he was a nazi super soldier, though in truth he was an asset the nazis experimented with on mutation. Caim watches as a hovercycle flies by him. He raises his cane and pushes a button on it. A large sniper rifle round flies from the end of the cane, hitting the hovor cycle and destroying the mechanical parts of it, sending its passenger flying. Caim slowly walks over to passenger and pulls his cane apart, putting another bullet into it. AS the man raises his weapon, caim aims his cane at the man. "Go ahead. I havent killed anyone and I been itching to." He says calmly in a serious tone.

Jake Benetti has posed:
Bobo happened to be nearby. He's not exactly the vigilante type, but he was in the area chasing down a bounty and decided to stop and get a bit of coffee not that far away. And then all hell broke loose and, well, here he was.

He wasn't the superheroic type by nature, but that was Captain Friggin' America there. Even Bobo respected him. Not to mention that these guys seemed to be sloppy mofos, willin' to blow up anybody in their path to get what they want. Bobo had no problem with crooks, really, but he expected professionalism. Leave the civilians out of it.

So, uncharacteristically, Bobo reaches over and grabs a parking meter, ripping it out of the concrete and slapping it into his palm like a club as he walks over and stands on Captain America's side as he faces down the baddies.

"Don't worry, Cap. I got yer back. Us old guys gotta stick together."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Traveling from a meeting at One Police Plaza back to the Triskelion, Peggy Carter is in the passenger compartment of a SHIELD helicopter when the call from Captain America goes over the air waves. "Patch me in to him." She says over the comms inside the chopper, the co-pilot then leans forward and connects the mics to the proper channel.

Agent Carter is moving over to the seat that was empty beside her, the door seat so she can look outside. She can hear the comm chatter from others responding to Cap and just as she speaks over the air waves, the SHIELD Chopper appears over one of the NY buildings Cap is near to.

"It would seem you have a number of ally options today, Captain Rogers." She says, her voice likely unmistakable to the man in the patriotic colors. "You have eyes in the sky now."

Captain America has posed:
"Old guys?" Captain America questions Bobo, "You hardly look a day over 20, sir. I appreciate the assist." A polite response and a lingering blue-eyed acknowledgemant of the feat of strength. A nod of respect given to Captain America before his focus resituates on the threat at hand.

The polished black helmet of the green lit-Tron style opponent they're facing off forms a question mark likely LED display under the surface. That gun in it's hand rises up takes aim and fires. A blast of pure green energy, matching theme of the rider pours out in a ray towards the two of them. Vaporizng the sidewalk in it's path. Hi-Tech. Very much so.

Peggy Carter's helicopter above has an open visual of the downed Green Thief near Steve and the man aiding him. She also catches sight of Caim less than a city block away taking down a second Cycler, the one in Orange who with his bike downed and being forced in to an elbows over ankles tumbles comes to a pained skid, weapon drawn up and taking aim at the man who apparently took him (or her) out of the sky. It s very hard to distinguish gender of these riders, they all are rather sleek and thin. It, just like the Green Rider/Thief fires an orange blast in response.

Those other two cyclers, Red and Blue are closing back in.

"Glad to hear it, Agent Carter. No better peepe--- eyes than yours I'd prefer on me. On... watching me... " Steve cuts chatter as he leaps to the side, shield before him and Bobo as if to block both should the newcommer not be quick enough. Doubtful but Cap is always thinking of others before his own safety.
"Track that shot! Make sure it's not going to far, Agent!" He shouts as the blast goes off. Fortunately, it appears they do not extend beyond a sixty foot range. It is not tearing through the city.

Caim Kataras has posed:
    Caim's thankfully already side stepping the blast, and in the same motion fires with his cane/rifle at the shooter, a headshot to be specific. He did warn the man/woman. He looks to the other two riders as they come in, twisting the handle of the cane off, to reload the cane and lock it in place.

Jake Benetti has posed:
Bobo isn't that quick, truth be told, but he feels a little safer behind Cap's shield nonetheless. "These punks and their friggin' toys," he mutters and then he just chucks the parking meter at their attacker, sure to spill a mess of coins on impact.

