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Latest revision as of 23:58, 25 September 2018

A Doomed Encounter
Date of Scene: 12 September 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Doom and Wanda meet in the park. They seem to get along well enough!
Cast of Characters: Doctor Doom, Scarlet Witch

Doctor Doom has posed:
     What a beautiful day to be outside. Not too hot, not too cold. Though a subtle, cool breeze hung in the air enough that maybe a jacket or a very light coat may be preferred. The Park is equally relaxed. Busy, but not so much that just being there would be overwhelming or just uncomfortable. But people play fetch with their dogs, Play tag, talk over coffee....the usual. In fact, a king of a foreign nation is here!

     Victor von Doom. King of Latveria. Situational enemy of multiple superhero groups...and equal ally of multiple villainous groups. Yeah, he's here in the park. Sitting on a bench in fact. With some bread in his hands to feed the pidgeons as they come land on his feet. He wears an all black tuxedo with a dark green tie. A light overcoat hangs on his shoulders.

     He may also be plotting his next move against the Hellfire Club. But, either way, he looks quite friendly, come to think of it.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
There's a little cafe that abutts the park - during summer hours, they have a little patio out on the sidewalk that is roped off, and allows customers to sit outside and enjoy the summer, and the scenery, while enjoying their cafe au laits and biscotti...

Normally, Wanda would be wandering the park, but today, she's sitting at a table on that very same patio, enjoying her solitude, and watching teh migrating geese argue over prime grass territory at the park. She's not got a latte, or a cafe au lait - just a regular coffee. Still, she feels all important-like because the little bistro seats are fancy, and the day is utterly lovely. And because she did get a free biscotti. They were filling the jars with new stock and decided the singleton leftover almond biscotti was best eaten right when Wanda ordered her coffee. They even brought her order out to her at the little table, leaving her to smile at the kind waiter, and go back to her people watching.

Doctor Doom has posed:
     As Doom feds the pidgeons, he allows his eyes to wander. Equally watching people and their habits, see who they are. Honestly, the day was still young, so it wouldn't surprise him at all if he found someone who truly peaked his interest. Then he felt it. The potent magic that existed in the body and soul of Wanda Maximoff. Though he didn't know her or who she was, his eyes subtly shift over to where she ewas, though he made it look as if he was simply checking his surroundings.

     If Wanda was already people watching near where Doom was at, he tosses some more bread at pidgeons for them to feed before his eyes lock right onto hers. His eyes are almost scary...but at the same time, inviting. He offers her a small smile...and gives her a wave, as if to invite her to join him where he was.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda most definitely emminates aura to those who know what to look for; and beyond that, specific auras to those who know other things that they might look for. Happily, most, even amongst those who weild magic, are of or in a position to consider there might be more about the woman than an abundance of magical power and potential.

As her eyes cast along the park, she notes the man feeding the pigeons, and can't help but smile back at him as he smiles at her. That's truly the sort of woman she is - for the most part, pleasant and happy. If only because the alternatives could be truly terrifying.

When he gestures at her, she gestures back, lifting up her coffee mug, and plate, as if to say 'I can't' , though she puts them down and after a moment's pause, gestures in return that he might wish to come join her.

There are, after all, two seats at her little bistro table.

Doctor Doom has posed:
     As Victor is gestured at by Wanda that she couldn't join him, he appears to look almost saddened. However, when she instead invited him over to join her? He simply nods lightly, and stands up to go and approach the Scarlet Witch. Victor notices multiple things about her on sight. She's friendly (clearly, because she invited a stranger over). She's beautiful. She's rippling with magic might. Her eyes hold an intelligence that's special in it's own right.

     Though, upon actually approaching, Doom speaks in a naturally deep voice with a interesting European accent. "Hello there." He greets as he throws away the remaining crumbs of bread before taking his seat. "My name is Victor von Doom. May I ask what yours is?" He stretches out a hand as if to shake Wanda's own.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda gestures graciously to the chair across from her, then blinks and gives a soft laugh. "Oh. I am thinking that maybe you would wish to order first. But, as you can see, there is a seat here. I am not done my coffee yet, so there is time still."

She repeats his name slowly to herself, comitting it to memory, only to answer his question, "Wanda. Wanda Moximoff, but that is a very large mouthful. Most people just call me Wanda. I think the last names are so much extra unless you wish to be very serious."

