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Latest revision as of 08:24, 12 November 2018

A shout in the night...
Date of Scene: 07 November 2018
Location: Sunnydale, Bludhaven
Synopsis: The Slayer meets Kid and mistakes him for the bad guy. Oops!
Cast of Characters: Kid, Buffy Summers

Kid has posed:
A cemetary is not typically the place one goes to, too clear their head...especially at night, and even more especially in Sunndale! But that is what Malcolm was doing. Cemetaries were in a sense facinating as his usual run in with death is far less...formal for lack of a better word...

But of course even Sunndale has it dangers. And quite suddenly from the shadows came a man baring his fangs at Kid and charges him seeming intent on biting into him. Unfortantly...Kid can bite back in his own way and hard!

Kid grabs the charging (what one can safely assume to be a vampire) by the throat and lifts him up. His eyes glow a soft yellow as he begins to drain the vampire of his own energy. The vampire let out a yell as this happens, startled and perhaps in some pain considering the situation.

Of course anyone who happens to come across this can easily confuse Malcolm for the attacker here.

Buffy Summers has posed:
There are two things that can be counted on in Sunnydale.

First, there will be vampires.

Second, where there are vampires, there is The Slayer.

Part of Buffy's duties is to patrol Sunnydale nightly. She prowls through the dark looking for the monsters that prey on others. Then she eliminates those monsters. She even has a built in warning system that tells her monsters are nearby!

As she is making her ciruit through the cemetary, that warning goes off. The pains hit in her abdomen and she winces. Not because it really hurts, but because it comes as a surprise out of no where. She comes around a mausoleum to see a giant holding up another guy. The giant has glowing eyes. The other guy has his back to her.

The problem with her warning system? It tells her the problem is in front of her but not which one is the monster. Thus, her confusion. "Put the nice man down and I promise to kill you quickly."

Kid has posed:
The giant mobster of a brute looks to Buffy, and bares four VERY large canines in warning. He of course never met Sunny before, and that was often enough to get most folks to think twice about messing with him...

But none the less while he may threaten, he not one to blindly disregard people either. He tosses the man behind him. The 'poor' fello hitting a wall and sliding down it with a moan.

He simply flips Buffy off and turns begining to leave. Either not taking her threat seriously...or preparing for something more. There is always something more.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Did he say something more?

Buffy's hand was in her messenger bag in an instant. Out came a silver knife. He wasn't a vampire so a wooden stake wasn't called for. Not with four sharp teeth instead of just the canines. No brow furrows, the eyes were different from a vamp. So that left demon generally from her experience.

Talk about wrong place at the wrong time.

The tiny blonde woman charges him, leaping into the air to try and stab him in the back!

Kid has posed:
Of course!

Malcolm always attracts the crazies! Or the heros who feel the need to do SOMETHING. But it didn't matter. He wasn't about to take flight, instead he would fight...unless it seems it going way way wrong.

As the small blonde woman leaps at him, he turns quickly, his massive arm comming up to try and slap her out of the air and away from himself!

Buffy Summers has posed:
The slap connects. For all her skill, she can't really change direction mid flight. She is flung off to the side where she slams into a tombstone. The marble cracks down the middle but doesn't fall apart.

Normally, this is where the story would end. A person would stay down after a hit like that. Buffy wasn't a normal person. As a Slayer, she had superhuman durability.

Almost instantly, she sprang to her feet, eyeing him more warily. "Alright, you get the first point but do you realize who I am?" One thing Buffy does do? Run her mouth. A lot. "There's no way you get out of here intact. So tell me what you are since you aren't a vampire. Demon?"

Kid has posed:
Malcolm is definintly impressed! Sure he wasn't intending to kill her, but the fact she got up spoke voloumns. It was perhaps even a bit exciting as his eyes narrow and he cracks his knuckles as she stands.

But with the mouth running...came another possibility. Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad! Or it would. Since it very possible that signing might be mistaken for magic or something. Who knows with these occult types.

Malcolm begins to sign. And barring any attack would be signing out "Not a clue. Some asshole with a knife? But no I am not a demon, and whatever the hell I am is frankly not of your buisness."

Buffy Summers has posed:
As he cracks his knuckles, Buffy moves a bit closer. Not too close. He has those long arms so he's going to have range. She needs to hit and move, rely on her speed and her strength here. Depending on what he is, she doesn't want him getting ahold of her since he might be super strong.

As his fingers begin to move, she tightens her hand on the knife and her feet shift slightly on the ground. Preparation to dodge if he uses Fireball or some sort of other spell on her. But no attack comes. Just his hands fluttering around.

Wait. She's seen that before. "Are you signing? What kind of demons sign?"

Kid has posed:
Malcolm expression goes dead pan, as if he thought Buffy was a real big idiot right now. He face palms hard and takes a deep breath, radiating annoyance and anger. His palms come togeather as if to take a calming stance.

He signs "The kind that don't talk, DUH!" he growls before gesturing for her to come at him, ready to take her on it seems. Like this lady just attacked him and she questingly why HE signing? Like come on!

