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Latest revision as of 23:09, 2 October 2018

External Communications
Date of Scene: 29 September 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Professor X, Ekaterina Vespucci

Professor X has posed:
     It's a beautiful day in New York City. The Sun is barely covered by a clouded sky, and a very soft, cool breeze hangs in the air. It was cold enough to permit earing a light jacket to help defend from the cold...it'd be a shame if someone became ill today!

     But, in the parks, people dance and play. They enjoy their time with friends and loved ones. Children play either with their friends or play fetch with their dogs. All in all, it is a very peaceful time. But one Charles Xavier also appears to be in the area. Wheeling himself up to the chess board tables, the kind, elderly man seems to have been on a winning streak. And he wasn't even reading minds! He's just //that// good.

He appears to be waiting for someone.


During one of Charles's sessions with Cerebro, he happened to notice an exceptionally strong mutant being out and about. Thus...did he make contact.

He said who he was, and where she could meet him. He wanted to be certain that she wasn't a threat....and, he wanted to try and gain information from her about Crule.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Charles would be somewhat taken aback if that were possible at this stage given his long list of experiences with mutants who he encounters with this woman. Indeed this Contessa Ekaterina Vespucci appears for all intents to be around her late teens to early twenties. This woman who is his contact is a small girl standing at no more than five foot two. She is wearing winter clothing even though it is only the cusp of the chilly season. A beanie and a heavy sweater occlude her tiny frame. Most notable about Ekaterina are her large cornflower blue eyes which scan her surrounds. These large eyes are fixed in a very childlike expressive even angelic face. There was no need for telepathy where Ekaterina was concerned her angelic little expressive face could tell you immediately what she was thinking. And this was what now passed for an all powerful mutant who had sewen the passage of centuries? What was the world coming to?

This small girl sits astride CHarles and smile sweetly making eye contact with her anime sized peepers asking, "Are you Professor Charles Xavier?"

Professor X has posed:
Charles wasn't exactly surprised by Kat's appearance. He's seen her before with Cerebro! Regardless, Charles gives the woman in front of him a warm smile as she comes to greet him as she sits beside him. "Hello, young lady." he smiles. "I am. I've been expecting you, Miss Vespucci." He smiles, extending his hand to her to give hers a friendly shake.

"Would you like to play a game of chess?"

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat gives a small curtsey before she takes a seat, "Sono la Contessa Ekaterina Vespucci," she introduces herself in Italian. "Everyone just calls me Kat and I perfer it. I can play. I also brought a thermace of coffeee and some of my favorite donuts. If you'd care to indulge." For Kat immortality was a bit of a raw deal. Her enhanced senses made it her extra sensitive to pain every time she was killed and came back. But she could eat whatever the hell she liked without major or minor repercussion. And she liked hazelnut cream filled Italian donuts.

She shakes Charles hand, "This is not a socialvisit I take it? Not entirely? How much do you know about me?"

Professor X has posed:
Charles would bow, but...you know. Paraplegic. Can't do a whole lot from the waist down, hence the wheelchair! Either way, Charles seems to smile a tad warmer when Kat offers him coffee. "Oh, I'd love some. How kind of you." Charles gives a small bow of his head in gratitude before he shakes her hand. When she asks her questions, Charles knows it's business time.

"Well, mostly a social visit." he smiles. "I know that you are a mutant of exceptional ability. With similar powers as to myself. I know that you are an immortal who's lifespan goes back to how many centuries. Also, I now know that you enjoy an Italian persona. If you had one before this, I don't quite know." he smiles then.

"But...I am simply wanting to make sure that, unlike other mutants with similarities to yourself, you arn't a danger to almost everyone you come across." Charles is blunt, but at the same time, he has a very grandfatherly nature to him.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat gingerly pours Charles a cup of coffee from her thermice furnishing him with an unsolicited but delicious nutella filled donut as well. She is more than civil as always. Aye even outright charitable.

