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Don't Get Hit and It Won't Hurt
Date of Scene: 11 September 2018
Location: Batcave, Gotham City
Synopsis: After a close call for Nightwing, a conversation is had about what they would all be if they weren't costumed heroes.
Cast of Characters: Nightwing, Batgirl (Cain), Red Robin

Nightwing has posed:
    "I don't wanna hear it," The youthful voice of the eldest Robin is tinged with a sour grimace that matches that twisted look on his face as he stands on the raised platform of the automatic diagnostic system. There in the bat cave, amongst all of the marvelous technological marvels set into place against the curious seemingly jury-rigged equipment as well, Nightwing stands in his armored uniform even as he painfully... slooowly pulls off the ragged remains of his harness and the eskrima sticks housed therein.
    His movements are slow, ginger, as he undoes the buckles and lifts one arm to try and pull it upwards and free. Wincing only a little, he's able to get the kevlar harness unhooked and to hang it off to the side, which allows him to reach over his shoulders and grab at the bulk of the shirt, pulling it over his head. A moment later and it's drawn free and thrown to the side, all the while the medidoc's swing arms drift up and over and around the young gymnast's body as it takes readings scans and diagnoses. All with a steady electronic hum.
    For now he stands there, scowling while the computer does its thing, that huge bruise in his chest still evident from the time he matched against Shiva some small time ago, only now a single large welt marks the place in his upper left pectoral where a ricochet had caught him. No fault of his own, assuredly, and it didn't break through the armor. But it hurt like the Dickens.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Although she isn't one to talk much, it is very difficult for Cassandra to hide her thoughts. Her facial expressions tend to give her away every time. Like a movie character once pointed out, they could only make faces that matched their actual feelings, not something completely opposite. They may as well have been speaking for Batgirl.
    At the moment, her mask is off. Which allows him to see the slight wince as she watches him working on removing the armor. Whether he wants her to or not, she moves to help out, offering a hand to move the harness to the side then helping with the armor itself. As the machine works, she carries the pieces over to the side and sets them down.
    When she turns back, she leans against a counter as she watches the machine work. Her eyes go to the remaining bruise in the center of his chest. Then to the shoulder where the new welt rests. The frown shows her annoyance that he even got hit. Impossible to tell if the annoyance is at him or the person who had fired the shot. Although those who know her will realize it's the latter.
    She wrinkles up her nose slightly and makes a face, bringing up a hand and pantomiming it 'talking'. Then she actually signs. <I don't need to say anything. You already know what I'm thinking.>

Nightwing has posed:
    "Ricochets don't count," He replies, but it's likely that he knows if the Batman was there then his excuse wouldn't hold water. Still he turns around and leans against the wall somewhat, one hand resting out to help support his weight as he grimaces. The response wouldn't be that he needs to be able to dodge ricocheted bullets, but instead he should not put himself into a situation like that in the first place. She can likely read that inner admonishment, that inner voice that tells him this as Dick's shoulders hunch slightly at the thought.
    Turning back then to face her he tries to break up the moment with a hint of levity as he offers, "Besides, you were there." As if that excused everything. But then he goes a step further as he says, "So really, you should have covered me. This is clearly on you." His lip twists, letting her see that he's not serious, even if she couldn't read it in his face, the way he stands weight on the one foot and balance to the side, she could tell from simply that.
    But then, more seriously, he says, "Thanks, though. Stakeouts usually go better with some company."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    <Next time don't rush in. Let me go first.> Which is a bit of teasing back but there is an undercurrent there. She'd rather be the one that got hurt instead of him. She may have gotten hit by the same shot. It wasn't always possible to avoid such things. It was why they wore armor. But they were also their own worst critics. Had they not been, under the tutelage of Batman would have all become perfectionists.
    Interestingly, they already had been though. Perhaps it took that sort of personality to do this work. The obsession with getting it right and never making mistakes. Mistakes cost lives.
    And if that shot had hit anywhere other than the armor, it might have been Dick tonight. That was what had her bothered to most.
    At his words of gratitude, she shrugged it off. <Glad I was there with it going sideways.> That was a phrase she didn't really understand but she'd heard it used enough she'd picked it up. She knew what it meant just why was it called sideways? Language was so weird. <You'll recover?>

Nightwing has posed:
    "Nope," Nightwing says with that characteristic aplomb as he leans there still, shifting his back against the wall while the robotic arms shift and flow about him, "Looks like my career is over. Used car sales for me from now on." So often with the wry comments, though she knows he uses them at times like a tool in conversations, hurled for distraction.
    The arms of the medi-doc cease their humming and then lower to the sides of the machine as it makes a series of soft beeps before its display comes back with a diagnosis of no deep tissue damage and advocates the use of a topical gel that will be made ready in fourteen minutes. So yes, far and away from a career ender.
    At that, Nightwing steps off that small raised dais and onto the metal grate floor of the bat cave, his footsteps clanking faintly as he advances. Towards the lockers he starts to move and over his shoulder he asks her, "Can I interest you in a small pink and purple four door sedan, only used once by a homicidal criminal mastermind at his evil circus of doom?"