There's another of those smiles.

"I am seldom so very serious."

Doctor Doom has posed:
     Doom offers a very friendly nod for a moment. "Perhaps I should. But, introductions first no?" he chuckles only a small moment before Wanda's own introduction. "A pleasure to meet you, Wanda. If you wish, you can call me Victor."He gives Wanda a handshake, and, if she allows, will attempt to kiss her knuckles in the traditional Latverian greeting between a man and a woman. Yes, yes, very traditional.

     "Well, I would sure hope not. To be so serious all the time brings an innate imbalance to happiness, no?" He flashes Wanda one of those charming smiles as he sits comfortably in his seat.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda looks slightly perplexed by both handshake and the shift to the kissing of knuckles, blinking at him in something of confusion. But he seems to think it de rigour, and she's too taken off balance to say anything as protest or otherwise.

Hand reclaimed, Wanda settles her hands in her lap. "There is also the too much of not having the serious. But, as you say, the balance is the thing, no?"

Doctor Doom has posed:
     Doom seems to look almost amused at Wanda's reaction to the handshake and the kiss to her knuckles. Was it necessarily required? No. Was it gentlemanly? Yes. Was it meant to be flirtatious? Well, no comment. However, he seems intrigued as to why, if she may have been uncomfortable with it, she didn't find need to protest. Was she shaken by the polite act?

     "Indubitably." he seems to tilt his head. "Where are you from, if I may ask, Wanda? Something tells me you're not exactly a New York native." Must be the cheekbones.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
There's a slight duck of Wanda's head. "Oh, it is not important where I did come from. This is my home now. But if you mean that I do have an accent, yes. I do. It is not so important what accent, no?"

Eastern European one might guess.

Doctor Doom has posed:
     Doom seems to find this either adorable, cute, or amusing. Or some combination of the three. Either way, he seems to smile. "It is always important to know where you are from. Where you hail from is a sense of identity. But, where you choose to make your home, in both your heart and your mind, is also quite important." He smiles a bit.

     "Somewhere in eastern Europe if I had to take a guess." he almost guesses Translyvania. Almost. Only because the accent sounds so familiar...and the nation borders his own of Latveria.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda smiles almost benevolantly at the mention of knowing where one is from. "Oh, I do know where I am from, but it is not a thing that I do feel to share with just everyone. It is also important to know the difference between friends and acquantances with one's stories and secrets."

Her fingers find her biscotti, and break it in half, only she sees he hasn't ordered yet, so there is little sense in offering him a half at this moment.

One half is set back upon its plate and she nibbles on the bit left. "You do speak as though you are from far away as well. But see? We all do end up in the same place at times."

Doctor Doom has posed:
     Doom seems to smile to her only a moment. "Ah, I see. Not something you would share to a new friend? I see." He nods very softly before showing an understanding. Though he doesn't seem to have a problem telling 'secrets' that are public knowledge. He sees her break her biscotti in half, and wonders if she'd offer it to him.

     But he says nothing.

     Instead, he simply smiles. "I do. I live in a country called Latveria. I am the King of that nation." Latveria being one of the most technologically advanced nations in the world.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda nods at his announcement of who, or rather, what, he is. "Oh, well, to be a king is pretty important. I do know this." She should. Her father reminds her of it often enough. And of her own place in the scheme of such things as his daughter. "And no. I do not share my story with just anyone. It is only for those I choose to. And something of the rude to press upon someone to ask, yes? You do not strike me as the man who wishes to be rude."

Doctor Doom has posed:
     "Only as important as the people make him out to be." Doom says with a warm smile softly. Even as she appears to be offended. "You misunderstand. I was only making an observation. If I have offended or upset you, I apologize Wanda." He smiles warmly to her then.

     "Tell me though, because my curiosity compels, how is your meal?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda tilts her head slightly, and looks at the half biscotti she's been nibbling on. "It is good. But you are really supposed to dip it into the coffee. I never did really understand why a cookie to make so hard that you must dip it, but it was also free, so I do not complain so much."

Doctor Doom has posed:
     Doom seems pleased that Wanda wasn't upset, and that she appears to enjoy her meal. "Ah, I see. American food is still strange to me." he chuckles softly. "If you don't like it..how about I take you to lunch sometime as both repayment for your poor meal and for upsetting you earlier." He smiles a bit.