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Latest revision as of 02:08, 24 October 2018

The Third Night
Date of Scene: 23 October 2018
Location: Gotham - Haunted Manor
Synopsis: Tim and Carrie visit a Haunted Manor and come across Mellie.
Cast of Characters: Mellie Mortain, Red Robin, Carrie Kelley

Mellie Mortain has posed:
The snap and hiss of his camera almost makes the other two investigators jump. Eric has never seen a ghost and neither have Sally or Trevor. The three have arrived tonight to spend three nights in this manor, rumored to be haunted. It was the site of several strange deaths over the decades and was abandoned by the original owners after their daughter mysteriously died in a psychiatric hospital of unknown causes. The night starts out calm enough but the sound of someone running up and down the stairs startles them a bit. Next came the knocking, the things being thrown down the stairs, pictures being knocked off the wall, and then there was the banging.. the loud banging at 3 AM. Most of this was caught on camera and the three got little sleep that night.

The second night was more of the same but this time there was a voice.. a female voice warning the three to leave. It was a distorted voice, mostly screaming. After that the voice became less coherant, mostly nonsense, at least in their ears it was. The poltergeist activity got very violent towards the end of the night, a male voice being heard briefly, very gutteral, hostile. The windows all shattered at the same time at 4:59 AM and then.. nothing.

This is the third night and everyone is terrified. Eric insisted that everyone stay this final night, stating that no one has been hurt yet, and claiming that it is proof that spirits cannot harm the living. He cannot be more wrong. Had they only left like the female voice told them to, they would have been okay, they would not have died. But Mellie can only try to warn them, scream, stomp, try to scare them off. But she doesn't understand that their fear only feeds the dark spirit which has haunted her for so long.. even when she was alive. This is where it all starts. There are no lights, no power in the manor. Nature has long started to take over the building. Eric's camera snap-hisses on once more and tonight's story begins.

Red Robin has posed:
Wearing a black hoodie, black t-shirt and cargopants with a good set of sneakers, Tim walks up to the gate of the manor. "So this is the haunted place...." he says as he reaches into his backpack and pulls out a go-pro, placing that on his chest, he also gets out a portable Camera as he turns that on and does his intro... the things he does for views, well, it helps the children, so that's all that matters.

"Hello everyone, my name is Timiplier, and today, I'm going to go and check out this haunted manor, I mean, if Wayne manor isn't haunted, then how haunted can some old house be? but we will find out soon enough." he speaks in a much more quieted voice, probably to help whoever is watching this later get the feel of it being spooky.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"You are a giant nerd," comes a voice from behind Tim as Carrie comes up with a shake of her head. She was here for similar reasons of course; to investigate the oddities going on in this place as it had begun to gain more notoriety in the rumor mill. Her hair was held back with a few barrettes, and she holds a Sony HD mini-cam in hand herself. Far better for recording than a GoPro. Her own attire was casual, and durable, especially to keep away the chill air. Jeans, a pair of beat up steel toed work boots, and a long sleeved checkered flannel in shades of green and white. "Funny running into you here though."

Mellie Mortain has posed:
The night's silence inside the manor is broken as Sally, who has fallen asleep upstairs, wakes up to a female voice screaming in her ear. She wakes with a jolt! She is shaking now, terrified like last night. The woman quickly runs through the manor, trying to ignore the banging on the walls that follows her to her left. When she sees Eric she panics, "I want to get out of here.. let's leave NOW! I can't take this anymore.. I can't take it please!" She is sobbing, absolutely on the verge of a mental breakdown. Eric tries to calm her but it's to no avail.

Trevor is alone downstairs in the basement which is unfortunate for him. The demon happens to be after him first, newly empowered by their fear, and it has been waiting for the perfect moment to strike, "Too bad we can't get into that attic. Guess this will have to do." His laptop monitor is flickering now, "What the hell? Again?" It shuts off entirely and refuses to turn back on. Trever cannot see a thing as he is ripped out of his chair and is repeatedly slammed against the very tough brick wall until it shatters. Trevor's bloody corpse is thrown inside and the rest of the wall collapses, not enough to bring down the floor above, but enough to bury Trevor inside. Then there is stomping coming from the basement stairs.

