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Latest revision as of 05:39, 29 September 2018

A Night at Josie's
Date of Scene: 19 September 2018
Location: Josie's Bar, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Darcy Lewis, Sabretooth, Ghost Rider (Blaze), Ekaterina Vespucci

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Josie's Bar. Late night. Midnight approaches as no fewer than twenty women pour into the bar all at about the same time. They are in what look like uniforms.

One group is in red spanky shorts and black sleeves jerseys. On the front is a red devil, sitting pin-up style on the round sill of a circular rose-window. She's wearing a white apron. White and yellow, the stained glass of the window has a golden cross on it. The lettering around the window reads "Devils in the Kitchen".

The other group look like 1940s cigarette girls in bright yellow. The split on their too short skirts reveal black and white checkered cloth, matching the off center two inch wide stripe of hte same patten running shoulder to waist of the sleeveless top. Each girl has a taxi-shaped name badge with identical lettering: "Gridiron Girls".

Each girl has a name emblazoned on the back of their jerserys in large letters, printed above a three digit number. The lettering is in a high contrast color to the main fabric of their uniform. The names are clearly not their legal names, unless someone named their daughter Glitterp*p or Ima Killya or Tazer Queen.

Tazer Queen, her long brown semi-curly hair pulled into a high pony tail and dark with sweat, seems to lead the charge to the bar, her hot pink eyes skimming the area as her hot fire-engine red lips are pulled up into a mischievous smirk.

Have you ever met Darcy Lewis? There's a passing resemblance.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor had been sitting quietly at the bar with a glass of whiskey in front of him. This time of night is usually quiet where he can enjoy a drink in peace. There is a slight snarl as the bar is suddenly invaded by the large group of women who appear to be a sports team or other. He hunches his shoulders a little bit more as he pulls his drink closer to him. He keeps his eyes on the women, however, to see just what trouble they have in mind.

Ghost Rider (Blaze) has posed:
     The sounds of a motorcycle appears to be revving it's engines as it's being parked. Victor may recognize the sound as the bike of the Ghost Rider. But entering the bar was not the flaming demon the mutant may remember. Instead, it is Johnny Blaze. His long hair let loose, letting it come down to his shoulders.

     Though Johnny smiles to Darcy, he walks up behind her and he touches her shoulder...before retracting his hand off her shoulder, though leaving it close by. "Long time no see. How've you been ,Darcy?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
The women move in, the teams mingling and getting along. They take over one of the tables near the pool tables as Darcy aka Tazer Queen splits off for the bar. A waitress is already dispatched to the rest of the girls and Darcy leans to the bar by Victor's side. She leans forwad on her folded forearms to study the bottles behind the bar when a hand alights on her shoulder. Hot pink eyes slide over and Taze smirks.

"Fuck me. Johnny! What's going on, man? It's been a fucktarded long time, yeah. I'm been good. Just got my ass handed to me by Hell's own bitches, but they had home-field advantage. Plus, they are some serious bad-asses. I am not sad at all about having a bruised ass," Darcy replies, turning to lean back on the bar to grin at Johnny. The bruises on her upper arms and thighs more visible now that they were before as she unknowingly gets them in better lighting.

"And you?"

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor gives Darcy the once over as she comes up to the bar to study the bottles. "Just don't get one of those foo foo drinks with an umbrella in it," he says with a chuckle. "Josie will probably toss you out." He pauses as Johnny walks up and begins to converse with Darcy. His eyebrows furrow slightly and his nostrils flair. The scent on this man in familar, but something is missing. He remains quiet as he studies the man and Darcy's colorful greeting.

Ghost Rider (Blaze) has posed:
Johnny chuckles lightly to Darcy. "Good to see you too, lady." He doesn't seem any kind of plussed when Darcy greets him with rather....colorful language. But at least she appears happy to see him. "Damn. Sorry you lost, Darcy. Next time, invite me, so I can at least stare and act intimidating to whoever knocks you down." he looks down at her bruises. "Least you don't look too bad. Few bumps and bruises." he smiles.

"I'm doing good though. Headache like you wouldn't believe but...hoping a nice drink, with hopefully you, will help things calm down." He turns his head then to Victor as he speaks. "Fair enough." Johnny looks at Victor....remembering him clear as day, even though Zarathos was in control of the Rider's actions.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Pink eyes dance over to Victor as he talks to her. Taze smiles broadly, tossing the man a wink.

"No chance of that tonight. I'm after a simple call with soda and some beer as a chaser," she tells him, smelling of sweat and her shampoo and deodorant that she likely reapplied not too long ago. There's the faint underlying smell of bearing oil and hardwood. Darcy turns back to JOhnny and waves of his 'condolences'.

"Nah. The Devils are a hell of a team. Pun intended. I got what was coming to me. I'm not normally on roster to play, so I only had like a month and a half to prep. Grid's main blocker is out on maternaty for the next year. I'm not her calibur, but it's been fun to skate like this again," she comments, grinning as Johnny flirts so sweetly.

