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Latest revision as of 02:18, 10 November 2018

Un Bon Char
Date of Scene: 09 November 2018
Location: Greenwich, New York
Synopsis: Rogue and Gambit Road Trip!
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Rogue

Gambit has posed:
    A man who looks partly like he should be selling fake watches leans with practiced care and ease against the plinth upon which stands the statue commemorating Mr. Stay-Puft's attack on Manhattan. His eyes concealed by the dark glasses he wears, he holds in one hand a fancy new model smartphone which he scrolls through lackadaisically with his thumb. The case is bejeweled and rose pink, not really his style, and none of the photos on display seem to be him. When it begins to ring unexpectedly he raises his eyebrows in surprise and deposits it calmly back into his pocket - still buzzing and playing a shortened version of 'Girls Just Want to Have Fun.'
    Remy turns about to look up at the statue now, as though only just realizing it is there: "'Ey, you look so nice for a Godzilla type, padna."

Rogue has posed:
Not everything about this school made Rogue happy, she felt that some of the politics of this place were a bit 'out there' but NYU is one of the more progressive campuses in the United States and a lot of the people at it were pro-Mutant rights. This made it easier for her to be here as a student, it wasn't cheap or easy by any means... but Doctor Strange had gotten her into the place over a year ago now and now she's almost halfway through her second year at the place.

Its common for her to come out her eto the park to study or relax, but since its getting colder and... its been a rainy day... she's been inside most of it thus far. However she did eventually come to look out of the coffee shop across the street and notice that that particular Cajun was there, near the statue of the fat marshmallow man that was a favorite amongst tourists and children and seemingly always had marshmallows at the feet of it (which the birds loved).

As such though, Rogue gathered up her stuff and made her way outside. She appears on the sidewalk a handful of meters away from him, clutching books to her chest and smiling. She has a black wool knit cap on her head, a black navy peacoat-styled jacket on and some black slacks and dark leather shoes. "Hey!" She calls out to the Cajun, coming up closer to him now. She glances at the Puffy Statue, still smiling. "You're not tryin' t'summon that thing back t'life are ya?"

Gambit has posed:
    "Pourquoi? Y'think I can?"
    Remy glances back over his shoulder at Rogue before turning his full attention to the Statue again, raising his arms at either side like he were one of those world-saving sorcerers casting some fantastic spell. When nothing (obviously) happens, he lowers his hands, shrugs, and turns back around to her.
    "Guess not. How school? Dey teach you anytink good?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sidles up beside him because its where she likes to be and she just smiles up at him whilst he works his magic on the statue. She glances up at it again and then back to his face and shakes her head. "You gotta work on your voodoo more, Cajun. For shame." She says at him with a teasing grin toward him.

The young college aged Avenger then just shakes her head side to side, some of her white strands of hair crossing over her face in the cool November breezes on this mostly wet and rainy day. "The usual." She replies to his question. "Oh!" She brightens up then quickly after realizing something apparently, her gloved right hand reaches out to his arm. "I'm supposed t'put in my name for a teacher's assistant position for next semester. With any'a the teachers that I like. Which means, ya know... I getta run classes the day after that Professor got sauced at the bars the night before." She releases a little light laugh then while swaying her hips side to side some, clearly the young one is in a good mood.

Gambit has posed:
    Remy raises his eyebrows at the news, impressed despite having no real conception of what college life is like beyond the movies. His own education is about as far from convention as one can go before you start to loop back around.
    "Ma belle, a real maitresse! You want Professor maybe lose his key? Can't drive to class. Let you do the teachin'?"
    He grins, resting his hand on her gloved one in turn: "Sounds like a lotta work t'me."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just laughs softly at the other's words and she shakes her head. "It is a lot of work... and no, I don't want you to sabotage whatever Professah gives me a chance t'teach. That'd just be -more- work, stupid." She grins at him as she has been since she'd approached, which she usually always IS doing when she's in a good mood.

Her head shakes inside of her wool hat and she reaches her gloved right hand up to stroke some of those white hairs out of her face off of her nose. "I like the work anyhow. It keeps me doin' stuff rather than bein' bored all the time, and wanderin' around parks... castin' magic on statues depicting fat demons that once attacked our fair city."

