Peter Parker (Scenesys ID: 4) | |||
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Quote | |||
"Hello Russian Mobsters! This is definitely not where I parked my car... but while I'm here, did you know your tail light is out?" | |||
Profile | |||
Full Name: | Peter Benjamin Parker | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Metahuman | ||
Theme: | Marvel (EFC) | ||
Occupation: | Freelance Photographer Graduate Teaching Assistant | ||
Citizenship: | United States of America | ||
Residence: | Bedford Towers (Upper East Side, Manhattan) | ||
Education: | Empire State University (MBiophys) | ||
Status: | Approved | ||
Groups: | DBC, Spider-Verse, Street Level-OOC | ||
Other Information | |||
Apparent Age: | 31 | Actual Age: | 31 |
Date of Birth | 24 August 2001 | Actor: | Andrew Garfield |
Height: | 178 cm (5'10") | Weight: | 77 kg (169 lb) |
Hair Color: | Brown | Eye Color: | Hazel |
Theme Song: | "Spider-Man" by Joe Perry |
While still a teenager, Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider At first, it made him very sick, but when he woke up the next morning, he discovered that he now had superpowers. Since then, he has lost his Uncle Ben, become Spider-Man, graduated from High School, earned a Bachelors of Science in Chemistry with a minor in Physics, and is now working on his Masters. He is also an accredited member of the press. Spider-Man is reputed to be a menace at best and a criminal at worst. The Daily Bugle has launched a multi-tier campaign against him. Despite these efforts, many citizens of New York have been saved by him, or know people who were saved by him.
Current Player Approved: August 09, 2024
His mask continues the web pattern, with a pentagon resting across the bridge of his nose. The mask has somewhat ovoid triangular lenses, which are a one-way mirror, cover his eyes, protect his identity, and seem to have an ability to retract and expand as he emotes.
The red of his mask and centre torso continues over the top of his shoulders, and down the outside of his arms, gloves, forms a belt around his waist, and his boots. The rest of his outfit, along the sides of his torso, underside of his arms, most of his back, crotch, thighs, and shins are navy blue. On his back, there's a much larger and stylised red spider symbol.
His boots are made for parkour, split toed, with red material overtop that matches the rest of his costume. They're durable, but thin enough that he can use his powers through the material. They're even water resistant. He is the Amazing Spider-Man.
From that point on, he was raised by his Uncle Ben and his Aunt May. They never had children, but they loved Peter as if he was their own. And for almost a decade, that's how he lived. Socially, he was a late bloomer. Painfully shy, his Aunt and Uncle knew from an early age that he was intellectually gifted. He was so curious, so inquisitive, always taking things apart and putting them back together. They even sent him to Science Camp.
Then one day when he was a student at Midtown High School, he went on a field trip and was bitten by a spider. He was fifteen years old. From that day forth, he found that he had been blessed with the proportionate speed, strength, and agility of a spider. He developed web fluid and web shooters to disperse it. He created a costume for himself and became Spider-Man.
But we're getting ahead of ourselves. Before becoming Spider-Man, he donned a mask to take part in an all-comers wrestling match, which he easily won. He planned to use his newfound powers and abilities to ensure that from now on, Uncle Ben and Aunt May would live a comfortable existence. He would provide for their every need. And he could. He would use his powers to gain millions.
After making a paid television appearance, he allowed a thief to run past him. Spider-Man could have intervened, but chose not to. Instead, he left the thief to the mercy of the security guard who was chasing after him. Spider-Man figured that would be the end of that. But a few days later, he was horrified to discover that not only had Uncle Ben been murdered, but he was shot by the thief who he had allowed to escape only days earlier. Had Peter stopped him, Uncle Ben would still be alive. But because he didn't, he lost his Uncle.
Now he understood that with great power there must also come great responsibility. He began to treat his powers with the respect they deserved. He could do well, he could help people out. He believed it was his destiny.
He became the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man. He used his powers for the betterment of all. He did whatever he could to help. He began rounding up criminals, stopping robberies, saving cats from trees, whenever he could find a cat stuck up a tree, and anything else he could think of to be of help.
When the publisher of the Daily Bugle, J. Jonah Jameson, offered a reward for photos of Spider-Man, Peter Parker found his first real job. Although self- taught, he has become an excellent photographer. Over time, he's upgraded his equipment, and come up with better explanations for his photos of Spider-Man.
He can be a little too serious, and definitely too studious. He used to be shy, painfully so, but he's since gotten over that problem. He's a geek. In fact, he'd fit right in on the Big Bang Theory, if that were a real group of people. He gets every joke, no matter how obscure, and he can even read the equations. They're actually pretty good about it. The math is usually right.
As Spider-Man, he really lets loose. The shyness and insecurity of Peter Parker was replaced by a desire to be liked, to make people laugh. The little comments that were always locked away on the tip of his tongue were let out. And he found he was good at it. He is known as much for his power as his style. The members of his Rogues Gallery have even formed support groups to deal with his inevitable tongue lashing they receive when confronting him.
If it hadn't been for the bite, he would have become a scientist. He may still. He's working on it. But being Spider-Man is certainly a detriment to his career. It hurts his social life too. But these are sacrifices that he's willing to make because of the cause. He knows that Spider-Man is needed.
Spider-Man has all the tools required to excel in the field of gymnastics. He could replicate any acrobatic feat he observed a human perform, or was described to him. He could even do some things that no human ever has or even could. He's just too limber, too strong, and too flexible for a normal human to keep up. If he wanted to, he could become a millionaire overnight just by agreeing to perform the stunts in a single movie. Though if he did, people might complain that it looked cheesy and fake compared to the latest CGI.
Spider-Man is agile, balanced, and coordinated. He is exceedingly limber. His tendons and connective tissue are at least twice as elastic as the average person. If he weren't so strong, he'd probably be even more agile. He is a natural acrobat, and has used this agility to form the basis of his fighting style, movement, and even resting positions. He's quite happy to crouch in positions that would make most men wince in pain. Show him a gymnastics trick, a circus act, and he can recreate it on his first attempt, though he is known for adding a bit of extra flair or panache to these efforts.
Chemical Resistance:
Spider-Man's body is able to deal with chemicals that would impair a normal human. Gasses, serums, things ingested or topically applied, they can still affect him, but the impact is reduced, and in some cases, non-existent. And when they do affect him, he recovers rapidly. He's recovered from acid being sprayed in his face, inhaling toxic gasses, being exposed to deadly radiation, but curiously, he's hasn't shown a greater tolerance to alcohol.
Spider-Man can endure punishment that would break an ordinary person. He's fallen off buildings or while webslinging and it hurts, it may even break bones or rupture internal organs, but he's survived. He can withstand severe impacts, punches from people stronger than he is. His body is so tough that ordinary people and even some weaker metahumans have damaged themselves while trying to strike him. If you're not careful, you could break your hand trying to punch him. When he's fighting someone who could hurt themselves in such a way, his Spider-Sense goes off, and he will roll with their punches.
Spider-Man can find his sense of balance or equilibrium no matter what position he's in. He does this on a subconscious level, meaning that he will adjust himself to achieve a state of equilibrium without any forethought. Hanging upside down, balancing on the head of something as narrow as a screwdriver, or webslinging through the air, his sense of equilibrioception will identify the imbalance and his body will correct it, sticking out a knee, leg, hand, arm, or whatever it takes to find a state of equilibrium.
