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Latest revision as of 22:57, 2 October 2018

Mi casa es su casa
Date of Scene: 07 September 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed (Language warning)
Cast of Characters: Deadwatch, Scarlet Witch

Deadwatch has posed:
Ugh..What a fucking summer. There is something about the heat that just seems to bring the crazies out of the woodworks. It's not even october, a time he is ./traditionally/ busy and he has already spent weeks dealing with Fae of The Summer Court, a bunch of malevolent fire spirits posession gang members, a bunch of feral ghosts and at least one spirit dragoness who was trying to take over Bleaker Street. Hell, even today he was busy, fighting an incursion of demons who had come to Gotham form, of all things, a beach party! Yeah, that didn't end well.

Nolan pushes through the door, sweaty and damp and gross and ugh he needs a freakin shower. At least, living in teh basement of a building, his rooms are actually pretty cool.. And with his energy being so closely tied to the dead, well, he basically has a form of ghostly air conditioning. He undoes his tie as he limps in, the door closing of it's own accord (or not of it's /own/ accord) and locking itself. "Fucking heat. How does the bat /do/ it.. He wears fucking /leather/.. He HAS to be fuckin nuts.." hegripes as he peels off his overcoat. Because what street wizard would NOT have an overcoat, right.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda, being Wanda, has somehow managed to worm her way into Nolan's place. But she's not come without offerings! No. in fact, not only has she come with what smells like Chinese food, but she's also got a bag of what smell like freshly made fritters as well.

Nobody in their right mind would likely otherwise combine the two fares, but to Wanda it seemed a perfect thing to do. In part because she was passing by the bakery where the fritters were being made, and it was their grand opening, and there was this cute puppy outside the shop that she stopped to pet... things went downhill from there. Or uphill depending on your perspective.

And, because she's Wanda, she's sitting on his bed, bags set neatly in front of her, smiling, waiting for Nolan to show up. Everything the absolutely perfect temperature to enjoy. Because, Wanda.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight is still grumbling when she sees him PASS the door to his room, peeling off his collared business shirt, towards the bathroom next door. One moment he is visible, then not.. But then she seems him limp BACKWARDS and turns to look at her sitting on his bed with surprise. He looks at his lovely.. well his lovely love, whom he has NOT got to see much for a while, then at the food, then back at her and her smile.

"Uhm, did I forget you were coming over?" he asks as he limps into the room, keeping te shirt on even if it is unbuttoned. "I mean, you know I love it when you are here but I thought you were busy or something.. Did I miss a call. Not that you have to call.." he seems confused.. GOOD confused, but confused.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda gives a soft smile. "No, you did not miss a call. I did just miss you. I do not know what it is you were so busy with, but it was too long. So I did decide that I would come and bring dinner. And if you were too busy after the dinner, then I would go home."

She cants her head ever so slightly to one side, considering him. "I was also thinking that maybe I might not go home. That maybe we could be busy?"

She says the words carefully, and without rushing them, but still there's a sense that she has to get them out quickly or she'll be too shy or something to utter them. And almost immediately as she says them, she quickly covers her fluster up with, "It is okay, though. We do not have to be busy."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight blinks at her, as if he isn't quite following everything she said. It's understandable. It's been a rough day/week/weeks and somethings things get muddled together. So it takes a moment for him to parse everything she says..He opens his mouth to say something.. then closes it... Then waltzes over to the end of the bed and sits down.

"No.. No we don't need to have to be.. busy.." he admits, looks at the food, then her again. "But... sometimes need has nothing to do with having to, right?" he asks, then clears his throat.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Now it is Wanda who takes a turn at looking confused. It's no small matter - the pair have been waltzing around their relationship like they've been cosplaying Chip and Dale, forever bending and bowing to the possible needs or concerns of the other to the point of painful politeness.

"Nolan? Are we talking about the very same thing?"