Sally and Eric are of course unaware of their friend's death but are now going looking for him, "Sally we are leaving.. I swear but we can't leave without Trevor. He and I can come back tomorrow night and-" Sally interrupts him, "NO! You are NOT coming back here! You'll die.. Mellie said.."

Mellie stands in the center of what was once the foyer area near the entrance, unseen by mortal eyes, unmanifested.

Red Robin has posed:
"That's King Giant Nerd, thankyou very much!" Tim says as he pans his vlog Camera over. "Look everyone Carrie is here! Isn't she lovely?" He says before turning the camera back on himself. "So, why don't we go in and have a look around? And hopefully, we will see if this house is truly haunted." He stops and rubs the back of his neck. "Did it just get cold?" he asks Carrie before being the person he is and walking up the long walk towards the front door.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley gives a wave to the camera along with a little coy cant to her head as she bats her eyes melodramatically. Sure she could look good for the video feed, but she just looks a bit like a cute goof in this instance. "I don't think anyone would recognize me. I haven't done a vlog in ages," she points out with a small shrug brushing it off. It WAS odd running into him here, but she wasn't going to question it too much. The chill does send a shiver down her back. "Yeah a bit. You're not just trying to spook me are you?" With a sigh she jogs after him to head into the house.

Mellie Mortain has posed:
The pair would be greeted by the sounds of a man screaming and the sound of a body being flung across the room, then a series of loud thumps.. and a wet crunching sound. The horrified sobbing of a woman can then be heard to your left.. coming from inside a closed room.

Sally is huddled in a corner.. "Mellie.. Mellie.. he did this to you.. he did this to you.. he did this to you.." Over.. and over.. and over..

Red Robin has posed:
Tim watches as a man is tossed across the room, and blinks a few times. "Um.. carrie..." he says as he stands in front of her, kind of protecting her, though, he doesnt look like he wants to go in further, it's not fear, reguardless of how he is acting, it's hesitation. His mind trying to rapidly explain what's going on. "I think someone is in the side room, I also think this was a bad idea."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley had glanced down momentarily to check her camera battery. It was almost enough to spare her the sight of the man being flung forcibly into the wall with such a resounding thump, and crack, that it was impossible to believe he wasn't gravely injured. Unfortunately she looks up just in time to see it happen over Tim's shoulder. Her breath hitches in her throat and instinctively she reaches out to grasp the back of his shirt as someone might do when in a haunted house. The not actually haunted house variety. "I... I can see that."

Mellie Mortain has posed:
All at once all of the doors in the manor start to open and close and the screaming continues.. "GET OUT! GET OUT!" Over and over again from that same room. There is a dark presence in the manor now. Rapid footfalls escalate up the stairs and then.. walking upstairs can be heard. The wood creaks beneath the apparent weight. The sobbing can be heard again in the room on the left.

Sally is still huddled in a corner, her mantra changed to, "They didn't listen.. they didn't listen.. now you're dead.. now you're dead.. now you're dead.."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim looks around and lightly steps into the manor. "Carrie, let's try and get that woman out of here." he says as he moves towards the door. "Also, there is a butterfly knife in my pocket, and a tazer and mace can in my bag." he says because being a rich ward of an even richer man is cause to have things on you that would settle most problems.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley clears her throat lightly when Tim speaks again snapping her out of her momentary daze of shock. First things first: Get whoever was in there to safety. "Right," she agrees readily. Her camera is slung back over her shoulder with the strap she wore around her to ensure it doesn't fall, and she reaches into his back pocket to pull out the knife. "Let's go."