"Oh, sweetheart. I am NOT good company for a head ache tonight. I'm likely gonna be loud and annoying and will probably try too hard to get into Devil's Jammer's booty shorts...." she says turning to lean on the bar again and order her mixed drink from the bar tender. The rest of the teams are getting pitchers of beer because its easier. Hot wings are also on order.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor returns Blaze's look with a nod still not sure of where to place him, but it will come to him eventually. He looks back to Darcy and lifts his own glass of whiskey in a gesture of "Cheers".

    "To the game well fought then," he says to the teams as the smell of beer and hot wings begin to dominate the bar. He looks back towards the pair next to him. "I am guessing Rollerderby although all the terms you are using are going right over my head."

Ghost Rider (Blaze) has posed:
Johnny seems to grin lightly to Darcy. He's //definitely// not used to being called sweetheart. Though he does grin a bit to her. "I don't mind. You're company is good enough either way." He looks to her. "Oh yeah, I forgot to get your number last time, Darcy." he chuckles, before looking to Victor, walking over to him.

He extends his hand to Victor, introducing himself. "Johnny Blaze."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Thanks," Darcy says to Victor, chin dipping to accept the cheers.

"Yeah. Flat track. It's a bitchin' way to stay in shape," she comments on a chuckle, grinning back at Johnny. Her eyes dance mischieviously.

"Did you now?" she asks, with a falsely innocent tone.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor accepts the offered hand from Johnny with a nod and what might pass as a friendly expression on the large mutant's face. "Victor Creed," he offers in return with a firm handshake. "Have we met before? You seem awfully familar to me right now."

Ghost Rider (Blaze) has posed:
Johnny smiles to Darcy, offering her a sheet of paper if she felt like writing down her number. "Indeed I did...now ain't that shame?" he winks at her before focusing on Victor. "You are rather familiar. hmm...wasn't at a football game or car auction I imagine?" playing the long game.

Though Johnny reads Victor's soul due to his Ghost Rider powers...his eyes remaining locked on the fellow man's.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Introductions are exchanged, Darcy politely waits for both her drink and her turn. Of course, this gives her front row to then playing 'Do you KNOW who I AM?!'. it's amusing. Almost as amusing as someone handing her a bit of paper to write her number on. She takes teh paper, smirking, and sets it onto the bar top, collecting her drink and turning back to continue to observe the game, like a line judge.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor shakes his head at the question and runs a large hand through his hair to get it out of his face. "Never had much use for organized sports. Too many rules," he says with a chuckle before looking over at Darcy. "Nothing against rollerderby of course." He offers his hand to her too. "Victor Creed." He seems to pay little interest, and probably can't notice anyway, as the demon reads his dark soul.

Ghost Rider (Blaze) has posed:
Johnny smirks lightly to Darcy, but he notices she doesn't write her number. Eh, well...she might. Instead, his eyes fall upon Victor. "Nice to meet you Victor." he releases his hand and steps out of the way to let the man shake Darcy's hand. Though...Johnny seems to see Victor's soul and severely restrains himself from trying to tear Victor apart. he doesn't show his struggle though.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Offered a hand, Darcy slips her slimmer appandenge into his grip and returns the shake with the grip of your average run of hte mill human woman. There's no fear, no hesitation, no reading of souls on her part. She's meeting someone new, and that's awesome in her book.

"Darcy Lewis. Or Darcy. Or Darce. Or Taze. Or Tits... whichever," she supplies with a grin. Ignornant of Johnny's struggle, Darcy gives Victor another wink.

"Yeah. There are a lot of rules, I'll give you that much. But it's better than government paperwork. THAT is a lot of rules. And no offense taken. I wasn't a sports girl myself until I found this so.. I get you. It's not for everyone. I aint mad."

Sabretooth has posed:
    "Pleasure," he says with a nod to Darcy's wink. "I try to avoid government paperwork too whenever I have the opportunity," he says with a slight smirk on his face. "Usually do a pretty good job of it too." He picks up his glass of whiskey and downs the glass. He lifts a hand to get Josie's attention what with all the derby girls running about and orders another round and gives Johnny and Darcy a look with a raised eyebrow to see if they want one too.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
With a measure of apprehension Ekaterina comes into the bar. She is as usual dressed in baggy unappealing winter gear that occludes the curves of her small and slender frame. She likes dive bars and sports bars as an occasional diversion - although she knows Darcy she does not expect to meet her here. She has snuck out from her own guarded compound against the advice of her chief of security on this eve. She spots Darcy and sidles up to her at the bar, "Hey Darcy," she says familiar large cornflower blue eyes looking up at her.

Ghost Rider (Blaze) has posed:
Johnny chuckles a bit. Looking to Darcy with a smile. "Heh, fair points all around." before he looks to Victor...well, he's trying to earn affection. But Johnny nods lightly. "sure. Thanks Victor." Victor probably isn't thanked often. But...hey, ya lose some, ya win some.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Lucky you!" Darcy retorts to Victor, taking a measured swig from her drink.

