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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2018/10/18 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1747, 54, 40 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1747|Carrie Kelley...")
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Latest revision as of 06:37, 22 October 2018

Meetings and Greetings
Date of Scene: 18 October 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Carrie Kelley, Red Robin, Black Cat

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The newest member of the Birds of Prey was more a trainee than a member. That didn't mean she didn't come out to practice quite often. There were rumors in certain neighborhoods about the new cape running around in the shadows, and on the rooftops, though she'd done little yet other than stop a mugging or two. No big baddies being tackled by this one. Yet.

Kestrel flies through the air propeled by momentum and gravity as she uses the grapple line she'd been given as part of her gear to swing from roof to roof until she reaches her destination: The top of a chemical storage warehouse that was currently undergoing renovations. Nothing suspicious had been happening here. It just offered a great view of several high-crime streets from it's rooftop.

Red Robin has posed:
Having flown the batwing over the city simply to get a good scan of the area, there is more to patrol than just watching a set of streets, Tim sets the plane to fly back to the cave once he takes notice of somthing. Ejecting from the batwing, he glides down to the rooftop that carries is on, though, taking a nicer approach than landing right in front of her and grilling her, because that's ALWAYS worked.

Red Robin lands and let's his memory cape go slack, looking to Kestrel. "You're new." He says with a voice modulator that deepens and slightly distorts his voice.

Black Cat has posed:
    The Black Cat has slowly made her way back from Vancouver, having made a few pitstops here and there. Moving in the cover of night and using her enhanced physiology as much as she can, the thief has restorted to not only breaking into empty places, in order to sleep on some kind of bed. There's a sting of these B and E's across the US and Canadian border as she made her way home.

    The Black Cat swings through Gotham and lands on the chemical production side of the facility and starts to look for a way inside. She's gotten some calls that this place has made something she'll need in the very near future. Why not explore, it's on the way home for the cat. Sort of.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Kestrel lifts her head with a squint regarding the form winging through the night. She didn't have such a theatric cape as the others by far. Hers was mostly meant to hide the colors of her suit, and make the shape of her figure more ambigous to those trying to peer into the shadows. When he lands she offers a wry smile. "And you're quite the detective to figure that out."

Though the words are harsh, it's said in a gently teasing way. She wasn't a brooding, moody sort after all. This was one of the Bat Family she'd yet to run into in the first place. "I'm Kestrel," she offers with a light tip of her head toward the side as her gaze skims past him toward motion on the other side of the roof. "And I'm guessing that's trouble."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles. "And snarky, I like it." he says as he turns his head to look over to the shadow crossing a rooftop. "Perceptive, though I thought she wasn't doing that anymore, shall we have a look?" He asks as he extends his arm to have a grapple line shoot out as he moves with the grace and stealth of a night owl.

Black Cat has posed:
    Felicia drops down into the lab of the facility and rises back up to her feet and smiles to herself. Luke was right, this place is squeaky clean and will certainly have something to help her. Whispering to herself, "Where's the advanced compounds at?" She says before walking down a hall with a solid glass automatic door that opens with a hiss. Hmmm. Peculiar.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"I've heard it's a requirement for being nocturnal. Lots of caffeine and attitude," Kestrel responds even as her attention has shifted away from Red Robin to the cat currently disapearing into the building. When Red Robin swings off, she raises the older style grapple gun she has to fire off a line and swing right along after.

It's not hard to find the point of entrance that Black Cat took. Not long to drop down through the same method with a rather skillful quiet in spite of 'being new.' Of course, if Red Robin insists on going first she let's him... but she's not going to hang back, either.

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin drops in and looks around, touching the side of his cowl. "They are headed for the experimental labs, there's a vent that will take us straight there." He says as he pulls the vent out and slips in, not waiting to see if kestrel follows, either she does or does not. He does send a quick silent communication to the batcave to see if anyone has eyes on catwoman, maybe this is her, or someone else, though, since bruce isn't in the area, probably not. Dropping into the lab in question, Red Robin is leaning against a desk as Black Cat would've made her entrance. "Bad Kitty, no chemicals for you."