Mellie Mortain has posed:
Once inside the room you see... nothing. The room is empty and cold for a moment.. then not cold at all. There is nothing but dust and cobwebs inside and the sobbing is gone. Another scream however can be heard, this time coming from up stairs, it's not just a scream though, it is indeed a horrified, coughing plea for her life, "NO! NOOO! PLEASE N-" And then the scream is cut off.. followed by a loud thump and more footsteps.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim blinks as he looks up. "Oh no..." He says as he turns off his camera as well, and put's that and the go pro into his bag, and takes out the taser. "Carrie, that came from upstairs..." he says as he turns to look at her before turning and moving to go upstairs.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley feels her stomach clench at that soul wrenching cry. Even before Tim has whirled around to tell her the obvious she's started to move in that direction. Whatever hesitance she had at the sight of the man going down was forgotten now in light of the more pressing matter. "Come on, there must be someone in here going after them!" Yes, because right now she had enough to wrap her mind around besides the thought of 'this might not be human.'

Mellie Mortain has posed:
You might see the broken body of Eric laying at the foot of the stairs. His face is perpetually trapped in an expression of terror, eyes wide open. Every bone in his body has been shattered and his clothes are soaked in blood. Various sections of the stairs are damaged, some of the damage looking older than others.. and yet some still looking quite ancient. The footsteps proceed still further down the upstairs hall.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley ignores the smell of blood that was obvious from the body on the ground. No, there was another. She'd heard a woman begging, pleaing for her life. The knife in hand is flicked out with a deft twist of her wrist as she bounds over poor Eric's corpse to take the stairs two at a time with a quicker than expected movement. "Hey! We're coming!" She cries out, partly meant to let the girl know help was on the way, partly to try and dissaude the attacker from trying again. Better she face the attacker than the terrified woman.

Mellie Mortain has posed:
You might also see the shattered camera lying midway up the stairs, no longer capable of functioning, the trio's experiences lost to the darkness. Upstairs the sobbing from earlier starts up again coming from the direction you heard the screams and the thump. The footsteps seem to have ceased for now.. outside thunder rumbles and lightning flashes as if nature has a sense of humor.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim looks to the camera as he follows carrie. "useless now." he says as he continues to follow the red haired woman towards the sounds of sobbing. "Only in Gotham..." He mumbles about the thunder and lightning. "So, we find the girl, and we get the heck out of here, this is like b movie slasher flick."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"I swear to god Tim if you jinx us and there's a slasher in here... Remember that the virgin always dies first," Carrie quips back not even monitoring what she was saying. It was easier to quip. Bad jokes. Right now that was the best way for her to focus on this and ignore the fact that there were two dead men downstairs. There was still a chance to save one person. The others could be thought about later once they were somewhere safe. "I will also go out the window if I have to. I'm sure you've got practice with that. I think she's in here," she finally says as she makes her way down the hall with knife held out in front of her menacingly. If only it were a sword.

Mellie Mortain has posed:
As you continue down the hall, the sobbing gets louder.. and louder.. until you see what looks like someone on the floor. The sobbing has stopped now and as you get close enough to see the dead body, the thunder and lightning decide to get REALLY loud and bright...

Sally is dead and would be flat face down on the ground.. except that her head has been twisted all the way around so that she is looking up at you, face twisted in terror like Eric's. There is some scratching on the wall to your left, "Find the third.." Then below that, "Find him before he stays." Then another scream can be heard coming from below.. below the floor level.

Red Robin has posed:
"Actualy the... never mind." Tim says as he moves to look into the room and his eyes go wide. "Oh god... Heads arent supposed to DO that.." he says as he looks to the wall. "Oh find the third... fffffff....." He says as he is starting to loose it, yeah he could see stuff like this on a nightly basis, and is half expecting one of their normal villians to pop out and starts a monologue, but this all doesn't seam right.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Uuuh." The wordless noise comes from Carrie as the sight is taken in. She whirls around with head falling forward, hair nearly covering her face as she clamps a hand over her mouth. Heads were most definitely NOT supposed to do that! And they'd heard her screaming just a minute ago! She wasn't still alive, was she? No she couldn't be... A gasping breath comes quick, and she swallows hard as her entire body begins to tremble. "...can't get sick... don't have time... don't get sick... C-come on..."