As for the person he throw he was slowly comming to his senses.

Buffy Summers has posed:
He literally facepalmed. Buffy knew it as an expression, not a real movement. It almost makes her giggle. Almost.

The whole attacking people in a cemetery while having glowing yellow eyes and four super sharp teeth? That makes the giggle stop before it happens.

"Fine, fine. Excuse me for trying to educate myself! Giles would be so disappointed that I failed to get anything from this lesson." And with that. she's charging. She goes for what looks like a straight forward attack but then ducks down and to the side, going for an attempted slice to his ribs.

Kid has posed:
Malcolm would have signed 'Your excused' but quite suddenly he has Little Blonde Wonder attacking again! Anticipating the straight forward attack, he goes to try and grab her. But his mis-interperation of her attack make her move effective.

He feels the slice and let out a beastial roar in response, his 'image' flickering, but with how dark it was, what he flickered too is hard to say. But Buffy may have felt fur as she made her slice. Red warm blood on the tip of her blade.

Malcolm swings wildly now, very much like a wild animal, erratic, dangerous, unpredictable as he tries to basicly get her away! Oddly though, he would not appear to have any visible wound - but the drops of blood on the dirt would say otherwise.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Now we're even," Buffy says as she dances quickly out of reach, dodging those swings as shs ducks under then moves to the side to avoid it. She ends up having to do a quick handspring backwards to avoid one of the swings.

As she regains her feet, she draws the blade up and waits for her opportunity. But something seems wrong. "I know I hit you." She flicks her gaze to the blood on the ground then to his side. "How is it not showing?"

Kid has posed:
Malcolm circles slowly, watching, trying to better anticipate her moves. His face was twisted into rage now, his teeth bared once more. He stayed low, ready to move and to catch. Seem he was now taking this more seriously now. And he definintly wasn't bothering to sign an answer this time.

The smell of blood though...or it was making someone excited, hungry. The man he throw, reinvigorated by the fresh scent begins to stand, albeit with some trouble. He slowly backs into the shadows.

Buffy Summers has posed:
He's not seeming to care that she's confused. He just is itching for the fight. Buffy shrugs nonchalantly. "Fine, don't explain it. It really isn't important. I'll look up all the bits and pieces tomorrow in the big dusty books and find out. Or get Willow to do it. She's better at it," she admits.

A moment later, she's attacking again. She's going for a strike to his stomach but if he reaches for her, she'll go for a slice to the arm if necessary.

Kid has posed:
Malcolm seems prepared, but instead of a deflect, he actually goes for a side step at the last moment! As he does this he raises both his fist up togeather as if preparing to hammer them down upon her.

But before he can - from the shadows comes the man he was just holding before. Tackling Kid to the ground. The smell of blood causing the vampire to get into a frenzy! The man scratches and claws at Kid furiously and Kid now finds himself having to hold the thing back!

Buffy Summers has posed:
She was spinning, recovering from the miss when the man attacked.

Wait? Wasn't he the victim? No, he seemed to be attacking the man she was fighting. Only, wait...

"Dammit!" Her hand goes into the messenger bag and out comes a wooden stake. "Hold him!"

As Malcolm struggles to keep the vampire from getting a bite in, Buffy is rushing in and bringing that stake down for the center of the vampire's back! With her strength, if it strikes true, it should go through the ribs with no issues and enter the heart. If it works, he'll turn into ash.

That's a lot of ifs.

Kid has posed:
Hold him? HOLD HIM!

He gives Buffy this look of 'Weren't you just TRYING to kill me?' and now she wants him to hold him! Just great. Perfect

The vampire scratches at Malcolm face and chest - but like with Buffy knife, nothing could be seen, save the red tipped blood on the vampires fingers. Malcolm holds him at Bay, and his eyes begin glowing yellow once more. The vampire hiss angrily and seems to spasm in his grip as if in pain.

Which luckily made those ifs much less worrisome.

As Buffy goes in, she lands on the vampires back and stakes him going right through the heart! The vampire arches his back in pain and let out a monsterous ear splitting sound as he begins to crack, burng and burst into ashes.

Buffy Summers has posed:
The dust is carried away on a gust of wind, leaving Malcolm looking at the diminutive woman with the wooden stake in her hand.

For a moment, it's a question of if she is going to attack again. But then she reaches out a hand, offering it to Malcolm.

"Seems I had my monsters mixed up. The warning system isn't one hundred percent. Sorry about that."

Kid has posed:
Malcolm eyes the hand with (understandable) some distrust at first. But he none the less accepts the hand, getting pulled to his feet. He looked down at the woman for a long moment and nods in understanding. He let out a deep breath and rolls his shoulders. Raising a brow...he reach into his pack and takes out a mango, offering it to her. Perhaps his version of a peace offering considering he dones't seem to talk.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Once he is standing, Buffy isn't bothered by his looming above her. She remains where she is, looking up at him.

The mango gets a smile out of her. She takes it. "Thanks. Here," she says, offering him the wooden stake she used. "Aim for the heart if you get jumped by another vampire. It'll dust 'em like you saw."

