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Latest revision as of 18:57, 11 October 2018

A job AND a complaint
Date of Scene: 07 October 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: J. Jonah Jameson, Kid

J. Jonah Jameson has posed:
J. Jonah Jameson is throwing darts at a dart board made in Batman's likeness. When the last dart hits his red phone happens to ring and with cigar still in mouth he picks it up, "Jameson. Talk." He listens for a moment, "A gorilla with a complaint? AND he wants a job? Not a good way to get on my good side. Did I say I wanted you to send him out?! Send him up now!" He waits, darts still embeded in the dart board which Kid will see when he gets in.

Kid has posed:
Well needless to say, no one was going to get in the massive gorillas way. And anyone too slow to move is basicly shoved aside but the over grown ape. The door is opened hastly banging into the wall behind it as Kid, walks in...carrying a photographer on his shoulder. He more or less just drops the body on J. Jonah Jameson desk, none to gently with a snort. He signs to Triple J - "Can you get this idiote to stop following me. God damn" and an unsual watch on his wrist speaks the signed message for him. He wasn't exactly a talking one.

J. Jonah Jameson has posed:
J. Jonah Jameson laughs as the photographer is dragged in and the door slams open.. yes he laughs. It's not often but the sight is too much for him and very rarely does anyone have the gall to storm into his office. He coughs on cigar smoke as one of his freelancers is dumped on his desk and he stands up ubruptly, the cigar falling safely into his ashtray miraculously. He clears his throat, "Idiot! Can't you follow someone without letting them see you?!" Of course he's talking to the employee, "You're FIRED! And there's no hazard pay in it for you either! Right to Work says you don't get unemployment so don't bother! Harassment is against Bugle policy and you would've known that if you'd of read the fine print you signed when you started with me last week! Amateur! Now get out of my sight! Get out of my building!"

He turns his attention to Kid once the photographer has left, "New kid, no class, no talent. They don't make journalists like they used to eh? Heard you're also looking for a job. I don't discriminate against race, species, religion, DNA, nationality, color, or creed. What're you looking to hire on as?"

Kid has posed:
     The young photographer gets an additional growl from the massive ape, which makes him scadadel even faster. Kid has this absolutely 'I don't give a frack' face as Triple J goes on about his hiring policy.
    But he was at least polite enough not to interupt him. When he was done he says "Long as it ain't cleaning shite, I can be your rilla. Can sure as hell sneak on people better than that fella, repairing tech is in the thumbs. Might got access to connections and places, might not, depends on what yea need" he signs...he reaches into his satchel and pulls out a smashed camera and than signs "Also here your camera back" yea that was definintly a bugle camera. "So what yea got pops?" Kid may or may not be the equivilant of a hoodlum, it hard to tell really.

J. Jonah Jameson has posed:
J. Jonah Jameson shrugs at the camera, "Dime a dozen. I'm hiring freelancers mostly right now to photograph these masked troublemakers everyone's calling 'heroes' these days. If you can snap a picture of them unmasked, there's a reward in it for you. But IF you plan on collecting on that, be sure it's really the right guy or gal, because we all look like fools if it isn't. Not good for anyone's career then. As you know there's a tabloid element to our news, which is where the photos come in. It's because of that tabloid element that mistakes on our part are forgiven more often than when one of our lowly competitors screws up. I mean every knows tabloids are supposed to fake right? Now you're getting it I'm sure. Regardless of your personal beliefs about these costumed freaks, you will learn that I don't trust them, and that we here at DBC spend quite a bit of time trying to figure out who some of them, if not all of them, really are."

He continues, "Now THAT would be a good story. Batman, Spider-Man, Superman, Red Hood, Deadpool, the list goes on. Find out who they are and we can get them off the streets."

