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Latest revision as of 13:57, 24 September 2018

Maybe a Partnership
Date of Scene: 24 September 2018
Location: Nova Empire
Synopsis: One dead beast, and two brawling Bounty Hunters.
Cast of Characters: Gamora, Lobo

Gamora has posed:
So the Nova Empire has a small problem, though it's not within their empire, it is heading towards their section of space, and so since they wont send the Nova corps outside of their bordewrs, they decide to hire some hunters to do the work for them, for a very nice price.

Gamora of course, took the job, 25k credits was 25k credits, not the best work, but still enough to allow her to pick and choose some nice jobs for the next few months, that and selling a few earth items and that stolen... I mean aquired ship. She stands on a platform with a simulated atmophere, this was in the direct line of what they had to fight, though, thus far, she is the only hunter to arrive, sword at her hip, two blasters, and a rather heavy looking plasma rifle on her back. "If I do this alone, maybe I can get a bonus." She says, a bonus is good.

Lobo has posed:
    The holo-mail Lobo had almost dismissed as being junk ads, and in fact had just previously de-fingered the postal worker who delivered it, but a small voice in his head kept him from tossing it aside and smashing it. Good thing, too, since one the hologram projection played out, he'd been rather intrigued. The Nova Empire was so desperate for help that it was willing to ignore that it had banned Lobo from ever setting foot on Xandar Prime again, "on pain of death"? That meant something big was brewing, and with how much they were offering to pay, he'd be swimming in booze and skin for a long time.

    So that was how the Space Hog came to be screeching along the vacuum of space, hard aggressive Galactidustrial playing through the built-in sound system. He was coming in hot, speeding right past the 'atmosphere line' and landing with a skid across the platform. A number of Nova Corps practically flew out of the way screaming, as the Main Man just looked around, seated and chomping a cigar. With a pair of purple rayband shades covering his blood reds, and a bit of frost still in his handlebar mustache from flying through such a cold vacuum as the Great Black.

    "Wazzup, girls, I miss the party or what?"

    He looked around, and clearly saw Gamora, on account of him immediately licking his lips with that purple tongue of his.

Gamora has posed:
Song: https://youtu.be/_WFLUhSym80

Gamora let's out a sigh as she spots Lobo, and not a good sigh either. "Chopped off... in a jar." She says as she motions for the nova corps to get back towards saftey. "I'll handle this." She says as she looks up at the spot, before a portal opens up and a long snake like monster comes out, only instead of one head and tail, there are seven heads, and seven tails. "A void beast, the only way to kill it is to kill every part of it... also it's blood is acid, and it breathes fire." She says, well, thats.. good to know?

She sets down a bag as the beast goes to land, turning on a song that plays over the platform, somthing from earth, Deep Purple's Highway star.

Then the huge rifle comes out as she starts to fire on the heads. "Lobo! Use your hook and pull the heads out so I can get a clean shot!" She orders, best to do this in a sort of quick manner.

Lobo has posed:
    When the rift opened, Lobo didn't immediately panic, instead he was still going through the routine of parking his bike, then killing the engine, then taking off his hat and his longcoat to fold over the seat, and then comparing which weapon was best for which situation...the snarl of the beast caused the big man to look over his shoulder, and finally nod at the problem at hand. Glasses were tossed aside and he quickly grabbed the double-barrel, just to sling over his shoulder as he stalked over and, swinging that hooked chain overhead? Gave it a mighty swinging throw!

    And then the hook left the atmosphere field, and slightly drifted along, until the Main Man hoisted it backward and snarled.

    "Awright, plan B, wish me luck."

    Lobo gave Gamora a quick swat on the...lower 'back', let's just call it, and then leapt right over the edge of the platform. Holding his breath, he practically 'swam' out to the creature, and without any fear at all, getting as close as possible to one of the heads? He swung his hook in an uppercut to try and sink it just behind the chinbone, so he could better maneuver the beast, and try to twist the creature's bodymass toward Gamora's aim.

Gamora has posed:
"That man... is insane." Gamora says as she aims her rifle and fires, a clean shot that blasts one head off, and spreays the acid in globs. She then strafes as she continues her fire, the rate impressive.