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    As he heads for the lockers, she picks up the pieces of armor she'd helped set aside for him and trails behind so he can get them put away properly. She snorts at his suggestion of a vehicle.
    First, the idea of a pink and purple sedan is a little horrifying. While hilarious. Second, was there ever actually such a thing they had faced? The furrow in her brow shows she's wondering that very thing. Something to figure out later on the Batcomputer perhaps. She keeps away from the costumed crowd so she's unsure who that might've even been if it was real.
    She sets the pieces down on a nearby bench then signs. <Bad career. Hate ties.> Then she picks up the armor instead of elaborating. It's anyone's guess why she might hate ties.

Nightwing has posed:
    The door of one of the lockers pulls open with a faint clank, the electronic lock making a soft beep as it's drawn open and he rummages around within for a time. For now he just grabs a black hoodie and a pair of white sneakers that had been within. He pulls the hoodie on over his chest, reaching over to the side to push his hand through the sleeve and then adjusting so the hood is outside the overshirt. Once that's done he rounds upon her and says with a smile, "Alright then..." He rubs at his jaw as he sits down on the bench seat in front of those lockers, "What job do you think each of us would take if we couldn't be doing this?"
    His eyebrow quirked with curiousity he looks to her for a time as he starts to pull off his heavy boots, undoing the clasps and the laces slowly then /yoinking/ them free one after the other. He reaches for those white sneakers and starts to pull them on, "And if it couldn't be something related to this. Something normal. Like Damian..." He looks up and ponders.
    "If Damian couldn't be doing this or anything crazy. He'd be... a high school guidance counselor."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    That gets a wide eyed look and another snort. Damian giving advice to students on their life choices? It was enough to make her almost laugh. She did smile a bit but didn't let a giggle escape.
    <Tim's easy. Computer programmer. Or police detective.> She had set the armor down next to him again so she had her hands free in order to sign.
    Them not doing what they did? It was a strange idea. She had no idea what she would've been had her life been normal. As it was, she was positive there was nothing 'normal' she could ever do. Her brow was wrinkled as she considered, head tilted a little to the side. There was only one thing she was good at: Fighting. So that would have to have something to do with things.
    After all, she was an adult and someday, she wouldn't be here. What would she do? Then it rounded back to the only thing she knew. She hooked a thumb at herself then signed. <Martial arts instructor.>

Nightwing has posed:
    "See that's cheating," Nightwing laces up his left sneaker steadily, just taking his time and tightening it properly, making sure the laces are the right lengths and only then starting on the knot. "I mean I agree, computer programmer. But police and martial arts trainer, nope. Too similar to what we do. Needs to be something that doesn't involve fighting or danger."
    His brow knits together as he swaps legs, going through the routine with the other shoe though his brow furrow as he focuses distantly on the thought. "Bruce, would probably be a philanthropist? Or maybe an attorney of some kind?" Then it comes to him and he looks up, "Or a politician. I could see that."
    He rubs at the bridge of his nose, "Babs would probably help at a shelter?" His gaze slips to the side as he considers, then lowers his foot to the floor with a stamp of sound.
    "You, however. You would be..." He meets her gaze and his eyes narrow as if he were plumbing the depths of her soul. "Equestrian? Maybe something to do with animals?" He tilts his head one way, then the other, as if trying to find another angle from which to look at her.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    <Politician.> That is echoed by Cassandra. It is fitting. It is kind of what he does so not a huge step. He did have a way to rally others to follow his causes. If in doubt, count the number of sidekicks and support members he'd had to his group. Not to mention the Justice League and his other allies outside of the family.
    She considered Babs. Helping with shelters would be her. <Social worker.> She'd be out there fighting for everyone in a different way. It fit.
    Then he was staring at her and Cassandra couldn't help smirking a bit. Animals seemed a bit off for her. She liked them but she'd never really been around them much so she wasn't sure why that choice.
    Then she realized he was leaving himself out and she circled things back around. He was focusing on her. She'd focus on him. Her smirk deepened as she pointed at him then signed. <Underwear model.>