Another glance is given to the statue and then back to the taller man in front of her. "It also keeps me outta trouble... somethin' you could use." She tells him in a sasssy sort've way.

Gambit has posed:
    "Trouble? Moi? Jamais une /fois/! Never!"
    Remy cocks out an elbow in a gentlemanly loop, so Rogue can take it and the pair might walk together. He seems to be in a good mood himself, buoyed even more by her presence. Still, when Remy LeBeau is all jokes and smiles it can mean something either very good or very bad has happened. Typically, very good for him, very bad for some other poor sucker.
    "You want I go t'school?" he asks, dipping his glasses so he can lock his black-and-red eyes on hers directly, "Or you want I get a job? I don' think I be much good at either, belle."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just softly shakes her head at his initial response to her, but she does hook her arm with his so that they might walk together and she leans into him even so that her soft fabric'd sleeve mashes up against his. "Jamais. Seulement tout le temps." She replies to him in her own French voice, completely dropping the southern accent and replacing it with a flawless Paris-native flavor... her mother taught her very well, so many years ago. She'd learned to speak English and French side by side in fact.

"And no way do I want you goin' t'school." She says to him then back in her usual Southern charmer voice. "You'd have all the young nubile college girls, that don't have shitty mutations, bumpin' up on ya and I can't have that." She gives his arm a little squeeze, a cuatious one because the girl could bend a city bus in half if she so desired. "I want you doin' whatever it is that makes ya happy... so long as it also doesn't get ya thrown inta a jail cell."

Gambit has posed:
    "Speakin' of makin' myself /happy/," Remy says pointedly as they come to the edge of the Park and the busy Manhattan street that awaits, "I got somethin' to show you."
    There, on the curb, sits a car. Not just any old broken-down lemon, but something that has obviously cost /somebody/ a fair amount of money. An expensive roadster not exactly suited to the cooling weather, the top rolled down and the afternoon sun glinting off the magenta paint. It certainly doesn't belong to the Cajun.
    "Now, I see this and I say to myself: /road trip/."

Rogue has posed:
They walk side by side to the edge of the park and to where the car is located, Rogue looks from it to the man beside her and then back to it. "Wow." She says at first, thinking for a moment that he'd bought it, that he'd gotten it along all the proper channels that one does get a car like this... but experience with him over the course of the past two years reminds her that that just likely isn't the case, and she grins... and shakes her head softly with a dramatic sight.

"Where'd you find this?" She asks him directly then, not really thinking about whether that would offend him or not, depending on if he DID actually buy it outright with money. She does step away from him then and moves toward the car to stand beside it and inspect it up closely. Her black leather messenger bag on her side is opened up and she slips her two books and tablet computer inside of it and then closes it up again, then turns to look at him from beside the car. "I got the whole weekend with nothin' t'do... Where ya wanna go?" She asks with a sweet smile shown then.

Gambit has posed:
    "I see this man uptown somewhere," Remy explains, turning around to sit on the hood in the most casual way, "He talkin' big. Sound like a real couillon. Real asshole. He braggin' about his car. Tellin' some fella dis car worth more'n he make in one whole year. I think: padna rich enough to buy one, he can buy 'nother."
    He pats the hood affectionately, returning the sweet smile with a broad and roguish grin of his own: "Wherever you want, belle. I was thinkin' we drive west, sell our ride to a friend I know out that way, and catch a flight back first class."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue gives some lingering examination to the car before she turns and saunters back over to the man on the hood talking about the vehicle's origins and the mark he swiped it from. She's still smiling though she's also shaking her head at him too. "I understand the motivation, surely I do." She tells him as she steps right up in front of him and places her knees up against his so their legs are mooshed together. Her eyes on his she raises her eyebrows up some. "But what're the odds that the police'll stop us on our way outta town? Ya know how they worry more about the plight'a rich folks than they do anyone else. Plus... I'm an Avenger now, ya know? I gotta worry about my reputation'n all." She's not against the idea, he'll know that much. He likely knows he can get most anything out of her if he sweet talks her enough. When she's angry is when she's much less likely to agree to things.