"Lobo, lower it to the artificial gravity field, it's can;t heal itself under a gravity effect!" She shouts as she tries to keep the other heads from biting at the czarinian, even if he can heal wounds like her, she doesnt need him out of commission for any length of time... yet.

Lobo has posed:
    The globules of acid touched his skin and his black shirt, burning and bubbling his flesh in a way that must have been painful, but the Czarnian didn't seem to be that perturbed by it. Curiously, in zero gravity Gamora would no doubt be able to see his flesh start to bubble and burn away while simultaneously regrowing and recovering, clearly the man's regeneration was working whether he was in gravity or not. It appeard he heard her because quickly he "swam" around the beast, looping his chain around its torso at least once, and appeared to start spinning in place, moving the much larger and probably heavier creature, due to it not having any purchase to stop this momentum. Gamora was gonna get her wish, but she might have to deal with it in a way she might not expect. And of course the whole while Lobo was on top of the beast, aiming his sawed-off down at point blank range, and blasting both barrels into the thing's flesh at point-blank range. The bloodspray was gruesome, right at the section where two necks "met" each other, which meant that all across the Main Man's face, was starting to resemble a skull for a few moments before the skin and muscle immediately started coming back. The sight of it was probably entering the Uncanny Valley. But the good news, was as soon as it hit the atmosphere, it seemed Lobo's damage was sticking around, instead of fading and vanishing.

    It was a hell of a thing, this had everything.

Gamora has posed:
Overloading the rifle, and setting it to a charge, she slide the rifile across the platform, and when the creature lande,d it was on top of the rifle, which explodes, damaging the beast further as Gamora draws her sword and moves in, leaping into the air and taking on hea,d then another, and then slicing two tails that come at her, working to hack the beast as the skin of her arms get melted, and grow back.

She looks up to see one of the beasts tail's going for Lobo, and leaps up to catch the pointy metalic tail and ram it into yet another head. "You need to watch ehat's going on!" She says as she continues her methodical dissecting of the beast.

Lobo has posed:
    "Whaddaya, everyone from my childhood? the Main Man ain't need ta watch out fer nobodys or no-hows, an I-whaoah!"

    The great beast shifted, and Lobo quickly lost his footing, slipping and rolling to the ground with his scattergun sliding across that deck, which meant Lobo was down to the bare essentials. And with his chain still wrapped around the beast, and the end of that chain still wrapped around his arm, it meant he was in close quarters with it for a long while, anyway. Immediately he walked up to three simultaneous heads that were eyeing him dangerously, kicking one in the face, dazing it and inspiring the others to snap at him. They all hit and they all sunk their fangs into his muscled tattooed flesh, but that didn't seem to deter him. Soon he had all of them wrapped aroung his arms, "bearhugging" the combined necks and clinching ever tighter, and tighter, and tighter. Did they need air? Existing in a vacuum, probably not, but the constant cracking and snapping of vertabrae that was heard probably wasn't too good for them!

    "Ya messed up, Clyde, pickin' a fight with the baddest dude in this galaxy. Ain't ya know I'm Assassin ta royalty, an' scourge of the cosmos?!"

Gamora has posed:
Eventualy, the feel of those heads get's lighter, and they start to melt into ashes, along with the rest of the beast, any lost acidic blood turns into a thick oily non harmful substance. And Gamora sheathes her sword, and looks... pissed.

Walking up to the 'Main Man' she rears back and gives him a nice right hook to the jaw, with enough force to puncture a hole through a double blast door. "You idiot! You unskilled, egotistical stupid raving lunatic!" She says, the Nova Corps who are watching start to place bets, quite a few on Gamora, others on Lobo.