Nightwing has posed:
    A snort was given at her as he eyes her sidelong and then without further ado he takes up one of his dirty socks and throws it at her, admonishing her for such an imagination. Nightwing shakes his head and says, "Animals, or horses, or something along those lines because I think you'd get tired of being around the day to day..." He waves a hand in general to the side, "Humanity of things. People and work and the little horrible mean things people do to each other."
    He finishes lacing that shoe and then pushes himself up to his feet off of that bench. "So I think you'd like the chance to get away from the jerks of the world and work with animals. And you'd probably be great at it." Apparently he's given these things some thought of late.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    The sock is easily caught and launched right back at him. Cassandra giggles a bit. Yet he is still avoiding himself as he seems focused on her.
    Then it sinks in that he seems to have been thinking about this more than just in the last few seconds of their game. Her expression turns back to curiosity as she tilts her head, not sure what to think of his suggestions.
    She'd never dealt with animals but truly, he wasn't wrong. She would be tired of dealing with people in their day to day rather quickly. It was hard enough when she was out trying to be normal. The outtings she'd had with Dick to try and learn how people interact had led to discovering she preferred honesty. People were trying to do too many things on too many levels.
    Maybe animals would be more easily understood. <Don't know animals.> she pointed out unnecessarily. He already knew that was something she'd not dealt with. It wasn't like they had a dog running around in the mansion. Alfred might have an aneurism if there was dog hair on the antiques.

Nightwing has posed:
    "Damian has some pets I think," He says as he ducks under the returning sock. Nightwing offers as he starts to step away, one hand lifting to rub at his injured shoulder as he scowls a touch. "But I was just thinking if out of nowhere what if all crime was taken care of, or the war stopped for some reason." His lip twitches a little as he looks to the side at her. "What we'd all do for a living."
    Then there's another shrug as he turns onto the gantryway that leads back to the central area of the BatCave. Then he touches a hand to the center of his chest, "Now me, well..." He stops in front of the elevator that leads up into the manor, triggering it with a touch of one hand and then turning back around to face her while it hums to life and the car descends towards them. "I was sort of thinking that I'd like to go on a fishing boat out onto the ocean." He nods again as if that were the most logical thing in the world.
    Then there's a brief instant where his brow furrows and he looks past her, a small smile returning as he meets her eyes with his. "Or maybe join the circus."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    She wasn't sure if Damian's dragon thing was a normal pet. It wasn't like his were seen around the mansion really. It was more that they were around Damian at times. She hadn't really dealt with them at all. She knew the existed but that was about it.
    Could take the boy out of the circus but...
    It would fit him. He'd be amazing in a circus setting as one of their star acrobats. The trapeze, the wire, whatever he chose to do. Cassandra had to smile as he offered that. She gave a nod. It was right for him. Even if it was kind of an obvious since that was where he started his life.
    <Circus. Boat seems odd.> She didn't like the idea of him being off on a boat on the high seas. Not that he couldn't do it. He could do anything he put his mind to. She just didn't like the idea of him possibly being away for long stretches of time. Perhaps that was selfish of her. <Would miss you.> she added, in case he couldn't read it in her expression.
    The ping of the elevator was right on time, the doors sliding open. She quickly stepped inside as though she didn't just say that, turning around to face the front of the elevator as she waited for him to board.

Nightwing has posed:
    Walking into the elevator, Dick smiles wryly, "Hey, who says I'd leave you behind? You could always come with me." He hits a button on the control panel to initiate the seurity sweep and then steps back to lean against the rear wall of the car while it does so. "You could come along on the boat and talk to the dolphins." His lip twists, "Or join the circus with me. Wouldn't take long for you to learn how to do what I used to."
    Then he taps a fingertip against his chin, "Or hey, you could always join the clowns since you're such a smart aleck." That might earn a smirk back at her even as he starts to lean forwards and starts to reach for the up arrow on the control pad.

Red Robin has posed:
"Hold elevator." A voice says as Tim walks towards them, out of his suit with a black t-short and cargo pants on, though his head is of course looking down at his phone. "Hi cass, Hi dick." he says as he steps into the elevator. "And yeah, you should take Damian to the circus with you, he belongs in the house or horrors."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    At the suggestion, Cassandra reaches up a hand toward Dick's shoulder and simply flexes her finger, as though she is about to thump him there where the ricochet had left its mark earlier. Clowns indeed. He is saved by the sound of Tim's voice.
    She lowers her hand back to her side, the only one of the three still in her costume. Only her cowl and mask are off, hanging on the belt at her waist. She didn't bother to change while they were downstairs. It's possible she might not be done for the night. With her, it was a toss up since she tended to push herself more than she should. Chip off the old block.
    At the suggestion of Damian for the circus, her smirk reappears. She signs, <Not guidance counselor.>

