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Latest revision as of 10:49, 27 October 2018

Throwback Evolution Party
Date of Scene: 27 October 2018
Location: Club Evolution, Bushwick (Mutant Town)
Synopsis: Party at Club Evolution, Mystique talks with ash about Mutant Rights.
Cast of Characters: Mystique, Ash Williams, Shadowcat

Mystique has posed:
Club Evolution, probably the most inclusive place in the tri-state area, aside from jail, is currently having a very late night Throw Back party. The theme? the Ninties! Only musice from 1990 to 1999 is being played, which at the moment is https://youtu.be/nuLsxo20Rmo (Dragula by Rob Zombie) People dancing and generaly having a fun time while wearing band t-shirts, and JNCO huge pants.

One person at the bar is absolutely enjoing the Party, though taking a breather. Wearing a long black velvet trenchcoat with a pair of black cargo pants tucked into a pair of doc martins, a t-shirt under the coat that reads. "Hello, my name is Dangerous." This Purple haired gothic/punk chick stands at six feet tall with a generoud feminine figure, and six peircings in each ear and a stud in her nose. She also wears enough clinky jewlery, mostly silver chains, that they look like they add at least five pounds to her.

Ash Williams has posed:
    Ash Williams arrives at the club with no idea that there's a nineties party on, but it still feels somewhat alien to him when he staggers in. Well fuck. He was just looking for a drink after a long drive, but since there's a party going on, he's more than capable of making bad decisions with the rest of them. His mechanical hand sweeps through his hair as he looks around the bar-party, and he definitely spots the trenchcoated partygoer, who looks like she might be an entertaining mistake.

    So leads the Chosen One to cut a path towards the bar, fetching a double of bourbon before making his way to the tall but curvy creature. "Feels like I've got back in time again. Hah. What brings a beautiful gal like yourself out to a place like this?"

Mystique has posed:
The purple haired woman takes a sip of her beer, she also has a lit cigarette in her other hand and gives Ash a once over. "So... how'd you lose the hand?" She asks bluntly. "Stick it where it doesn;t belong?" She adds with a smirk, wondering though, how many times he has heard that particular joke before. The Purpled haired goth/punk lady does keep a seperate eye on the crowd though, almost a protective look.

Shadowcat has posed:
    Kitty's taking the opportunity to wear sunglasses inside; large buggy wayfarers with bright pink frames sitting ridiculous and silly over her dainty nose and comparatively small face. Her hair is pulled into a side ponytail with a scrunchie, and she has a very 'Britney Spears'-style vinyl tubetop on underneath what is the flashiest, most obnoxiously patterned windbreaker anyone's ever laid eyes on; worn open. Her pants are, of course, low waist denim jeans with rips in the knees. White platform sneakers finish off the throwback outfit, and this being a mutant-friendly club, Kitty phases in through the wall instead of using the door, like a normal person.

    A few moments later and she can be found arguing with the bartender. "Uhm, who CARES? Like, I left my I.D. at home okay?" Her face scrunches up, indignant. She points the bartender to the wall painted with the murals of the X-Men, indicating a portrait of a similar looking brunette. "That's me. I'm on the wall! I should be able to get a /drink/ for christ's sake, if you're going to use me to decorate the place!" She slaps her palms against the bartop, and whines a little. "Shadowcat? Hello? Come on!"

Ash Williams has posed:
    "That's my tragic backstory. See, some people like to make up stories about this'n'that to explain injuries. I wrestled a lion, or I saved a kid from a runaway train. Me? I decided that I was gonna stick my foot so far into the keister of Evil, and so Evil decided to make sure I was gonna do it single-handedly." The play on words hopefully not lost. Ash lifts his metal hand, the gauntlet both archaic and yet wired, holding his drink. "Made this thing a while back 'cos sometimes my left hand gets an itch." The rather uppity X-Person catches his glance a moment later, and Ash seems a little disappointed. "'Course, there's enough people out there trying to save the world. Figure I should get into something less crowded, like retail. What's your story, then?"

Mystique has posed:
Her story, goodness, what should she say? I incite riots for pro mutant causes? I assassinate people? I'm over one hundred years old and sick of everyone's shit? So much to say. "Once upan a time, I'm a snarky bitch, the end." She says simply as she looks to the upset and now leaving x-man. "Ugh..." She says in a slight bit of disgust at the younger mutants outburst.

Ash Williams has posed:
    "Not a fan, huh?" Ash chuckles, "What's it that ain't grabbing you about them? Is it the mutant thing? 'Cos we're living in an age where that's just people. Or the saving the world stuff? Or maybe just the costumes." A shake of his head, "Nah. I'm too old to give a damn about whether the world knows half of the crap I've done for it. Doesn't mean I'm not proud of it though." A chuckle. "You /are/ a mystery gal, aren'tcha? Name's Ash Williams. Does a snarky bitch have a name?"

Mystique has posed:
"I AM a mutant, thankyou very much! I just don't like uppity people, making a scene like that." She says and looks to Ash. "Sinthya, you can call me Syn." She says simply as she takes another drag from her cigarette. "So, a human who doesn't hate mutants, in my experience, that's a rarity, maybe we should put you behind glass."