Of course she doesn't spell out what she's talking about, so they may be entering into another round of 'after you' 'no, after you'.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight regards her for a moment, mulling over his her question, then smiles a bit.. It's sort of shy, but also mischevious as well. "Well.. I would like to think we are. Talking about the same thing, I mean." he says. The mage chuckles a bit. "I mean, I COULD be being supid here. But I took from that being 'Busy' as.. getting busy.. Maybe I'm wrong but.. I would like to think I'm not." he tells her as he leans in and plants a kiss on her lips.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
There's a pleased little look from Wanda, who nods, only to be caught in a kiss. "I do not know why they call it that, but yes, I was thinking that maybe we should. I would like memories of you, and not just the ones I have of another me in another place."

She crinkles her nose at him, and pats the bed, urging him to come sit and join her for food.

"It is very strange to have those memories in my head. And two grown boys! But they are there, and me." She pauses. "It does not make you uncomfortable to have this discussion? About me, and him, I mean?"

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight smiles, despide his slightly discheveled state, a real warm smile and a nod. "Oh, I can think of a few reasons theyc all it 'getting busy' but then again, I am sure I have a slightly more vase nature and sense of humor than you do.." he jests, then pulls himself to the spot she pats, taking her hand in his and pressing it against his bare stomach, just to feel her. ANd to show her he is definately here and real.

"I've told you before, lovely. I do not mind. I really don't. This is part of you. I accept that. But you're still /here/, with /me/. Accepting the current reality of who I am.. and who we are. Making memories, ot just reliving them. How can I not accept that?" he asks softly.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Exactly," Wanda breathes out, relieved. "I thought how silly it was that here we were, two people who love one another, and we are not making those memories. And I don't even know why it is that we haven't. There always did seem some reason? Mostly, it felt like we were afraid."

Her fingers are warm against his skin. Just as real as he is.

"But we are not crass, so we will eat dinner first, and you will tell me all about the things you have been doing. And I will tell you about the dinner I had at House."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight snorts once, but there is a strange look in his eyes.. Part amusement. Part... something more heady. "Speak for yourself, lovely. You may be refined and posh, something I adore about you, but I definately am crass. I just try to hide it from you as best I can." he tease, and his hand rubs against yours where it rests.

He looks down at the food, then at her.. like he has to think about it. "But yes, we can do food. But I'm feeling a bit underdressed here." he points out, though he isn't TOO underdressed.. just shirtless. ANd he's pointing it out to tease her a bit.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda laughs again. "Oh, Nolan, I could be more.. less? I am not sure which it is. And I do like you the way you are. You make me happy. Even if you say things like getting busy."

His mention of being underdressed gets a small tsk of sound from the woman. "It is hot outside. I think I am the one who is overdressed. Only, I do not notice the heat so much if I do not wish to." She looks playfully thoughtful. "Would you prefer to be more dressed, or should I make you more comfortable and be less dressed?"

her fingers curl with his for a moment, then release, passing him the chinese food bag while he decides.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight gratefully takes teh offered bag of food, reaching into it and pulling out a carton of shrmp lo mein (his favbourite, she knows him so well) and a pair of chopsticks. A wry looks, almost innocent (though not quite) expression passes over his face.

"I think that if you don't know the answer to THAT question by now, we're utterly hopless.." he deadpans, then winks as he pops open the container, sitting crosslegged (with some effort, of course) and starts stirring the food inside. "But lets go with the latter, not the former."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Nolan!" Wanda says in mock-shock, most definitely teasing him. She starts to unbutton her shirt, to even the playing field. "See, I would have thought you were going to say, nono, to keep my clothes on, and then I would have to tease you and make you blush by taking my shirt off anyway."

She pauses and looks over at him. "It is silly, isn't it?" Under her shirt she's wearing a fairly pretty bra. A simple demi-cup, with lace. Nothing hugely fancy. Nothing that shrieks 'hey I came over to seduce you' - just.. about what he'd expect Wanda would wear any given day of the week.

What he might not expect is the careless ease with which she tosses her shirt onto the floor of his bedroom.

"There. Now we are even and we can stop with all the blushing and stuttering." She pulls a carton of Tai Dop Voy from the bag, as well as some egg rolls, and notes, "There are some soup too. I thought we could heat them up later if we did not want them now?"

