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Latest revision as of 08:15, 23 October 2018

Tournament: Master and Student
Date of Scene: 19 October 2018
Location: Kairos Island
Synopsis: Daredevil Once again encounters the Dragon. Murdock learns what he must do in order to fight at his best and find his own manner of peace....and he has a friend in Richard Dragon. They spar.
Cast of Characters: Dragon, Daredevil
Tinyplot: Tourney

Dragon has posed:
It was about mid-afternoon. The beautiful seas of Greece cause such a perfect breeze to come up from those waters. It's enough to replenish the soul. But, not only that, but the Greeks knew many martial secrets, and Richard Dragon often enjoyed coming down. That, and so he could see Elektra's tournament. So far, good warriors...but many of them are too arrogant and worse: angry.

Angry fighting's risks outweigh it's benefits. A calm mind is the best way to truly be able to defeat your enemy...or so Richard always taught.

Presently, he appears to be practicing a form of Tai Chi, mixed with more Wing-Chun like movements. Making himself like water.

Nothing is softer than water. Be malleable...be strong.

But certainly, someone can always come down to see him.

Daredevil has posed:
Daredevil is still in the suit, it's an obnoxious but necessisary part of The Act. The thing that kept the lives of Daredevil and Matt Murdock from colliding.

When he left the villa, Matt wasn't seeking Dragon, but when his senses brings the sounds and sensations of the master's practice his way, he turns his steps that way.

Standing at the edge of the fighting space, Daredevil waits for Dragon to speak, not wanting to interupt the Grandmaster's practice.

Dragon has posed:
Of course, the Dragon knew when Matt approached him. He seems to wait until Matt says something before he simply pauses in his actions and performs a closing action, bringing his feet and hands together so fluidly and cleanly, then he takes a deep breath. Upon opening his eyes, he was still facing away from Daredevil.

"Hello, my student." He turns to face him. "How are you? It's good to see you getting some sunlight." The grandmaster jokes very lightly. He still remains in the arena however.

"Did you seek to train?"

Daredevil has posed:
Daredevil's lips quirk into something like a smile at the joke.

Did he seek to train? He hadn't planned on it, but then, he was here and it had been a long time since he really trained with anyone.

"Sure," Daredevil says as he steps into the ring. "We can train."

He finds a spot on the sand, and waits, letting the Grandmaster turn when he's ready.

Dragon has posed:
Turning to face Matt, Richard chuckles, though he keeps his hands clasped behind his back. "Good. Let's see how much you've improved over the years." His eyes remain locked onto Murdock's, and he does not make the first move. He seems to be baiting Murdock.

Let's see if his habits have changed at all since he taught him what he knew.

Daredevil has posed:
Much like the first time Daredevil had come seeking Dragon, his mind was in turmoil. Back then, it was because he was new to the costumed life and wasn't sure where he stood, or how things had exploded so quickly for him. One night he was beating up muggers and molesters, the next he was fighting a war with the Kingpin's mob, and being called the Devil of Hell's Kitchen. Today though, his turmoil could be brought down to a single name, Elektra, he was angry, scared, frustrated and guilty, but when he attacks he leads with the anger.

The man in red leaps from his place in the sand, closing distance quickly, before unleashing a rapid series of kicks and punches, which were as much a release for that anger than chosen for any particular effect. Despite that there is more technique there than before. Even in his rage, Daredevil leaves few openings.

Dragon has posed:
Richard watches Matt as he leaps at him. Inner turmoil. Matthew, how many times must you be taught the same lesson?

Punches and kicks are thrown at Dragon in rapid succession, who either leans out of the way or lifts a single arm to block Matt's attacks in rapid succession...but then there's the hole in his offense. He slides one hand through Matt's guard, catching his foot with the other and unless Matt can manage to move out of hte way, he'll find a hard punch right where his torso meets his shoulder. A perfect ligament to target.

"Be like water. Never strike in anger...it blinds the mind and overwhelms the heart." Richard says either way.

Daredevil has posed:
Dragon's trap snares Daredevil, but the Devil is quick, and he rolls with the punch, softening the blow, flipping back and away from Dragon.

His arm shows signs of hurting though, it's not as quick to come up as it was before.

"And what if anger's all I've got?" Daredevil asks, he's cautious now though, hanging back, letting Dragon come to him.

Dragon has posed:
Dragon's fist finds purchase, but he (and other masters) taught him well and he seems to smile approval as he rolled with the blow. But, Dragon knows he's struck a critical blow in a naturally weak area of the human body. "If anger is all you have, then you are unbalanced...and your journey will be far more difficult." and when Daredevil seems to want Dragon to come to him, the Master once again nods approvingly.

Leaping with surprising speed, Dragon attempts to literally blitzkrieg Matt's defense with fast strikes aimed for his shoulder once more, his neck, his temple, and the sides of his knees. Though no body shots are attempted. Curious.

Clearly, Unlike Murdock, Dragon is calmly assessing his situation and striking with accuracy, but isn't blinded by rage or adrenaline.

