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Latest revision as of 07:29, 16 October 2018

Stepping on some Razors.
Date of Scene: 09 October 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Shadow, Painkiller Jane

Shadow has posed:
    New York. The city that never sleeps. The streets are never empty, although in the wee hours things quiet down /some/; what people remain on the streets are partygoers staggering home or at least toward the nearest taxi cab, or the late night garbage trucks trying to make sure the city wakes up clean.

    ... And, of course, the criminal element. Particularly, the South Side Razors, who have recently reached an... arrangement... with certain law enforcement officers who have agreed to look the other way tonight in exchange for an undisclosed amount of money and the opportunity for their families to keep breathing. They've got a limited window, but for tonight they can supply several tons of cocaine to local distributors with none the wiser.

    Or so they think. One of Natasha's agents was in a position to overhear the negotiations, and she passed the message on. Subsequently, one of the cops involved was... visited... by something utterly terrifying, and after some pressure gave up the location.

     Now, The Shadow Knows. And she smiles a tight little smile to herself as Benny turns another corner. "Coming up on the address now, Boss. Just one block over. You want me to stay in the vicinity?"

    "Please do, Benny," Natasha replies, half rising from the back seat to pull her coat tighter around her shoulders and settle the hat into place. "I don't intend for this to take long..." she finishes as she wraps her scarf and the built-in voice mask around her face, then opens the side door and exits the cab. Time to hunt...

Painkiller Jane has posed:
    The Shadow isn't the only one with eyes and ears in New York's lower crime elements. Jane also has contacts on the Force, but she is fairly adept at keeping up with her own informants as well. In this case, the tip came in through the 22 Brides, a gang of female mercenaries that she's managed to endear herself with.

    As the cab pulls up, Jane is already breaking into the warehouse through an alley window. The tinkle of glass isn't especially loud, but it's enough to attract attention from the guy who's watching the side door. It takes him a few moments to find the broken window, but there's no one there. And he never sees the heavy automatic that hits the back of his head.

    The loading dock is pretty easy to find in the warehouse, and subtlety has never really been one of Jane's strong points. The leather-clad redhead steps out into the main aisle with both guns drawn, facing the group of 'Razors who are loading the white gold.

    "Hiya, fellas." she offer, with a wicked grin.

    From outside the warehouse, flashes illuminate the windows from within. And the loud report of of gunfire is clearly heard. Someone's apparently not getting along inside.

Shadow has posed:
    The Razors clearly do not appreciate the value of good drama; various curses fill the air as guns are drawn and quite a lot of high velocity lead is sent Jane's way. The good news, such as it is, is that many of the Razors are unprofessional enough to partake of their own product, which does not do their aim one bit of good. The bad news is that it /does/ do wonders for their enthusiasm; long, wildly uncontrolled bursts are the order of the day and it makes life /extremely/ interesting for where Jane is standing...

Painkiller Jane has posed:
    Jane has learned to trust her body's inherent healing capabilities. She's also learned to pop extra-strength Tylenol like Skittles. Rather than spending a lot of time dodging and ducking (which only makes aiming more difficult, after all), the woman dressed in red simply advances and shoots.

    Both guns blaze and she drops one after another after another. Pausing when a round to the shoulder disrupts her aim, another bullet zips through her thigh. At least they're 9 millimeter, so the slugs pass right through instead of tumbling.

Shadow has posed:
    Meanwhile, outside the warehouse, the Shadow pauses briefly as she hears the unmistakable sound of gunfire. Rival gangs or another vigilante beating her to the punch? Either way, investigation is warranted.

    One quick grapple gun shot and a fast dismount later she's crouching by one of the skylights, watching the chaos below where most of the gang's remaining fighting fighting strength are firing on the crates that a single woman is crouching behind.

    More concerning are the two using the distraction to sneak around the storage pallets, clearly intending to flank the woman and catch her out of cover.

    No time for a stealth approach, or terrifying dramatics. Ah well. Two shots shatter the skylight, sending a shower of glass shards down over the combatants, and every single shard briefly reflects the Shadow's form as she jumps down after them, using one of the ambushers as a landing pad...

