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Latest revision as of 05:09, 29 September 2018

You have the Best Food here
Date of Scene: 14 September 2018
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Deadpool shows up in the x-mansion dining area.
Cast of Characters: Deadpool, Wolverine, Jubilee, X-23

Deadpool has posed:
    It is between hours, and the dining hall is cleared. Students are in classes, during this hour, they'd just finished lunch. For that reason, the dining hall is in disarray. The staff are dealing with the plates themselves, and have not yet gotten to the usual chaos that is the dining hall with the long tables.

    There is one person in the dining hall, though. And he requires a soft drink with ice. While his Image Inducer is engaged, he is also doing an action that makes the current appearance even more bizarre. Although, of course, anyone with a good nose (ahem, Logan?) can smell exactly who it is.

    As this is a visit to Hogwarts, Wade has chosen to be Harry Potter for a little while. Mostly muggle clothing, of course, don't be /weird/, it would be weird to wear ROBES in reality. He is currently standing ON the counter where a tray normally would be set in front of a drink machine, bent over, and is fishing around in the upper portion where ice gets poured inside, up to the elbow. There's rummaging noises as the ice rattles around within the bin. "Allo-Amora ice cuuuuubes."

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan wanders into the dining room, scratching his side casually. He is wearing a white t-shirt, blue jeans that appear very well worn, cowboy boots, and a cowboy hat. He looks sleepy, that is, until he enters the room and sniffs. "SNIKT!" Both claws come out, when he realises who's scent that belongs to.

    "Wade" Logan growls, turning his attention to Deadpool immediately, in his guise as Harry Potter. "What are you doing here? Stay away from tha' kids, ya' hear me?" Logan's eyes are angry, and his adrenalin was pumping. He looks at him with his claws out, and says, "A wizard?!? Really?"

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee comes from the kitchen with fudgecicles stuck between her fingers to carry more than two. Six, to be exact. She isn't planning on eating them ALL, of course. She figures she can easily eat two and get the other two back to her place in time to get 'em in the freezer. When she comes through the door, however, she nearly doesn't recognize the place. It hardly looks like a dining hall at all. Then she lowers the fudgecicles out of her field of vision and notes the wizard on the counter. "SNIKT." All six fudgecicles are at the ready as she looks from him to Logan. And yeah, she made the sound with her mouth. "He's a wizard, Hairy!"

Then, she looks back at the wizard. "You're unlocking the ice, dude. Accio is for gettin' them out."

Deadpool has posed:
"That's 'HARRY'. What am I doing? I am GETTING...." 'Harry Potter' pauses, and pulls up a single cube. "Ice. Achooooo!" finishes Wade, in his own voice, with a mock British accent that has about 2% effort behind it. It's not good. He clearly heard Jubilee's correction, and changed to 'Accio'. "-----Unless you keep your kids frozen in this drink machine, which is a whole OTHER discussion we should have if so - I am on super shiny best behavior," Harry Potter continues, a little bit huffy about the whole situation.

    "Isn't this the place to perfect my magic missile? If not here, where?" He taps both palms now on the edge of the drink machine's upper lid: patpatpatpatpat, like a drumroll.

"I've got a new 'magic missile'. It'll blow a hole in your gut the size of...." Harry Potter pauses, and considers the sizes of drink lids. He picks two up: a large, a small. He holds one in each hand, extended towards Logan, using the lid size to estimate, one eye closed: as if trying to judge. "Do you serve extra larges?" He asks instead, looking down near his feet at the other cup lid sizes, entirely distracted.

X-23 has posed:
    Logan isn't the only one running on scent. X-23 is here for the same reason...almost. She's actually here because she scents Logan here, not Wade. That said, upon entering the room and seeing...someone digging around in a drink machine, and Logan with claws out, and Jubilee with fudgesicles out...well, X-23 of all people becomes the voice of reason?

    "What is going on here?" is the simple question the junior snikt-ette asks.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Jubes! Get behind me!" Logan moves forward, in a threatening manner, i.e., he has the six claws up and at the ready. "I don't have time for this Wade," Logan growls, angry and ready to strike. "This is tupid even for you, ta' come here." Logan takes another step. "Step away from the...ice machine." Logan pauses, knowing he has never said that before. "This doesn't have ta' get ugly, Wade."

    Another step, and his eyes note his "daughter's" arrival. Now it was going to get interesting. "Laura. Wait." Logan growls towards Deadpool, and says, "Wade, aka Deadpool, meet Laura and Jubilee." Turning back to Wade, he adds, "Put tha' lids down, bub an' go. 'er else."