Frequency Detection:
Spider-Man can use his Spider-Sense to track certain radio frequencies, like the kind he uses in his Spider-Tracers. He can if he concentrates pick up other kinds of frequencies and follow them back to their source, but most of the time, he only ever has reason to use this in tandem with his tracers.
Spider-Man has a modest healing power. It often gets overlooked when there are people like Deadpool and Wolverine about, but he heals at a faster rate than an ordinary human. He can heal broken bones and large amounts of tissue damage in a matter of days. Before the bite, he needed glasses. He's kept the glasses, but hardly ever wears them. To anyone who asks, he just says that he's wearing contacts. He can also heal from injuries that normal people would not recover from, like a spinal cord injury or being rendered blind.
Indomitable Will:
Spider-Man is possessed of an indomitable force of will, free of evil or temptation. He lives a meagre existence, scraping by on what he can earn from photography, tech support, and any odd job he might find. But he is capable of so much more. He is a pure soul. He does things because they are right and he cannot be corrupted or dissuaded. When he sets his mind to something, it gets done, no matter how difficult or complex, he does what needs to be done.
Spider-Man is many things, agile being probably the most well known, but his reflexes are almost as well known. He reflexes are around 40 times that of the average human. Combined with his other abilities, it allows him to dodge bullets, assuming it wasn't point blank. He's good, but he's not that good.
Spider-Man is fast, able to catch up to an accelerating car while on foot, but for obvious reasons, he prefers to travel by slinging. His Spider-Sense gives him a head start, he acts before the gun is fired, but he is still fast enough to dodge a bullet. He may not have a connection to the Speed Force, but he's fast enough to beat Olympic sprint and distance runners with ease.
Spider-Man has an early warning system that he refers to as his Spider-Sense. It doesn't tell him what is about to happen, it doesn't tell him much at all. He simply feels a tingling sensation in the back of his skull. The tingling sensation is tied to his other abilities. For example, were someone to use a sniper rifle against him, he would feel a tingling sensation and he would dodge the bullet, sort of moving on autopilot, and then look in the direction the bullet was fired. He wouldn't have seen or heard the bullet, and yet he would react as if he knew about it before it was even fired. He can consciously decide not to avoid something. The tingling sensation does give him an indication of the danger's severity. He usually chooses not to avoid incidents when out as Peter Parker. People spill their coffee, bump into him, trip, and other assorted activities all the time. Sometimes he tries to be helpful, but most of the time he lets it play out, even when it negatively affects him. If he used his powers publicly, the mask wouldn't be much help. When the 'danger' comes from someone he knows to have good intentions towards him, like Aunt May, sometimes it doesn't go off. It still does, but usually only for very big and important things, like if she were about to discover his secret identity. The sense gives him a minor form of clairvoyance, since the tingling sensation invariably goes off before the danger has taken place. It goes off early enough for him to react, whatever that might be. This sense also aids him in protecting his identity, warning him when he is being observed, either by the naked eye, or even recording devices. Assuming he is not sufficiently injured and fatigued, it can even wake him up if someone were able to discover his identity as he slept. Conversely, he always gets a restful night's sleep. He never wakes up from things like a truck driving past his window, the noise from a television, or any other normal sounds.
Spider-Man's musculature produces fewer toxins during use, and thus, he does not fatigue as quickly as an ordinary person. He can maintain peak levels of physical activity for much longer periods of time. While it is a rarity to be put into a situation that would necessitate it, he could continuously act as Spider-Man for several hours before he would need a rest. Also, he needs less air to function, and as a result, he can hold his breath for over 8 minutes.
Spider-Man's strength does not behave in a linear fashion as it does for other heroes. He has this funny thing where he seems to be as strong as he needs to be, within a certain threshold. When he punches someone, without knowing anything about them, it seems to be enough to hurt without causing grave bodily harm. In that way, it may be related to his Spider-Sense in some as of yet undetermined manner. Normally, when he is not in danger, he can exert a force equal to around 10,000 kg. But when his need is great, he's been shown to lift things that are far heavier than 10,000 kg, like a Main Battle Tank, which he was not only able to lift, but could also throw a fair distance. When he's trying these feats of greater strength, he strains, he struggles, and in some cases, his muscles seem to bulge, even going so far as to burst through his costume. These instances are rare. He usually remains firmly in the 10 ton category, but he does seem to have great potential.
Spider-Man was always academically gifted. As a youth, he went to science camp when his Aunt and Uncle could afford to send him, and he's never looked back. Since the bite, his intellect seems to have reached new heights. He developed his web shooters and fluid. Maybe that's because he's grown and matured, as he was only 15 years old when he was bitten by the spider, and maybe it had some influence. He can't really say. What can be said is that tests have shown his I.Q. to be north of 250. He is a certifiable genius.
Spider-Man is a skilled inventor. Given an adequate supply, the necessary time, and enough motivation, he can come up with just about anything he might need. His most famous creations are his web shooters and the fluid that becomes his webbing. He's had to create armoured and rubber insulated versions of his costume, as well as a few other things during his time as Spider-Man. He can also hack into some of the world's most advanced security systems, like those employed by Stark Enterprises and Wayne Industries.
Peter Parker is a very skilled photographer. He has several camera bodies and lenses, but his pride and joy is his Canon EOS 5D Mark III. As Spider-Man, he usually uses it with a Canon EF 135mm f/2.0L USM and a specially designed wireless trigger, which is built into his web shooters. His Spider-Sense allows him to know when he's in the frame, and he can trigger it with the slightest movement of his hand. He doesn't take the camera with him all the time, but when he needs to sell some photos, he will try to set it up before engaging any criminals. Outside of the costume, he is a capable photographer, able to cover sporting events, press conferences, or anything else that might prove interesting to J. Jonah Jameson and the Daily Bugle's readership.
Peter Parker is an accomplished scientist. He has a Bachelors Degree in Chemistry with a minor in physics. He's currently working on his Masters. Although not his specialty, he is comfortable discussing complex biological, engineering, or mechanical concepts, and could probably teach those subjects.
Spider-Man can get under anyone's skin. His banter starts early and continues until the very end. Sometimes he keeps it going after he's left his opponent tied up outside of a police station. They really seem to hate when he does that. He's already won, and he just keeps up the comedy. It's like he's spiking the ball. The angrier his opponent gets, the better Spider-Man feels about it. It's like a battle of wits. If he can unnerve them, then he's won. If they remain calm and collected, he's got to find some better material.
Way of the Spider:
Spider-Man makes his own costumes. They are composed of commercially available materials. He has gone through several versions, changing the size of the Spider, the webbing pattern, the thickness, and other things, but they are all generally of the same red and blue design. They can stretch with his movements, but are not especially insulated or protective in any way.
Parker Residence:
Peter Parker lives in an apartment in Lower Manhattan with his roommate. He used to live with his Aunt May, and could always move back there if things didn't work out in Manhattan. But his apartment is his current home. It's where he keeps his belongings, and where he adventures as Spider-Man from.
Peter Parker is a member of the press. He is a photographer for the Daily Bugle and has credentials to prove it. While he doesn't write for the Bugle, he spends time with their writers, getting to know them, will hear about news before it breaks, or stories that aren't yet ready for public consumption. Sometimes he uses this information as Spider-Man to stop criminals, or help his colleagues. Other times, it's just kind of neat to know what's going on before it hits the newsstands, television, or social media. He's in the know.
