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Latest revision as of 07:14, 25 October 2018

Black Sky: About Elektra
Date of Scene: 24 October 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Matt calls Darcy to talk about Elektra. They both learn to cope without their usual crutches.
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Darcy Lewis
Tinyplot: Black Sky

Daredevil has posed:
It's not terribly important how Matt got Darcy's number, but he sent her a text after the weekend of the tournament asking her to Joise's.

By now the papers were abuzz with news of Elektra's death. Found on her private island, with no explanation of her death, except that no foul play was suspected and that no charges would be laid. Matt felt Drcy deserved to know more. Hence the meeting.

Arriving early, Matt picked out a booth near the back of Josie's and orderd himself a scotch, waiting for Darcy to arrive.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
The next hit Darcy hard enough that she was uncharacteristically quiet at the office. If anyone commented, it wasn't to her face, and so Darcy didn't care. She moved through her day in a numb sort of shock. The text failed to get an outward reaction beyond her replying with a 'K', and then just leavning work when her shift was over.

Drinks at Josie's sounds like a great idea.

Darcy arrives a bit later, pausing at the doorway to find Matt. When she does, she moves over to him. Reaching the tbale, she says his name, the only warning of her he gets, before she bends down to give him a big hug.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt senses Darcy before she comes into the bar so he's more than ready for that hug. In fact, he welcomes it, giving the other woman a tight squeeze of his own.

"I'm sorry," he says against her shoulder before letting her go. "You should have gotten the news from a friend, not the Daily Bugle."

Settling back a bit, he asks, "Can I get you something?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
He apologizes. He shouldn't be. Darcy pulls back to settle across from him.

"It's fine. I wasn't, probably, all that close anyway," says the agent, heart beating a sad sluggish beat in her chest. Her head shakes, hair rustling against the coat she's shrugging out of.

"Nah. I'm not in the mood to drink, to be honest. ...But, how are you doing?"

Daredevil has posed:
Matt shakes his head, "That's not true," he says. "Elektra liked you a lot," he says. "So trust me, she felt you were a close friend, and she doesn't have a lot of those."

He nods about the drink waving the waiter away.

Then there's the million dollar question. How was he doing?

"I know I am probably supposed to have an answer for that," he says. "But the truth is, I don't know. I'm mostly just numb."

He takes a sip of his drink, savouring it before setting the glass back down on the table.

"How are you?" he asks. After all in his head, he saw this as a chance to be a comfort to someone else who cared for Elektra.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Hearing that Elektra saw her as a close friend makes Darcy's eyes sting. The same sort of sting that hits anytime she had let herself think about that news report. She hadn't even tries to misused her SHIELD clearance to try to find more information.

"I'm... about the same," she admits, probably a bit falsely, because in truth, she was a wreck. Darcy seems crass and rude but she cares very deeply. Those whom she's claimed as part of Her Tribe, she would fight for. Losing one hurts in a way that she's never been able to describe, in a way that she's never found a good way to cope with. Sex sometimes helps, but... this didn't seem like the right time or person, and just grabbing smoeone off the street or at a bar..

Her words said the same, her heartbeat screamed differently.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt's hand twitches around his glass, when he feels the impact of those words on Darcy and her inner turmoil besides. Her words though were more accurate than she knew, he might feel numb on the outside, but inside Matt's own feelings were a mess. He didn't know what to feel right now, or what to do about any of it. Sex hadn't entered his mind, it was all so soon after Elektra had passed, but drinking and hitting people those were options he was keeping on the table for later.

Matt makes a little helpless noise, "I usually know what to say, but right now..." he sighs. "No clue. I was there though, when it happened, I can't tell you everything, but if you want to know things, I can do my best."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Yeah. Words seem.. i don't know. I want to know, but at the same time, I almost don't want to know.." Darcy waffles on it, sighing and slumping backwards into her seat. Her eyes lift from the table to study Matt, and a frown graces her features.

He was there.

Those words make Darcy's heart ache for him.

"Talk about whatever you need to talk about, Matt... I... I'm so sorry."

Daredevil has posed:
If someone knew Matt's friends, sympathy was not something he was used to. If he was honest he expected yelling and questions about why he was there and why he didn't save him.

He suspected that a bit of that was most of his friends knew he was Daredevil and expected more of him than than what somone would expect from Matt Murdock.

Or maybe they were just more done with his shit. It was hard to say.

He can feel that look on him, and he reaches up to ensure his shades were in place. His other mask, even as memories of Elektra's final moments come rushing back. The laboured breathing the final kiss..