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee looks to Logan, uncertain whether to turn her fudgecicleantium claws toward him or the guy on the counter. "But he's just...it's ice. Really. We can make more, Logan..." She starts moving toward Logan, so as not to totally piss him off by disobeying, but she's holding onto the hope that she can get out of hiding behind him. "I'll even push the button myself."

Deadpool has posed:
    "Okay, just so we're super crystal transparent and clear," Harry Potter replies, still holding the drink lids, but using them more as if they were defensive mini-shields, extended. "You are saying that I should leave, or you're going to offer me a fun time where we FIGHT," he says, squinting at Logan. "You're making it really hard for me to continue on my whole shiny-behaving-myself thing. And you know how I get when things are hard."

He considers the lids, as if surprised he's still holding them: tosses them back over a shoulder loosely, where they clatter against the wall and slide down it.

    Also, introductions. 'Harry Potter' straightens up and lifts one hand to wave-wave at the girls like a five year old. "Hi!" he chirps at them, brightly. "Please let her push my button, Logan," Harry Potter asks, still cheerful.

X-23 has posed:
    Laura looks about, from one to the other. Then she blinks, as she suddenly makes the connection, and looks back to "Harry". "Another Weapon." she offers, considering him. "He no longer works for them, correct?" She asks Logan. At the same time, she tenses and slides a little more into a combat stance, though she hasn't popped weapons yet. The battle of the Drink Machine is still pending.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan growls something incoherent, nods to Jubilee quickly, and then looks at Laura over his shoulder. "Ah don't think so. Doesn't make him any less dangerous." Then, his eyes go back to Wade, or Harry, and he says, "Yer call Wade. No fightin' in the Dining Hall. WHy are you here. How quickly can you leave. Simple. No?" Logan waits, not moving forward, but he keeps his claws "popped". Just in case.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee frowns a little and stops, turning to watch Harry on the High Top, and tilts her head. "He's kinda cute. Can I keep him? I promise to feed him, and take him for walks. I'll even push his button!" she adds brightly. "I don't have a rat, an owl, OR a toad, so I'm still allowed one pet." Logic, she feels, is logic.

Deadpool has posed:
    Harry Potter reads between the lines. "Is there a fighting spot that isn't a Dining Hall, then? We could go there, if you really need to wear my intestines on your claws to-day," offers the chatty mercenary, super helpfully. He looks towards his feet at his lunch tray (there are a few things on it: apple juice, pudding, four bananas, two more puddings, the drink he was going to put the ice in), but then turns, shuts the top of the ice machine, and then hops down off the rail with possibly eerie agility in the same motion, because he palmed a pudding during it.

    "But I'm taking my motherfucking pudding," Harry Potter asserts without any change in tone, snaring it off the tray. The profanity is probably bizarre coming out of Mr. Potter. He then digs around in the silverware bin one handedly for a spoon. Him that close to that many sharp metal objects probably doesn't improve the comfort level for Logan.

    Laura's question gets a wave of the pudding at her, flagging her down, while he digs to select the Ideal Spoon. "I'm actually here, can hear you, and do well with questions!" he invites. "I'm a free agent."

To Jubilee: "Cute. Wow. Is generosity your super power? I like her, Logan. Hey. By the way. Your popsicles are melting, you're going to be all sticky. Need help with that?" He cannot focus, his attention is erratic.

X-23 has posed:
    "You are bad with questions." Laura corrects. "You have answered none directly so far. Now, why are you here?" The fact that Logan seems to distrust him so much is good enough for her, at least for now. With another *snikt*, now she's sporting /her/ claws. Two instead of three, out of the backs of her hands, like Logan.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan doesn't say anything to Jubilee, except a, "No, ya' can't keep him." Logan keeps his eyes on Wade, knowing how dangerous he was. "No fighting spots, Wade." Logan replies to the man, "And you kin have the puddin'." Logan moves, keeping Wade in his sights when he moves. He watches him grabbing the spoon, which DOESN'T help with Logan's anger levels, knowing full well what he can do with that spoon.

    Sighing loudly, Logan says, "What is wrong with you Wade? This isn't like you..." Logan pauses, shakes his head, and adds, "Actually, it kind of is, but is a little "insane" for you. You okay?" Logan lowers his claws, just a bit, and peers at the man. "How about a switch to you, from this image." When Logan hears Laura's claws come out, he relaxes a little bit more. Always good to have reliable back up.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee brightens and gives Harry one of the fudgecicles. "I'll keep one, too. And I'll put the rest back in the freezer for now." She disappears into the kitchen, which to her relief actually looks like a kitchen, before returning with a single fudgecicle shoved in her mouth. She's eyeing the butterknives, contemplating putting /those/ between her fingers, but it might just push Logan over the line. "So what'd this guy do to you, Logan? I don't get it. I figured the charms would have kept him out, if he was an enemy, right? Or the dementors, at least." She sighs, not really understanding any of this, but she does keep a wary eye on Harry, just in case she needs to light him up.

