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Latest revision as of 17:19, 11 October 2018

Aeterna is Spiff
Date of Scene: 02 October 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Kat and Deadpool meet about one of Deadpool's targets.
Cast of Characters: Ekaterina Vespucci, Deadpool

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
'Aeterna' or the Latin for 'Eternal' is the Contess Ekaterina Vespuccis nightclub. The club is a relatively upmarket place in Manhatten with a five large sections cordened off from eachother. There is a restraunt/bar, a dance floor and a main bar area that is more quite than the dance floor. Upstairs there are two VIP areas. On every one of the walls Kat hangs the artwork of her students or artists she is the patron of with her numerous commercial galleries throughout the United States. Only one of Kat's paintings hangs here above the bar. It is a portrait of the great artist Sandro Botticelli partial nude. So true to life the portrait is it looks like a 4k computer product. It's precision makes it hard to look at sometimes.

It is a low traffic evening on a weekday At the main bar there is only one staff member sitting withe the owner chatting quietly. Kat is out of her frumpy freshman winterwear and is in a single piece black number with heels that shows off ehr curves tonight. Kat can never ditch the girl next door kind of beauty that she sports but she does on occasion enhance it. Her bright blue eyes scan the bar for new customers. She sighs - there are precious few tonight.

Deadpool has posed:
    "For fuck sake, I didn't," denies a male voice from the vicinity of the restrooms. "Well. Not intentionally. Intention should be nine tenths of the law, like possession," continues the voice in rapidfire assertiveness. The voice matches the one from the subway interlude, where the masked mercenary had previously seen Ekaterina. His voice tends to be really damn recognizable. Even when he isn't.

    Using his image inducer, he looks nothing like himself. He looks more like somebody's vague recollection of some playboy billionaire, but not specifically any one of them. Maybe someone had a dream about Stark and Wayne and then thought of some actor from Die Hard, but this is where this ended up. At least there's a suit, even if the tie really doesn't match the suit itself. He jogs out of the bathroom, entirely taking in the place as if he'd just walked in the FRONT door. He somehow entered via the restroom, or snuck in earlier, or changed his clothes, or any number of solutions. Maybe this guy has the power to turn invisible. Whatever the case, he wasn't here earlier. With a blink, he realizes there's a bar, and strolls to it, while patting down over his pockets as if hunting for something.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Ekaterina recognises the voice with her eidatic memory from the subway. The red suied mercenary or cosplayer or whatever he was that teleported out of the fray whilst she teleported around it in the fight against the 'Hag' or whatever it was. Since there was a sexy vampire biker and a half demon there this man was perhaps the most normal of the three people she encountered.

"Can we help you sir?" asks the bartender who is a pretty buxom blonde girl with a winning smile. Kat picked her staff well. Kat just watches the exchange between her employee and Deadpool. She eyeballs him with her enhanced mutant senses. She has telepathy but tends not to use it considering it unethical in most circumstances.

Deadpool has posed:
    The image inducer is visual, so it does hold up beautifully well to Ekaterina's super stare. However, there's problems: such as that when he moves, there's slight sounds that don't make sense with the visual: leather sounds and weapons shifting against their holsters don't fit with what he appears to be, nor do scents from his gun arsenal. The sweat and smell of some kind of mint-cookie and chocolate probably don't give much away though overall. He smells a little heavily of the soap from the bathroom, he probably washed his hands (gloves?).

    "Absolutely, hi," Deadpool says, with strong reaction to the bartender, leaning on the bar towards her, and grinning. "I cannot drink right this instant for /reasons/, but I'll buy one anyway. Pink Squirrel." He leans both forearms on the bar more, stretching his shoulders out, and finally fishes out what he was after before, remembering it. "And your eyeballs. On this picture. Not like in a glass all mushy like," he says, setting the photo on the bar. It's a long-distance lens photo of a man getting out of a limousine.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Ekaterina makes the man as both the mercenary from the Subway and is obviouisly suspicious of his disguise but she is used to such subterfuge. As long as he did not cause trouble in her club they were golden. The drink is produced for Deadpool. One that a lifelong drinker Kat had not yet seen so she watches with interest.

The attractive Bartender does not know who the man is but Ekaterina even though she is a fair way away across the bare scopes the photo and says, "Raphael Donatelli. You wont find him here. He's not welcome anymore. His brother tried to kill me twice and succeded the second time. Drilled me three times in the head. Even shot me in the eye." Kat seems to be none the worse for wear. Deadpool might recognise her from the subway hopefully. "We could have used your help in the Subway against the thing that came after the ghosts. Were you off chassing Meltor for Pokemon Go? If so I guess that takes priority. I got him in Gotham in Poison Ivy's garden believe it or not."