Ash Williams has posed:
    "Mutant? You just look tall to me. Not saying that's a problem." Ash chuckles to himself again, "Syn. Neat name. And nah, it's not uncommon. Lotta people don't understand, that's what gives them the fear. Or they get it and it makes them feel weak, and that's the anger. See, I've been around a long time. Made some mistakes. See, my home town used to think I was a serial killer, and that's all they saw when they looked at me. Used to yell, throw crap. And boy-oh-boy did that make me act like a total jackass. Didn't stop me from doing the right thing, but I made sure they knew I wasn't doin' it for them."

Mystique has posed:
smiles as she looks around, most of the peolle arent paying attention, so she shifts, back into her blue form for just a second, before changing back into the purple haired gothic chick form. She rarely does this, but Ash strikes her as someone who isn;t a snitch, and also, if he DOES fight demons and monsters and all sorts of other things, a changling is the last of his worries. "I know all about that, I've been around for the worst of it... well, worst so far." She says, also she tabs her left ring finger. "And while your being sweet, I'm taken."

Ash Williams has posed:
    Ash observes the change, and although his suprise seems mild, he does point out. "See, I've seen that kind of thing a bunch of times. It's normally a deadite though, and they generally follow it by tryin' to rip my face off." He downs the rest of his drink while he considers her sentence though, and the ring is taken in stride. "You'd be suprised. Couple of hundred years ago a bunch of villagers sentenced me to death just because I wasn't dressed like 'em. You married? Probably for the best. Can't think of a girl I've banged who lived much longer afterwards. Evil follows me kind of like a bad smell."

Mystique has posed:
"A bad smell eh? I've always wondered what evil smells like? Though it's deceptive so it could smell like a bar of irish spring, though if it was pure rage and destruction.. maybe napalm?" Syn says with a smirk. "It is for the best, getting mixed up with me is the quickest way to trouble, and not demons and zombie trouble either, I'm talking about government trouble, and you don;t need that Mr. Williams."

Ash Williams has posed:
    "Couldn't tell you, but it follows me all the same. Sometimes it smells kinda like death." Ash is wearing a smile as well, following his sentence with another warming mouthful of bourbon, "Hey, you think I haven't had my share of government trouble? Weird guy who leaves a trail of bodies behind him? Funny thing about evil though, it's not selective like that. You throw my butt in a cell, and the demon carves a bloody path to me, I cram it's head into it's ass and walk on out."

Mystique has posed:
Decides to have abit of fun and changes, Looking like an exact copy of Ash. "Well, if you pay me well enough, I could get you out, I'm a pro at jail breaks." She, or now is it he, says, even has the metal arm. "This power I have is wonderful, I could be anyone. That hobo on the corner, the waiter at dinner, you."

Ash Williams has posed:
    Ash looks at himself, and his gaze hardens a bit. "Wouldn't go wearing my skin there honey. See, one of those evil things out there wears my skin too, and he's eaten a face full of boomstick a dozen times. And don't get me wrong, you've got a neat power going on, but don't matter who you are, a face-full of 12-gauge always hurts." And with that, his alcohol is drained. "It's neat though. Wish I could do that - And couldn't tell ya I'd use it responsibly."

Mystique has posed:
Syn-ash smiles. "Well does he have one of thease puppies right here?" He says as he taps the metal hand. "If not then I think you could tell the difference, if so... then.." And the metal hand turns to gold. "And trust me, I cause alot of chaos with this power."

Ash Williams has posed:
    "I tell others to check for the hand. But for me? I see this handsome face anywhere that's not a mirror, and I kill the son of a bitch wearing it." Ash pauses. "Actually sometimes the mirror too, since apparently there's one of me in there that's pissed off too." Another healthy chuckle, "Hell, couldn't blame you for doing that. But you could also do a hell of a lot of good stuff too. Important good stuff. Not like, little old lady good stuff.

Mystique has posed:
Syn blinks and changes into Betty White. "But I like doing old lady stuff." She says as she now looks up at Ash. "Besides, I do good, I help fight for mutant kind, against supression and fear. You know there are alot of mutant children out there who go to sleep scared, who are afraid to leave their house because of the fact that humans have no qualms about killing a mutant, even a child?"

Ash Williams has posed:
"Some humans." Ash offers the correction without hesitation. "But you can't throw out the whole barrel 'cos a few apples got spots on 'em. I get that people can be garbage but at the end of the day, people're just doing what they think is right."

Mystique has posed:
Syn changes back into her purple haired goth form and frowns. "Then they will need to learn what is right, and sometimes, the hard way is the only way." She says as she pays for her drinks, as well as buys Ash three more rounds, before waving. "I'll see you around, debatable if you will ever see me again though." She says as she heads out of the club.

Ash Williams has posed:
"Who knows. Maybe I'll figure out a way through that neat trick of yours. Later Syn." Ash seems to have some drinks waiting for him. And new, exciting mistakes!