Black Cat has posed:
    Felicia quietly makes her way to the prototypes and productions side of the facility, kind of meandering through the dark halls of the facility. It's being redone, so they must finally be making money, lending more and more credence to the theory that Luke was right. They discovered something. Something important here in this facility. And Felicia. Felicia needs just a little pinch of it. That's all. Just a sample, yeah.

    The thief is unaware of the two capes following her, when she walks right into where Red Robin was waiting for her. "Oh! Chemicals? I'm not here for chemicals. I'm here to burn this place down." The cat says, thinking quickly on her feet. "Did you know they're testing their compounds on pigs and other animals to see how they react." Felicia lies through her teeth as she continues to saunter into the place like she owns it.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Kestrel did indeed follow Red Robin inside. She wasn't about to not do something... but she also knew the Bat family's thoughts on the whole 'newcomer in the city' situation. Let him do his thing. Which was, apparently, posing against a desk.

Kestrel facepalms a bit as she lingers in the shadows watching the 'professional' at work here. For the moment.

Red Robin has posed:
"No, what you're going to do is turn around and go out the way you came, then leave gotham... that or jail." Red Robin says as he extends his staff. "There is more than enough Cat Themed theives in this city already, so pack it up and get out." He says as he looks at her, now taking a wing chun stance with his staff. He also pays no mind to Kestrel, so long as this kitty lady doesnt know that he isn;t alone, the better for carrie to get the drop on her should this whole thing go upside down.

Black Cat has posed:
    Felicia has no idea about Kestrel being behind a corner, she's not actively listening or focusing on her senses, so she's not really paying as much attention as she ought to be for one of her burglaries. This one was too impromtpu for everything to go well. But there's no time like the present. Felicia looks down at her hand and clicks her tongue inside of her mouth. "Then you should know we cats don't listen to orders well, if at all." The thief snerks and looks closer at Red Robin. "Are you inspired by that spider-man guy? Kind of have that feel about you. At least thematically. But you know some actual martial arts." Felicia raises her hands up with her fingers spread, claws primed and she licks her deep red painted lips. "Meow."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"I've got a question," comes a voice from behind the Black Cat as Kestrel steps out and closer. "Do you use tape?" A gloved hand lifts to gesture at Felica's chest-region with a smirk. "Seriously, how are you not falling out of that suit?" Two could make catty remarks about costumes. Though in this case, though Kestrel could likely provide the drop on Black Cat she was instead offering a distraction for the more experienced vigilante here.

Red Robin has posed:
"She isn't wrong, are you a metahuman who has like.. gravity powers?" Red Robin says with a snicker, though that quickly ends at Red Robin tosses a bola at Black cat's feet along with a smoke bomb, going to try and take her down without to much violence needed, going to try and tip her over, since she is top heavy.

Black Cat has posed:
    "Clearly neither of you-WHUUP-know a thing about how bras work." Felicia says, leaping over the bola thrown in her direction mid quip and smiling brightly until the sudden puff of smoke fills the area which, also helps the cat also, breaking line of sight at least from one of the heroes.

    Felicia reaches up mid jump and uses her claws to grab onto the ceiling and holds herself there. Pulling with her abs and pure arm strength, something the web-head taught her is most people don't look up initially when in a fight, so she pins herself as flat as she can to the ceiling to wait for what happens next.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Kestrel for her part backs off again. A taser is pulled out from her belt, which was loaded with a bit more gear than she had originally set out with the last time she was caught patrolling by a Bat. Most people didn't look up, but that was one of the few things grilled into her. Look up. Look down. Look where you wouldn't expect. There was no way around or through that smoke which left up. There wasn't much time to take aim, and she knew the shot had a distance limit, but perhaps it would at least reach enough. Either way she tries by firing it off at the ceiling. Either it would hit her target, or the wires would wrap around the metal beams lining the ceiling to give a LITTLE jolt through proxy.

Red Robin has posed:
having Lenses that track heat, that's a big plus. Red Robin stop at where Black Cat was at and collapses his staff, as Kestrel fires off her Taser, he steps on the end of his collapsed staff and it springs out, sending Red Robin right up at Black cat, the knucles on his gloves also sending a taser like charge as he tries to hit her, not hard, but enough to make contact.

