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Latest revision as of 08:05, 23 October 2018

Where To Not Hold Discussions
Date of Scene: 18 October 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Ekaterina Vespucci, Castiel

Jessica Jones has posed:
Lately Jessica had to deal with a growing number of similar cases, all relating to people disappearing while sleepwalking massive distances. Before making an executive decision on the matter, she decided to meet with Matt and get his two cents. She thougt about Alias, but guess what? Door's broken, so she went for the next best thing, meeting at Josie's where's there's so many loud drunks, it's practically a private meeting.

"So Matt, it's a repeating case, people disappear, found considerable distances away without knowing why or how they got there...different people, across different neighborhoods, can't possibly be a coincidence. You know any big guns we should set on this bitch?"

Daredevil has posed:
Seated on the barstool next to Jess, Matt looks a little worse for wear, a couple of days of stubble on his cheeks, but he listens, oh and frowns.

"Sleepwalkers?" he asks. "How many cases are we talking about here?" he asks as he feels on the bar for his glass. "As for the big guns, I've got a couple contacts with SHIELD and one with the Avengers, thinking the latter might be your best bet, with the level of weird going on."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
It is at that point that Kat enters the bar. She's not in formal getup preferring he usual inexpensive winterwear with a beanie masking her figure. She's her usual short self. She sees Matt upon entry - those large cornflower blue peepers of her's aren't just for show. She makes her way to the far end of the bar - she sees Matt is with someone and does not approach just yet fearing it would be rude. She orders bourbon. Kat looks for all the world like a freshman and so she finds herself being carded yet again.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Yes." Jessica answers bluntly, sipping some of her Monkey Shoulder, "the numbers are alarming, feels like half of the city, but I just might be exaggerating." Doing the simple Jessica to realistic conversion, should be about tens of calls at the very least.

"Avengers sounds like a good plan, plus SHIELD can go fuck themselves with that nasty leak about me." Jessica drinks some more, just hearing about SHIELD pissed her off a bit more than she was before. "Who do you know with the big boys Avengers? Captain Sexypants happen to be one of them?" Yeah, Jessica isn't a stickler for precise codenames, particularly when in a mood.

Catching Ekaterina getting carded as she orders her drink, Jessica looks at Matt, and asks faintly, "you know that girl who just walked in by the bar? She going to be in trouble?" Odd thing to ask a blind guy, but Jess realizes by now Matt knows way more than what eyes can tell.

Castiel has posed:
Castiel, for his part, has been looking for both a boilermaker, and somewhere where he can sit in relative peace without the usual annoyances that places like McAnally's provide. Mind you, he also goes to McAnally's *for* those annoyances, but the former angel is something of a contrary being. He wouldn't thank you for pointing either of those facts out.

The angelic shambles in through the doorway, trenchcoat a damp and ill fit about his shoulders as the fabric of the thing strains in protest, begging the man to hunch against the cold like everyone else, while, instead, Castiel seems oblivious to the bad weather outside.

"The boilermaker," he says as he parks his hindquarters at the bar. "Wait. Do you know the Apocalypse? I would like that." A pause. "Please."

Manners, it seems, he may have grokked at a thing. Even if his please is clearly an afterthought, and bears no resemblance to anything that sounds even remotely grateful for Josie's service.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt recognizes Kat when she comes through the doors. She'd been by the office enough times. He pretends not to notice at first, answering Jess' questions.

"Figured you'd say that about SHIELD," he says, before tangenting to ask, "Captain Sexypants?" then it's back on track. "I know Black Widow," he admits. "Probably not your first choice, but she's an in to the Avengers."

When Jess asks about Kat, he murmurs, "Client," before saying, "Really, behind me?" he asks turning in his chair like Jess said something, "Kat is that you?"