Chopsticks are fended with ease as she goes to town on dinner, clearly not shy about eating in front of him.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight is laughing as she teasing him, focusing more on the food than her actions as she unbuttons her shirt. He chews on a mouthfull of noodles, then swallows as he picks up another nestle of then and grins. "I doudt Iwould blush that much..." he says, taking another moutfull and chewing... And then blinking as she simply doffs the shirt.

He stares at her, suprised. As much as he teased her, he didn't really expect her to.. to.. He doesn't even blink, his eyes wide as he.. well.. Stares. It may not be 'let me seduce you' ware, but it's something hshe's never revealed to him before either.. His mouth is SLIGHTLY open, a few noodles dangling out of it as his eyes dip slightly... face a bit flushed, yes. He looks to be a bit lost for words..

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda nearly collapses in giggles at the reaction. "What? You did sleep next to me in your bed, wearing your shirt. That was much more clsoe than this!" But she can't help be pleased that she's left him a bit speechless, even as she points out, "You are going to lose all your noodles in your lap. And then I will laugh at you."

Still, her bravado only goes so far, "It is okay, yes? I mean, it is more than a bathing suit. Only, I guess it is a little bit intimate because it is not a bathing suit. Only that is strange, do you not think?"

She gives a thoughtful nod. "There are whole beaches where people do wear less. I wonder, what is it that they find to be sexy." Now she blushes furiously. "This is sexy, isn't it?" Only the way she asks isn't like 'hey I just went out of my way to seduce you' but more along the lines of 'oh gosh, this is alright, isn't it? that I just took my top off in front of you'.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight is silent a moment longer, then realizes, as she points out, his noodles are hanging... Wait, that may not have been the best description. He quickly sluprs up the lo mein, swallows, and blushes a bit more, though still smiles.

Laugh at me as much as you wish, lovely, but I am not laughing at /you/." he assures her. He shifts a bit where he sits now. "It is.. more than okay, Wanda. I mean.. You are.." he tries to find the words now, absently stirring his noodles.

"It's not that it's sexy, Wanda." he finally says. "Though it is. It's that you.. are desirable. I mean. Very very desirable. painfully so." he whispers. "The only reason you should feel uncomfortable is because of.. teh thoughts I am having."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The blush subsides some, Wanda poking her chopsticks into her carton, only to ask, "You are not having thoughts about doing illegal things?"

She's otherwise perplexed as to why she should be uncomfortable, having already decided and discussed that *not* being together was really rather silly and absurd on their parts.

"Explain, please."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight sighs, but it is a sigh filled with humor and (perhaps) something a bit more.. hungry? But he's eating, why would he sound like that. "Explain what? That I have thoughts.. That I dream of of doing things to you?" he asks, slowly. "Base things. Carnal things."

He sets the carton aside and leans over, his hands cupping her face so he can stare directly into her eyes. There is a dark warmth inside of them, a smouldering. "Think about the most private, naughty things you have ever wanted, every dreamed, ever /imagined/ done to you. Things that have scarred you, but made you burn with need inside of you. Things you have never admitted to anyone. Thats what I am thinking, Wanda."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda looks distant for a few moments.. Okay, longer than a few moments. And some of those moments have her blushing prettily, only to have her drift back to the conversation at hand, "But isn't that what we are talking about doing? Those things? Or did I not understand what it was that getting busy was? I do not think I am supposed to be worrying about you doing those things, Nolan?"

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight grins now, and shakes his head. he pulls your face close to is and sighs. "Wanda.. please.. Never change." he says with a laugh, and smothers her lips in a deep kiss.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Never," Wanda promises, returning the kiss. And perhaps dinner is forgotten for a long while in favour of other things. It will still be hot, though, waiting for them, neatly off to the side of the bed where it can't spill or be knocked over - because that, too, is Wanda. And maybe, just maybe, Nolan finds there are reasons he should have been blushing...

Deadwatch has posed:
Who knows how much time passes. It's been a flurry of images and sensations emotions and situations that only two consenting adults in love could find themselves in. Some awkwardly humorous, some passionately ardourous, many a blur between the two extremes.

