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Latest revision as of 23:19, 2 October 2018

Tournament: Conversation and Training
Date of Scene: 01 October 2018
Location: Kairos
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Zeitgeist (Julius), Daredevil, Elektra
Tinyplot: Tourney

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist sits on a rock, watching as various combatants go about doing their daily exercise and training rituals. He's still wearing that mask. He's not really moving so he may or may not be awake

Daredevil has posed:
Daredevil had a restless night but he's up early with the rest to practice. He holds back, trying to preserve the element of surprise, not that'd help him in his first match, he was slated to face Elektra, there was no person Earth who knew him better.

Finishing his exercises and sensing Zeitgiest on his rock, Daredevil wanders over. "Mind if I join you?" he asks.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist says, "Sure." He glances over to Daredevil, though he smirks a bit, "I guess moving my head is reflexive.. You seem to see pretty well with that mask on too." Straight to the Point huh? "It's an honor though to meet you.""

Daredevil has posed:
"I know the feeling," Daredevil says with an easy smile about turning one's head. "And yeah, I find it helps me focus, I was taught sight was a distraction, " He says skirting the edges of the truth. Stick did say that, but by then it wasn't as though Matt had a choice in the matter. "So, how do you manage with your mask?" he asks.

As to it being an honour, Daredevil shakes his head. "Wouldn't know about that, but thanks, likewise, I've heard the name before, wasn't sure if you were a myth or not."

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist says, "Well.. I can remove the blinds if I need to. I actually have similar thoughts... sight is a distraction from seeing deeper into things." He ponders this a bit, "Since we both have secrets that need protecting..." he looks back towards other combatants, "I'm a radio reciever when it comes to people's energies. I can sense all of the people on this island. Right now.. I'm trying my best to pay little to no attention.. I'm usually used to sensing millions.. this is more personal.""

Daredevil has posed:
Daredevil gives a nod and then sinks down to sit in the sand next to the rock. "That's got to be distracting back home, sensing everyone around you like that," he says meaning New York. "For my part it's all senses, if I don't shut them out, I could probably hear all the heartbeats on the island. Mostly though I just keep things focused on what's immediately around me," there's a wry smile. "Keeps things more sane."

He glances over at Zeitgeist, "So you've really been around since Nero? Been doing this," he nods to the mask. "Since then too?" he means the hero thing.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist says, "So you are blind.. I tried to not to notice... couldn't see myself when you came over here. Being a Hero? On and Off. It got complex at times, there was no good choice to make during some of history."

He explains, "when every option you are given will hurt someone, is there really a lesser choice? And I don't mean simply a bit of pain.. I mean, possible escalating deaths on both sides.""

Daredevil has posed:
Matt's gut instinct is to lie, the words come to mind but before he can form them he changes his mind and simply nods.

As to the rest, "I can understand that," Daredevil nods. "So, when you found what you were doing wasn't going to help and you had no good options, you stepped back for awhile?" he asks.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist nods, "Nothing I could do but guide from the shadows. I tried to be a politician, teacher, or clergy, trying to guide them to choose better choices, but how could I myself be the chooser of the fate of a people. Some of the toughest were such when North America was being settled... natives were being slaughtered, I had to act.. but It was not enough.. after endless wave after wave. I moved further west."

Daredevil has posed:
Frowning Daredevil nods, "Was it better? Guiding from the shadows, putting on a legitimate face rather than wearing a mask?" he asks. "Or did it work out about the same?"

The last bit, earns a look of sympathy from Daredevil. "That must have been horrible. Watching whole peoples destroyed. So, what brought you back from the West?" he asks.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist watches the combatants in their exercises still, as he chats with Daredevil, "It felt like I was doing nothing when I influenced others to do the right thing.. I broke down a few times, decided to take action." He sighs, "you do learn what battles need to be fought.." he changes back to the previous topic, "The settlers made it to the Pacific and I was backed into a corner again. I fought alongside the dying tribes at that point. THe history books tells what happened." He tries to pull himself out of this dark emotional moment, "But, honestily things aren't always so dire and choiceless.. You've chosen your own battles pretty well. You've listened to the voices of the people and you've acted. Selfless and with no gain of your own." He looks over, "I'm not sure exactly what people, education, and social ties made you choose to become that voice but.. it's nice to see."

Daredevil has posed:
Daredevil takes that in with a solemn nod.

"How'd you handle it afterwards, when the side you chose lost and you couldn't do anything to stop it?" he asks, there is definitely something personal to the question.

