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Bullseye and Crossbones: Agents of the Light
Date of Scene: 30 October 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Crossbones and Bullseye are both recruited as Agents of the Light
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Bullseye, Crossbones

Lex Luthor has posed:
    The method of the call was probably not all that special for someone like Bullseye. His current point of contact had received instructions that 'a client' was interested in Bullseyes services. He was one of several candidates being considered for the job, and if he was interested, to come to an 'abandoned' warehouse in Gotham. The address had been given, and he was to 'come alone, into the back'.

The warehouse itself gives all the impression of being abandoned too, once Bullseye is in sight of it. The outside is boarded up, from the windows to the back door. The only indication of the place being accessible outside brute force is the fact that the front side entry is just slightly ajar, giving all the appearance that a rusted through chain broken long ago is the culprit.

Bullseye has posed:


    New York City was bad enough with all the capes flying around -- mutating, web-slinging, and all that goody two-shoe garbage -- but Gotham was a different creature, entirely. A bat-shaped creature, specifically, but that's neither here nor there. Pulling up to this warehouse on his motorcycle, the masked psychopath narrows his eyes and cases the area before lighting up a cigarette. "Great," he says with a drag and a grumble.

    Keeping a hand hovering over one of his trademark throwing knives, Bullseye quietly slips in through the open door and arches an eyebrow at his surroundings. This was certainly a step down from the lavish offices of Wilson Fisk or Hammerhead, but a gig's a gig, and it was about time that Gotham got to know him on a first-name basis.

Lex Luthor has posed:
    The inside is as bad as the outside, for the most part. The storage area is cleared out, with the usual dust and cobwebs. The only thing out of place is the light in the back office; an obvious beacon for Bullseye, should he deign to go back there.

Bullseye has posed:
    "Dramatic," Bullseye snickers to himself as he takes his time walking over to the back, twirling the throwing knife from earlier in his hand. Discrection was always part of this line of work, but even this seemed a bit much for Bullseye. Then again, his usual clientele is virtually untouchable -- politically or otherwise. Bullseye continued his slow walk -- a bit of a power move to start this off on his terms.

    After all, this guy could be a first-timer. Maybe someone not used to the scum and grime. But whoever it is? They clearly need the best.

Lex Luthor has posed:
    Unknown to Bullseye, there was a camera disguised up in the rooftop watching his slow walk. Unless you knew what you were looking for, or could detect electronics, it was very easy to miss. Lex was watching the display in his office on a holographic representation of the warehouse... and even he had to roll his eyes at it, "Harmony, connect to the gear in the contact office and setup the anonymity filters."

In the back office was a portable holo-projector, along with an obvious camera in the front of it. There's a fold out chair in front of that camera, if Bullseye is interested in setting... and a big red button on the front controls with a taped on note: "Press the button."

A portable holoprojection unit is pretty expensive. Whoever this is has money, at least.

Bullseye has posed:
    Upon approach, the costumed merc blows out a hard breath, rolling his eyes in incredulity at this set-up. "C'mon, pal," he mutters to no one in particular, kicking the chair to the side of the room and standing in front of the projector, arms folded across his chest. "I rode all the way out to Gotham for a FaceTime session? What're you, a teenage girl?" He lets out a frustrated snort and forcefully smacks the button, eventually backing up so he's in full-view of whoever it is on the other side.

Lex Luthor has posed:
    The projection that pops up is blue; a humanoid with no facial features or clothing. It's anonymous right down to the voice, "You rode out to Gotham because I choose to have this initial meeting in Gotham, away from potential prying eyes. This entire setup is protected on both ends. I know you're used to Fisk and his indulgences. I have different methods and protocols."

The projector switches to a holographic representation of a building, "what do you know of the Argos incident?"

Bullseye has posed:
    "I don't know nothin' about nothin, Tron," Bullseye replies sardonically, picking at his teeth with his knife. "But you, on the other hand, know enough to recognize the best in the world at what he does. Now, unless you've got this whole thing twisted, I suggest you just cut to the point and show me a picture of the asshole you want shuffled off this mortal fuckin' coil."