Black Cat has posed:
    Felicia was holding onto a piece of the ceiling, cloaked in smoke and yet technology seems to keep up with her today and as she was pinned to the ceiling, part of her grip slips and she starts to fall, but reaches out for something, but her swingline snaps out and latches onto the ceiling about a foot away and she falls but is caught by the rope from her wrist and swings backwards, out of Tim's path and the path of the taser. A pair of paths headed to the same place.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The shot flies high as the woman goes down and away. The fact that Red Robin leaps up as well causes Kestrel to react by hitting the 'discharge' button on her taser. There's a zot of electricity from the falling wires giving a little crackle in the air as they become inert. No sense in accidentally tangling up the wrong target. It zipps back up leaving no trace of the wires to be questioned later by those who might come across this area. Her head tips upward to squint at the pair with a shake of her head.

Then her radio goes off in her ear earning another frown. "You got this, right? I mean I figure you can handle Boobarella. Got to check on something elsewhere." A two-fingered salute is offered to the pair before she turns and vanishes into the shadows to go do who-knew-what. In this case to check on an alarm somewhere.

Red Robin has posed:
The taser charged fist goes into the cieling, and discharges a bolt that causes the lights in the facility to go out, and also, cause the sprinklers to come on. "Really?"" he says as he drops to the floor and picks up his staff. Then his 'partner' vanishes and he frowns. "Newbies..." he mumbles before turning his head to look RIGHT at Black cat. "You gonna sit up there all day or come down here and fight?"

Black Cat has posed:
    "It's not a fair fight. Not with your partner running away when you were maybe getting the upper hand." Felicia says with a wink as she disengages the hook on the end of her line after she twists slightly so she's gripping the ceiling with her hands. Her legs coiled up under her bottom with her hands clenching the ceiling very tightly, giving the appearance that she's literally sitting on the ceiling. "I might as well stay up here if all you can hit me with are rude names."

Red Robin has posed:
"Stay up there then, you have about two minutes before the police show up, unlike new yourk, the police wont be shooting at your friendly neightborhood Red Robin." Red Robin says with a smirk as he tosses a robin rang in an arc towards Black cat, it's a special one too, a sticky bomb, the goo is really hard to clean off as well.

Black Cat has posed:
    "I think you got your numbers wrong. This is gotham, in a -Unngh!- What tha?" She says, having tried to bat away the bat-a-rang with it sticking to the fur on her wrist. "Okay, using spitballs. That's gross. You sure you're not a spider-fan?" Black Cat remarks as she drops off the ceiling, spinning in the air and landing on her feet and starting to march towards Tim with that sultry walk that every super-villainess knows how to do. "You're going to get this off of me without cutting my hair, or you're going to be in BIG trouble mister."

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin smiles. "One minute until the cops arrive, you sure you want to waste time arguing about chem foam, also, I can't remember if that was the explosive kind or not." he says as he holds up a device and smiles. "Your hair would be the least of your worrys." The sultry walk, he's seen it so many times before, Harly, Selina, Ivy, Livewire, even some of the heroines use it.

Black Cat has posed:
    "Do I seem concerned about the cops, or even you little cape." Felicia says, her face as deadpanned as possible behind her domino mask. "For a hero you certainly cause a heck of a lot of collateral damage, or are you still so new to this?" Felicia asks, getting closer and closer still, walking slowly purposefully towards the young hero.

Red Robin has posed:
"Seem and are are two diffferent tings, though, I doubt you could tank bullets, and cops love to shoot femme fatale villians like you, also, there are more from where I come from, and the big guy would have a field day with you, so I'd do as I said and leave, last warning kitten."

Black Cat has posed:
    Felicia gets close enough to Tim to bend over at the waist and try to pinch his cheek, mindfully using the hand with a bomb stuck to her wrist. "Aww, you caww your daddy to come beat me up." Felicia says using a mock baby voice to tease the younger man before she leans forward more to try and kiss the young man. "You're fun. I'll see you around kiddo." The thief says either way before she backs up and starts to make her way out.

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin blinks as he is kissed and then watches as the cat vanishes. He Vanishes too, slipping into the vent system and getting out as the sirens go off, Gordon might be mad at having come to an epty scene, but on the plus side, police are there, and a crime was prevented, he hopes.