Daredevil has posed:
Daredevil is expecting Dragon to exploit the shoulder wound. It's something he'd do himself. So when the blitz comes, Daredevil swings hard when Dragon goes for the arm and tries to connect.

The rest of the blitz drives him back though. He gives ground quickly, trying to get out of range, but he takes hits, slowing him, giving him pain.

"I've fought for so long, Dragon, I don't know what else I have left, once she's gone..." he says, voice breathless and ragged. "Peace may be too much to ask for."

Dragon has posed:
Richard watches as Daredevil counters, lifting a hand up to block the strike, but Daredevil is the son of a semi-famous boxer known for his reckless style and haymakers. The shot from Daredevil is enough to make Dragon slide slightly back before he continues his assault, which Daredevil seems to withdraw from.

"You and many others, 'Michael'. You consistently forget that you must stop trying to fight every war alone. To do such is to invite misery and suffering."

The Master is quiet for a moment. "I know it well. You remind me much of myself when I was much, much younger." Dragon returns his hands to clasp behind his back. "Peace does not mean making peace with your enemies. It means making peace with yourself."

Daredevil has posed:
"I've invited you, isn't that enough? And I've got the Iron Fist, Luke Cage if I can find him," he almost says Jessica Jones too but holds off. He's not sure Jess is up for this war. Besides she had her own demons to fight. "Even my old master. The problem isn't finding people but protecting them. I can't let other people die in my war."

Daredevil nods to the latter part though. "And how'd you make peace with yourself?" he asks.

Dragon has posed:
Richard does nod softly. "The Immortal Iron Fist? Well done. I imagine the others are also rather capable in a fight. They will be strong allies for you, 'Michael'." Though as Murdock tells him that it's about protecting people, Dragon nods. "It was never just your war, 'Michael'."

Then when asked how he made peace, Dragon took a breath. "With time, wisdom, and patience." Murdock severely lacks on the patience part of things. "It will not be easy. But as you stand now, you are weakened because you have too many minds. Mind of protecting others, mind of defeating your enemies, mind of maintanence, mind of your identities. Focus on one. Just one. The path you walk will make the rest clear."

Daredevil has posed:
"He's a friend," Matt admits of the Iron Fist. "You two should meet sometime."

The mention of the war, earns a shake of his head. "It feels like it is, I made the choices that got us into it, I can't let others suffer to get me out of it."

There is no argument about having too many 'minds', the question one was which was the right one for what lay in front of him.

He knew for much of these last months he'd been obsessed with protecting his friends, keeping the tide of the Hand back from reaching them, taking the fight on by himself. When it came to defeating his enemies, he'd been less focused, worried about defense too much to attack them directly. Maitenance, that was keeping his other life intact, friends, the law, it had withered to almost nothing of late. And as for his identities, those had always loomed large in his mind and driven his actions.

Really when he thought about it, his choice was clear. Elektra's sacrifice would bring him the protection he needed, his life as Matt Murdock was in shambles, and he still clung to his identities, however the number of his enemies was growing because he'd yet to truly reduce their number.

"Defeating my enemies," Daredevil says finally. "It's the only way to honour what Elektra is doing. Win the war."

Dragon has posed:
Richard nods, looking Matt in the eyes as Matt seems to finally //get it//. His attentions were so split that he was extremely ineffective. But, it was clear that Richard seemed to know a thing or two in similarity to Daredevil. But he doesn't say anything, letting the red warrior think in peace.

When he made his decision? Richard couldn't help but smile.

Giving him a small bow of hte head. "Now your path is clear. Focus on that. All else will come in time." That's perhaps among the best things Richard could do for the tortured soul that stood before him.

Daredevil has posed:
Daredevil is silent for a time considering, "To succeed on this path? Do the other minds need to be sacrificed?" he asks finally. "Or is that part of what will come in time?" he asks.

The way he'd been taught, victory came at the cost of sacrificing everything else. He'd rejected that thinking, but now, facing what he was, he could see it's wisdom and wondered if Dragon was preaching the same Gospel.

Dragon has posed:
Richard seems to nod very softly for a moment. "It will come to you on it's own time. Patience, is the lesson. Patience, and focus. Not everything must come with a dear sacrifice, my friend. Look inside your heart. When the time comes, you will know what to do."

Daredevil has posed:
Patience and focus. Two things Matt dearly needed to learn. His life was often such a mess that both were rare commodities.

"I'll keep that in mind," Daredevil says, smiling. "When we get back home, I'll be able to find you in your usual spot? I am not sure how quickly things will move after this weekend."

Dragon has posed:
Richard looks to Murdock as the Master sits down as if to Meditate, making a hand gesture by clasping his hands together a certain way. "Of course, my friend. Seek and you shall find. When you seek, there I will be awaiting you." he chuckles just so, looking to the horizon.

"Thank you for helping an old master stretch his legs by the way."

Daredevil has posed:
Daredevil nods, "My pleasure," he says, with only a hint of a smile.

The rest is taken with a nod. "I'll track you down then," he says. "And enjoy your meditation."

The Devil of Hell's Kitchen bows to him and takes his leave. His mind still too jumbled to sit an enjoy the quiet, but at least now, he had a focus.