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Latest revision as of 07:30, 12 November 2018

Who's coming to dinner
Date of Scene: 03 November 2018
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Logan and Peter have lunch together, and Logan offers to teach Peter how to drive a motorcycle...as long as it has training wheels.
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Spider-Man

Wolverine has posed:
    It was a regular afternoon in the Xavier Mansion. Saturdays were usually quiet, and this allowed the man himself to get around without being stared at or bugged.

    Logan stumbles into the kitchen wearing a white t-shirt, jeans, cowboy hat, and cowboy boots. With a sniff, the sound of his stomach would shatter ear drums at anyone in the vicinity. Moving towards the kitchen, he heads towards the fridge for something to eat.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter Parker was sat at the dining table, eating eggs, sunny side up. He was cutting his breakfast sausage into smaller portions, and dipping them into the yoke. There was also bacon, hash browns, and toast on his plate.

Curiously, he had not slept. He not left the mansion. He was holding up well, remarkably well, but there were subtle signs, even with his enhanced physiology, that he had not slept. Also, he was wearing the same clothes as he had been yesterday.

Looking up from his breakfast, he smiled, "good morning Logan." Sadly, Peter had finished cooking barely two minutes ago.

Wolverine has posed:
As Logan opens up the fridge, he tries to ignore the man seated at the table. Grabbing a few leftovers from the previous night's dinner, and some mustard, a tomato and a bowl with what looked like lettuce in it, Logan moves to the counter, and then sighs, when Parker speaks to him.

    "Parker." Logan says, as he places the plates on the counter, and grabs a loaf of white bread out of the cubbard. "Still here I see. Nice duds. None of yer girls shirts ta' wear?" Logan says, with a shake of his head.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Please, call me Peter," he had been asking that since he met the man, to no avail. "Oh, yeah, we were working on some complex biochemical research in the lab. Honestly, I think brewing polyjuice potion would have been easier." He didn't seem to get the suggestion that he might have spent the night with Betsy, being oblivious to it. He actually went on at greater length about the research, though it's likely that Logan tuned it out. It was after all Greek to him, and pretty much everyone short of Hank or Forge.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan looks over his shoulder, as he grabs a knife, and starts putting the mustard on the bread. "Peter. Right." Logan nods, and goes back to adding the lettuce, and slicing a tomato. "Complex, what what? Sounds fun and exciting. Good to hear." Logan doesn't get the polyjuice potion comment, thinking it was something fantasy or movie related, but not sure.

    As Parker goes on and on about the research, Logan sighs, and finishes up the three sandwiches he makes. SOmehow while Peter was talking, Logan also came up with two beers from a secret stash. Sitting down, Logan offers one of them. "Want one?" Logan says, trying to be friendly.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter looks at the offered beer and states, without thinking he might come across as insulting to Logan, "it's 12:45," which to him was way too early for alcohol, not that he drank much of it when it was socially appropriate. "Uh, no, thank you, but you enjoy it. Molson Canadian. I'd heard you were from up north. What's it like, and which part are you from anyway. It's a big country." He continued to eat his breakfast, a late one at that, but then, he had gone from lunchtime yesterday until now, working, without eating. And he does the typical American thing, of thinking all Canada cares about is hockey, and says "go Rangers." Somehow, Logan always seemed to unnerve him.

Wolverine has posed:
    "And?" Logan says to 12:45. "Yeah yeah, it's late. I usually get started a lot earlier." Logan takes a deep pull from his beer, and says, "Takes the edge off." Logan shrugs again, and takes Parker's beer, and puts it down besides the other. "Molson's are okay. Prefer Keith's but whatcha gonna do?"

    Logan takes a bite of his sandwich, and through a mouthful here and there, says, "Ah'm from out west. Alberta now I think." Munch, munch, munch. "You should go. Take Betsy. Skiing, etc, etc. Good winter stuff to do. Then, lotsa snuggling by the fire when it's cold outside."

    Logan chuckles, smelling Peter's "unease". "Relax kid. I ain't gonna bite. Might claw, but not bite." A SNIKT comes from the right, as Logan pops his claws to emphasize the point and then a SNIKT as he de-claws, enjoying making Parker uncomfortable.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter would love to take Betsy on a vacation, he'd love to take Aunt May on a vacation, but such things cost money, and Peter was barely managing to pay for his tuition, books, apartment, and help May with the mortgage. Some people had money, but Peter was not one of them. He was doing all right, better than some... of course, his costumes weren't cheap, nor was the copious amounts of web fluid he had to create.

Yeah, the popped claw didn't settle Peter at all. He didn't even sense it coming, as Logan meant no harm, so it came as a bit of a shock to him. He kind of liked that he could still be surprised. "Doesn't that hurt?" He asked, watching the way the skin began to heal over the wound after it had went back into the area between his knuckles.

Wolverine has posed:
    Munch, munch, munch. Logan eats the first half of the second sandwich, and then looks up to look Peter directly in the eyes. Then, he shrugs, and says, "Yeah, it hurts. Like a sonuvabitch. But a lot of things hurt. I got used to it, kid." Logan frowns, and then takes a drink from the first beer, finishing it off. "Ahhhh." Logan smiles, and burps. "Man, good stuff."

    Grabbing the second half of the sandwich, Logan smiles, and says, "Ya know kid. I appreciate ya' ain't got money." How does he do that? "I get you want to wine and dine and fly away all over the place. Betsy's a girl that would appreciate that ya' know. If ya' need some help, I might let you take my hog up and back. Road trip might be nice."

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter uses the bacon on the buttered toast, and makes a bacon sandwich after having finished his eggs, sausage, and hash browns. "Then why do it for dramatic effect? If it hurts so much, even if you get used to it, why not just use it sparingly?" He certainly would. It is one thing to get hurt doing something good, but getting hurt to show off? Not so much in Peter Parker's book. "Uh, thanks Logan, but um... I never learned to drive. New Yorker, born and raised. Never had a need."

Wolverine has posed:
    "Because, kid, pain reminds us that we are alive. I've lived with it so long, it just seems natural." Logan finishes off his sandwich, and grabs the other bottle of beer. Standing, he grins at Peter, and says, "Plus, it was worth it to see you get a surprised look on your face. Ah bet you don't get surprised much, do ya?" Logan heads to the sink, and drops his dishes off, and places the empty bottle of beer in the recycling.

    "As fer learning ta' drive, when ya' wanna become a real man, Park...er, Peter." Logan shrugs. "Come see me. I'll teach ya' how to drive. Betcha Betsy would get real excited seeing ya driving a motorcycle. Just saying." With that, Logan turns to leave. Nice chattin' with ya, kid!"

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter doesn't understand the part about him not being surprised much, and does a good job of faking confusion at that. He's so used to keeping his costumed activities and the rest of his life separate, it comes as a second nature to him. He shook his head in laughter, kind of forced at being called a fake man, unreal man, or whatever it is was Logan was implying, "yeah, nice chatting Logan, and thanks for the offer, I might take you up on it." And just as Logan was about to leave earshot, Peter called back, "I hope your bike has training wheels."