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Latest revision as of 06:36, 29 September 2018

Intruder in the Garden
Date of Scene: 27 September 2018
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Poison Ivy, Ekaterina Vespucci

Poison Ivy has posed:
Just after sunrise, Ivy gets up and is checking over her domain (of one city block). She turns on the sprinklers to water her garden as she moves to one plant that has a place of honor facing the gate. A large cactus. She smiles. "I have some new nutrients - I think you'll grow another foot soon," she stats as she stabs the spike into the ground against the cactus' trunk. "Who's a good cactus?" She then tlits her had, laying her hand on the cactus' trunk - of course she didn't get poked. "Oh. The others? One died... the others sleep. I pushed them too far. Too fast. Too much. They sacrificed themselves to defeat the Gray. I don't know if there's enough left to wake them up again..." She is murmuring softly to herself, not expecitng company.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
The Contessa Ekaterina Vespucci is wandering around Ivy's block. Just how she got in is something of a mystery. But she is looking at her phone and paying attention to littlew else. "Meltan Meltan - where are you?" Obviously playing Pokemon Go. This apparently was how the 1200 year old mutant spent her time. And it was what Crule meant when he said she was an embarrassment of an External.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Her plants suddenly started rustling, alerting Ivy to an intruder. Fortunately out of line-of-sight of the big cactus. She hurries over and sees some young woman playing a phone and muttering about Pokemon. She sighs softly as she makes the ivy vines crisscrossing her domain slither up, snag your feet, and try to trip you. She just watches, frowning, arms crossed over her chest. "What are you doing here and how did you get in?"

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Woah!" Kat says and trips over losing her phone for a second. She telekinetically retrieves it before it breaks however which might partially explain how she got in. Kat looks around with her lovely large cornflower blue eyes, "Oh no it happened again didn't it. I was so involved with playing Pokemon Go that I wandered into a haunted subway system a week or so ago. I'm not on private property am I?" She looks up at Ivy with her heart melting little angelic face all apologetic.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley frowns as the vines continue to slowly twine around your legs. "Basically..." she muses softly. "You are in my garden. I am Poison Ivy. Perhaps you've heard of me." She sighs softly. "But how did you get into here? There is no way to just 'wander' onto my domain. I made it a fortress."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Poison Ivy?" Kat says ignoring the fact that the vines are holding her in place, "My I have run into another Gotham celebrity. I already met Batman and Red Robin. I met Superman and Wonderwoman the other week and Thor Odinson and Frank Castle and Catwoman. I'm collecting Supers at a faster rate than I'm collecting Pokemon." She smiles sweetly at Pamela, "I'm Ekaterina - but everybody just calls me Kat," she offers her hand. "As to how I got in well there was a barrier between me and Meltan and I just kinda teleported through it. I didn't know this was your place or I would have at least asked to coem in. I'm really sorry." Kat looks to be about as dangerous as a live action Carebear.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley smiles faintly. "If you teleported a few feet that way, you might've had more problems. You were lucky that you weren't in Cassius' line of sight." She sighs softly as she has the vines release you as she offers her hand. "Perhaps don't be so focused on a silly game that you teleport into dangerous areas? What would happen if you accidentally teleported yoruself into a nuclear power plant or something? You could be dead before you know it."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat shakes her hand, "Well that's another thing about me I can't die. Last week this prick who doesn't like my organisation in New York drilled me. Put 12 bullets in me - even shot me in the eye. God it hurt. But I was up and about in two minutes. I'm a special kind of mutant. There aren't very many of us. I guess it makes me fairly careless. Thank you for letting me go. I really didn't mean any harm. It's nice to meet you. I've always been a sucker for redheads," she adds. Hard to tell if its a flirt. Kat was notoriously bad at flirting. Hewr older sister Selene had to bear witness to this on several occasions.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley nods. "Very well. Come with me." She heads back towards the gate, the 10-foot-tall cactus standing there. "I want to introduce you to Cassius. Yes, Cassius the Cactus. He likes the nickname." She smiles. "Cassius, this is Kat." The cactus rustles a bit. "Come closer. He won't hurt you unless you mean harm to me or my land."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat follows Ivy back to the Cassius plant. Kat is a sweet timid thing despite her ability to withstand incredible harm. She gingerly approaches Cassius. "Um what am I supposed to do? Hey Cassius," Kat says talking to the plant. "Is he telepathic?"

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley smiles. "No. But I can understand plants. Lay your hand right here," she whisphers, pointing to a specific area on the trunk. "He won't hurt you." She just watches. If you do lay your hand on the cactus trunk, you would not be hurt, and it'd just be... warm. "He wanted to get to know you. Just in case that you end up here again."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat places her hand on the cactus - she's a trusting little thing Kat - even after all she's been through. "he feels warm," if Cassius can read Kat he'd sense that there is a stream of goodness running right therough the little lady. What harm she has caused has always been by accident.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley nods. "Very well. He will not fire at you even if you wander in again... unless you are a threat to me or my garden." She smiles. "Just making sure. You seem like a nice girl. A bit careless though."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Thank you - Um what do I call you? Ivy?" She slowly retracts her hand. "Are you getting on well with the Batfamily lately?" Kat hopes it isn't a sore point. "I've had strangely chill relations with both the heros, anti-heros and villain face card people for a good few years now. It's so peaceful it's almost dull."

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley nods. "Actually yes. Batman got me this land. And Batwoman comes by to visit from time to time." She ponders softly. "I am jus working on my projects, finishing preparation for my new perfume line."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Oh that sounds sublime - I love perfume my last bottle was a Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum. I don't think I have tried yours. Oh hey I am hosting an event soon. It's a big charity art auction. I own a bunch of commercial galleries. It will be in New York but alot of celebrities are going to be there. I even convince Wonder woman to come. You should too if you have the time," Kat fishes around in her bag and produces a card. "This is my business card," she hands it to Pamela.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley nods as she gives a card to Kat in return. "I will see what I can do," she states softly. "I am even friends with Superman and Wonder Woman." She smiles softly, asshe shows Kat to the exit - the spiked vines across the gate retract. "See you later. And do try to be careful where you go to catch Pokemon."