As far as Castiel's arrival goes, he's content to leave the guy be until he mentions the Apocolypse. "Oh, they know it, just be careful, though Josie doesn't skimp on them."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Black Widow..." Jessica tastes the offered contact, grimacing, "isn't she one of the spooks affiliated with SHIELD? Lurking in the shadows to ruin everyone's lives?" Jessica clearly isn't happy, but as she mulls it over, with a helping of whisky she notes, "I guess she could reach some gods or super robots or whatever the fuck else the Avengers have in their arsenal, right? So...one of those ubers should be able to fart out a solution, right?"

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Ah Mr Murdock!" Kat says cheerily to Matt. "I was just savoring the nightlife. She curtseys to Jessica Jone, "Sono la Contessa Ekaterina Vespucci. But people call me Kat." The Contessa is reputed to be an underworld figure of some note but Kat is acute short girl who looks to be around 19 to 20. Rather unlikely to be said figure. She turns and observes castiel. "We meet again Castiel!"

Castiel has posed:
Castiel grunts at Matt, "I do not know this doesn't skimp." Not that the angel is actually affected by any amount of alcohol - not in the truest of senses. Just as he truly doesn't need to eat food, or drink fluids for survival, alcohol is merely an affectation he engages in because the vessel was fond of it.

"Contessa," Castiel nods at her, looking slightly more displeased than moment ago, though he doesn't voice any particular reason for that attitude.

Jessica, he doesn't know, but she gets her own grunt on principle. He's really that kind of guy.

Josie dutifully supplies him with his Apocalypse, and true to Matt's words, nary a skimp has occurred. This seems to please him.

Daredevil has posed:
The distrust for SHIELD is understandable. Matt's not keen on the organization either, even if he had friends there. "Yeah, I know, she's a spy, but she's also an Avenger, get your phone out, I can give you the last number I had for her."

With Natasha who knew if it was current, but he had faith in Jess' abilities to find things out from there.

"Good to hear," Matt says to Kat. "Hope you're staying out of trouble."

"Means they don't hold back on the booze," Matt says, but when the man, okay, angel, drinks and doesn't seem to mind. He offers a tight smile. "Must be tougher than you sound."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica just stares, or rather, -stares- at Ekaterina. She doesn't speak to her though, instead looking at Murdock as she mutters, "that client of yours just curtseyed at me...legity curtseyed." Eventually her gaze returns to Ekaterina, "that mouthful of a name isn't helping, stick to Kat in your introductions...don't want to give people vertigo for no reason."

Cell phone is already in Jessica's gloved hand at the offer of Black Widow's number, "hit me with it," Jess is rather eager to escalate that sleepwalking problem to the big leagues.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Well I did die very publically and come back to life with an audience in Central Park so I expect that will come back to haunt me. But Wonder Woman was there and so was some sort of immense biomechanical construct so I sort of faded into the backdrop."

She nods again at Cas and looks back to Jessica loving her reaction. "Old habits die hard I am afraid. Formal introductions were drilled into me in my youth. A long time ago. In the Dark Ages." Kat frames it as a joke but Matt and Castiel would know she is actually telling the truth about when she was born.

Castiel has posed:
Castiel makes short work of 3 of his four horsemen without a flinch. Whatever Matt might think, Castiel appears to hold his liquor like a sailor on the planks in a storm. With graceless ease, and like he was born to it.

There's a chuckle as Jessica complains about the curtsey. "Means she thinks you're okay. They don't bob to anything beneath them. Unless she's being the hipster." Not that Castiel really has any idea what the word means in the truest sense of it, but given the small Countess had bandied it his way previously, he feels it fair game to taunt her with it back.

Daredevil has posed:
"Did she?" Matt says knowing full well that she had. "Huh," he says before turning to Kat. "Hey come join us," he invites. "This is Jessica Jones."

Kat's story is taken in stride. "Guess we'll need to talk to Jen sooner than later," he says dryly, even as he flinches inwardly.

As for the number he gives it to her easily. "We used to date but, we're on good terms, she probably won't hang up on you." He says with a tone light enough that he could be joking.