Spider-Man uses Spider-Tracers to track targets. Once he plants one, as Spider-Man or Peter Parker, he can use his Spider-Sense to track it back down to the source. These devices emit a radio-frequency and have enough power to continuously emit this frequency for several days. After that, they will run out of energy. They can and have been detected with the right equipment.
Utility Belt:
Spider-Man wears a utility belt around his waist. He stores extra web cartridges, spider-tracers, and anything else that is small and might be useful. While he's certainly not on Batman's level, he's done well to consider how limiting the suit can be. It doesn't even have pockets.
Spider-Man's immune system can handle a lot, but Chloroethane, more commonly known as Ethyl Chloride, is particularly troublesome. It wasn't an issue before he became Spider-Man, but ever since, he has trouble breathing, thinking, or doing much of anything when in the presence of this stuff. The refrigerated liquid form isn't too bad, like in a barrel, but if he gets it on his skin, or he breathes it in, it affects him to a greater degree than it would an ordinary human, and it's not exactly good for an ordinary human.
Parker Luck:
Spider-Man has had a lot of luck in his life. He was bitten by a spider and became Spider-Man. He is a certifiable genius. He was raised in a stable home by his loving Aunt and Uncle. But he's also had a lot of bad luck, incredibly bad luck. He lost his parents when he was six years old. He was bullied relentlessly as a kid. He lost his uncle when he was fifteen years old. He's battled with financial issues ever since he was old enough to understand concepts like living on a budget. He's had to lie to people he cares about, suffering personal tragedies to save them, or preserve his secret identity. He's the subject of a citywide campaign against him by J. Jonah Jameson. He is regularly faced with prospects to improve his social life, financial situation, or at work, but then he has a bout of the typical "Parker Luck".
Public Image:
Spider-Man knows that with great power there must also come great responsibility. It was the most expensive lesson he's ever learned, and as such, took it to heart. It has become a cornerstone of who he is. If viewed solely as Peter Parker, he could be thought of as being irresponsible, because he frequently has to come up with excuses to explain his actions as Spider-Man. He's late, he forgets things, people who know Peter well would know that sometimes he's the most responsible person in the world, and other times, it's like he's a different person. And it's because he is. In each and every case where Peter Parker came across as being irresponsible, it was because Spider-Man was doing something very important, something important enough to cause problems for Peter Parker. He does the right thing, as he sees it, at all times. Sometimes he acts on a lack of information, or wrong information, but his heart was always in the right place. He meant well.
Spider-Man knows that with great power there must also come great responsibility. It was the most expensive lesson he's ever learned, and as such, took it to heart. It has become a cornerstone of who he is. If viewed solely as Peter Parker, he could be thought of as being irresponsible, because he frequently has to come up with excuses to explain his actions as Spider-Man. He's late, he forgets things, people who know Peter well would know that sometimes he's the most responsible person in the world, and other times, it's like he's a different person. And it's because he is. In each and every case where Peter Parker came across as being irresponsible, it was because Spider-Man was doing something very important. Something important enough to cause problems for Peter Parker. He does the right thing, as he sees it, at all times. Sometimes he acts on a lack of information, or wrong information, but his heart was always in the right place. He meant well.
Rogues Gallery:
Spider-Man has only operated as a hero for a few scant years, but already he's gained a more diverse and exhaustive Rogues Gallery than just about any hero you might name. He has so many enemies that some of them have formed their own groups, both for their own protection when committing crimes or other kinds of villainy, and some for support, like Alcoholics Anonymous.
Secret Identity:
Spider-Man maintains the secret of his identity. He keeps it to himself, even going so far as to hide it from close friends in the business like the Human Torch, or his loved ones, like Aunt May. He does this to protect them from his Rogues Gallery, and to preserve his job as a photographer. There are people out there whom he could trust, who would protect his secret with their lives, who would support him, but this is a burden that he must bear alone. Fortunately for him, the few times anyone has seen him without his mask, they have not recognised him. He's an adult male, Caucasian, of average height and average build, with brown hair, hazel eyes, and has no distinguishing marks. He speaks with a New York accent. That doesn't really narrow it down much.
Spider-Man relies on his Spider-Sense. But it's not infallible. There are beings out there that don't set it off. When he's weakened, by injury or fatigue, it's not as effective, either coming too late to be effect, or not at all. Certain drugs can inhibit it. And some people aren't viewed as a threat, and so they don't set it off like normal either. He can adjust to it being inhibited by drugs, like if it were gone for a few days, but when he's used to being prepared, surprises can far more dangerous to him, even deadly.
To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Buffy's Big Belly | December 26th, 2024 | Buffy gets more than she bargained for. |
Kitchen Therapy | November 9th, 2024 | Summary needed |
Netflix and Chill | November 3rd, 2024 | Buffy and Peter may be the only people on the planet who think that means what the words say. |
Knotty and Nice | October 12th, 2024 | Welcome to what we women do to themselves. |
Movie Marathon | September 22nd, 2024 | Peter and Skye accidentally meet at the movies. |
You can have all the donuts in the world! | August 24th, 2024 | Buffy discovers that tasting donuts dipped in malt shakes is a spiritual experience. |
Just How Many Credits Is That | August 16th, 2024 | A random encounter with a Spider, a Slayer and a whole lotta Telepaths! |
Midtown Shakedown | August 10th, 2024 | The alarm goes off at a Times Square jewelry store, and Spider-Man and Ghost-Spider are on the scene! After webbing up the bad guys for the police, they're off in search of corndogs and rings... onion rings. |
The Misdial Mystery | August 10th, 2024 | Buffy Summers gets a new number and gets a friend in Peter Parker. |
Black Vans and Black Nights | July 28th, 2024 | Ghost-Spider webs up some bad guys while Spider-Man mimics Deadpool from afar. |
Only in New York. | July 21st, 2024 | Heroes find themselves chasing bad sorts in the Queens sewers. Nasty shenanigans ensue. |
The Birds and the bugs (arachnids) | July 15th, 2024 | Summary needed |
Mind Over Manuscript | July 10th, 2024 | Gwen's trying to find any excuse she can not to have to work on her doctoral thesis while Peter's being domestic. So... how about a new web-shooter design?! |
Stark Tank! | July 9th, 2024 | Peter proposes a thing and gets all the things! |
Cash Cab | July 9th, 2024 | Peter and Gwen catch a cab back home after the meeting with Stark and fam to discuss funding for Parker Industries. |