The eccentric young looking lady offer her hand to shake, "I'm Kat." she says.

Deadpool has posed:
    "Hi Cat. I'm Wade. You look pretty good for being shot in the face," Deadpool says with what might be interested envy. No disbelief, though. He drags his photo along the bar as he moves to approach Kat instead. "Oh! Pikachu girl! Right? No. You had a...." he tries to get his memory to work properly. "Different outfit. Or hair? Makeup. A lot is different. Perfume?" He suggests. Something is different about her. Perfect memory, absolutely not.

    Deadpool also doesn't seem to mind being recognized. It happens one hell of a lot. "What? No. I turned the power back on. Or the gas. You lived though, so looks like ghosties got busted?" Deadpool suggests. He accepts the handshake. It feels like his leather glove, not a hand, obviously. And slightly moist. He offers her the pink squirrel drink. It looks pink and tasty. "Was old Ralphie here recently, though? Before the headshots? Or his brother Carl?"

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"I'm kind of immortal - a very immortally kind of immortal. No ageing no dying. It still bloody hurts to get clipped though. Especially for me I have heightened senses and hence pain sensativity along with the package." Kat nods, "I was dressed in my usual frumpy stuff - I dress down or so I have been told."

"Raphael's brother... actually let me take a step back I screwed that up - I hope I haven't got a bullet still lodged in my head - No the man in the photo is Raphael Fuchinello and his brother is Donatelli Fuchinello. The latter shot me. You're after his brother? Are you going to do something bad to him? Please say yes? He hasn't won the lotto or inherited alot of money has he?" Kat sets the drink aside in lieu of wanting her questions being answered first.

Deadpool has posed:
    "Oh. Nifty set of assets for you, then. Beautiful too. Won the power lottery, huh? I met this guy once that could shit green mud as his power. He did prove it. I don't ask for proof usually, but that needed to be proven. He WAS full of shit. I lost a bet," Deadpool answers, playing with the ignored pink squirrel since she doesn't want it, just for something to do with his hand. He ends up spilling a little, and wipes the bar off with his wrist, then puts a coaster over the spot, instead of the napkin to the side.

    "I want photo man, but I'm not against a whole collection of Fuchinellos if there's bonus cash in it. Gotta catch 'em all," Deadpool says with a laugh and overly bright grin. Slightly homicidal. "Hell, if somebody wants to pay me to tell him he's won money, fuck, I can do that too. I'm easy."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Nah I didn't do as well as other members of my little tribe of mutants. There are 11 of us totes and even though I'm middling in terms of age I didn't get any super cool powers. Just supersenses and all of the tels. Telepath, Telekenesis and Teleportation. But I heal and ressurrect alot faster than the others. Nothing interesting like green mud powers." Kat smiles sadly.

"Well I kinda need Donatelli alive because he thinks I am dead and I have plans to show up at his house and 'haunt' him in halloween makeup teleporting in and out of his apartment. But you could spank him over your knee if you want and I'd pay quite a bit for the photos?" Continuing, "If you did that he might give up Raphael's location and your quest can continue." Kat's compromise.

Deadpool has posed:
    "My spankings generally involve more creative means than a knee, although I have put foot in ass," Deadpool promises. "Haunting? Sure, okay. Mind-fuck, I can get that. Enough on the life story though, I charge by the hour to listen to character backstories," Deadpool warns her cheekily.

    "Sure sure. Provide address, fair maiden, and we'll get on with our primary quest," Deadpool agrees, fiddling through his pockets again, this time coming up with a phone. It has sparkly Lisa Frank stickers on it. "I'll bring my pictures back, but as an artist, my time is worth a lot, like I said. I don't do my art for exposure."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Alright no more character exposition," Kat asserts, "Here's Donatellis address. Here's a great big bondage paddle," Kat takes it out from behind the bar. "It wqas a novely Xmas gift I got for a joke - might make your spanking work easier - if you like it keep it." Indeed the massive rubber paddle has some weaponlike properties with added humiliation. "See you soon." Kat goes back to drinking at the bar.

Deadpool has posed:
"I...." Deadpool just can't. He accepts the paddle as if she were the Lady of the Lake and just gave him Excalibur. "It's beautiful," Deadpool says, with an earnest deep voice. He carries it out in both hands. People get out of his way, strangely.