There's a snort given to Castiel at his remarks. "A hipster?" he asks, not following.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"She absolutely did," Jessica answers Matt even if it wasn't necessary, perhaps to stress the fact -that- actually happened.

"Riiiight," Jess remarks to Kat, "and I'm Supergirl." She then looks, no, STARES at Matt when he casually makes a very shocking remark as he gives her the number. "Wait, wait, wait, rewind....you're telling me, that besides psychotic assassins, you also dates psychotic spies? The fuck is wrong with you Matt? Is a blade on your throat a secret kink or something?" She shakes her head in disbelief, "welp...at least I'll have something to talk to her about for sure."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat looks at Castiel, "Hey and I thought you were not down with etiquette - is it only the archaic stuff you know?"

She gets her bourbon and accepts Matt's invitation to join. "Honestly I am looking forward to seeing what She-Hulk has to say about my case. There is an additionally complicating factor. A certain insane mercenary came by my place looking for Donatelli Fuchinellos brother who used to patronise my bar before Donatelli 'killed' me. I didn't have to but I referred him to Donatelli as someone who would know the location of his brother. And gave him a novelty BDSM paddle my staff gave me for Christmas. And a wad of cash. He promised me a video of the results." Kat creating problems as always.

To Jessica Jones, "Really? Giving away your secret identity?" Kat seems half as though she believes it. But then she was walking hand in glovc with absurdity nowadays. "I can cross that off my list if it is true. I've met Superman, Batman, Wonderwoman, Red Robin, a talking ape and a whole bunch of villains."

Castiel has posed:
Castiel lifts the final horseman of his impending doom, and peers at Ekaterina over it. "Girl, I was around before you were a twinkle in anyone's eyes. Humans didn't invent hierarchy. Let me introduce you to an angel with a stick up his ass if you want to see a real stickler for etiquette."

Michael, of course. Not that those gathered might know that.

He snorts at the flying names, and eyeballs Jessica, "I do not think you pass as a girl. That would be the sarcasm, the Super-Girl." Not really a question; mostly a personal observation on the matter as the angel susses out what he believes he is understanding about humans and the complexities of their culture. For such a short-lived race, they did like to make things difficult for themselves.

"Plague," he mutters as he tosses back the fourth drink, then observes. "There should be a fifth. Death. Where's Death?" Casting a look Matt's way. "Ask the girl about hipster. She thinks it's funny."

Daredevil has posed:
"Actually given what Kat has told me about her past, I am willing to believe it did," Matt says trying not to enjoy Jess' disbelief too much. That is until they get to the part with the mercenary. He sighs, shoulders sagging tiredly. "For now, I am going to pretend I didn't hear that, but you need to come by the office soon so we can discuss that." You know without admitting to witnesses she hired someone to beat up a suspect.

The other topic, his dating life, doesn't improve his mood. "Dated," he says of both spies and assassins. Elektra being past-tense likely has something to do with his rough appearance. "And I need to talk to you about that, another time." As for the rest he makes himself smile. "And no, nothing like that, just luck., I guess?" or a thing for dangerous women. One of the two.

Castiel's remarks are met with a nod, and a "Well?" aimed at Kat.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica hears Kat, looks at Kat, looks at her glass still 1/3rd full. The decision is a simple one, she empties her glass.

Glass now empty, she doesn't have the whisky to help her tolerate Castiel's quip about her not passing as a girl, so she just flippantly answers his remark right back, "I do believe you would easily pass for a douche, however."

A glance is cast at Murdock, looks like the phone number is appreciated, but she's about had her fill of people. Next one to quip might get sucker punched, and she can at least get herself out of a place before making a scene. "Sorry, Matt, I'm far too sober to handle this...I'll be seeing you. Oh, and try to date someone who isn't an expert at killing people a hundred different ways next time, ok?" She does nod at the request to talk about it another time, "maybe in your office, where there's a door."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Why does everyone insist on calling me a girl, or a small girl or a child. Crule likes the moniker Child-queen and that is insufferable enough especially if heard over countless ages." Kat casually name drops the mutant making the headlines at the moment for the trouble happening in Africa. Castiel does get a reaction from her at least.