The Gang's All Here | June 30th, 2024 | A larger than average group of the Spider-fam get together for sandwiches and catching up! |
So Much for the Afterglow | June 30th, 2024 | A lazy morning at home turns into semi-serious discussion about jobs, the future, entrepreneurship, and telepathy... |
Emma, Rave, and Miles: Give the people something to talk about. | June 29th, 2024 | The players put up with my hamhanded scene without having me swatted in my attic office, I call that a win. |
Spider-Man Returns | June 27th, 2024 | After six months apart without any contact, Gwen gets a text from Peter. |
The Best Sausage And Peppers in Midtown | June 27th, 2024 | Gwen and Peter try to go out for a sausage dog, but it turns into a mid-town fiasco and mutant protest! That's Parker Luck for you! |
Old friends catching dinner (and catching up) | February 29th, 2024 | Firestar and Spidey had one of their catch up sessions of take out and talking..yes talking. |
Fancy Seeing You Here | February 28th, 2024 | Peter runs into Bobbi at the gym! They haven't skipped a beat |
Haven't touched base for a minute. | December 31st, 2023 | A usual meeting between the two Spider friends. Talk about the old day, feed the Spidey, and talk about the future. |
The Spider's New Threads | December 12th, 2023 | Spider-Man lends a hand to the Black Cat. And shows off his new costume in the process. |
Pep Talk | November 24th, 2023 | Captain America gives Spider-Man a little pep talk. |
Door is always open | November 24th, 2023 | Spidey came by her place for a visit. The end result might have left more questions than answers. |
A Midtown State of Mind | November 4th, 2023 | Peter and Rachel. |
Heart of Shadows: Rising From the Darkness | October 21st, 2023 | Zoe senses something is coming. But that mystery will have to wait as Gwen plummets from the sky! Peter tracks her but all's well that ends well with Zoe parting with a couple of new allies. |
Twilight Tangles | October 19th, 2023 | Gwen and Peter. |
Is There A Doctor In The House | October 3rd, 2023 | Doc Ock makes an appearance at ESU and Spider-Man and Caitlin Fairchild happen to be in the right place at the right time to run into him. |
Punking Gotham's Elite | September 23rd, 2023 | Gotham city opera house. |
The people that you meet... | September 10th, 2023 | A normal night with less than normal people trying to have a normal meal. Friendships growing. |
Bad Vibrations | September 5th, 2023 | The Shocker and Rhino attempt to rob the Diamond Exchange. Things do not go particularly well for them. |
Hangin' with Spidey | August 30th, 2023 | Angelica needed to tell someone about her new status and wanted it to be somebody that would be happy for her. Someone needed a best friend right about then and so she summoned Spidey. |
Late Night Conversations | August 23rd, 2023 | After a busy couple of days Gwen and Peter have the chance to finally catch up. At least until they get otherwise distracted. |
Let Us Never Speak Of This Again | August 20th, 2023 | A pair of spiders have a bad mission they are Definitely Not Talking About. Instead, they drown their sorrows with cheese toasties. |
The Shroud: Shroud's First Appearance | August 17th, 2023 | Spider-Man and Ghost Spider arrive at a Midtown jewelry store robbery to discover a new villain named THE SHROUD trying to heist jewels, but a wanna-be hero named the FROST PHANTOM intercedes, freezing several innocent bystanders and giving The Shroud time to escape. |
Meeting the Bestie | August 17th, 2023 | Gwen invites Peter over to meet her BFF since Second Grade and her dad shows up unexpectedly! |
Peter's Birthday Part 2 | August 16th, 2023 | Peter Parker's birthday party at the Museum of Natural History gets out of control when the dinosaur skeletons all start coming to life and terrorizing the party guests! Luckily some superheroes are on-site to help contain them and rescue the innocent bystanders once a few inevitably escape! |
Peter's Birthday Part 1 | August 16th, 2023 | Peter's Birthday Party goes off without a hitch! Aunt May's baked goods are a hit, and so many people turned out to wish him a happy birthday! It's really too bad the party's about to go sideways... |
Discord Under Starlit Skies | August 15th, 2023 | After a fight with her dad, Gwen calls Peter for some moral support and gets more than she expected when the two of them share their first kiss under the stars on top of the George Washington Bridge. |
Release the Spider-Slayers! | August 13th, 2023 | A pleasant little food festival in lower Manhatten is spoiled by the arrival of the ominous robotic Spider-Slayers! The local Spiders look ripe to take the blame for this one as well. Imagine that. |
THE MARY JANES: The Astral Vinyl Club | August 13th, 2023 | A live performance of THE MARY JANES is interrupted when a group of masked assailants wearing unfamiliar symbols shuts down the venue they're playing in and try to execute a member of the New York City Council on stage. The attempt is foiled, but so many questions are left unanswered! |
UnityFest | August 11th, 2023 | In a continued effort to try to clear his name, Gwen invites Peter to UnityFest, where the New York City Mayor is slated to give a speech. If there's another attempt on the Mayor's life, they'll be there to thwart it! However, neither one of them was expecting to run into Gwen's father, a sweep of the venue leading to holding hands, or hastily acquired churros on the way to a police scanner's call for backup in Lower Manhattan! |
THE MARY JANES: Club Evolution | August 11th, 2023 | The Mary Janes play live at Club Evolution in Mutant Town and nothing blows up except their name recognition!! Lots of socializing and fangirling. Gwen scares off Cain and Harley knocks out a bouncer. |
Deli Sandwiches Take Two | August 9th, 2023 | Deciding to take their sandwiches a little higher this time to avoid the inevitable chaos after the incident at Katz's Deli, Gwen and Peter meet up at the top of the Brooklyn Tower to talk. Once they're finished, Gwen challenges him to an impromptu game of keep-away through the streets of New York and almost wipes out wrapped up in a tarp. |
Deli Run! | August 6th, 2023 | What was supposed to be a quick bite at Katz's turns awkward when Gwen Stacy runs unexpectedly into Felicia Hardy. Gwen gets inexplicably competitive and jealous over Peter, meets Ivory, and then things get REALLY crazy when Deadpool, Bebop, and Rocksteady show up. Luckily, Ghost Spider shows up to try to capture Bebop and Rocksteady while she has the chance, luring them away from the diner. |
The Scorpion Always Stings Twice | August 5th, 2023 | Seeking some sign of Dr. Curt Conners, Spider-Man and a host of others soon find themselves with a whole lot more to handle then was probably expected... |
After A Fashion... Show | August 3rd, 2023 | Gwen discovers Peter Parker's covering one of her fashion shows for the Society section of the Daily Bugle and the two of them spend some time mingling at the after party. |
Ghostly Trails: The Hunt for the Fugitive | August 2nd, 2023 | After reporting that he's suspected of attempting to assassinate the mayor, Ghost-Spider swings by a Central Park adjacent rooftop to check on Spider-Man and offer a helping web-spinner. |
This Ain't The Savannah | August 1st, 2023 | Rhino attempts to rob an armored Car. Spider-Man and Spider-Woman drop in to stop him. Harley Quinn and Ghost Spider join the fun. Then Juggernaut makes an appearance and things reallet start to go sideways... |
