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Latest revision as of 06:28, 1 November 2018

Warriors from Two Worlds
Date of Scene: 30 October 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Starfire, Nikias

Starfire has posed:
In an isolated corner of the park, a training dummy was set up. An orange-skinned woman is there, kicking and punching it with brutal force. On a nearby bench is the Silkie, who is gnawing on a tuna can. She then smiles as she stops for a moment, glancing to her pet. "What do you think, my little bumgorf? I wish I had a flying test dummy for the full version..." She ponders. "Maybe I should go get a sword. I haven't practiced in a while."

Nikias has posed:
"Your left guard is a third of an inch to high, and you lean to far into your kicks, throws off your balance." comes a voice from a nearby tree. Sitting under it is a young man, cant be much more than twenty. He's leaned back into the trunk, a partially eaten apple in hand, one leg slung up across the knee of the other. He's hardly even looking in Kori's direction, but given the lack of other people around, who else could he be talking to?

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r whirls as she turns to face you, her eyes glowing bright green. "Perhaps so. I was practicing some Terran arts. The one I was trained by with the Warlords of Okarra isn't really usable here - for one... it's a three-dimensional technique." She tilts her head. "I am Koriand'r."

Nikias has posed:
The man gives Kori a nod, "Call me Ash Varrow." He takes a bite out of the apple, chewing it down before speaking again and swapping which leg is crossed over the other, "What's a pretty thing like you doin hanging around with warlords, hmm?" He asks with a smirk and a cocked brow as he tries....and fails, to spin the apple on his index finger, the lopsided fruit falling off into the grass, ".....Damnit."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles. "Royal upbringing," she muses softly as she looks at you. "It's nice to meet someone who enjoys the arts. I was half-thinking of getting some of my martial weaponry and practicing some swordplay - but not sure it's a good idea out here in the open. Not that I really need a sword..." She points and a point-blank strike comes from her fingertip, striking the apple and searing it.

Nikias has posed:
The man calling himself Ash doesn't flinch as the apple is roasted right next to him, ".....Well that was rather rude. I could'a dusted it off, or given it to you....weird....dog...kinda flea lookin....thing........Or even just left it there to grow into a tree in a hundred years....Hmm. Hmm. Hmm......Yeah." He groans and pushes himself up, dusting off and stretching out once standing, "Unnnggg.....Sword, eh? Kinda an eclectic choice nowadays. Most people prefer guns, or explosives. Hell, even just knives. Not to many swordsman of note left." He muses idly.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "I know... but duels were... part of my heritage." She sighs softly as she walks over to the bench, and the Silkie curls up against her as she sits down. "This is the Silkie." She smiles. "Not that it matters - my world's gone."

Nikias has posed:
Nikias smiles and sighs wistfully, "....Welcome to the club, kid...." He says quietly before letting out a more forceful sigh and shuddering a bit, "Whew, felt a chill there! Heh heh heh." He shrugs it off and steps a bit closer, "Tell ya what, if you can find a sword of some kind, I'll spar with ya. Deal?" He asks with a return of that easy perfect grin.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r frowns. "What do you mean?" she asks as she looks at you. "I'm not quite sure what you're stating... you are human..." she states softly, confused. "I keep some armaments in my quarters - but they're real."

Nikias has posed:
Nikias chuckles and waves the question off, "Nevermind that, my dear, and have no fear. A spar is only as good as the weapons used for it. I assure you, I'm perfectly capable of handling a little bit of danger." He says with a slight expanding of the grin, "Take your time, I'll be here when you get back." He says as he turns and goes to sit back down at the base of the tree, pulling a fresh apple from a pocket and dusting it off.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles. "I'll be right back." Kory departs for a bit - but reutrns with objects that are definitely not sword-like - and definitely hot dogs. One is COVERED in mustard and sauerkraut - theo ther is like a normal person would eat. "I'm done sparring for today - I figured I'd just get you lunch. You are good company."

Nikias has posed:
Nikias is lounging by the same tree Kori left him at, an ornately decorated longsword in it's scabbard next to him. When Kori returns, he glances up, cocking a brow at her unnarmedness, and shrugs, pushing himself up and picking up the sword as he trouts over, "Alright, if you say so. I'm always happy to keep eating." He says with another flash of his perfect smile, "But please, it'd be rude for me to start. After you, your majesty." He says with a low and exaggeratedly foppish twirling of the hand bow.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles softly as she takes a bite - somehow managing not to get copious amounts of mustard all over her. She noms softly, and tears off some of the bun for the Silkie. "Needs some zorkaberry..."

Nikias has posed:
Nikias chuckles at Kori's comment, "I'm not even going to pretend to know what that is." He says before taking a dog for himself, and practicaly inhaling it, the entire thing, bun and all, gone in a matter of seconds, letting out a contented sigh as he finishes before reaching for another, "Not bad.....Ya get these from the stand off 5th Avenue?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles as she finishes her own. "Nah - the hot dog stand right over there," she muses, gesturing. "They know just how I like htem. My tastes are a bit... different."

Nikias has posed:
Nikias ahhhhs, "Yeah, I taste it now. Joe, right? Tastes like his. Good guy, takes care of repeats." He muses before inhaling his replacement dog at least as fast as the first one, once more sighing contentedly as it disappears into his gullet and reaching for another, "I've seen weirder tastes. Knew a guy once who insisted on having a dallop of horse radish with everything. Wouldn't eat without it. We once had to go four days without a resupply, and the dumb bastard nearly starved to death cuz he wouldn't eat his rations without his stupid horse radish, I'm dead serious." He says with a boisterous laugh.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r only brought one for herself and one for you. "I mean - my taste buds work differently from a human. You know those 'soda' beverages that humans drink down in unhealthy quantities? They are bitter to me. And stuff humans consider bitter is sweet to me."

Nikias has posed:
Nikias ahhs, "I see....Maybe you'd like horse radish....Or you're that guy, tryna screw with me....But a foot and a half taller.....And not cut in half...." He pauses and blinks a few times before shrugging and dusting his hands off, "Well, miss Koriand'r," possibly surprisingly, he gets it spot on first try, "it's been a pleasure meeting you, and getting you to buy me lunch, but I must be going. Gotta go prep for work." He says as he turns to leave, twirling the the sheathed sword in his hand as he does so.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods as she smiles. "Very good," she states softly. "Pleasure to meet you Ash." She then starts scritching the Silkie, considering what else to do on this final day.