As for the hipster remark. "That's just a joke. I have a better target for it than Mr Angel here. A pricklier one."

She nods to Jessica as she leaves. "She seems.... entertaining."

Castiel has posed:
Castiel grumbles, insisting that Josie bring him his Death, and a boilermaker to boot, and while waiting rumbles at Ekaterina, "Because you look like a damned child is why." Despite the breasts. Of course, it could have a lot to do with the airy seeming innocence and flighty nature the little Countess employed. "Hardly prickly."

He seems actually put out by that comparison, even if he is entirely prickly. A whole cactus worth of prickly. Maybe even a small portion of a rather large desert's worth of prickly.

Jessica's departing form is regarded with something of appraising assessment, and the closest thing to respect the angel seems to offer, which is to say he doesn't snark anything after or at her. "I do not know this douche," he says questioningly to himself, then turns back to Matt, asking him in a much louder voice, "What is this douche?"

Daredevil has posed:
The quip about his choice of women is taken in stride, "I'll take that under advisement," he promises oh-so-seriously. Then finishes his own drink. "And sure, or my place, you know where to find me."

He hadn't been going to the office that much.

"Ah, I'll pretend I follow that," Matt says to Kat before nodding. "Jess? Yeah, just a bit."

He opens his mouth to say more but Castiel's question catches him off-guard. "Uh..." he says, not really sure how to break that one down to a stranger. "A jerk?" he offers as he sets down his empty glass on the bar. "That's about as close as I'm going to get to definition."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"I wasn't calling you prickly Choir boy although the term could just as easily apply to you. I was referring to my sister - not biological one. You met her briefly at the bar with John Constatine. The one with the aura that was so black it could blot out the sun."

"Interesting dating history Mr Murdoch? I heard one of your exes bought some nipple rings for a friend of mine that works in supply at SHIELD." Boy Kat gets around and talks to alot of people.

Castiel has posed:
Surprisingly, Castiel smiles to himself and nods, clearly in memory of something. "Selene," he agrees. "I remember her."

And he did. She'd bandied about words and insults with him like a pro, and without flinching. He'd rarely run into that in all his millenia of existence.

It intrigued.

Daredevil has posed:
"Sounds interesting," Matt remarks of this Selene, though his mind is elsewhere.

The mention of his dating history, gets a blink behind his red shades. "Yeah, that'd be Darcy," he says, wondering if anyone had told her yet. "Jesus," he mutters to himself. "Another," he says to Josie. Letting the other two talk about this Selene person.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"She's ancient and she's pure evil Angel - unless that's your type. I'm not sure why she hasn't killed me yet given our vastly antithetical beliefs perhaps because she has some crueller fate in mind. She thinks shes a goddess and she might as well be given her level of power. In fact I believe her to quite possibly be the most powerful originally human mutant in existence." Kat shivers. "Still she's one of the few people that understands my dilemma and thus we are cordial and civil."

"Yes Mr Murdock which of you evil exes is handing out nipple rings?" Kat just has to know.

Castiel has posed:
Castiel snorts over his last drink. "I know what she stinks of. I might not have all the Grace of the Lord I once had, but I've enough to know the stench of deprevation and the brimstone of hell when I see it."

He doesn't, however, make any attempt to deny (or inquire) about this 'type' business. Possibly only because he's downing his boilermaker in short order, and throwing a pile of crumpled bills on the bartop. "Keep the change," he rumbles, and excuses himself. "Got an idiot to go check on."

And with that, the angel merely isn't there anymore.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt clamps down hard on his reaction to Cas' vanishing act. It was startling but not something a blind guy could see. He claims his second drink from a stunned Josie, and then downs it in one go.

"It doesn't matter, she's gone, and she wasn't evil."

He sets down the glass, scoops up his cane and heads for the door. "Come by the office for the other thing," he says to Kat while heading to the door.