Trouble draws together old friends. | July 30th, 2023 | Angelica met Peter in Central Park. They talked about the Lizard and her patrolling the park looking for him. She made sure he ate too of course. |
Now You See Him... | July 26th, 2023 | A pleasant afternoon at the Central Park Zoo is spoiled by Spider-Man's (or his evil twin's) attempted assassination of the Mayor of New York City. Jessica Drew is forced to watch a burger kiosk explode. Right. In Front. Of Her. Eyes. So it's a bad day all around. |
When Strikes The Scorpion | July 16th, 2023 | The Scorpion stalks Spider-Man in Central Park. The Lizard makes an unexpected appearance as well. While both threats are routed thanks to all the heroes on the scene... it does not go smoothly. |
Eight-Legged Freaks | July 6th, 2023 | Spider-Man and Spider-Woman team up against Doc Ock in the battle to settle the greatest of the eight-legged freaks. They'll call it a draw after Otto is thwarted but escapes. Peter and Jessica are left to question their life-choices. |
It Preys | July 3rd, 2023 | Spider-Man goes hunting the reptiloid creature in Central Park, suspecting that it is in fact Dr. Curt Connors. Things do not, uhhhh, go quite as planned. |
Highwire Act | June 28th, 2023 | Spider-Man rescues a couple of elevators full of stranded people, while Spider-Woman sort of grudgingly helps. The evil mastermind proves a disappointing nemesis indeed. |
Meeting Spidey | June 11th, 2023 | Firestar needed an old friend and called upon the most amazing of them. |
Life Lessons and Other Public Services | May 26th, 2023 | Summary needed |
Just Another Day At Work | May 23rd, 2023 | One disaster leads to another but the day is saved! Sort of?! |
Science Fair | May 1st, 2023 | Spidey, and Willow have a nice conversation about many things. |
Tony in the city | April 20th, 2023 | The suit is de-faced, but it all ends with a push of a button thanks to Stark Tech! |
A day in Manhattan | April 15th, 2023 | Cain meets the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, and gives him an assist! Oh yea it is a cross-over! |
Dinner among friends | April 12th, 2023 | Spidey and Firestar took a little time to catch up, make sure he ate something, and give her something he made to help her. |
Sweet Revenge | April 9th, 2023 | Spider-Man helps a different cat lady fend of goons while squeezing information out of them. |
Old Friends Re-Connect | April 8th, 2023 | Peter and Angelica ran into each other for the first time since she has gotten back from Canada. A good little catch up scene. |
Troublemakers in Mutant Town! | March 21st, 2023 | Rouge straighnes out a few College students, and Bruce finds a fan! |
UFOs, Missing Kids and Yetis | February 28th, 2023 | The Xmen go searching for missing kids in the mountains and find more than they expected. |
The Devil Calls a Favour | February 17th, 2023 | Favors are pulled, thugs are questioned, and Spidey still gets justice. All around eventful night! |
Spider at the Park. | February 15th, 2023 | Summary needed |
A Visit to Gotham! | February 14th, 2023 | Bat Guy and Arachnid Boy save the day at the docks while Harley just sighs at both of them. |
Snake Charmer, or Charming Snake | February 14th, 2023 | Summary needed |
Peter's Back in Town | February 14th, 2023 | Summary needed |
Back To The Swing Of Things | February 12th, 2023 | Peter's luck presents him with a photographic opportunity involving Rockstar Nick Drago. And some worrisome conversation material from a Winter Soldier. Ah. There's that Parker luck again. |
Always Looking out for the New Guy... | May 15th, 2022 | Summary needed |
Shipping Woes | April 25th, 2022 | Tony warns Peter about the dangers of Newark. |
A Shipping Error | April 4th, 2022 | Summary needed |
Creatures of the Rooftop | March 13th, 2022 | Summary needed |
Picking up stray spiders | March 9th, 2022 | Summary needed |
Hello, Exterminator | May 18th, 2021 | Some of the Defenders seek shelter from the rain. They didn't expect it to rain cats, dogs, and Symbiotes. |
Defenders Assemble | May 10th, 2021 | Tandy and Peter talk about heroics and the team that is slowly coming together. |
Electronic Emporium | May 3rd, 2021 | Spider-Man has an impromptu tea up with Sunspot and Jubilee to battle some supervillains. |
Titanic Team-up to Trounce Troublemakers! | April 21st, 2021 | A nice day in the park turns into a hoodie ninja attack |
Milk Cartons: Las Vatos Locos debe pagar! | April 20th, 2021 | Cloak and Dagger track down more missing children with the help of Spider-Man and the X-Men! The Los Vatos have been defeated. |
Catching up at Club Evo | April 16th, 2021 | Andrea practices a new single at the Club and meets up with several friends and a photographer. |
Rocks and Roll | March 27th, 2021 | Faith teaches Spider-Man about vampires. |
My Kingdom for another pair of Long Johns | March 6th, 2021 | A traffic accident at 150 feet. |
Conversations on Rooftops | February 14th, 2021 | A nice quiet moment in an alley. Rare for New York. |
Snark Industries | February 12th, 2021 | Jennifer Walters and Spider-Man bump into each other and have a confusing conversation. |
The Cure: Shady Dealings | February 10th, 2021 | Badder than old King Kong and meaner than a junkyard dog, DAMT and the Reavers are at it again in a junkyard not far from Salem Center. Intrepid heroes step in to help out. What becomes of the father and the son, our heroes, and the Reavers? Stay tuned for more! |
Frightful Fracas! | January 7th, 2021 | Frightfulness, Times Four! And also a fifth one. Bad Guys Cheat At Math. |
Robots at the Reunion! | December 30th, 2020 | Spider-man, Detective Chimp and The Falcon bust up an attempted massacre at a family reunion. |
The View From the Roof | December 14th, 2020 | Spider-Man and Cloak wind up sharing a snowy Clinton rooftop. Spidey learned Cloak is a bit of a Grinch, but a Grinch with some sneaking suspicions that the holiday's hottest mutant curing gift may just be a lump of coal. |
Late Night Withdrawals | November 30th, 2020 | How not to rob a bank |
Milk Cartons: The Fall Of The Black Dragons | November 9th, 2020 | Cloak and Dagger partner with The X-Men and Spider-Man to take down the Black Dragon Gang and save mutant children from being kidnapped. Not everyone made it. |
A late night bite. | October 28th, 2020 | Two heroes have a bit to eat without knowing who one another are. |
This is what they call a walk in the park... | October 3rd, 2020 | Spider Man runs into Remy and Rianna for some action! |
Milk Cartons: Classic Misunderstanding | September 24th, 2020 | Cloak and Dagger run into Spiderman and the Blue Beetle. The Black Dragon sneaks off once more. |
Diamonds and Kitties. | September 8th, 2020 | Catwoman encounters an unexpected ally and a new enemy while stealing jewelry. |
A Spider finds an Octopus | September 3rd, 2020 | Spider-Man meets Doctor Octopus... and finds out the Good Doctor can do more than Science Projects |
A Mysterious Signal | August 23rd, 2020 | Blurr's Terran friends help come to his rescue, only to run into Lockdown. |
The Conqueror Cometh: He Speaks | August 13th, 2020 | Conan briefs mighty heroes on the foe they face! Shawarma is enjoyed by all. |
Structural Analysis | July 26th, 2020 | Natasha goes out on patrol with Spidey to ask a few questions about his Spider Sense. |
Masked Mystery Men | July 14th, 2020 | Spider-Man pursues some strange men. Snake Eyes joins in to help out. |
Milk Cartons: Enter the Spider-Man! | June 28th, 2020 | Spidey and Widow meet Cloak and Dagger |
You did what now | June 25th, 2020 | Psylocke updates Peter on her eyeball problems. |