Kid has posed:
"Don't much care if you trust them." Kid signs flatly "Ain't my problem." and he clearly doesn't care about JJJ personal vendetta or whatever it may be "Anyways, I can see bout getting pictures. I assume the better the picture the more the photo is worth? How much we talkin here, give a rilla a number. Gotta see if it's worth my time" weather he would or would not try and fidn out there identies is another matter.

J. Jonah Jameson has posed:
J. Jonah Jameson replies, "Good! But you care about money and that's enough for me to trust that you can get the job done right unlike the guy you might be replacing. But your assumption is right. I can do between $20 and $80 bucks a photo for average shots, depending on how close you get to them and the quality. The job isn't easy which is why I'm willing to pay this much. You can make a killing if you are good at your job. There's no hourly rate which should be obvious. If you can prove one of their identities I'm offering thirty grand per unmasked freak. If it's Batman or Spider-Man I'm offering five hundred grand. Call it spite."

Kid has posed:
Kid considers shaking his head back and forth. Sounds pretty good in all honesty. 20 bucks can get him like...5 mangos! He seems to smile at this. He had simple pleasure. He signs "Sounds more like a grudge Pops. Anyways, good enough for me, I take it I bring the photos directly to you or what? Drop them with some assistant or...walk me through this. Cause trust me, I am probably more amature than that amature" he claims up front. He wasn't going to sugar coat it.
    "Also...out of curiosity...how much could a fella get for getting an interview with someone from say...the Embassy?" he signs.

J. Jonah Jameson has posed:
J. Jonah Jameson thinks, "Just bring them directly to me. Most freelancers use a giant envelope or something but whatever works for you. And interviews are out of the box stuff so if you can get an interview with any of these guys, I can do a hundred if the material is good."

Kid has posed:
"Works for me. Though...admittedly...I never done an interview before. Give yea a mango to give me a crash course" Kid signs as an offer. And he even pulls out a nice big mango wiggling his brows.

J. Jonah Jameson has posed:
J. Jonah Jameson raises a brow, "Crash course? Not much to explain really. Just ask questions about their life, maybe try to trick them into revealing something that can help you unmask them. Good answers are more revealing about their personal lives, their backstories, their motives. If you can expose them as villains posing as heroes, which I suspect many of them are, even better."

Kid has posed:
"...you know. I never got that" Kid signs "With all the property damages, broken bones and sheer panic fights cause, yea think they would be considered criminals. Still good tips, I will keep them in mind." Kid signs, before offering up the mango. He gives a jagged grin.

J. Jonah Jameson has posed:
J. Jonah Jameson takes the mango out of politeness, yes even he has tact sometimes, especially with a new employee who seems competent, "You get to make your own hours. Night time works best for obvious reasons but it's up to you."

Kid has posed:
"Alright, works for me. I am up at night anyways...basicly all night. Less people, less questions...and more fun when trouble rears it's head" he signs. Kid rubs his belly a moment before signing "Welp guess if nothing else like signing or junk I will go. See bout getting a good camera. Otherwise if yea ever need tech help...or folks in yer little mafia called a newspaper, give meh a hollar eh?"

J. Jonah Jameson has posed:
J. Jonah Jameson nods, "No need to sign anything. I think you'll do just fine here. And I'll keep your offer of assistance in mind." He picks up his phone and dials, "Four rings to pick up this time?! What are you doing in there?! Johnson is out and we have someone worlds more competent. The gorilla you sent up is right! Yes.. I.. replaced.. Johnson! Is that too difficult for you to understand?!" He slams the phone down, "Amateur.."

Kid has posed:
Kid watches with a face that says humor. A pause as he considers something. One can just see the eye roll wating to happen. But seems the rilla at least tries to use good social interaction. He offers a hand after signing "Alright. Yea can just call me Kid. Everyone else does" and with that familiarity out of the way Kid would take his leave.

J. Jonah Jameson has posed:
J. Jonah Jameson lights up another cigar, "Then Kid it is. Let's make some money Kid!" With that he goes over to his dart board, collects his darts, and then starts throwing again.