"She died saving the people she loved," he says finally. "It wasn't something most people would really understand, but she did it for us, you, me a few other people, because she was the only one who could."

The tears come then and he tries to blink them away.

"Anyhow, I don't know how much she told you about her life, but I felt you should know, she died a hero."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
If someone knew Matt's friends, or that he was Daredevil... and they STILL made demands on him, really are just heartless. Being a hero like that is hard. It takes things from you, and though Darcy's never been a hero like that, and likely never will be, it's the same sort of respect she has of anyone putting their lives on the line to save and protect others.

As matt speaks, Darcy can hear the maybe impreceptible tremor. She can feel her eyes wanting to tear and so understands that Matt's will want to as well, even if she can't see them past the glasses. She leans over the table to close her hand over his, squeeze his hand as she had squeezed him in a hug.

"She didn't tell me much. But I got the sense she had a big heart. I'm... thankful... Sad, but... I believe you. She died a hero, then.. she's a hero," Darcy says, accepting and not pressing for more.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt takes the offered hand squeezing it back, he needed that, contact, a connection to the living someone else going through the same things he was.

He grabs up a napkin with his free hand and dabs at his eyes. He knew trying to hide his tears were meaningless now.

Both statements were true. Matt had seen her heart in the work at the Hugo Building, and she gone bravely to her death for the sake of all of them.

There's a faint, sad smile at the mention of Elektra having a big heart, "I am not sure who she'd be more mad at, you with the big heart stuff or me calling her a hero."

Even that little smile felt good. "Anyhow, I'm glad you were her friend, Darcy, she seemed happy when she was with you."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Hand held, Darcy cries now too, but forgoes a napkin. Tears are a badge of fucking honor, and now that they are free, she's not going to bother hiding them.

"She's welcomed to be mad at us both," Darcy retorts, fingers giving a squeeze at the word 'both'. Of course, then Matt says that she made Elektra happy and there's soemthing that's not quite a laugh but not really a sob. It's some quantumly entangled combination of the two. Jane would be so proud of Darcy's science brain right now.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt can feel the heat of the tears rolling down Darcy's cheek. His eyes close, letting more tears fall as he squeezes her hand.

That sob-laugh, breaks Matt's heart though, and he takes her hand in both of hers giving it a firm squeeze. "I know this is the time people always say, it'll be okay, and it'll get better, and maybe it will but that always sounds like bullshit in these moments," he says honestly. "But what isn't was you were a good friend to Elektra and made her life better. And if you need a friend, I'm here. Elektra liked you, that says a lot."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"It really is bullshit," Darcy acknowledges, sobbing a bit more than laughing now, though that smile is there. Her words are wobbly and wet, and she sniffles a few times.

"Same, man. Same. Don't drink alone with this, alright?" Even though she didn't feel like drinking, she will.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt lets go of Darcy's hand to slide the spare napkin over to her. "For your nose," he says having noticed she wasn't wiping away her tears. His hand comes back to hers to give it another squeeze then let go.

"I'll try," he says of not drinking alone. "What do you do to cope? I'll help if I can."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
What do you do to cope? Darcy, rubbing at her nose and the tears starting to drip from her chin, actualy laughs. It's one of those bittersweet things again.

"Sure... why the hell not. I usually find someone to fuck. Emotional release... it's better than trying to find the bottom of a bottle or cutting myself."

Daredevil has posed:
That actually gets a laugh out of Matt mostly at his own sudden discomfort.

"Well, I guess I asked," he says, with a smile. "Anything else?" he says, knowing that wasn't an area he was ready to help with.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Yeah. You really did," Darcy confirms, giving Matt's hand one last squeeze.

"Nothing really. I guess, just sitting near by, talking? Watching out for each other? You've got me number you can text, any time you need. Even when I'm at work. If you need to talk, I'll pick up."

Daredevil has posed:
He smiles faintly at her remark about him walking right into that.

He downs his scotch and calls for Darcy to bring him a coke. He was at least going to try and not drink.

"Yeah, sort of in the same spot," he admits. "Not sure what else I do to cope, but you've got my number too, call me if you need me, I'm not working right now anyhow, same deal, I'll pick up."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy nods, though she's sure it's not seen. She squeezes Matt's hand instead, and when the two sodas after, so collects hers and hold it up.

"To heroes and not knowing how to fucking cope," she entones, then settles in for a night of drinking soda with Matt until they are both ready to part ways.