The rest, it's welcomed, Daredevil smiles, "Thanks, nice to have fans," he quips wryly, before taking a more serious tone. "I'll spare you the whole tale, but mostly I learned my skills early, then walked way from that life, tried to be normal, tried to be someone good without having to resort to violence, it didn't work. As much as I tried, every night I went to bed with the sounds of other's suffering in my ears, eventually it got to be too much, I had to act, I couldn't live with myself otherwise," he says before giving a shrug. "The rest his history."

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist answers the queries of the younger vigilante in the order he asked, "After you watch your side die, and all hope lost, you cry yourself to sleep at night, you have nightmares for a long time, you eventually need to forgive yourself and.." he pauses a bit, "the ones who killed them. In the future, they will be the ones you will be influencing and educating." He offers briefly, "I came as a guest and watcher but it's been a while since I fought for myself. Did you come to challenge yourself?"

Daredevil has posed:
Daredevil lets out a breath, considering, "I think I can manage the first two parts, it's the forgiveness of myself and others that I think will be the challenge." Especially forgiving himself. "Guess having a long view like yours makes that part easier. More time to heal and like you say, you've got to teach those people next."

Lost in thought for a moment Daredevil glances over, "Hmm? Oh, yeah, I guess you can say I came here ot challenge myself, besides, always did like a good fight. How come you didn't take part?"

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist says, "Well, you don't have to worry about teaching their great-great grand children, so.. forgiving them so far is not a rushing manner. Not something I've done in a while... Maybe I can see about if I can join the challenge." he shrugs, "I'm fine with watching if not. I've forgiven most but I still have a few open wounds from the modern age myself.""

Daredevil has posed:
Daredevil hehs, "True, I guess that's not going to be my problem," he admits. It was strange to think about living forever. "How do you deal with it? Your life span, by the way, I mean you knew people growing up who's great-great-great grandchildren are dead." He cocks his head. "Assuming you grew up." He wasn't exactly sure if Zeitgiest was human.

"Well Elektra is running this show, so she's the one you'd need to talk to, but the pairings may already be set in stone," he warns, before he nods. "I bet," he says of the modern age. "What about now? I've heard rumours of you operating in New York, is that true?"

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist says, "I grew up... Just got stuck from being physically older then what I am. I feel good for a few millenia old." He nods, "I am. I have a few projects at work, I've visited Gotham too but I set up shop in the worse part of New York, East Harlem.. Home of the Library but also the highest crime rate in the city.""

Daredevil has posed:
"Ah," Daredevil says with a nod. "How'd all that happen?" he asks.

"Harlem huh? When my friend Luke Cage gets back into town I'll have to introduce you, he's been keeping an eye on that part of the city as well," Daredevil offers. "I am sure he'd appreciate the help."

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist says, "Who knows... we're all the same, we all seek the same things.. mutant, altered, humans, and even aliens. Most aliens at least." He gets up, "You interested in a little bit of a spar...I've never seen you actually fight with my own eyes." he hits a button on the side of his mask, and with a click his 'goggles' go transparent."

Elektra has posed:
Elektra had spent the evening in contemplation since her guests had arrived. It had taken an extreme act of will to not merely rush to Matt's side and spend time with him. Even now, she had to guard her movements somewhat - there were plans in motion that could be disastrous if set off prematurely.

Still, there was a certain amount of freedom knowing that soon it would all be over. That there was nothing more that could be held over her head and used to manipulate her. It was just that the finality of it all filled her with.. regret wasn't the word. She didn't regret her choices. But something akin.

Her footsteps had her wandering the grounds. And the soft murmur of voices caught her attention and had her moving towards the Boardwalk and docks. Most of the torches lighting the beach had gone out. They would be replaced over the day, but for now, it was mostly just the lights upon the Boardwalk and dock that illuminated things there; low subdued light.

Still, she could see who was speaking: Matthew and Zeitgeist.

She approaches.

Daredevil has posed:
"That's my take on it too. Basically people are people whatever their DNA says," Daredevil agrees.

Then at the offer to spar, "Sure you're not trying to take me out early if you're going to get into the tourney?" he jokes even as he gets to his feet and dusts himself off. "But sure, we can do that."

The lack of reaction to the goggles changing might have given away that Daredevil is blind even if Zeitgiest hadn't already guessed. Though that lack of reaction could have something to do with his attention being focused on the woman coming towards them across the beach.