"Mine's an unfortunate work hazard. I can't avoid it at all really. So, I just try to shuffle what I can off to other departments." A wink of her hot-pink eyes is given again, and the offer for another round is accepted with a nod and a "Thanks."

She's turning to Johnny, smiling and maybe gonig to say something when a female voice catches her attention. Darcy looks over, and she smiles hugely.

"Hey! Beautiful. Good to see you again. How'd the grading go? You pass all those amazing little artists?" Darcy greets Eka with the feeling of old old friends. They really aren't, but who can tell that from this warmth?

Sabretooth has posed:
    Josie comes over with Victor's whiskey and drinks for Darcy and Johnny. Whiskey as well if they want it or she can make something else for them too. Victor drops a $50 on the bar. "Keep the tab open," he says as he turns back to look at his drinking partners for the night. He rests his back against the bar and sips at his drink as he notices the new arrival with a nod.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat's eyes light up - truth be told her most prominent feature - those big peepers - were for more than show. But that was a topic for another time. "Good to see you too. I passed most of them. There are some exceptional artists there. I might even put up their work for sale in some of my galleries." Kat looks like a college freshman and is probably around late teens to early twenties. At the bar she is getting carded but passes the test. "Can I join you and your friends?"

Ghost Rider (Blaze) has posed:
Johnny grins a soft bit to Darce as she seems to be about to say something to him before Ekaterina arrives! Johnny turns his head to Kat before he just chuckles. "Hi there. Sure, I don't mind if you join us." he smiles very softly. Though he smiles as Victor seems to keep a tab open. "You might just be alright.."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Shit yes," Darcy replies to Kat, stepping a bit further into Victor's space so there's room for Kat at the bar at her side. She finishes her drink to accept the new one Victor bought her. The invastino of his space had the excuse of Darcy moving to give Victor a light side squeeze hug of thanks for the srink.

"You gonna make sure those kids get their cut?" she asks of the other woman now, sure that Kat will, but asking anyway. What was she going to say to Johnny? Darcy forgot. Fuck. Ah well. She'll think of something else soon enough.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor glances down at Darcy as she moves closer and seems to put up with the light squeeze as if a pitbull getting a hug from a toddler while the dog wears a birthday hat. He nods towards Kat, but remains silent for the moment letting the crowd do most of the talking for now.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Sure." says Kat to Darcy taking up a seat and ordering a Bourbon. Surprisingly stiff drink for the tiny creature. "What kind of monster do you take me for. I'll give them al of it actually - wave my percentage. Got to encourage the new talent." Generous to a fault. That was Kat. She smiles aty the others.

Ghost Rider (Blaze) has posed:
Johnny looks at Darcy curiously, but says nothing. Oh well, if she wants to talk to him, he wouldn't force the issue. Regardless, he sips his beer, watching the sports. He looks then to Kat with a soft smile. "hm. I'm Johnny." he extends a hand to Kat, introducing himself.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Ah! I'm a fucking bitch. Sorry, guys!" Darcy flails a bit as she misses the introduction.

"Kat, Johnny. Johnny, Kat. Kat, Vic, Vic, Kat. All'uh'y'all know me, now y'all all know each other. Fuck," she says just as one of the girls in yellow, a C on her uniform in black, above the name tag comes over.

"Hey, Taze. Team toasts and shit. Quit trying to score a gangbang and get your ass over here," says the woman, whose name, when they turn away, is revealed to be 'Break Check'.

"Yeah. Be right there, Cap," Darcy says to her, turning to her gathered friends for a farewell as she extracts herself.

"Duty calls. I totally wasn't aimnig for a gangbang yet. Just met one of you, assholes." Darcy winks, smirking and walking backwards a little bit.

"Kat, I'll call you. Johnny, awesome to run into you again, as always. Vic, Imma call you Vic, kay? Kay. Thanks for the drinks, Vic. 'Preciate 'em. Hopefully I'll run into all'uh'y'all again later. Peace out."

And with that, Darcy turns to her team and team's rival. He arms go up as she joins the cheering and hollering. On her back is her skater name and number: Tazer Queen 681.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor pulls out another couple bills from his pocket and lays them down on the bar. "Unfortunately, I have to run. Got a man to meet about a possible job." He taps the bills and looks to Josie. "Keep it open until it runs out." The lady owner nods even as she is sending some wings out towards the teams. Victor looks back towards the group around him. "Until next time." He doesn't sound overly friendly, but not unfriendly either. He downs his drink and heads towards the exit.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat looks up at Johnny with her large eyes and takes his hand with her small soft one, "I'm Kat," she says avoiding the longer introduction. "What brings you here Johnny?" Kat asks. She sips her bourbon conservatively.

Ghost Rider (Blaze) has posed:
Johnny watches as Darcy and Victor just leave. "Well...that happened." he looks to Kat, shaking her hand wit ha smile. "Just lookin' for a drink."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"What's your poison Johnny?" Kat asks. She is still sipping her spirits.