Lobo has posed:
    Lobo was stood there covered in that oily alienblood, his shirt possibly ruined as it was mostly shredded and ripped, but thankfully his leather pants were mostly ok. He stood there wiping himself off, spitting that ruined stump of a cigar out into the vacuum of space, and was in the process of trying to wring some of that oil out of his handlebar mustache when Gamora stalked up to him. He knew was was going to happen, saw her hips pivot, and had a chance to do one thing before her fist collided with his face. And so he was in the process of blowing her a kiss and a wink, before being leveled, and ending up almost flipping in place and landing on his back opposite her. The force was staggering and he was shaking his head at the power of it, but when he got to his feet, he seemed relatively ok. Relatively, he was still flexing his jaw as he spoke apologetically.

    "Look, I think we may have got off onna wrong foot, 'cause-"

    He interrupted his own apology with a sudden dirty-handed uppercut, aimed right for that pretty green chin of hers. This was his patented Suckerwaster, as far as cheap shots that could level entire buildings to rubble go, it was fairly impressive. If it hit, she might learn what it means to fly.

    "But lemme tell ya's, ain't no she-broad gonna beat the hell outta me unless I pay her good money fer it! Err wait, that's not it."

Gamora has posed:
Gamora takes the hit, and does a tripple back flip in mid air before landing, and her jaw aligns itself. "No.. this I do for free." She says as she picks up her sword, and sheathes it, before making a run for him, leaping over him in a graceful display, reaching for his head and moving to land and toss him, attempting to also add a nick kick to the ribs for his troubles. "I've killed tougher than you Lobo." She says as she takes a fighting stance, slowly stalking around him, her yellow eyes filled with murderous intent as she watches him. "The most dangerous woman in the galaxy... I'm the most dangerous THING in the galaxy!"

Lobo has posed:
    He definitely wasn't as graceful as her, being flipped, landing facedown harder than anything, and getting a boot right to his Czarnian ribcage, hard enough for him to grunt out like a Snort-Squealer. But there was a grin on his face the whole time as he looked up at her, still on his knees. He rolled his neck, the bones cracking.

    "I knew Ol' Squigglechin did a number on ya, but sayin' yer a thing? Like, somethin' someone can own? That's pretty kinky, right?"

    He sprung up to his feet, and yanked his arm backward. She might not have noticed, but his chain and hook was still scattered around after that fight. Which meant he was pulling back a loop of chain that was right behind her ankles. If she got tripped, it meant with the slippery oil slicked ground, she might slide toward him with the momentum, which meant he could throw a series of hard, hard stomps to her face, throat and chest, trying to stomp her almost -through- the ground of this platform. With each stomp, he growled out.

    "Ya wanna know what 'Danger' means ta me, thing? It means foreplay! I ain't like Sun-Boy, I ain't scared ta calls it like I sees it!"

Gamora has posed:
She didn;t see that comming, or she didn't think he was that crafty, either way, she get's drug, and then stomped a few times until a sword comes out and slices at his ankle. "You used weapons first, fair play." Gamora says as she uses her other arm to crip the chain and try and get it around his neck, all the while trying to put her sword into his back. "I'd rather fuck Quill for the rest of my days, than EVER even think about bedding you!"

Lobo has posed:
    His big, chunky boots were more than fashion statements, they provided a modicum of protection. Gamora's sword was able to slice through anything, but luckily for the Main Man, the angle meant that he only received a deep laceration rather than losing the foot entirely. Regardless he fell back with a snarl, the chain wrapping around his throat was tight and the sword of course pierced right through his shoulder, punching through tough Czarnian bone like it was nothing. But Lobo kept with the momentum and launched himself backwards, the back of his skull aiming for her pretty green nose and mouth, even as his left hand grabbed the tip of that sword piercing through his pectoral. If he felt her grip loosen even a fraction, he'd pull the blade clean through his body, feeling the hilt and handle tear through ligaments and organs and muscle. This deck was a mess, and the Nova Corps couldn't all handle it, some losing their lunch over the balcony, only to quickly come back in when they remembered there was no air out there.

    "Tell ya what, Gams, we'll split the difference an' you can do it the other way around. I'm sure I gots a stupid red jacket somewhere around!"

