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Latest revision as of 06:33, 29 September 2018

Trigger Mortis
Date of Scene: 26 September 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Peggy Carter

Gambit has posed:
Backdated.... sometime within a month or a year? Who knows.

Black Air? A word circulating around Agent Carter, in acronyms, cryptic passing or outright. The caravan of vehicles had taken her a way, a round about, typical practice. Lose tails, throw off the captive. Someone like Peggy knows these. Shes rather experienced and intelligent after all.

It is a several hours ride, hard to tell if they went east as far as one things or north after juking them out for the west. Which, they did not go.

It's coming to with a headache that is likely fun, Peggy Carter finds herself in a cell, clothed still as she was when captured, though she can tell she was frisked, likely scanned and now in a state of trying to visualize the darkness around her. The low hum of electronics coming through cement walls and the chill.

Peggy Carter has posed:
It takes her a moment of being dazed and confused before Peggy's where-with-all comes together and she moves more suddenly and directly, to test her bindings. But she's locked up tight. "Shit." She says quietly, rarely cursing unless it was... well in a moment like this.

Her brown eyes start to scan around in the dark for any sign of where she might be. "Bastards." She curses again, her voice barely above a whisper. She can tell she was searched, she can feel that her hidden gun was gone now from her side beneath her blazer.

Peggy's fingertips start to stroke over her own wrists though as she starts to try to discvern a way out of whatever bindings they have her in.

Gambit has posed:
The room is a typical holding cell. It has basic creature comforts a bed with a single mat, toilet, sink, door. Nothing else other than a on and off red buzzing light above the doorway out which hosts a slider that is open. The only non-red illumination in the room.
A silhouette fills it and eyes peer in, then step aside.

Silence remains with her for perhaps thirty minutes until she can hear screams somewhere beyond, they are intermittent. Unfamiliar and far enough away they are just noises.

The door soon 'clicks' open and a woman in a pants suit stands there, older, perhaps in her sixties and smiling. A pair of hornrimmed glasses seated on her noise.
"Agent Carter. The legend." She says, her accent British, like Peggy's own but clearly shes been away from the UK for some time. it is muted. "Do you recognize me?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy had her handcuffs explored with fingertips now and she was reaching her fingers into the cuffs of her coat to get the sliver of a lockpick out of the hem of her jacket... always inside any jacket she wore for this very reason... but it'd taken some time to get at it. By the time she did have it, the older woman was stepping into her cell in fact.

"No." Peggy replies to her. "Should I?" She asks then, tilting her head and peering her brown eyes at the older woman. "Generally I don't stay in places with this variety of atmosphere. I tend to aim for hotel rooms that aren't next to torture chambers." She notes, in a dry sarcasm, with regard to the screams that came from down the outside hallway. "Was that a real person screaming, or is it a tape recorder you've placed just a few feet down the hallway? Did you get it at a Halloween boutique?" She's apparently in a quippy mood with her captors tonight, then again she usually is in these scenarios.

Gambit has posed:
"I guess that was a lifetime ago and since I have gone through many names." The woman appears pleased at the lack of recognition or shes putting on a good faux smile. This is a game of such things.

"Oh, very real. No one you know likely. That is another department."

"I don't remember such dry wit from you. But then, I only ever got to admire you from afar. Perhaps this is why you do not recognize me." She releases a noise, "You did a particular mission many many years ago, before operation BLACK AIR was disbanded perhaps it wasn't even called it then, given the timeline. Do you recall a man named Sorentino? He would have been from your time... SHIELD has access now. YOU have access and are a direct bridge, past to present. Mr.Lebeau, several cells down likewise had business, with another Sorentino. Is any of this feeling familiar to you? Making you wsh to speak more? It will speed the process along, I'd rather not go through the usual torture and interrogation routine."
"it feels.... unpatriotic of me to even threaten you wish such things."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy remains mostly still as she holds the lockpick in her hand clenched within her palm. She just stares up at the older woman and softly shakes her head from right to left. "I've no recollection of you, or anyone named Sorantino." She replies. "As for Mister LeBeau, he and I had only just met in the lounge of the hotel that I'm assuming you loured us up into a trap. I've no association with him beyond that and we've since parted ways, we'll likely never run into one another again even."

The SHIELD founder just shakes her head side to side and sighs in disappointment. "I have no desire -to- be interrogate. This whole... process has gotten tiresome to me. But at the same time, I have no information for you to have. So my only course of action is to..." She shakes her head while staring up at the woman. "Simply wait until you release me. Because capturing me was a giant waste of your time, madam. Patriotism unaffected, I assure you."

Gambit has posed:
"We did. I mean we orchestrated some of that. Some." She says thoughtfully, "Very well. If you refuse to speak we'll peel it out of your mind the old fashion ways. We'll go with what you remember and are familiar with."
The aged woman stares at Peggy, long and hard. "You don't remember me at all? I was much much younger then. I would like to say the years have been kind to me but they're by no means as generous with me as they have been you."

Stepping closer she whispers one word, a name, then smiles large on a heel and struts out. The door slamming shut behind her.

"Waste of time... no." The woman says through the open slider. "It was worth it to see you in person and it will be worth it to hear your screams. I had hoped you would just speak openly about Black Air and the Sorantino mission but, I should have known better."
A slam of it and she can hear muffled talking beyond. This is part of it where it goes psychological, to make a person wait for wait is to come next but Peggy, frisked as she was still has that object in hand.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy just sighs and shakes her head. "I've seen a lot of people in my life time. Many of whome I've gone out of my way to forget. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that you're in said category. And based on your etiquette and treatment of your fellow countrymen I can assume I made the right decision."