Nightwing has posed:
    Holding up a hand in greeting towards Tim, Nightwing grins and looks sidelong towards Cass, then back to him. "He's not so bad, just has something to prove and you're sorta in the way being all older and Robin for longer." But then he doesn't let that theme continue, instead he embarks on another one as he waits for Tim to get onto the elevator, only then does he hit the up button.
    "We were just wondering what each of us would do if somehow the whole crime thing stopped happening. We agreed you'd probably be a computer programmer." He tilts those blue eyes to the side to look at Cass as he quirks an eyebrow as if seeking agreement. Then nods back towards Tim.
    "C'mon, Damian would make a great guidance counselor. I mean, you know, after he's older and all. Not like /now/." The elevator begins its ascent, humming steadily with mechanical effort.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake lowers his phone and looks at them. "I already am a computer programmer Dick, though I woulden't mind being more of a Pro gamer, it's a good way to earn money for charity, AND show off at the same time." he says with a smirk. "Besides, I think you would be better served as an action actor rather than back in the circus. And cass, would make a 'swell' firefighter." he says with a smirk, the word swell used in a very sarcastic way and aimed right at Dick, for some reason.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    At that, Cassandra boggles a little. Firefighter? Like running into a burning building when other people are running out. That's a job for a maniac. Wait, wasn't she the one running into danger when others were running out now? Maybe it wasn't so crazy after all.
    She preferred her earlier idea although Dick had said it was cheating since that was kind of what she did now. Only, not really the instructor part. Unless they counted her sparring with them at times to help with their fighting skills.
    Working with animals, going on a boat, circus or firefighter. Seemed everyone had problems figuring out a good niche for her. She kept silent, which meant she kept her hands at her sides instead of signing a response.

Nightwing has posed:
    "Ehn, I like my little niche of things." Nightwing offers as the elevator continues to rise steadily. He slouches a bit down and crosses his legs at the ankles, sneakers tapping each other as he looks at them. "But firefighter?" He looks over at Cassandra and quirks an eyebrow as if trying to imagine her in a big red cap and a yellow great insulated coat.
    He tilts his head the other way towards Tim and asks with a cocked eyebrow, "Don't tell me you're angling some kind of joke in here? I mean you're not too big for your britches yet." He gestures to the control panel and says, "Don't make me stop this thing and turn around." He affects an overly stern parental sounding voice.

Red Robin has posed:
"Holy angled anglers nightwing, you caught me." Tim says with an even bigger smirk. "Besides, Damian is trainning down there, I may not hate him as much as I used to, but even I don't want to have to deal with whatever mood he's in. Using enough energy to find this drug shipment to worry about going ten rounds with simba."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Cassandra motions at the stop button on the elevator. Then she quickly signs. <Stop here. Last one standing wins.> Not last man standing because she's positive if they did such a thing, she'd be the one walking out of the elevator at the end.
    At that moment they are saved from making the decision with the ping of the elevator reaching the hidden passage in the clock. The security measures have already cleared the room which is the only reason why the elevator opens to allow them to depart.
    She steps out first, leaving the pair of guys to follow.

Nightwing has posed:
    A small snort comes from him and that's the moment the doors open, revealing the majestic sweep of Wayne Manor's turn of the century library. He steps through the small passageway and beyond the large grandfather clock, moving into the room proper even as he says over his shoulder. "Man, Tim. Ever since you did this whole Red Robin thing you've been kinda a jerk." He smirks sidelong over his shoulder and then tilts his head sidelong towards Cassandra as he quirks an eyebrow as if asking if he's mistaken or not. A few steps carry him towards those large double doors even as he pulls them open and holds there for a moment.
    An eyeballing is spared for Cassandra and he asks, "Could be brain washing. Mad Hatter, Grodd. I'd say Starro but for the lack of a giant fish face thing."
    He waves a hand to the side, "Anyways, I'm beat. I'll see you guys later." That having been said he starts into the hall and down the way, stiflig a yawn with one hand.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles and looks towards Dick. "Yeah, I'll give you that, but I only poke fun because I love ya bro." he says as he looks back down at his phone and frowns. "GAH! I spent two weeks grinding for that!" Apparently, someone beat him at something or other. He turns to look at Cass. "Cass, you are the last person I'd want to fight, against, alongside, you know I'm there."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Dick gets a little wave of her hand and she actually speaks a single word. "Night." But Cassandra has already turned and looked at Tim. She gives a nod and a smile since that seems to be the consensus of most of the family. She gives a bit of a shrug then turns back to the clock. She steps through the passage before it has a chance to close.
    A wave is sent back in Tim's direction as she heads back down for the Cave. There is training to be done. Or perhaps she should head out for a bit more patrolling. Time to exhaust herself then she'll eventually head to bed herself.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake blinks as the elevator closes. "Wait did you just.." And she is gone, with Tim looking dumbfounded, even forgetting that his phone is in his hand. "Maybe I am sleep deprived..." He says as he walks off towards the kitchen, a glass of milk and his bed, that is what he needs right now.