Lex Luthor has posed:
A picture shows up in the hologram. A man. A security guard, to be exact, then, another man. "The first picture is the chief of security for a Madripoor office. The second picture is the CEO of Argos Laboratories. I want the first one neutralized by whatever means, and the second target captured. I also want no witnesses. Massacre the entire site if you must." The figure states, "you'll be given transport to and from the site. It'll be up to you and your team to make the extraction. We have limited overt resources in the area, but we can possibly support you in an emergency."

"Any questions so far?" The man asks.

Crossbones has posed:
Brock Rumlow steps out of the shadows, his skull helm obscuring his features. He, too, is armed to the teeth, a pistol-grip shotgun slung through a sling crossways on his back. Seeing Bullseye approaching as well, he let the other merc take point. Hey, he had a skull full of unbreakable shit, no reason not to let him play decoy duck.

"I imagine the same questions as usual. Money. When and how much?" he says, "What, you thought you were the only skel workin' this gig?" he says to Bullseye, bemused.

Bullseye has posed:
    The masked merc sheathes his knife and folds his arms over his chest. "You want me to ace some two-bit rent-a-cop?" he asks with a scoff. "Done." The second target displayed on the screen garners a more focused response from Bullseye, his ears perking upon hearing the words 'massacre' and 'team.' It's about here that Crossbones makes his entrance, skull helmet and all.

    "Jesus, I gotta tell you when I need to take a piss, too?" he offers in response with a small sneer. The sneer curls into a mischievous smirk as Bullseye turns back to the holographic screen, gesturing his head towards his fellow Skel. "And yeah, what he said. How much we talkin', here? My services ain't exactly cheap."

Lex Luthor has posed:
    "You'll be well compensated as soon as we have the CEO in our custody, The Light have vast resources. You may call me L1." The voice continues, before the hologram switches to a top down view of the office, "The site is almost certainly being monitored by SHIELD. There's a very good possibility they'll try to intercept your team once the operation is started. If they try, feel free to massacre them as well."

The figure looks to the left, then back to the' front', "The others are being contacted as I speak. Some of your team are easier to contact then others. Flash drives with operational parameters and locations of resources you'll need to handle this job will be given to you as you leave."

Crossbones has posed:
Brock Rumlow grunts, "Don't need to encourage me to kill off SHIELD agents. It's been one of my favorite hobbies for a while now," he says. Brock knows all too well how hard it is to assemble and herd a group of trained killers. They just don't much care for things like discipline and order.

"L1, huh? Guess that'll do." he says.

Bullseye has posed:
    "SHIELD?" Bullseye asks with a wicked, toothy smile. "Talk about an early Christmas present." He then raises an eyebrow and turns to Crossbones. "As for a team," he says, the word tasting awful in his mouth, "There's this hot piece of ass outta Gotham who's no stranger to breakin' bad. I'm giving her a call. You got anybody else in mind?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
A phone number pops up on the hologram, "This is the new number to contact us. It's very secure and very disposable. The operation will begin tomorrow night. The flash drives will have your destination from here." L1 states, before the hologram switches back to that humanoid figure. Still unisex enough that no details can be made out, "I'll leave your logistics to you. Most of what you'll need can be requested in transport. We'll be watching discreetly."

Crossbones has posed:
Brock Rumlow has gotten used to memorizing mysterious numbers and codes. One of the first things Skull taught all of his operatives was how to keep things in the only untraceable record, your brain. And he was always paranoid enough about that. Telepaths made everything harder. Which is why Hydra usually put a bullet in them rather than putting them to use.

"Seems simple enough. Been needin' to get a little exercise."

Bullseye has posed:
    With the images of both targets locked away in his head, he offers Crossbones a final look before turning back to the hologram. "We done here, then, Oz?" Bullseye asks, plainly. "'Cause I'm double-parked."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"We are. We'll be in touch if there are any changes to the plan." L1 states, before the hologram winks out of existance. A previously very non-descript table with a drawer pops, and the drawer slides open. Foam with two black painted flash drives inserted can be seen, with USB connectors.