The Itsy Bitsy Spider | June 23rd, 2020 | Spidey stops the bad guys! And kind of messes up an undercover SHIELD op in the process. Oops! |
Kitty (has) Kibble and questions | June 22nd, 2020 | Kitty runs into Spidey, decies to get pizza |
Log 11280 | March 31st, 2020 | Summary needed |
Barbs and Jabs | March 30th, 2020 | Kitty drops by Gotham U and reduces poor Peter to a nervous wreck. Then agrees on a date for him. |
Catching a Spider.. | March 29th, 2020 | Lois is rescued by Spiderman and tags him for a future interview. |
The Teacher's Lounge | March 24th, 2020 | Ororo and Peter discuss their respective classes at Xavier's Academy. |
A New York Evening Like Any Other | February 6th, 2020 | Kitty and Peter meet for a skyscraper-top dinner and discuss patrolling together. |
After All The Mud Has Been Washed Off | January 27th, 2020 | Colossus' cooking draws quite a crowd. Life, classes, frustrations, and birthday plans are discussed. |
I Don't Mind Logging | January 24th, 2020 | Rogue's skin is so dang soft. |
We Drankin | January 24th, 2020 | Peter pops the question to Gwen... a test run to asking Ki- I mean Lockheed. |
And So She's Back, From Outer Space | January 18th, 2020 | A night at Harry's wouldn't be complete without a small bar fight. And a localized hailstorm. |
I Think We Lost A Tony | January 6th, 2020 | Kitty fills Peter in on the loss of their friends to one of Thanos' scouts. |
Menacing Flatbush with the Rhino | January 3rd, 2020 | Pete and Gwen ramble on about heroing, villains, feeling old, and weddings. Oh and they destroyed part of flatbush fighting the Rhino. |
Jester In The Snow | December 30th, 2019 | Spider-Man fights Scorpion and interrupts a perfectly good winter day at the park. So rude. |
Christmas Morning! | December 26th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Just One More Mr. Queen | December 19th, 2019 | Peter Parker gets a scoop and some pictures of Oliver Queen visiting a company he may invest in |
Five months already | December 17th, 2019 | Peter and Kitty go on a date for their 5 month aniversary! They talk about starting a band and then go drink and swinging. Nobody died. Fin. |
It's not delivery... | December 10th, 2019 | Peter and Kitty enjoy a MOUNTAIN OF CHICKEN WINGs while talking holidays, boyfriends for Jake, and Superman not being dead. So.. ya know.. a Monday. |
Paris By Day | November 30th, 2019 | Kitty and Peter seek out strawberry crapes and escargot (ew to the pairing!) at a French cafe. |
Leaving On A Jet Plane | November 27th, 2019 | Kitty and Peter finally use Betsy's tickets to Paris. |
Shopping For Paris | November 26th, 2019 | Rogue, Kitty, Blink and Peter visit the mall while Kitty's preparing for a trip overseas. |
Pancakes In The Morning | November 20th, 2019 | Blink joins Peter Parker and Kitty in the school kitchen for pancakes. |
Oh Là Là! | November 19th, 2019 | A trip to France is planned. Ok not really planned. They aren't the planning sort. |
The Weekend Is Here | November 15th, 2019 | A girl, a boy, a dragon and a puppy. Also a sandwich, a yogurt, and a great movie where the love interests turn out to be brother and sister and the villain is the hero's dad. Sorry, spoilers! |
A Mysterious Transmission, Part II | November 14th, 2019 | The transmission begins again, and more research is done on Site-13! |
Where Is A Chemistry Prof When You Need One | November 12th, 2019 | Triage takes Vi to Peter Parker, friendly neighborhood chemistry professor, to help her get more metals to fuel her powers |
It's not a spark-plug.. it's a carborator | November 12th, 2019 | Elementary engineering, Christmas Planning and a dog named Bear. |
Flight Training | November 7th, 2019 | Peter Parker spots Vi 'flying', and suggests someone named Spider-Man might have a similar means of moving around. |
Peter Was Crazy. He Ate At Arby's | November 6th, 2019 | Peter brings home Arby's chocolate turnovers to Kitty. |
We have to stop meeting like this | November 6th, 2019 | An awkward scene at Arby's... and not because of the food |
Crooked Swung A Spider | November 5th, 2019 | Gwen checks up on Peter. They come up with a plan. Then crime fighting. Fin. |
Home Is Such A Beautiful Word | October 31st, 2019 | Kitty and Peter enjoy a quiet, domestic night |
Sloppy! | October 30th, 2019 | Spider-Man fights crimnials. Lois takes photos of him. An NPC is there, too. |
Once a Student, Always a Student | October 26th, 2019 | Anti-gravity. Body. Mods. |
Return to Coney Island | October 24th, 2019 | Peter takes Kitty to Coney Island for the rides they didn't get on their first date |
Peter, you're just lazy now... | October 23rd, 2019 | Cap comes to see Pete in medical... finds out Pete isn't even suppose to be in medical anymore. Life lessons follow. Asses are seen. FIN. |
And Jester Was Glad To See Them | October 22nd, 2019 | Kitty and Peter finally get to have that pasta they never got thanks to Kraven's attack |
No Wins without Costs | October 17th, 2019 | Andrea discusses a new project with Triage over lunch, and other issues surface. |
We Spend Too Much Time in Medbays | October 15th, 2019 | Still in medical, Peter continues to mend while Kitty catches him on happenings. But only the good things. |
Peter: When It Rains It Spores | October 10th, 2019 | Peter's condition worsens as Kraven's neurotoxin nearly kills him. But Tony, Kitty, Steve, Thor and Cindy manage to cleanse it from his body. |
Kitty's Turn To Fret | October 9th, 2019 | Kitty visits Peter in the Medical Bay after Kraven poisoned him. Gwen comes by and helps study the toxin. |
Smash the Spider | October 8th, 2019 | A nice day turns south when a group of Villains attack Spider-Man from a trap. Kraven draws first blood. Iron Man and Shadowcat assist in apprehension. |
There's No Taking The Illinois Out Of The Girl | October 4th, 2019 | Kitty takes Peter for a walk around her hometown. |
No country for spider-men. | October 1st, 2019 | Spider-Man saves Silk from Kraven, then finds out she wants to leave on a jet plane. Fin. |
Deerfield 90210... Er 60015 | October 1st, 2019 | Kitty and Peter go back to her hometown and Peter meets Theresa Pryde. Peter has a surprise for Kitty. |
Home, Sweet Home... | September 27th, 2019 | Pepper gets home after a month of travel to a quite warm greeting from Tony, right in front of Kitty and Peter. Some strange work/family bonding ensues. |
Shadowcat: Homecoming | September 23rd, 2019 | Kitty returns home with Peter, after finally being healed of the coma she was left in after a Sentinel attack |
Healer To The Rescue | September 23rd, 2019 | Shannon and Triage heal Kitty out of her coma, to the relief of Peter Parker and Lockheed |
Down, But Not Out | September 22nd, 2019 | A very long day in the medbay is lightened by good company all around. Rachel reveals that Kitty is still 'home', even if in a coma. Shannon and Samuel have a long talk about home, heroes, and their histories. |
Houseguest | September 21st, 2019 | Kitty brings home a surprise for Peter, in the form of a golden lab puppy named Jester |
Kitty's Moving Day | September 18th, 2019 | Kitty meets Peter's neighbors at the quaint little Queens apartment. |
A Moonlight Swing | September 12th, 2019 | Date night between Peter and Kitty includes talking about Loki's latest threat. |
Bad Memories | September 6th, 2019 | Peter and Carol basically re-enact the song 'Piano Man' by Billy Joel. |
Penalty For Early Withdrawal | September 2nd, 2019 | Rogue, Kurt, Kitty, Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy stop Blob and a pair of young villains from robbing a bank. |