"Might have to put the sparring on hold for a few, our host is coming," Daredevil says, as he nods in Elektra's direction.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist stretches a bit, he removes the two sheathes off his back and places them on the rock he was just sitting at.. the hilts on the blades look ancient. "Well, maybe she's just trying to sneak a peek at her challengers.. I say we give her a little bit of something to watch." he grins

Elektra has posed:
Elektra's voice comes richly through the shadows. She's heard Matt's words, and while they can't see her, and she could just stand back and pretend... She also would miss an opportunity to be nearer him. And, truth be known, she found Zeitgeist an interesting guest. She certainly wasn't of a mind to avoid him. Quite the opposite, really.

"Why sneak a peek when you can come and watch outright?" She moves close enough that now they both can see it is her. "I must confess, not the partnering I expected. But don't let me stop you."

Daredevil has posed:
Daredevil's attention barely leaves Elektra, even as he walks out onto the sands. "Well then I hope it's a fight worth watching," he says to her with a smile.

He takes a ready stance, fists up like a boxer, but his stance speaks of other arts as well, with how he places his feet and steadies himself on the uneven ground.

"Ready when you are," Matt says to Zietgiest.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist presses his palms together as he centers himself, his palms are out and facing Daredevil's boxer-like pose.

"And don't worry about my age, kid.." he winks, "It's hard to break me permanently."

He lunges forward with one palm towards Daredevil's chest, his other palm raised and near his own face ready to guard against retalation.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra inclines her head to both when Matt makes his comment, "I have no doubt either of you will disappoint."

She finds herself a nearby perch to settle down in and watch. Matt is right, it should be a good fight. And the first one of the Tournamment, however unofficially made.

Daredevil has posed:
Yes, Daredevil is definitely more than a boxer. When the blow comes for his chest Daredevil tries to slip inside the blow and counter with a punch to the face. A Wing Chun move, stressing strikes instead of blocks, then he makes a grab for Zietgiest's shoulders, trying to drive a knee into his gut.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist is taken back a bit as the man shows that he indeed is a man of many talents. The punch to his face is deflected but as the grab is made to his shoulders, he raises his own knee across the incoming one... he pushes off, "This definitely makes me want to at least watch skilled fighters. I've been fighting the broken nose crowd too long, they barely know how to fall right." He starts to spring back and forth between his two legs, something you might see in kickboxing, he motions Daredevil on with his now clenched hands, "Your turn."

Elektra has posed:
Elektra can't help a tiny smirk. Just a tiny one. She's seen Matt before. Hell, she's /fought/ Matt before. He's a lot more than he looks to be. And the man was taught by Stick, just as she had been. It would be a poor testimony to Stick's teachings were Matt merely expected.

Zeigeist is something more of a surprise - if only because Elekta has no experience with which to gauge him. Though she's learned long ago not to judge people by perceived age or ability.

She's content to watch without stepping in, though a tempting thought does cross her mind.

Daredevil has posed:
Daredevil grins even as he's pushed back. Elektra would recognize some of the old Matt in that grin; reckless and free.

He gives Zietgeist some space, a chance for some words. "Heh, I've been knee deep in ninjas, happy to trade you anytime," he's barely finished that last syllable before he leaps, twisting in the air to build downforce as he strikes with a the heel of his foot aimed at Zietgiest's mask.

For Elektra, there is no surprise in that move, it's one of Matt's favourites, his movements are smooth from practice but it does make him predictable.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist he bounces to one side to avoid the incoming heel. In the same motion, he sends a quick but not very powerful punch towards the man's own mask. He follows that up with his other hand with a jab towards the devil's midsection.

To the skilled observer, Zietgeist looks like he's probably has been training in numerous fighting styles but.. he lacks any real recent practice.

Daredevil has posed:
Daredevil is fast but not so fast as to dodge the head shot and the blow to the mid-section, he spins clear of the headshot but takes the fist hard to his middle. He's still standing though, and still grinning. Daredevil seems to be the reverse of Zeitgiest, trained in only a handful of styles but with plenty of recent practice.

He jabs left, follows with a right hook, then a sweep to the legs, all of them feints followed by another leaping, twisting move, a punch from above to the top of the other man's mask.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Zeitgeist is too much into defending each blow, feints are not something that the knuckleheads he's been fighting recently really do, so when he finally send a real blow to his mask, he stumble backwards and onto his back, "Namaste." he calls from the ground, "Okay, okay. I think I need to stay just a spectator for this right now. Maybe after I spend the next lifetime practicing I'll have a chance." He gets up and does a slight bow..