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Latest revision as of 23:01, 2 October 2018

Changeling: My Father's Daughter
Date of Scene: 28 September 2018
Location: Helicarrier
Synopsis: Skye bumps into Fury, and wanders off again, having voiced some of her concerns and questions, without any answers. It's not his fault.
Cast of Characters: Nick Fury, Quake
Tinyplot: Changeling

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury is once more on the bridge. This time, he doesn't seem to be too busy. The console beside him is scrolling on all the latest intel, but Fury was not looking at it. This time he was standing, looking out over the area with a frown, and his hands behind his back, almost relaxed. The main screen shows the clouds and the area as the Helicarrier moved forward. It was a bright, sunny day, and nothing seemed to be threatening them at this time. It was one of those perfect moments...

Quake has posed:
Perfect moments have a way of getting away from us.. Or perhaps they're just perfect in different ways.

Skye arrives on the bridge, a shadow of her usual chipper self; drawn and tired looking. Miserable for lack of a better word.

And unlike her usual sass and snap as she interupts Director Fury, this time she's a solemn and silent figure at his side until he acknowledges her.

Nick Fury has posed:
    ...and the moment is gone. Was that a sigh that escapes his lips? Fury takes his hands from behind his back, and crosses them in front of him as Skye arrives. Although his back was to her, it was like he sensed her or something. Looking to his left, Fury nods slightly, and then returns to his vigil.

    "Are you alright?" Fury says, quiet enough that the only person that hears him say that, is Skye. "Been a rough few weeks. If you need anything..." Fury doesn't say it, just keeps his eyes on the screen ahead.

Quake has posed:
Skye just shakes her head. No. She's not alright. She's not even trying to be alright.

"I killed someone."

Not the opening salvo she wanted to make, but it's what crosses her lips first.

"I know why. I know it was necessary. Just, it's never been me before." And as she pictures the man falling backwards, and the hostage he was using as a shield slumping with terrified relief, Skye knows that's not what all this is about.

"He's never going to stop," she says quietly. "I know what has to be done, and why, so why do I feel so shitty about it? Why isn't it okay? I don't want him. I don't want that monster.." She shrugs. There isn't a win in this situation. It's not so much she needs anything said or done to reassure as she's caught in the web of too many realities colliding, and how none of the answers are good ones.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury nods, silently, and looks at Skye for the briefest of moments. His eyes look her over, and his frown lessens before returning to the screen. "Not an easy thing to deal with." Fury says, calmly. "It was necessary, but you have to deal with that the best way you can. I can support you, and be there for you, but it is still something that happened. And you will always remember." Fury stops.

    "You do know what has to be done. You feel shutty about it because of who you are. Never lose sight of that." Fury hrms, and adds, "I have been there, Skye. Many times. As long as the pain never stops, you are okay. The monster is always there. Waiting. We just need to know that we are not the monster."

Quake has posed:
"I'd run, but it won't solve anything." That much she knows is true. Eventually they'd still be circling this same sinkhole of a dilemna. "He knows you have one of the crystals."

At least one.

"You know, I always thought having parents would be this wonderful thing. Stupid dreams you have when you're young and want to believe life doesn't suck. Other girls had fairy tales. I had these parents who didn't know what happened to me and loved me and wanted me back."

Fury gets a wan smile. "Instead I get a rage machine who likes to rip people apart in his spare time and plans on turning me into a mini-him. So, yeah. My life sucks. I'm holed up here until.."

Another shrug. "It's what has to be done, isn't it? Like, there's no way we can safely hold him, is there?" Pleading, almost, wanting there to be a solution that isn't a bullet to his brain, even as she also wants to be done with this all and go back to the dream of parents who were never real, just like fairy tales never were.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury nods in his infuriating way. In this case, he is trying to be supportive. "Ah. The crystals." Fury goes right from dealing with angst, the the nitty gritty. "I see." Then back to emotions. "Parents. Indeed. Glad I never had any." Fury says, and shakes his head. "Yes. It probably is what has to be done." Fury nods. "However, maybe you need to think and re-think before it is all done. Maybe we can hold him...until he gets out." Fury was no help at all.

Quake has posed:
Skye nods. She wasn't really looking for answers. She'd merely gotten tired of running this through her mind on her own. And Clint, love him, was bending over backwards so hard to support her that he was falling to see that she needed.. to talk to someone not so concerned with making her life easier.

"Sure," she mutters absently, and without much further ado, just wanders off. Darcy.. maybe Darcy would give her a kick in the pants and sort her out...