Painkiller Jane has posed:
    Jane has already dropped a handful of the gangers, but she's taken a few bullets back as payment. Crouching down on one knee, mostly to take weight off of her injured leg, she's more choosy about her targets now that things have erupted into a proper gunfight.

    Down on the ground level, Jane isn't aware of the gangers sneaking around to flank her. Part of her suspects they might do something like that, but another part considers them too stupid to think of it.

    Which may explain her familiarity with being tied to a chair and beaten up, just for trying to be a good guy. Ducking calmly behind the crate, she reloads her guns one at a time and listens to the incoming gunfire to wait for a chance. And maybe to let her leg heal a bit.

Shadow has posed:
    One of the gangers getting ready to ambush Jane looks up at the sound of shattering glass, just in time to catch a pair of combat boots to the face and collarbone. His buddy whirls around with a shout, only to meet a fist coming the other way, knocking him off his feet and into the side of the crate Jane is hiding behind.

    The fire slacks off for a moment as the remaining gangers realize there's a new factor on the field, but by the time any of them recover enough presence of mind to change their aim, the Shadow has faded from view.

Painkiller Jane has posed:
    Jane takes advantage of the distraction and the lull in the gunfire to pop up and shoot a brief burst, dropping another ganger. Shooting a glance in the direction of her new 'ally', she sighs as the Shadow has already faded away. But at least she won't be flanked. Their numbers are dwindling fast, so Jane yells out across the warehouse. "You guys throw your guns down right now and nobody else dies. Won't get the same offer in two minutes."

Shadow has posed:
    High on adrenalin, cocaine and testosterone, the Razors' ranking leader doesn't think much of that offer. "Here's an offer, why don't you go fuck yourse-"

     His bravado is interrupted when a black-clad arm blurs into existence just long enough to grab one of his remaining lieutenants and throw them bodily into another. He whirls around, wide-eyed, only for a snap kick to connect with the back of his head from the other direction entirely.

    The remaining Razors spin to point their weapons toward the sudden fracas, but there's no one there -- until one of them suddenly falls, his legs buckling after an unseen kick to the back of the knee.

    "The offer is now good for /one/ more minute," a sinister voice announces.

Painkiller Jane has posed:
    The Razors are now focused on whoever or whatever it is that's taking them down, one at a time. Jane rises, both guns pointed towards the remaining gangers. She steps slowly closer, watching them. "Fifty seconds." she intones.

    One turns towards Jane, since she's the only *visible* threat. <BLAM!><BLAM!> He doesn't even get his gun up before the .40 caliber slugs flip him back.

    "I see there's a couple still breathing, which means I can torture *them* for information. The rest of you are pretty much expendable. Thirty seconds."

Shadow has posed:
The Automat Kalashnikov '47 has a well-earned reputation for robustness and reliable rates of fire. It is, however, somewhat less useful in close quarters, as a wild-eyed ganger comes to realize as an unseen hand grabs the barrel, yanking it upward at the same time as his feet are swept out from under him. The last thing he sees before hitting his head on the concrete floor and blacking out is the rifle sailing through the air as if carelessly flung over someone's shoulder.

    And in the center of the warehouse, the last remaining ganger shakes like a leaf as he looks around wildly, eyes wild with cocaine and terror... Until he hears the distinct click of a gun being cocked close behind his head.

    He turns around slowly, coming eye-to-barrel with the biggest handgun he's seen, being pointed straight at his face by a dark-clad figure with inhumanly blue eyes blazing at him from above a carmine scarf.

    he tableau remains frozen for one more moment... And then the gun he'd been holding falls from his fingers, clattering noisily to the ground...

Painkiller Jane has posed:
    Jane smirks, lowering her own guns before holstering them. The woman is bleeding in more than a few places by now. The red leather mostly hides the leg wound, which seeps a steady flow of red. The bullet hole in her shoulder isn't as well-concealed. "Thanks for that." she offers, to the dark-clad figure.

    Turning towards one of the gangers that Shadow knocked out, Jane limps his direction. "Listen, I don't know who you are or what your 'bit' is, but if you're squeamish this might be a good time for you to leave. Or you can stay. All the same to me."

    The night is still young, and things are about to become a lot less pleasant for the surviving Razors.