He looks up at the copters and sees Caim doing his thing and just said, "Just make sure to remind your official type pals that I'm on yer side in this one. I ain't anxious to get a set of steel bracelets." he says, maneuvering around and breaking into a run as he tries to close distance to get his hands on somebody.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The sounds of police sirens can be heard as well, since this city deals with a lot of this stuff the NYPD and SHIELD have gotten... and continue to try to get... a lot better at emergency response to the endless wild and illegal activities that spring up within the densely populated island.

"NYPD and SHIELD responders are enroute." Peggy says over the open mic to the others on the ground. "We're going to deply the road blockers." Road blockers being the metal poles that sit at every intersection that can be raised up out of the ground... they're mainly designed to stop high speed chases with cars, unfortunately motorcycles can more nimbly get through them if the riders are proficient enough.

The SHIELD helicopter stays high in the sky and its thumping rotor blades resonate off of the canyon of concrete structures.

Captain America has posed:
Steam and vapor rises up around Captain America as the vibranium composite shield takes the brunt of the damage, fraying around the super soldier visible but hes not slowed. He manages to move himself and Bobo wher as the chucked meter slams down near Green 'Rider' in an explosion of coins. A relic no doubt. This year of 2026 or so Steve is fairly sure everything is plastic or chips.

The throw distraction enough to allow Cap a spin and a hurl knocking the rider upside the head with his shield dropping him.

"This time? No problem. You're in my corner, pal." Steve assures Bobo. The only target currently in range that man in green who is tumbling towards the ground. Shaken and knocked in to a daze by the shield that just clipped it's helmet.

The Orange rider deceased, not seen by Captain America. Ended by Caim the Blue Rider is closing in, zipping past only to slow upon seeing the corpse of it's companion, it rotates itself n the cycle its on aiming weapons at Caim to begin firing. Blue pulse shots pounding off in rapid succession at the man.

"You're a doll, Agent. One of yours already engaging the other three?" He questions as the Red one appears, zipping in to survey the downed Green, Bobo and Cap. The rider appears unsure if it wants to join the tussle or flee. The Captain doesn't see the newcomer, too busy walking towards the downed figure and questining Agent Carter.

Caim Kataras has posed:
    Caim picks up the orange particle blaster and begins to dodge the shots fired. One gets him in the arm, vaporizing a chunk of flesh out of him. He growls and aims the blaster at the blue rider and fires, figuring it out quickly enough by watching blue and orange fire their weapons. Lets hope this works!

Jake Benetti has posed:
Bobo will try to grab the green rider by the head. He measures his strength, in part because Cap seems like he might be the kind to get all tetchy if he just kills a guy. And, truth be told, Bobo didn't like killin' people and tried not to do it. He just didn't advertise that fact.

If he can grab the rider, he'll heft him up and just chokeslam him right down onto the asphalt again, "Stay down, ya crud!" he mutters and will follow up with a few requisite kicks in the ribs for good measure.

Peggy Carter has posed:
SHIELD heavy vehicles are not far away at this point and NYPD Police Cruisers are right there with them. "Captain Rogers." Peggy's voice sounds over the comms. "Not to be a bother, but might you have any inclination as to the origin of these... colorful culprits?" She asks, already wanting to advance a few stages toward understanding the motives and reasoning behind why these cyclists would be putting so many in danger for their little joyride today.

The helicopter zooms over head, its tracking and sensor equipment already getting information on the others involved, or attempting too. She already knows the ID of Caim, but she's not prepared to announce it over the comms during an ongoing incident.

Captain America has posed:
'None what so ever, Agent Carter!" Captain America declares with almost too much cheer in his voice.

The green Tron cyclist is snared by Bobo, a few retaliation kicks and punches are attempted by head barred and slammed in to the ground has the wiry limbed rider complacent, laid there slack. The additional kicks causing it's body to lift and slap back down.
"Ease up there, friend. Fight is out of this one, we'll let the authorities pinch him and the others... "

"Stand down an surrender!" Rogers points up at the rider who in red remains in a state of between action, it lifts one hand flipping him off and turns, hunching down to rocket off towards the sky, zipping past Peggy's helicopter a wake of turbulence left behind.