Mellie Mortain has posed:
The sobbing continues from down below.. somewhere. Then the sound of a.. lot of objects being thrown clang and thud around, also coming from the direction of the sobbing. It doesn't last long, perhaps thirty seconds, then ceases.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim turns and places a hand on carries shoulder. "You gonna be okay. Let's go back down stairs and..." Then the clanging and banging is heard and Tim frowns. "Someone's here." He says as he runs out of the room, and instead of going down the stairs, he jumps from the banister and lands on the ground floor in a three point land. "Whoever's there... show yourself, I have a black belt in tae kwan do!" he says as he stands up...

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley gives a curt, quick nod when Tim puts his hand on her shoulder. There was no time for this. Her face sets with a stubborn clench of her jaw sa she stands up straight again. The third? Find the third? Whatever did that mean on the wall? Either way Tim takes off down the hall to leap over the balcony, and she's quick behind on his heels not wanting to be left alone up there. The way he takes the jump was noted for later recollection. For now she leaps, one hand springboarding down against the bannister, as she hops over too in one single motion. Landing on her feet behind Tim she spares a quick glance over her shoulder in case there were someone in the shadows there before turning back toward the sound.

Mellie Mortain has posed:
Once you are downstairs the sound of very heavy things can be heard falling down another set of stairs somewhere in the kitchen area. Then the sobbing starts up again coming from that same direction. The storm outside gets closer.. and thus gets brighter and louder.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to Carrie3 and gives a nod, motioning for the kitchen door. "There is probably a staircase in ther,e thease old manor houses usualy have four or five sets going to multiple levels." he says as he walks towards the kichen door, and kicks the door open, and ducks in case some sharp object would come flying at him, tugging carrie down at the same time because he doesn't want her hurt either.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Right," Carrie says again in a much more determined way than before. That little run and jump got her blood pumping and adrenaline was a hell of a thing to ignore other emotions. When he grabs her to pull her down she ducks, crouching low, and flips the knife underhand in her grip so she can slash at legs if needed.

Mellie Mortain has posed:
There is nothing in the kitchen except for an open white door that leads down into the pitch black dark basement. The sobbing is coming from down there. A single brick can be seen resting at the top of the stairs just inside the door. It's almost inviting.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake blinks and looks around the kitchen. Then looks to Carrie and how she holds the knife. "You'd make a pretty neat slayer you know that?" he says with a smile, before he moves across the kitchen and looks down at the brick, kicking it aside as he pulls a flashlight from his bag and points it down the stairs.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley rises from her crouch with a deep breath drawn as she regards the empty room. "You know I get the feeling we're walking into a trap and should just leave immediately. Don't you?" A look is flashed to Tim before she moves over to the stairway to join him with a sigh. "Let's make sure no one else is in danger."

Mellie Mortain has posed:
There is a loud scratching sound coming from the basement now, as if something is being carved into wood. The sobbing continues as you descend but the scratching stops. There are bricks everywhere as the flashlight begins to reveal the contents of the room. Rats scurry at your approach and the storm rages on outside.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake moves the flashlight to follow the spread of the bricks. "This was recent, like, in the last hour recent." he says as he continues to look. "The rats were probably on the other side of thease bricks." Tim says as he continues going downstairs. "Musty down here..."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley follows down cautiously as her hand fumbles at her side for the pen light she'd brought as well. It's flicked on and held up around shoulder height to help illuminate the room further. "Find the third? Downstairs? The wall upstairs said something like that. I just wonder..." A light cough is given as she shakes her head, the air being dusty from all the loosened bricks. Finding her voice again she calls out, "Hello? We heard you crying. Is anyone down here?"

Mellie Mortain has posed:
The sobbing has ceased by the time Carrie decides to call out. As you get to the bottom you see the body of Trevor crumpled up in a bloody mess in a whole in the wall on the other side of the room. The wall nearby bears the same scratching as upstairs, only this time it reads, "The Third." Below that, "Take them all before they stay."

