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Latest revision as of 05:09, 29 September 2018

Nowhere to go but Knowhere
Date of Scene: 15 September 2018
Location: Knowhere
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Skygirl, Crusader

Skygirl has posed:
The computer did a fairly good job of translating the alien database it was given into usable stellar coordinates. The problem is, it only got about 75% of the data, and the location of Kormo was not in that portion. The result, Janz is searching out Red Dwarf stars which which are noted as having something in orbit...given Kormo orbits a Red Dward star. Of course, there are THOUSANDS of Red Dwarf stars in the sections that did not get properly translated.

The Life Pod drops out of the space lane. The AI proceeds to scan the area, "There is a planetary mass object in this system. I am reading signs of intelligence as well. Setting course to the planet." Janz replies, "I don't think this is it, the stars do not look familiar, though part of that could be the lack of atmosphere."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn was in the port regeion of Knowhere. He had decided to stay there for a bit, just for some Rest and Relaxtion. Sure it was a cesspool of criminals and those who break the law...and he was fine with that. Knowhere was it own place.

For now, the unsual much older but still hulking 'human' was laying on the hull of The Starpiecer, his own ship. he was on one of the docking bays in one of the eyesockets of Knowhere, stareing out into the vastness of space, enjoying the view. Though her perks when his ship detects a wide range scan. Curiouse, Bjorn begins looking into and trying to back trace the scan, as it was quite the rarity he found "Let see what be out there today"

Skygirl has posed:
Janz at first thinks her eyes are playing tricks on her. A titanic severed head floating in orbit around a star is notr something you see every day. In fact, it is not something she has heard of...so it is likely explorers from Kormo have not been here before. She informs the AI, "Make sure to record all data collected about this place, if we ever get home, the scientists will be very interested in the logs." Th AI states, "Acknowledged. I detect a landing beacon and can locate hailing frequencies, shall we make contact?" Janz ponders, "They probably know we are here, might as well act friendly and ask for landing instructions." Not to mention the pod does not carry much fuel and is probably running low. The Pod will transmit a basic hail that identidiesit by serial number and designates it as a Life Pow and waits for a reply.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn hmms at the signal and chuckles. "Must be new" he muses. Lawless, crimnal, and somehow functional. He counts down on his finger "3...2....1" and as if on cue - Janz get's a serious of less than kind remarks ranging from 'See a doc? land on it' to 'Great, another fracking life pod.. 10 creds say this one dies on landing, any of yalls in' in which many do seem in!

Which is intermixed with some folks who are actually trying to be helpful. From more amature comments such as 'Umm, well, you sorta just pick a spot in the docking area and dock there' to 'Alright, what kind of pod is it?' there really was no regulation.

Bjorn himself decides to try and chirp in. He puts forth a different hailing frequency, one for direct communication with the following message attached "Well your clearly new. Welcome to Knowhere, just a little mining site on the edge of the galaxy. As you can probably tell after that last transmission, it's a rough neighborhood. But Bjorn can least get you grounded, if you are open to it"

Skygirl has posed:
The AI sorts through the various calls, and relays the most helpful seeming to Janz. She sets the communicator to the designated frequency, "Greeting Bjorn, I am Janz of Kormo. Relay your landing instructions...and let's see how many people betting on me crashing I can disappoint."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn slips inside his ship and locks on on the lifepod. He only has to take a cursory glance at it and aproximate it to the closest designs he knows. "Alright. Yeesh, looks like a sensitive little engine, ain't it? Anyways, with your ship...come in at a 167 degree angle to these coordinates" he sends a series of coordinates "Bjorn ship is the the oval shapped one that seems to be on it's side. Come in gently, it a pretty long docking region, but if you start nearing, say 100 units near the edge, hit the breaks hard or your going to fall into the Grid" and with that he sends additional instructions for emergency landing...just in case.

Skygirl has posed:
Fortunately Jank is a very good pilot, given some of the strange currents and energy fields that play a merry hob on her instruments and require constant adjustments of vector and thrust. She eventually manages a fair landing...not perfect but fair. She puts on her helmet (the air may be breathable, but who knows what pathogens there are) and slings her stunner at her hip. She then steps out to look around,

Crusader has posed:
Well...know where was different. The entire head was a mega city, minicing facility, race car track and more. Racing Pods flew over head, shooting lazor at other pods that crash, and the number of different people where insane. From four arms mouthless behemoths, to foot long slugs carrying breifcases as they mozy along. It was loud, crowded...and definintly a good place to keep one weapon close by. As side deals are made, strange product is marketed and fights break out here and there without much comment.