And with those words spoken out, Peggy watches the woman leave the room and the smile that she'd return to her was instantly gone as it'd obviously been a 100% fake smile anyway. Peggy can indeed hear the voices outside her cell door and a instant after the door is closed she's got her handcuffs off and is standing up and moving toward said door to turn her head and lightly press her left ear up against it near the viewing-slide in hopes of hearing what was going on out there... She breathes in shallow motions, the cuffs clasped now in her right hand with the hook of the right cuff ready to be used as a weapon should the door get thrust open again... but if it doesn't, she'll eventually settle back in on her chair to wait.

Gambit has posed:
Though blacked out from SHIELD and 'alone' Peggy Carter is not entirely. This amateur hour assembly is showing itself more to the trained and experienced as it drags on. The door to her cell doesn't open, she can almost time it as she waits on that chair with the handcuff prepared as a weapon.

Spot on the crack through hallway to her room is visible a man in a grey uniform steps in, his face covered in a ski mask and his hands in gloves. "Agent Carter." The man says calmly, his voice like ice. "I am going to remove my left glove. I advise you to remain very still." Though there is a chill to his voice he almost sounds compassionate or empathetic to her plight.
"This at first hurts but then, it will feel quite fine."

He busies himself peeling one glove off, finger by finger. Underneath that leather she can see what appear to be tiny barbs sticking out of each fingerpad. A mutate of some sort.
"Now... let me see. I will out of respect try to make this as painless as possible..." Then, he is reaching forward; extending his palm towards her face and forehead.

Peggy Carter has posed:
By the time that the man steps into the cell, he'll find that Peggy is seated in her chair, but she has her legs crossed at the knee like she's just supreme casual mode and not at all afraid to be here like one might expect to find a woman who's been captured. She even appears 'bored' of it.

"I'm sure that you shall." Peggy says to the man as he approaches her and brandishes a barbed finger, a mutant... oh how things have changed since it was her day, her 'era'. "You'll forgive me if I find that to be more than a little disturbing." She tells the man then as he draws closer to her.

When he gets right up on her and his fingertip is about to touch her, thats when she moves, and thats when she rises up out of the chair and puts her shoulder into his throat, then shoves all of her body weight back against him to thrust him into a wall while at the same time she tries to slip the handcuffs around HIS wrist to lock him up and get him into a potential wrist-snapping-hold.

Gambit has posed:
"Yes, they have been called that but all my clientelle and those who I am set to work upon are quite happy with the outcome. If you but relax... "
Then, about to touch her h e i ssuddenly being thrown, knocked in to stagger and fumbling up against the wall where thrust. The gloved hand not xtended and wrapped by her 'attack' is pressing at her side, trying to push those barbs through leather she can feel that 'pressure' of him attempting this and likely knows he may pierce soon if she does not act.
"Gah... urg, GUARDS!" He rasps, his next will be a yell from the intake of breath.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy is trying to get those handcuffs onto the man's wrist of the hand that he was going to use against her, she assumes to put some kind of drug into her system but she wasn't entirely certain on that, in the interim though... her concern was elsewhere, namely on getting this man subdued and then go from there.

A second after he makes his breathless cry for guards, Peggy's right knee comes slamming up into his crotch because she's a dirty fighter when she needs to be. She slams her knee up into his crotch and is then trying to twist his arm around behind him to shove him into the cot in the cell and crawl ontop of him!

Gambit has posed:
The struggle is largely one sided as Peggy bends the man and hashim tossed, though given proximity that slice is felt, two of his fingers have caused an opening and the feel of something coursing through her system becomes evident even as the man is groaning low and quiet, having been pounded hard in a very vulnerable location.
It is once Peggy has him upon the cell's cot and she is above him that she'll feel the influence of it trying to trickle through her senses, a sort of truth serum and an opening of the mind, as though, he is trying to walk inside of it, crawl in to it, invasive, wrong. A telepath.

The guards are unaware of the struggle inside and she has the upperhand. Though, in her mind she can hear him, "STOP!" A command, a demand, but not her own voice. This mans.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy has him down and cuffed, face down on the bed. The strange serum he used to enter her mind is struggled against, she shakes her head back and forth to try to strike it out of her senses but it doesn't work and she can hear the shout of a voice within her own mind. "What is this." Peggy hisses out in a whisper, her right knee is down in the small of his back, pressing her bare shin down against the cuff's chain. She grabs at her jacket and rips it off, then starts to tear one of the sleeves off and within a second she's wrapping the sleeve around his head to put it into his mouth to keep him from screaming for any further help.

The Agent is skillful, experienced and well trained, but she's under equipped here and having to improvise. She starts to look his person over now to find any more utilities she can put to use to tie him down to the bed now... all the while, she's looking up at the door to make sure no one else is coming in.

Gambit has posed:
The uniformed man thrashes, his mind a dark thing, like some mental knife thrusting at her own mental barricade in an attempt to take control of the situation but failiing. The makeshift bindings have him soon in place, held there to the last moment. The thrashing to follow is urgent, violent and as to be expected.
Shortly after dispatching the man in the room who lies with his head to the side, neck at an odd angle and his guards Agent Carter stands in the hallway, staring down a long corridor of cell doors, blood on the handcuff upon her wrist, her face battered and disheveled but she won, was underestimated and now loose in the facility, not a single alarm sounded as of yet.