Gamora has posed:
The clattering of her sword as it hit's the deck is only a minor distraction as gamora's WHOLE ARM is now through Lobo's chest. "Never!" She says as the first part of that sounded muffled due to a collasped nasal cavity, but then she moves her legs and kicks Lobo into the air, before grabbing one of his legs, and moving into a spin as she slams him into a few nova corps ships before letting him go before he hit's his bike, maybe a small kindness, or she just respects the hog more than she respects him, either way, she aims to send the ashen white bounty hunter out of the atmosphere zone. "Psychopath..."

Lobo has posed:
    It was certainly impressive what Gamora was doing, and as the hole in Lobo's chest got smaller and smaller around her wrist, he was flung around again and again, each impact being a very expensive crater in the Nova ship that they'd have to fix later. His skull bounced off the railing until it warped around his cranium, blood trickling down his face, his nose and the corners of his mouth. But through it all, he always had his presence of mind. She flung him, and he certainly went. But his fist suddenly grabbed on to the back of her hair, and he pivoted to hurl her out with him. Dressed in just his leather pants and partially sliced boots, now, he was directly behind her, his healing chest pressed right against her back, and his...front, pressed against her...back. His right bicep very quickly tried to wrap around her throat, his chain long discarded with her sword, while his left clasped on to give a better grip to the sleeper hold. She was close enough to smell his aftershave, that is if she could in this vacuum.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora was blowing off steam... was, now she is really in kill mode, that small part of her brain that Thanos had cultivated, molded into somthing that even he was sure to stay clear of. That is accented when a heeled boot comes up, in a repeat of the thanagarian as she uses her arm strength to push him own arm from her throat and viciously bite down so she can get the leverage to push off the brute, spitting a chuck on his flesh as she turns and RIPS THE SKINN off her knuckles, revealing the metal bone beneath, one hand gripping his own hair as the other starts to wildly punch at him. "I... am... not... your... object.. of.. affection... Tell him... you tell him... that I will kill him, and anyone who gets in my way." She ends it by kicking off him once more and pushing herself back to the platform.

Lobo has posed:
    History repeats itself, and Lobo's personal home entertainment system was wrecked and crunched for the second time this week. He was not a man who cared much about pain, but this was starting to become a pattern that he didn't enjoy. He didn't have much time to react, though, as Gamora's creepy metal skeletal hand came forward in punch after punch after punch after punch, turning Lobo's face into something resembling mulch, and causing the man to go a bit limp after the end of the barrage. He drifted outward as she made her way to the platform. The second her hand touched the railing of the station, however, the Space Hog, still on that platform, Lobo's chain and his sawed-off suddenly flew through the air, sticking to the sides of it. Not even a fraction of a second later it was rocketing right toward Gamora's face, that big, heavy machine speeding that only the fastest of landspeeders could ever hope to achieve. She might be able to dodge or react, but but any contact made was probably going to hurt like a freight train.

    Anyone behind the Hog would have to deal with the fiery rocketblast, shooting forth like a weaponized flamethrower as the machine raced off toward its owner. And moments later? It seemed to make a deep U-turn, returning to the site, owner holding on while grim-faced. No doubt Gamora killed better men than Lobo, but she ain't never killed Lobo himself!

Gamora has posed:
Green flesh is on the front of the hog as part of Gamora's arm is torn away, exposing the metal skeleton inside. She moves towoards her sword as the arm heals and picks it up, turning to see Lobo comming at her, and about to do somthing about it when no less than fifty Nova Ciros ships surround the platform. "You will stop this at once, or be sent to the Kyln." is heard as Gamora frowns and looks up at him, well, she doesn;t need yet another bounty, after her record was wiped clean, though, if Lobo doesnt also get the message, things could get ugly real fast. Sheathing her sword she turns and heads towards her own ship. "I'm done."

Lobo has posed:
    Good news, Lobo just drove by, but not before knocking a number of Nova Corps down like bowling pins, and knocking a few into the vacuum. They'd all be fine, and if they weren't, Lobo didn't give a damn. All he knew, was that he wanted round two. Reaching up he picked a fleck of green flesh out of his broken and damaged face, and after giving it a quick sniff, saved it. It was good to have a memento to remember the craziest woman he'd ever met by.