Red Robin has posed:
"Yep... ghosts... I'm going to call the GCPD.. we better get away now." Tim says as he gets his phone out of his pocket. his other hand taking's carries hand as he goes back upstairs, and out the backdoor, because forget this, this house, and this night, only he didnt say 'forget'.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Wait," Carrie states, "Before they stay. I think... I think they need to be taken out so that they don't... uh... Shit. End up ghosts here themselves?" Even so she lets Tim drag her out. The GCPD sounded like a GREAT idea right about now.

Mellie Mortain has posed:
Mellie appears at the top of the stairs before you get there. She is obviously a ghost, made of all white energy. You can discern a long dress on her, however her entire form is pure white and you cannot make out the color of her eyes, skin, hair, anything. Mellie isn't looking at either of you, instead looking past you somewhere, "Get out.. it's not safe.. GET OUT!" She looks terrified, absolutely horrified, "He'll be back.. he always comes back." She turns around and looks into the kitchen, "Soup again? I would rather have cake.. sugar rots your teeth.. it rots your teeth.. it rots.. rots.." She starts walking towards a counter top and seems to vanish.

Red Robin has posed:
'Gah.. who.. are.. soup?... FUCK!" He says as the girl vanishes and he grips Carries hand tighter and is out the door. "No.. nonononononononono. I just wanted fotage to make a video.. I didnt know the place was actualy haunted...." he says as once he is outside he tries to catch his breath and calm himself, still holding carrie's hand, because he just saw somthing his purely anylitical mind can't beleive, but his eyes are sure they saw.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley squeezes Tim's hand herself when Mellie appears. The ghostly figure gets stared at, and then she's yanked out into the yard along with Tim. There's no attempt at halting him at this point. When a dead woman says get out, you get the heck out. They stand there hands linked together as she just stares back at the house starting to shake a bit from a mixture of the cold night air and the adrenaline wearing off. "The hell... I just... ugh. I figured it was some pranksters or... Nothing like this. I mean I kind of figured ghosts existed, there's so many stories in theaters, but... Not like this."

Mellie Mortain has posed:
The storm is the only sound near the house now. There's no screaming, thumping, crashing, or sobbing eminating from the manor at this point. From out there it's as if the place is simply old, abandoned, and alone. But should you look up at one particular upstairs window, a black figure can be seen vaguely staring out at you momentarily with glowing red eyes. But after the next lightning flash the figure is gone, a crash of thunder loud enough to hurt someone's ears following.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake blinks as he looks up at that dark figure in the window. "My car is parked near here... um.. yeah." he says as he moves off towards his car, still having a hold on carrie's hand as he get's to said car and opens the door for her, at least it's not raining inside the car, before getting int othe driver's seat, his head back against the headrest. "Damnit...."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Screw public transit," Carrie agrees as she had seen that figure, too. It earned another shiver from her as her mind starts to go dark places. No. Nope. This wasn't a horror movie. Nope. Just a horrible night. Without complaint she gets into Tim's car, and tucks her feet up on the seat to hug her arms around her knees while just staring straight ahead. Finally she says, quietly, "I don't think the police are going to be much help with this."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim looks at her. "They just need to get the bodies out, the ghost or whatever they were can have the house, I'm surpised someone hasent bought the house and demolished it yet." Tim would, but he doesnt want to be haunted. Letting out a sigh he looks at Carrie. "Wanna get a coffee? Preferable in a well lit busy part of town?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley risks a glance back at the house, feeling her stomach flip again. That was worse than when she was caught by ninjas. She could at least fight back against that! How do you fight a ghost? Tim's suggestion draws her back to reality along with a firm, affirmative nod. "Yes. Very well lit. And people. Lots."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake starts the car and drives towards downtown. "Hey... about the first night we met... sorry if I came off like an ass... I ah... was dealing with stuff and didnt mean to act like that, totaly my fault and all."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley nods slowly at this though she takes a deep breath. "I figured something was going on. I mean you were sneaking out of a window after all," she offers with a wry, lopsided smile as she glances his way. Now that they were moving she unfolds herself from her position to pull the seatbelt on rather than risk being a pancake. "A lot's happened since then anyway." Like tonight.