Bjorn himself, may have been strangely out of place. he wore old leather boots, and a pair of torn overalls with a single broken button. He had a large white beard and hair slicked backed, and brimming with enough muscle to match the behemoths. A large unsual spear was holsterd onto his back, as he approaches - being near if not over 7ft in height. He says in a jolly baritone voice "Haha! Looks like Bjorn won the bet! Good landing!" yes he joined in on the better.

Skygirl has posed:
If she were not in her helmet, she would probably mop her forhead, "A bit tricky, but I have landed in worse. Mind, tha was in something more maneuverable than a life pod." She adds, "Pardon the helmet, I had a recent bad experience with an alien biologicl infection that I have no wish to repeat."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn nods crossing his arms "You and Bjorn both! Though a helmet would hardly help you" he says with a chuckle. "But still, you can find almost anything here, probably best you get some vactionations if you have not. We get people from all over the galaxy here. From the Shi'ra to the Kree, from halfworld to Klyntar und everything inbetween. Though why are you in the lifepod instead of a ship proper?"

Skygirl has posed:
Janz sighs, "that infection I mentioned, well I turned out to be allergic to the normal cure. They sent me and the others like me off to space...or rather stars where the stellar energies would possibly cure us. I was cured, but somehow the navigation system was wiped and I am trying to find my way home. Someone gave me a map, but it is incomplete due to not having a compatible interface."

Crusader has posed:
"That or you got ripped off, depending on where you got your map from. Still they could have given you a proper ship" Bjorn muses "Well, Bjorn can try and see if he can perhaps complete your map and mabey help you find your way home" he looks Janz up and down "So your a Kormonian. Not sure Bjorn is familiar with that sector. Does it comply with standard intergalatic region and territory policy or is it more of a seperate entity?" he gestures for Janz to follow.

Skygirl has posed:
Janz follows, sticking with her military training about hostil territory. She replies, "We are fairly recent arivals on the interstellar scene. I do know Interlac, some of our exploreres met those who taught them the language. I do not think we were taught region and territory policy though." At least, she does not recallit being covered in cadet training if it was.

Crusader has posed:
"Well that is good to learn - many simply use translators. But even more speak interlact. Which is better is hard to say" he shrugs. He approches the chrome like silver oval that was apparently his ship. It didn't exactly look very big - mabey a big bigger than a minivan. He walks right on in...through the wall of the ship saying as he does so "Well welcome to my home away from home"
    As he enter, he realizes...Janz might be confused - and his arms comes back out - as if the ship was more a liquid than a solid, and gestures for her to just walk in. The sensation of doing so might be akin to walking through liquid metal - and the inside was somehow...alot bigger than the outside. As in despite it small outside appearance, it was actually a 'full sized' ship on the inside.

Skygirl has posed:
Janz follows, figuring if he asked her to do so she is presumably capable of it. She inquires, "Is this ship in a fractal dimension or is most of the area some kine of virtual rality hologram?" OK, so the science is likely beyond her either way, but at least she knows the terms.

Crusader has posed:
"Pocket dimension, if Bjorn understand Klyntar physiology anyways." Klyntar were well known throughout the galaxy, in some form, weather space capable or not. Most thought of them as big scary ink-black monster that eat people - or drive them insane, or destroy worlds, or any number of things.
    Bjorn walks over to the console and brings up a full starmap of the galaxy. He begins mapping out regions and well known stars. "This ship is a techno-organic ship. So it is very much alive...and technically Bjorn's brother. Well Bjorn likes to think of him as a brother anyways. Let see, any of these systems or stars seem familiar?" they were all labeled in interlact.

Skygirl has posed:
Janice looks at the map, and she says, "The problem is that I am most familiar with the stars frome the perspective of my home world." She points out a large blue star, "It was there I woke up after being exposed to the light." She points to a yellow star not far away in glactic distances, "It was at this star I got the map I have. Those are about the only places I know so far." The Blue sun is the home of the Citadel, a notably expansionist race. She was probably lucky to escape there alive.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn hmmms and nods "Alright than." he begins altering the map "Bjorn does not know your life pods exact specifications - so Bjorn will use a similar looking model. Bjorn would request to get 'under the hood' of your pod, but Bjorn doubts this is favorible." once he puts in the requirements several dozens, mabey a few hundred lines appear. "This is point to every start system within range of The Citidel, that is known to house life. Unless your life pod was dropped off but a much more capable ship - these are you most likely canidates for home. Do you know the kind of star your planet orbited?"