"I don't know whether I have exceptional ability. I can attest to having lived some 1200 years and to the impossibility of killing me. Decapitation and burning at the stake not working. Perhaps I come back to life faster than almost all of my peers but I am not as potent. I have all the mutant 'tel' abilities telepathy (not as great as yours) telekenesis (not as great as many of your students) and teleportation (you probably have alot of students who are better at that than me). I am just stuck here and nobody can do anything about it. That's my superpower. And I'm good at art." She continues, "Actually for an immortal I kind of suck sorry."

"As for whether I am dangerous. Well basically I am human and so the answer is always yes is it not? My 'race' if it can be called as such since there are no more than 11 of us includes Apocalypse and the Warlord Crule. They are Evolution and Ferocity personified. I am supposed to be Artifice. Our oldest sister at close to 20000 years of age is Corruption. I have always wanted the best for humanity but my actions end in calamity. Others relish the calamity. There is no good External only a war of the bad against the worse. You are a very charming avuncular gentleman so I will not lie to you. It's a tale of gods and monsters with mostly monsters."

Professor X has posed:
Charles seems to remain rather calm and actually rather intrigued by the way that Kat speaks. So, she's not as powerful as the External reputation would suggest. Though honestly, the strongest External that CHarles had ever known about or of was Apocalypse. Though Selene Gallio is a good runner up.

Charles seems to nod a few times. "I see." Though when she says that she kinda sucks, it makes the old man before her start to laugh a little bit. "Oh please. Every mutant is strong in their own way. For you, I can tell you have a kind heart. Your compassion may be your strongest ally."

Now as she tells him more about Externals in general, Charles seems to nod. Well, she's managed to convince him that she's not a plague so...good for her. "I see, I see. Well, so long as you're not actively trying to destroy humanity or the world for that matter, I suppose you will not find a foe in me."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"I'm actively trying to save humanity - I own commercial art galleres in most major cities in America and a nightclub. I need humanity to go to those things and shop there," Kat says smiling sweetly.

"Others say I am wasting the gifts the Godshave given me by doing such silly things," Kat munches a donut and makes a move, "and by others I mean Crule and by gods I mean Crom and Mitra and a bunch of other deities lost to history. Me I'm Roman Catholic. 1200 years old is too young for those Gods. I'll stick to teaching Art history at the local community college. My ruling the world days are over. Did you know I was the Holy Roman Empress?" Kat asks idly.

Professor X has posed:
Charles seems to nod quite softly to Kat, before he seems to chuckle a bit. "You can never waste a gift that god had given you. The only way you could ever possibly do so is to not use your gift for the benefit of others." Charles gave her a small bit of a wink.

"I did. I saw a glimpse of it in your memories. Quite the achievement, you know." he smiles to her just a little bit as he sips his coffee. "Alas, it is almost time for me to return home. Is there anything you'd like to discuss, Ekaterina?"

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"You dragged me out here Professor - I almost feel as though I am attending an informal dissertation. I suppose I should invite you and any of your students that would care to attend to my grand event where I will be auctioning alot of art from my galleries in New York and elsewhere for charity. I'll send details to you and tickets as well for however many want to come. There will be celebrities there I even managed to snag Diana Prince aka Wonderwoman for the event if she is available." Kat munches her donut.

"I'm not sure that entering into an arranged marriage as Engelberga of Parma the Supponid amounts to an achievement - which is what landed me the Empress gig. But thanks I guess." Kat smiles at Professor X in her angelic little manner.

"Take care and visit me or my galleries alone or with your students as and when you'd like. My doors are always open to the X family." Kat was absurdly friendly for a member of her 'Elder Brood' as Crule put it.

Professor X has posed:
Absurdly friendly indeed. Regardless, Charles appeared to be quite open to Kat, a kind smile on his face. "Either way, my dear, it's been lovely meeting you. But I must away. I'll gladly see if I can put together a field trip for my students."

He then starts to wheel himself away. "Safe travels, my lady! Next time, we shall play chess." and off the Professor goes!