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Latest revision as of 08:06, 23 October 2018

A Home Away From Home
Date of Scene: 18 October 2018
Location: Mansion Alpha, Starling
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Captain Marvel (Danvers), Snowbird

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
It's been a while since Captain Marvel been at Mansion Alpha, what with her commitments to the Avengers and the Kree now and again, as has been the case for a couple of weeks. But with the shenanighans going on, and Doctor Strange make the entire Avengers Mansion disappear, she's come for some homely rest back at Alpha Mansion.

Anyone within would be alerted to her arrival, picked up by the cameras, as she descends for a landing and walks in directly towards the fourth floor, where her comfy (and very existing) room awaits.

Snowbird has posed:
It's true, the camera's capture the good Captain's approach even as she soars in. The images snap up on the 'wall' of Snowbirds private chambers, and her eyes snap open too, having been in a contemplative and restful trancelike state. Her strange eyes narrow as she watches the approach, but no alarms, no audio cues of any kind. "She is known. But not to me." She mutters, her accent clipped. Her cape flutters behind her for a moment and she's out the door. A flash of white light illuminates the halls and a tiny white bird, an arctic sparrow flits through the halls and up to the 4th floor. She lands next to the door on a light fixture and waits, watching the door with her tiny eyes.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
While they may not necessarily have met, Carol proves to be an avid reader of dossiers for the teams she's apart of, nevermind teams she's a director of, and so as she heads for the door labelled Carol, she notes the white arctic sparrow and greets, "I gather you would be Snowbird? Adorable look, I'm Captain Marvel, AKA Carol Danvers, and I'm in desparate need of a proper bed...hope you're doing better?"

Snowbird has posed:
Snowbird tweets at Ms. Danvers from her perch, watching her walk in. Then her tiny wings flap and that white light shines from her breifly, and Snowbird appears properly, her cape fluttering behind her before she draws it close, hiding her body suit. Those white and black eyes peer out at Carol. "I am Snowbird. Apologies Captain. I didn't recognize you from the televisions." Her head snaps at the wall and the minotor feed it displays. A very bird like movement.

Her gaze returning to Carol, her head bobs. "We do have a bed. Long journey?"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Very stylish costume...and effective power too, I'd have no way to tell you apart from a real bird if we were out in the wild," Carol remarks, extending her arm towards Snowbird, "pleased to meet in person," she nods at the question of the journey, "came in from Kree space, by the way, Avengers Mansion been gone, if you missed out on that update from a few weeks back. Magic is a wild thing..." funny she should mention that to Snowbird.

Snowbird has posed:
"It's how my mother made me.." She remarks at the approval of her outfit. She sounds confused. "Kree. The green men from deep space yes? I have read reports on them. Conflicted as a species. Perhaps they would be better served getting in touch with their wild side. Everyone would." She tells Carol

The hand is gazed at for a breif moment before she remembers herself, and one slender hand slips from under her cape to grasp Carol's offering a slightly too firm handshake. Anyone else might feel a touch of discomfort. She shakes hands like a man.

"Yes. Magic can be wild, but if you understands it, then you become wild with it. Balance is the key." she says and smiles at her own little joke.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Those would be the Skrulls, enemy of the Kree," Carol offers helpfully. Shaking hands, Carol's own grip is rather firm, years in USAF CoC as a woman would do that. Second nature really, but it did start as a habit of showing she's there to play ball, rather than stand aside and nod in approval.

"I agree there," Carol quips before looking at Snowbird with an impressed look, "firm grip, I like it."

Snowbird has posed:
Snowbird looks at the handshake and offers another second squeeze before releasing the hand. "It was how I was taught." The shaman.. He taught her many things about the world and it's ways. "Ahh. the Skrulls. So Kree are freinds?" She asks.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"For the most part, though as members of Alpha Flight, we always treat them with a grain of salt..." Carol offers with a knowing grin, not offering her own private information, should Snowbird not already be aware of it. There was little point to it. "Anything excited happening around Mansion Alpha lately...? Aurora up to any mischief?"

Snowbird has posed:
Snowbird head tilts slightly, "What about a smidge of cinnamon?" She asks, wondering about the 'grain of salt' saying. She's been taught alot, but ism's and the subtle nuances of sarcasm are not among them. Especially because her teacher was a VERY straightlaced shaman from the arctic circle.

"I am not sure. I was needed to the north, trouble with poachers on the ice. Man's law could not reach them. But the Natural Law did...." She says, and her tone suggests the poachers may have met an animal they couldnt take down. "I've only returned within the day. I was resting when the TV alerted me to your approach. " She tells the other woman. Her hand slips back inside her cloak.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I think it's used because salt serves as a measure of character in some respects," Carol tries to offer a genuine explanation. "I wish I could have seen it, those poachers deserve whatever they got," Carol grins, before swinging the door to her room open, "you're welcome in if you like...but I need my beauty sleep," she remarks tongue in cheek.

Snowbird has posed:
The explanation given, is given consideration. "A fisherman worth his salt is a cut above his peers. So.. the Kree are trusted more because they are salty?" She asks a smile spreading because she knows she got it right. "If it helps.. The Poachers felt no pain. It was quick. And silent." She tells her superior, a simple explanation. No shame. She did what she does.

"No Ma'm you enjoy your rest, thought i will say your beauty needs no help. It's fine on it's own." She says and turns away, her cloak held close and the faux feathered ends swaying slightly as she walks.