Skygirl has posed:
Janz states, "One much like this one, a red dwarf. That is why I came here." She is not sure about the range thing, from what she understands the drive on the ship, once it enters hyperspace, can keep there a LONG time, it is entering and leaving that takes energy.

Crusader has posed:
A few lines dissappear "...well that narrows the results does it not?" Bjorn laughs. "Well finding home may be a...hmmm, tad bit more difficult. Makes Bjorn curse such a sun being so common. Any enemies or space features that might help narrow the search?"

Skygirl has posed:
Janz thinks, "Well, one of our science ships reached a planet called Earth but apparently something there is a deadly plague to us on Kormo, though harmless to us there. Not sure how helpful that is."

Skygirl has posed:
Janz adds, "Also, copper is pretty rare on Kormo. not sure how that compares to other red sun worlds."

Crusader has posed:
"Well! Bjorn is...kind of from earth. Long story there! Point is, if one of your ships has reached earth, it may still be there. As it stands, Earth recently survived a Sapiant Fungus infection" he notes. "Still The StarPiercer can get us to earth at the very least." at the last statment he inputs the infomation for copper...but it yielded little result "Hmmm. It may take longer to sort through copper poor worlds, considering it has to parse through each potential system with planets and their copper traces, if documented."

Skygirl has posed:
Janz gets a strange look, "It is odd, you are the second person from Earth I have encountered, the first was a Green Lantern. It is a good thing I wore my Hazard suit and helmet though. Here, under this sun, I would be vulnerable to infection. I would rather not go to Earth though, as it is dangerous to my kind. And no, the scout ship is not there, it returned nearly a year before I left."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn grins "Earth is a strange place, not quite what one expects. But Bjorn is only KIND of from earth, Bjorn is also from the other side of the galaxy. A sort of living paradox you can say as Bjorn can be considered born off and on earth, both true and false statements depending on ones perspective"
    "Anyways, we would not be going there for earth itself, but rather to check for trace ions, fuel or what have you. By the cosmos, Bjorn could even just try contacting Nuala and see if she can find any traces worth mentioning"

Skygirl has posed:
Janz looks puzzled, "Who is Nuala. I imagine the traces would be similar to those of my ccraft, as the engines are standardized for mass production."

Crusader has posed:
"Nuala is a frenimie. Friend and Enemey! She is or was part of the HALA sector of the Nova corps. They deal with threats concerning hive minded or infectious species such as the Brood or Feral Klyntar or even the Phylanx. Though ship tracing isn't her specialty, she may know a few folks who can help" Bjorn explains.

Skygirl has posed:
More things that she needs to add to her log obviously, there is a lor about this Galaxy that her species has yet to encounter. Well, possibly some of them have encountered some of these things...

Skygirl has posed:
Sheinquires, "What is a 'Nova Corp'? Someone who keeps watch on exploding stars?"

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn grunts "Well it was original a Xandarian militiary and exploration division. But latter on it became a sort of intergalectic policing force. Similar to the Green Lanterns" he explains. He begins shutting down the star map he had brought up.

Skygirl has posed:
"Well, if they are explorers, then possibly they will have met our explorers. That should a least give me a place to start," replies Janz with evident entheusiasm. She adds, "While I have met a Green Lantern, I do not know mmuch about them. Our planet is peaceful.

Crusader has posed:
"Like the Nova corps, they try and police the universe to some degree. Many lanterns are assigned sectors - of which contain many species. Thousands even." Bjorn says "Might be even a lantern could help you out." he turns to face Janz now "But seeing as you do not wish to go to earth, Bjorn can send a transmission and you can get comfortable here on knowhere"

Skygirl has posed:
Janz gest a somewhat odd expression, combining amusted ant thoughtful, "So there is much need of policing then, if there are two such groups of protectors about?"

Crusader has posed:
"Need is relative. Just cause they consider themselves a policing force, doesn't mean everyone accept it, or likes it. Case in point, here, land of the lawless." Bjorn shrugs "There is probably more groups. For instance there is also the Blue Lanterns. Bjorn did not know they existed untill he met one!" he exclaims with a laugh.

Skygirl has posed:
Janz, quite reasonably, points out, "If the authority was universally accepted, there would be no need of policing. My father is a lawman."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn counters with "If an authority was universally accepted, policing would still be needed. If there was not, than ultimately there is no enforcement of consequences or any sense of actual authority."

Skygirl has posed:
If Janz had ever heard of Catch-22, that would sound like one, "In any case, we an hope your...friendly rival...can help point me towards home."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn nods "Than Bjorn will begin sending out a transmission. Meanwhile Bjorn suggests you get yourself aquianted with the local"