Deadpool has posed:
"I told you. Holy shit on fucking toast, I said it. To get ICE. I?. okay, that is a little bit of a stretch, I can see your point," Harry Potter begins, and then Laura shows her claws. Harry Potter literally cannot handle it. He jerks his hand out of the utensils, with just a spoon. A very harmless spoon. "It? she's mini you! You had /babies/?!" he asks, aghast. And rapidfire begins to talk: "I attended NO baby showers. Why am I not a godfather? I would have been an amazing godfather. 'On the day of my daughter's wedding I grant you a boon'. If I had a daughter. I do not, but LOOK AT YOU. I love it." He accepts the fudgecicle from Jubilee, in the same hand as the spoon.

    "My image? Oh. I forgot." Deadpool switches off the image inducer. The red and black leather ninja appears. Masked. Armed to beyond the teeth. That's a lot of guns and swords. And a pudding/popsicle/spoon, still. He's relaxed, physically. Not that that can't change instantly.

    "I'm healing a head wound or eight. Could be that. That would be rational. I thought of you. Head wounds. You /know/. I feel okay. Thanks for asking. It helps to know friends care." He starts to suddenly walk: it's towards them, but also towards the exit, while peeling open the pudding.

X-23 has posed:
    Laura isn't really sure how to take the "mini you" comment. It could be offensive. But then, it's not really WRONG. And at the same time, he seems to be leaving. And getting him out without a fight seems like a good proposal, all told. She moves, not to block him, but to step to the side while still watching him. A pudding cup is a very small price to pay for a peaceful resolution.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan blinks at Jubilee as she runs to the kitchen and back, and then back to Deadpool, back to Jubilee, and says, "Not what he did to me. It's all the dead and mutilated bodies he's left in his wake, that's all. Charms?" Logan looks confused, and then clues into the movie analogy. "Ah. Huh." Then, his eyes again find Deadpool's.

    "To get ice...really?" Logan snorts, and shakes his head, "She isn't mini-me." Logan growls and blinks as Deadpool goes on a speaking tirade and de-images himself to his normal red and black clad form. "Better. Maybe not...yeah, head wounds. Been there..."

    Logan moves aside as he heads to the exit. Logan nods as Luara does the same. "Good instincts kid. I think he just wants to leave, now that the head wound is starting ta' heal." Logan sheathes his claws with another "SNIKT", and watches as Deadpool passes. "Headin' home Wade? Got enough ice?"

Jubilee has posed:
Kzzzzhhht. Clatter. Jubilee is standing at the ice machine, and pushes a cup against the silver lever to fill a cup. She pauses, looking around as she distractedly fills the cup with orange soda. In her other hand is an empty fudgecicle stick. "What?"

She watches the red and black ninja walking toward the exit and peeling a pudding cup. "Y'know if you have a hole in that mask big enough for a straw, you can SUCK the pudding down." Head injury means possible bullet holes, after all. And now that she sees the possibility of her new pet headed for the door, she looks a little crestfallen.

Deadpool has posed:
    "Talking about me like I'm not right next to you makes me feel like a celebrity. Or a wild animal. WHAT WILL HE DO NEXT?" Deadpool asks, bright. "He will eat the pudding! Observe!" He lifts it, and the spoon, but gets to the mask. Pudding to mask. This isn't going to work. And promptly his mood flips. "A straw? I ...." Deadpool has no straw.

    "---Fuck it," he says, and dumps everything in his hands. The popsicle, the hard won pudding, the spoon too: he's 'disarmed'. Moody, he stalks towards the door. "Didn't even get to play," he pouts aloud, fingering the large gun holster on his upper left thigh. "Fire some magic motherfuckin' missiles." Things were relaxed before. They aren't anymore. He's started to focus, more towards what Logan was expecting, possibly. But is still moving out to the foyer.

Wolverine has posed:
    Shaking his head at Jubilee, he gives her a look, like "Don't encourage him. "As Deadpool heads into the next room towards the door, Logan lets his held breath out, and shakes his head. "Always somethin' with you ain't it Wade? Keep the gun holstered, and we'll all stay friends." Logan keeps the claws holstered after just causing them to disappear into his knuckles, but he is ready to go if needed.

    "Next time, we'll make sure we have chocolate pudding, if ya' jus' go quietly. After all, ya wanna eat your little pudding-sicle mess there." Nodding to Wade's hands. " No need ta' get anything else sticky." A pauses. "We can talk later, when ya' heal up." Shaking his head at Laura, Logan frowns and nods towards the exit, motioning towards "pushing" him out, not physically, but more, verbally.