Caim's shot, though a lucky one and off to the side tears through the New York airsplace and severs the Blue rider in two, his cycle as well. The short range flash on and off of light leaving nothing behind but the stench of fried ozone and plastic composites.
"Got him tagged?" Rogers asks Peggy as the final rider escapes. His attention off towards the commotion around Caim, well aware Bobo has the green one in custody.

Caim Kataras has posed:
    Caim looks to his weapon and then looks to the severed corpse. He moves to the body's hand and tries to get the blaster out of it so he may use them personally. The sound of SHIELD coming causes him to groan as he takes a deep breath and begins to metamorph his face into someone else. Random citizen number 24 to be exact. the sounds of flesh squealching and bones popping can be heard as he now appears to be someone else entirely.

Jake Benetti has posed:
Bobo charges at the Red Rider with the rude finger, putting his head down and charging like a proverbial bull. They guy takes off before Bobo can get there, though, and he finds himself watching the others flee in turn. He takes a moment and straightens his tie, turning around and taking in Cap and the downed green rider. He watches Caim loot the corpse with a kind of dispassionate bemusement as he strolls back, "You hero types usually pick the bad guy's pockets?" he asks Cap.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The police are moving in on the people that have already been pulled off of their fancy Tron motorcyles and are aiming to place them into custody while SHIELD forces are setting up a perimeter around the entire area of Manhattan that this situation has effected, the goal here is to contain anything that these 'riders' may have touched as the law enforcement in Manhattan has committed itself to being as efficient as possible against these kinds of dangers, though this one is tame compared to the Ice Giants that struck a few weeks ago.

"It would seem you and your little helpers are doing well against these individuals." Peggy's filtered voice says through the communications line. "They're using some very fancy technology though, that would certainly hint at a wealthy origin for their little gang."

The SHIELD Chopper zips on by over head, its keeping a watch as best it can but if Caim is going to morph into another random face then they'll likely lose him in the chaos down there.

Captain America has posed:
"Another day." Cap promises Bobo about the one escaping, the area lighting up with reds and blues not of the immediately criminal sort, the opposite really... It's the distant visual of Caim that has Captain America preparing to give pursuit but knowing theres a distance between them, one that he may not immediately be able to clear.

"No. Thats not condoned. If thats happening its only to confiscate to keep from hurting any one."

"Little helpers? I only have the one." Rogers corrects the eye-in-the sky. "Mister uh... " He looks at Bobo then carries on, "I leave that to you lovely folks with SHIELD to figure out. I'm just here to make sure they don't terrorize anyone else."

"The other 'helper', eyes on and if its the guy who just gunned one of them down, not mine. Apprehend if possible. I lost visual of him."

Caim Kataras has posed:
    "Havent been a hero for well over couple thousand years. Besides they dont need it." Caim says as he looks to Steve and tries to look like some random person with a burned arm. Nothing to see here. He then looks to Bobo. He the quickly merges with the crowd as they gather. Morphing his face again in the crowd and making his way out of there with his prizes. So long heroes.

Jake Benetti has posed:
Bobo reaches into the pocket of his jacket and draws out a pack of Lucky Strikes, "Jake Benetti. Friends call me Bobo," he says. "I'd say it's a long story, but it ain't really."

He hears Caim's words and sees him slip away, shaking his head. He glances up and catches a glance at Peggy, inclining his head, "I ain't so little neither."

Captain America has posed:
"Impossible to pursue at this point. SHIELD has this, we stopped the immediate... " Steve says the comms taking a background to him as he approaches Bobo, a hand extending in a shake, "Mister Benetti."
"Friends call me, Steve. That is okay. We'll find time for stories another day. I'm not a big believer in coincidences I imagine we'll bump in to on another again."

The circling choppers growing in number he ignores them for now, getting ready to approach an oncoming police officer who is flanked by news crew.
"If you're one of those types who likes privacy, now is a good time to make for the hills, friend." He says over his shoulder, lingering just astep before straightening up and waving at the incoming crowd.

No need to tell Carter that Caim may have just gotten away with some frightening high-tech weapons and should be posted up on ASAP.