Kid has posed:
He looks at the wooden stake and nods, though it didn't seem he cared much for it. Infact he seemed to take the idea of a vampire and everything that just happened quite well. He considers something...and points at Buffy head and than his own...it almost seems like he is asking permission.

Buffy Summers has posed:
She tilts her head slightly to the side as she tries to guess what he could be wanting. "Uh, okay?" she says as she tucks the mango away into her messenger bag. She takes an extra moment to be sure it's in a pocket where it won't get crushed by all the weaponry inside there.

Kid has posed:
Malcolm crosses his arms - and a very deep 'voice' sounds off in Buffy head o O ("Thanks for the steak...but eh. I just normally eat them") is claimed. It doesn't take a genuies to figure out where this psychic voice is comming from.

Buffy Summers has posed:
That was not what she expected.

The voice inside her head has her jumping back, reaching up to her temple with her middle and index finger of her right hand. "Whoa! Okay. I know I agreed but a little warning. Nevermind. You don't talk. Good, cause I didn't want to have to learn sign language so this is much simpler. Just don't go poking around in there," she adds as she lowers her hand, looking at him with a bit of respect reflected in her eyes. "There's some scary stuff better left alone inside my head."

Kid has posed:
o O ("Guess we have something in common than. But do not worry, got no plans to go digging. Not very well trained in that aspect you can say.") he took the jumping back in stride. It was probably the least aggressive thing she has done this entire time. o O ("But") it was a big butt o O ("Who the hell are you! Like god-damn. Someone trying to enjoy their nights, and than I end up getting side swaipped by a vampire and whatever the hell you are")

Buffy Summers has posed:
That gets the giggle Buffy hadn't allowed earlier. "Sorry about that. Occupational hazard. I can tell when a monster is around. Vampires, demons, even can pick up on some gods. With a little g. Although Ares would like to argue that it's a big G but whatever," she says, flapping a hand in the air dismissively.

"It just doesn't tell me who the monster is. With the whole eyes and teeth thing, and you getting the better of the guy, it was an honest mistake. As for me? I'm the thing that the monsters are afraid of."

She gives him a bright smile. "I'm Buffy." Terrifying to be sure.

Kid has posed:
("Buffy?") he stares at her for a long time ("What kind of stupid monster hunter name is Buffy?") yea he is blunt. Very blunt.

A deep breath o O ("But fair enough. I can understand having an Occupational hazard being a thing. As a...kind of vampire, I do tend to get the monster label") a pause ("And before you start trying to steak me - I do not turn to ash, I can be in the sun, I am not affected by holy water, and I am not some magical creature of the night.") his eyes are big and wide and he stares at her quite openy as if she would try something.

Buffy Summers has posed:
As he elminates the various ways to kill most things that go bump in the night, Buffy tilts her head to the side. She doesn't try to attack. "What about salt? Nevermind." That's a ghost thing and he seems awful solid to be a ghost. They usually can't manifest nearly that long either.

"There is nothing wrong with my name, either. So don't get judging me. My Mom picked that name," she says with a slight pout. "So you are what? A mutant or something?"

Kid has posed:
Malcolm chuckles o O ("Oh something. What I will keep to myself thank you very much.") a pause as he consider the fact she was named that. It's not a nickname...he was stareing at Buffy for a long long moment. ("Right. Well, you can call me Malcolm, Malcolm IronWood.")

Buffy Summers has posed:
The phrasing wasn't lost on her. She could call him that. Didn't mean it was his name.

Buffy didn't ask about that. It wasn't a big deal if he wanted to keep secrets. They were the necessity of her life after all so who was she to begrudge others? "Nice to meetcha, Malcolm. Sorry for trying to stab you. Well, I did cut you. At least I think I did." She glances to his side and frowns a bit since there is no sign of a wound. "You heal fast too, huh?"

Kid has posed:
Kid grins ("Not quite. Mind tricks is my specialty") he explains ("The wounds are very much there...you just do not see them because I do not want you two. It is useful for hiding") looks considers her ("So why are you a monster hunter?")

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Because I had a hairy mole."

She isn't laughing. Or kidding. Buffy is dead serious.

"I mean, I had it removed because /gross/! But apparently there is some thing where there is a Slayer who is around to fight vampires. But only one. So when one dies, another one becomes. Just poof, you're a Slayer! Then comes the studying and learning and fighting and more studying. There is way too much studying. There should be more fighting."

Kid has posed:
A mole.

First Malcolm thought she was kidding....untill it was apparent she won't be laughing. She was serioes. A mole.

("....I am not even going to begin trying to understand that logic. Study by fighting. Boom! Problem solved!") he declares. ("After all experience is the best teacher! But anyways...I best be going before anything else decides it wants my blood")

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Just keep the stake handy and avoid cemeteries. When they are fresh, they kind of dig their way out and..." Buffy shrugs. No need to explain further the details of vampires getting out of graves and going hunting.

"Seeya round, Malcolm. Maybe. I guess. If I can tell it's you. Sorry for stabbing you. Get that treated, okay?"