Along came a Spider....Man | August 27th, 2019 | Peter comes to see Cindy and they talk about the past. There's a button. Fin. |
Blow Out The Candles, Peter | August 26th, 2019 | Xavier's students and staff, Cap, Tony, Cindy and Carrie gather at Harry's to celebrate Peter Parker's and Alek's birthdays |
Bowling Babes or Gutter Girls: Take Two | August 21st, 2019 | Sunday Sunday Sunday!! Rogue and Peter square off for an epic bowling rematch! You have to pay for the whole seat, but you'll only use the edge! |
Fast Food Faster Fight | August 20th, 2019 | Gwen and Peter catch up. Lot has gone in in a couple spider weeks. |
Old records off the shelf | August 20th, 2019 | Karaoke night at Club Evolution, with many from Xavier's in attendance. Sam and Shannon also talk things out, all is well. |
Proceeding At A Gallop | August 14th, 2019 | Peter and Kitty prepare for a ride on the school's horses. |
Nothing bad happens on school trips | August 13th, 2019 | It started as a field trip. It turned into a trip mine. BUT DID YOU DIE THOUGH?! |
Nothing Says Xavier's Like Tea In Storm's Attic | August 13th, 2019 | Kitty and Peter drop by Ororo's attic for tea |
On your Lawn, scaring your Newbies | August 11th, 2019 | Shannon meets Deadpool.... and so do a lot of other characters! Pure fun and chattiness! |
A Wasp A Spider And A Kitty | August 10th, 2019 | Janet, Peter and Kitty watch, or help, Natasha Romanova hunt a mouse in a bowtie. No really. |
Something Relaxing | August 9th, 2019 | Pete and Kitty spend a quiet evening watching horror movies. Jean stops by to check up on rumors. Sandwiches are upset at being ignored. |
Cats and spiders and shares, oh my | August 8th, 2019 | Kitty and Peter discuss old flames, old enemies, clones, time travel, and sweaters |
Roberto's Birthday | August 7th, 2019 | Roberto birthday party. No real injuries. Achievement unlocked. |
Racing Is Such a Drag | August 6th, 2019 | Peter Parker and Kitty drag race scooters down the drive, with Shannon flying, and Samuel and Scott watching |
So There I Was, Swinging Through Queens | August 6th, 2019 | Carrie and Kitty fail to hunt down Hammerhead, but are witness to Spider-Man apprehending jewel thieves. Also? Carrie slaps him. |
In Narnia, Peter Was The King | August 5th, 2019 | Kitty shows Peter her room at the Sanctum. They meet up with Strange, and Felicia who Peter has NEVER met before. |
A Quiet Talk | August 4th, 2019 | Kitty and Peter share moments from their past |
Under The Boardwalk, Down By The Sea | August 3rd, 2019 | Kitty and Peter hit Coney Island after Kitty had a rough day saving Damian Wayne. |
Poolside by the pool | August 1st, 2019 | Peter and Jubes have a poolside chat by the pool. |
May Embarasses Peter In Front of His Girlfriend | August 1st, 2019 | Peter and Kitty go to meet Aunt May for dinner. They dance in Peter's room to no music... Kitty finds out Peter Parker was Peter Pan. Fin. |
So... you need to have a talk, huh | July 31st, 2019 | Peter comes to talk to Cindy ... it is super ineffective. |
=Rooftops and rendezvous | July 31st, 2019 | Felicia and Spidey chat on a rooftop in the rain. It is not romantic... fin. |
Sentinels: Just Beat It | July 30th, 2019 | Two Sentinels spot mutant Kitty dancing in a Michael Jackson flash mob and attack. Rogue, Bobby and Peter Parker come to her rescue. |
Washington Park | July 29th, 2019 | Drinks in the park for Kitty and Peter, before he takes her on a webslinging tour of the city. |
Peter Meets A Master Artist | July 28th, 2019 | Peter Parker gets to meet Ernesto, Kitty's connection for the best ice cream in town. |
Great Moments In Texting | July 28th, 2019 | Text messages turn into a visit from Peter and a walk down to the river with Kitty |
And Then Peter Stopped By | July 27th, 2019 | Peter stops by to continue a conversation started on Kitty's birthday. Plans are made for ice cream. |
So Now She Can Drink | July 25th, 2019 | Shannon and Kitty have the same birthday, and their friends at the school, old and new both, help turn it into a special day |
It's a story of a girl... | July 24th, 2019 | Tony comes to make sure Peter is still alive. |
Guthrie Fried Chicken | July 24th, 2019 | People get to know one another over Sam's chicken. |
A Spider Caught in a Bigger Web | July 23rd, 2019 | Summary needed |
Happy Butterfly Day | July 21st, 2019 | Betsy celebrates a happy birthday at the Hellfire Club, completely disregarding liquor licensing laws! |
Spider Drama Adventure Island | July 17th, 2019 | Peter fills Gwen in on the new Spiders |
Along came a Spider... man | July 17th, 2019 | Miles is tagging buildings and meets up with Spider-Man... who gives him webshooters because he's an adult. |
So... you've got a girlfriend, huh | July 15th, 2019 | Pete and Steve talk about the young avengers bad luck with women. Silk and Bucky show. Everyone sees Pete has bad luck with men too. |
A bunker is no place for a spider | July 14th, 2019 | Spider-Man finds Cindy Moon in a bunker where she's been hidden for 9 years. They find out they're friends from high shool, were bitten by the same radioactive spider, and are insanely drawn to each other by unknown forces... so how was your day? |
Avon-ger Calling | July 10th, 2019 | Peter comes to the Avengers Mansion, sings Reading Rainbow. Then other stuff happens. |
Food Glorious Food | July 8th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Enough of an idea for something | July 7th, 2019 | Spider-Man meets up with Hank and Selene on the roofs of New York. |
Happy Birthday, American Man | July 7th, 2019 | The Avengers celebrate one of their own as Steve Rogers has his 109th(!) birthday! |
What a shocking turn of events. | July 5th, 2019 | Gwen and Peter fight.. THE SHOCKER... and then have some shocks afterwards revealing identities. |
Work Trip | July 5th, 2019 | Nadia and Spider-Man stop a crime! Batman disappears with the evidence. |
Grand Opportunities | July 3rd, 2019 | It's a lovely day for a stroll in the park. |
Breakstone Lake July 4th Extravaganza | July 2nd, 2019 | Students, friends, and faculty of Xavier's School gather by the Lake to celebrate July 4th! |
The New Style | July 2nd, 2019 | Summary needed |
I'm Sorry, Did I Interrupt Your Do-Goodery | June 27th, 2019 | Spidey is interrupted in his do-gooding! Alas! But at least there's some singing involved? |
Roofs are good. | June 25th, 2019 | Spidey, Deadpool, and Black Cat share some insanity on a rooftop. (Wade's.) |
A Buckeye Intervention | June 24th, 2019 | Spider-Man goes out to Ohio to talk to the Hulk, and manages to convince him that the Sentinels are /not/ hunting him. |
Sentinels: Sentinels | June 13th, 2019 | Hulk and Spider-Man brawl with some Sentinels, in the defense of an Avenger facility. |
Sentinels: Mall held Hostage | June 6th, 2019 | A mutant goes berserk at the mall, causing Sentinel and vigilante reactions. |
Stark. It's what's for dinner | June 6th, 2019 | Tony pays Peter a visit and Peter tries his best to accidentally change Tony's mind. |
A buzz in central park! | June 4th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Logan's an Idiot | May 31st, 2019 | Psylocke kicks Logan in the head to try to make him less of an idiot. Peter watches. |
Just a chat amongst friends | May 30th, 2019 | Logan and Peter have a talk over drinks... then fight in the parking lot. |
Avengers Natural Disaster | May 29th, 2019 | Spider-Man, Kally, War Machine, Doctor Strange, and Scarlet Witch respond to an earthquake in Empire City. |
Once more with feeling | May 28th, 2019 | Spiderman and Ghost Spider discuss heroic hardships |