Gambit has posed:
    "I tink maybe he ain't reported it yet," Remy says with a knowing smile, reaching forward to plant his hands on her hips as he speaks, "He a bit ... uh ... /preoccupied/ when I borrow his car. Look like maybe he bought it to impress some girl and she, uh, /suitably/ impressed." He raises his eyebrows tellingly.
    "Which is why I come straight to you," he continues, lewd aside now over, "figure we get a move on we make it outta town before anyone know our land shark here missin'."

Rogue has posed:
The teenager just bites down on her bottom lip and holds back a larger smile at his summation of further detail on the car's backstory. When he puts his hands on her hips she just starts to slowly nod at him and then laughs softly. "Oh, so thats the motivation. Ya see the car's effects on one lady, so ya swipe and hope for the same from me?" She tilts her head then to the side as she stares at him, still smiling though!

A moment later and she just sighs wistfully "We gotta bring Aces with us though if we go somewhere. He's back at my place." Aces is of course the German Shepard that Remy bought her early last summer, he was a puppy then but he's all big and huge now. "He likes car rides just as much as the next pooch, ya know?" Apparently he's got her all buttered up for this weekend drive and first class return.

Gambit has posed:
    Remy nods his head, tipping his glasses once again to make eye contact with Rogue over the top of them. A broad and devilish grin on his face: "Did it work?"
    As she reminds him, Remy nods and slides back over the hood of the car to climb in on the driver's side. He leans an arm over the side, looking every bit like he hasn't a single care in the world: "Okay, belle. We swing by pick up Aces, you pick up some changes a' clothes, maybe some jewelry," he pats his wrist knowingly with a wink, "and we go. I promise we be back in time for class."

Rogue has posed:
And for Rogue she's just all grins, for her its the fun of the unknown to get to go out on the road with him and... just be care free. Aside from the dog, and well... the police eventually looking for the stolen car! Care free!

With a light laugh, she easily steps up and into the car, over the door and light as a feather because she can use her flight power to so very easily appear as though she's some kind of parkour expert! Her leather satchel is dropped into the backseat and her butt is dropped down into the passenger chair. She looks over at him then and grins. "I get t'be in charge'a the radio." She says, laying down some early ground rules it seems!

Gambit has posed:
    "Hell no," Remy says with mock admonishment as Rogue commandeers the radio, throwing up both hands, "Trip cancelled!" But a moment later he's grinning, reaching around nonchalantly under the steering wheel for a moment before the car purrs to life like a big, contented kitten. He then starts, as though just now remembering something.
    "Oh! I forget. Road trip gotta have a captain, right?" Not really a thing but bear with him. He reaches around behind the seat and produces what looks to be a captain's hat from a boat. The sort of thing the Skipper wore on Gilligan's Island. He deposits it on Rogue's head, atop the woolen hat, with a laugh.
    "Cap'n belle."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sweeps her left leg up underneath her right so she can lean toward him/face him a bit better just as the captain's hat comes down on her head and she grins, her green eyes raising up to look at the underside of the brim. A second later and her hand is going up to sweep her wool cap off her head--though it draws a bunch of her white and brown locks with it making her hair a bit disheveled, but it usually is anyway!

With a little tug on the hat she draws it down over her forehead more and grins at him. "Thats right." She softly says. "Now pull us outta port, Popp Deck OFficer. Take us yonder t'the home'a the Captain. For she has to recover her finest clothing items for the journey ahead." Its possible that Rogue doesn't know anything about boat-talk, highly possible!

Gambit has posed:
    The way Remy fires off a salute before lazily turning into the busy Manhattan traffic suggests that he isn't all that familiar with the nautical parlance either. His arm drums on the side of the car as he steers with one hand, whatever stress perhaps should weigh down on him missing entirely.
    "Next port, Cap'n's cabin," he declares, heading off in the direction of Rogue's apartment. He doesn't drive carelessly, but he is quick to jump into any gaps that happen to open in order to cover the distance faster. As he cuts someone off, their horn blares angrily at him and he simply smiles and waves as though they were bidding him a friendly greeting.
    "I startin' to see why you fly ever'where, cher."