But as much as passion and spirit is willing, they are limited by the shortcomings of the human body. And as the faint first glow of morning starts to hit the window above them, the lovers find themselves entangled in sheets and limbs, their body's pressed tightly and aglow with the pantina of hard earned sweat that has cooled on their flushed skin.

His arms wrapped around her, Nolan rests his forehead against that of the lovely witch he holds, his heartbeat slow and steady after a nigh of having it hammering against his chest. Half asleep, he wriggles his nose as some of her hair brushes against his face, tensing a bit as if he might sneeze... almost.. almost... No, he catches himself, and takes a deep breath.

"Will you move in with me?" he asks, his voice muffled with satisfaction of the moment, of the moments that LED to this moment. It's probably the first cohesive sentence he's uttered in.. well.. hours. Not that he had held his toungue all that time, or her, but he is sure that whatever they said in the previous hours of their intimacy were things less than polite among normal company.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Somewhere out there, there are guardian angels, or spirits, or just those who have passed in and out of the pair's lives, who are eternally grateful this evening has happened, likely whispering a heartfelt, "It's about time", perhaps without knowing why, but feeling the rightness of the sentiment.

As for Wanda, she's a content tangle of limbs with Nolan, giving a happy little sigh when his question comes to her. Giggling at the puff of air as the tendril of hair is blown away from his face.

"Move in? You do mean, to come live here like it is my home?" Her head is turned and she regards his face, drinking in the oh, so familiar features of it. "It is what you want? Not just because we did share these things?"

Her question is soft, and tentative, as though she knows he may be feeling some obligation, given his treatment of her, always, as something precious and to be protected.

Deadwatch has posed:
Yeah well... Nolan isn't sure that /angels/ would be whispering something so tame and understanding about some of the things they just did, but he is sure there is a demon or two smirking somewhere.. And a few spirits who are making a few crass (though heartfelt) jokes at his expense.

But who cares. Nolan sure doesn't. He's laying, basquing even, in the glow of his lover, and the whole world could come to an end right now and he wouldn't give a flying fig.

He blows the strands of hair from his face, chuckling as he squeezes her close to him and shakes his head. "No. I want you here because you /belong/ here." he whispers. "Not just because we did the beast with two backs.. I mean that's totally an incentive and all..." he says, trying for deadpan as best he can but this time he can't pull it off and he grins goofily, though his eyes are soft. "I want you hear because... I want you here. Does that makes sense?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda, likewise, has no care for the world around them at this moment. For all she knows, there is no world around them right now. It certainly does feel like there is only the two of them and nothing more.

His words reassure her, and, turning to her side to face him right properly (as one does in such moments as this), there's a nod from the woman, fingers playing out along his chest.

"I do know what you mean. It did take so long to get here, and now it does feel like the right place to be." She gives Nolan a mock serious look. "Which is to say, yes, I would very much like to make my home here with you."

Then she giggles. "Why do people call it that. Do they really? Beast with two backs? It does not sound nearly like it is." Yes, yes, she understands the visual, and the why.. but not the *why*. "It does make it sound like people wish to make it light. Like it does not matter to be with someone like that. Or like.. maybe like it is a mistake? If it is a funny joke, then they do hide? Why is it that people do not just say that they wish to be with someone this way?"

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan grins. "Because people are sacks of hormones and conflicting emotions, Wanda. And cultural or religious guilt.. Or all those things put together. Who really knows why people, us included, just can't come out and say it. It just is. Probably why there are so many other euphamisms for it.. Not just the two-backed beast either. I mean.." he thinks about it a moment..

"Bludgeoning the flaps... Chesterfield rugby... Doing the Devilâ??s dance... Exploring Punarnia... Forbidden polka... Getting oneâ??s canoe shellacked... Hiding the bishop..."

Yes... he's giving the euphamisms.. in alphabetical order.. At least to the letter H, where he stops and kisses the crown of her head. "Sorry... But yes.. Please.. Stay.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda gets the giggles as Nolan runs down a listing of all the crass euphemisms for doing the deed. "Bludgeoning the flaps? That sounds like we should be battening down the hatches for a storm. Terribly silly. Though maybe not as silly as the polka one."

She's still laughing when he kisses her.

"I think I would very much like to stay, yes."