School's Out For Summer! | May 27th, 2019 | Betsy and Peter clear the air between them. |
Just a day in the life | May 25th, 2019 | Spider-Man and Omnis discuss the particulars of heroics and being personable. |
It's like.. A Bag of Pineapples | May 24th, 2019 | Wade brings Spider-Man to the Avengers lawn for him to vomit. Or get recruited. It's messy. |
Evening in the Gardens | May 23rd, 2019 | Summary needed |
A Viking Kind of Club | May 22nd, 2019 | Summary needed |
City Fall: Judges and ninjas and spiders, oh my... | May 22nd, 2019 | Foot ninjas make a grab for Benny but Spider-man gets in the way. The Shadow almost captures their Sifu, but Spider-man gets in the way. |
punch drunk | May 21st, 2019 | Spidey gets hit with a Prius and Ghost Spider takes down some thugs. |
NOBODY EXPECTS A MIDAIR SNATCH AND GRAB | May 21st, 2019 | Spidey gets kidnapped by Deadpool. It's sexy. Except for the vomit. |
Hardly Awkward | May 20th, 2019 | Fangirl Jubilee and Fanboy Peter meet Tony. |
Everyone's gotta eat! | May 18th, 2019 | Summary needed |
It's Salty | May 17th, 2019 | A statistician, a biologist, and a mercenary slip and fall in Clarence. |
Drinks at Josies | May 17th, 2019 | The Defenders get together with Peter Parker. Everyone has drinks (Peter's is a Sprite), some people walk other people home. Or something. Totally don't go out and beat people up in alleys and need medical care at 3am. Nope. Not them. |
Spider and the Serpent | May 17th, 2019 | A spider and a snake waiting for a bus |
Picking A Sweet Ride To Be | April 25th, 2019 | Peter Parker and Samuel pick out motorcycles to work on, while Kitty starts on her Vespa scooter |
The Mean Streets-- er, roofs-- of Queens | April 15th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Bowling Babes or Gutter Girls | April 9th, 2019 | Rogue and Kitty are joined at the bowling alley by Peter Parker and Negasonic. Rogue wiggles her butt, as usual. |
Street Swinging Superheroe Society | April 6th, 2019 | Caitlin Fairchild and Spider-Man stop in at a fire |
Under the boardwalk, they'll be mugging someone | March 8th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Air mail in Jersey | February 15th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Don't Believe Everything on the News | February 4th, 2019 | Black Panther learns not to trust media accounts of Spider-Man |
Much Ado About Nothing | January 15th, 2019 | Nina the Conjuror and Spider-Man investiage... a role-playing group? |
These Rooftops Are Crowded | December 3rd, 2018 | Summary needed |
Astral Flux: Cooking in the Shadow King's kitchen | November 13th, 2018 | A group of heroes take on some of the Shadow King's minions. |
Who's coming to dinner | November 3rd, 2018 | Logan and Peter have lunch together, and Logan offers to teach Peter how to drive a motorcycle...as long as it has training wheels. |
Mostly Platonic | October 16th, 2018 | A 'signal' on a roof attracts some odd conversation. |
Must be a B-thing | October 2nd, 2018 | Beastey, Bladey, Spidey, Vampey, and the Quest for the perfect Kebap |
Astral Flux:Along came a Spider-Monkey | September 11th, 2018 | Spider-Man steps in to stop a crime spree created from a very nusual source. Psylocke comes in to help lend a hand. |
Black Sky: Holy Palette Swap | August 21st, 2018 | Spider-Man tries to brighten the Black Sky |
Superheroes on Patrol | August 3rd, 2018 | Peregrine gets some advice from Spider-Man |
The Bird and the Bug | June 30th, 2018 | Robin, Spidey, and Wasp go shopping... seriously |
Twin Spiders Talk Serious | June 3rd, 2018 | Peter and Ben come to terms with both sharing NYC |
Thinking Things Through | May 22nd, 2018 | A theft is foiled and an invitation extended. |
Stop me if you've heard this one, but a butler, a P.A., and a student walk into a bar.... | May 10th, 2018 | Our heroes went to a mugging and an autograph session broke out. |
Weighed and Measured | May 1st, 2018 | Summary needed |
Walking down memory lane in Forest Hills | April 10th, 2018 | Peter takes Betsy for a stroll through Forest Hills |
Where Everyone Knows Your Name | March 30th, 2018 | A Spider, a Blind Ninja, a Not-Blind Ninja and a PI walk into a bar...you write the punchline. |
Gambling with a Telepath | March 23rd, 2018 | Emma Frost gambles with members of the London HFC with high stakes on the table. Sebastian Shaw watches on as the fate of the Academy of Tomorrow is decided by pure chance. (OOC Note: This was an agreed upon plot device to allow Emma Frost to move on from the Academy of Tomorrow, at her request. Should a future player wish to change this, it can be returned in the same manner.) |
Saving those who don't need saving | March 15th, 2018 | Spider-Man wants to ride a dinosaur after saving the princess |
It was a Dark and Snarky Night | March 1st, 2018 | Silly Cassie, webs are for Spiders |
I'll Figure It Out In A Minute | February 15th, 2018 | Spider-Man, Richard Dragon and Lady Shiva. 'nuff said. |
Enough English | February 1st, 2018 | At the end of a school day, Betsy and Peter head to Harry's where they run into Logan. |
The Search for Students: Part I | January 21st, 2018 | Rebound stops a mugging with an audience |
I ain't comin back unless it's tha end uv tha world | January 8th, 2018 | Summary needed |
A Question for Christmas | December 24th, 2017 | Peter Parker asks Betsy Braddock a very special question |
Decorating Christmas | December 9th, 2017 | Putting up the Christmas Decorations at Bedford Towers |
Northern Visits | November 28th, 2017 | Betsy and Peter visit with Logan |
The Hunters Part One | November 14th, 2017 | Summary needed |
The Life and Time of Cindy Moon | November 5th, 2017 | A bunker in the sewers holds a secret. |
Halloween in the Park | November 1st, 2017 | A costume party in Central Park on an unusually warm October evening. |
Peter Parker's Party Plaza | October 19th, 2017 | Summary needed |
2 Heroes 2 Bridges | October 5th, 2017 | Spider-Man and Psylocke on patrol. |
The Return of the (Goblin-)King | September 29th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Kaldur Loves Surfacer Food | September 16th, 2017 | Summary needed |
More Pizzas, April! | September 2nd, 2017 | Summary needed |
Library Gems | August 14th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Rooftop Ruminating | August 1st, 2017 | Spider-Man and Psylocke on patrol |
Bug on a Window | July 23rd, 2017 | Spider-Man and Supergirl drop by Four Freedom Plaza for different reasons yet at the same time. They are met by Sue, Ben and Reed |
Log | July 9th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Pot Stickers and Beer | June 25th, 2017 | In which Darcy buys Scott lunch and Parker learns never to poke at Darcy. Or How much do cleavages shots go for these days? |
Picking up the pieces | June 11th, 2017 | Tony takes delivery of sex on four wheels. Peter gets pictures. |
A Symkarian in New York | May 28th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Rec Room Shenanighans | May 11th, 2017 | Summary needed |
The Ninja Spider | April 23rd, 2017 | Summary needed. |
Reminiscing with Friends | April 16th, 2017 | Summary needed. |
Back From the Dead | April 14th, 2017 | Jean Grey returns to Earth six months after her death! |
Violet's Web | April 13th, 2017 | Peter Parker pieces together some X-Secrets while speaking to Psylocke. Beast returns to the school. |
Calling Dr. Stank | April 4th, 2017 | Spider-Man and Black Cat pursue a lead and encounter Gregory Stark. |
The Cat Came Back | April 3rd, 2017 | Felicia Hardy springs a surprise visit on Peter Parker. |
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