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Latest revision as of 05:16, 23 November 2018

Kryptonite Poisoning
Date of Scene: 17 November 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Superman, Superboy, Wonder Woman, Sister Reinhardt

Superman has posed:
     The fight was visible from across the city, between the bright green flashes of light not quite the right hue to be a Green Lantern, to the flares of red heat vision not quite the right shade of red for a red Lantern, Superman and Superboy are on the roof of the building the power suited villian partially destroyed vanishing in the aftermath. Trying to take off into the air again woozily, Superman falls back to the rubble strewn roof top, struggling to a knee while grabbing his chest, his skin a sickly green color, sweat covering his forhead and soaking his hair.. "Fortress.." he says weakly to Superboy who just offered to take him to The Hall of Justice. "You've been right?" he asks his head foggy and unable to focus on the proper information

Superboy has posed:
Superboy looks alright. Perhaps a little paler than usual. But he can handle the effects of Kryptonite better than a full-blooded Kryptionian and he didn't receive the full dose of poison Superman did. "I am fine," he responds. "And I don't know where is your Fortress," adds the young man, flying down to help the older hero to stand up. "Gotta be the Hall, man. You look pretty sick and can barely fly."

Wonder Woman has posed:
It doesn't take long for alerts about serious engagements to make their way through the channels that lead to the core of the Justice League, and as such, Wonder Woman is dispatched from Manhattan in a matter of moments and aboard the 'invislble jet' no less. The alien-tech-powered vehicle rips through the skies above and makes it descent toward the designated action zone, where the engagement was reported to have gone down.

Before the jet can land, however, Wonder Woman is out of the back of it, appearing in the sky as the jet can be hard piercing the clouds above.

She descends in her full armor, with sword and shield on her back. She can see them both, as she draws closer and soon she comes to land several feet ahead of where Superboy is helping Kal.

"What happened?" Diana asks with a serious expression on her face, her dark hair sweeping around her shoulders after her high-velocity landing.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Another arrives at the aftermath and lands....gently. Of course, The Blue Lantern sees Diana and takes a deep breath. "I don't know much myself. but it could be something to do with this green.....glow that's around him. And you don't looks so good either." She says to Superboy. She's never met Superboy. "Do you know what is going on, Diana?"

Superman has posed:
     Superman's suit ripped in places showing bruising skin and small cuts from the fight, his lip busted and his hands looking to have been burned. Unlike normal his wounds aren't healing immediately .. "Di knows she can show the way.." he says woozily the Man of Steel barely concious something that probably wouldn't be happening if he weren't on his feet with the help of Superboy.

Superboy has posed:
Superboy is not in the Justice League, so he has no idea about their communication channels. Wonder Woman's arrival takes him by surprise. He recognizes her, of course. But... uh... say something witty, Conner!

"Wow," beat. "Er... kryptonite. It was kryptonite. It is like poison. Or radiation, I guess. Uh... heya," he grins. FAIL.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's eyes first travel over to the Blue Lantern when she arrives. "I have only heard second hand information." She replies to Suzanne, then conatinues to step toward the two men and her blue eyed gaze returns to both of them. "Kryptonite..." She says in a soft and breathy voice. She moves to the other side of Kal from where Conner aides him and she attempts to do the same, using her own greath strength to keep the displaced Kryptonian upright. "I thought I told you to stay away from that stuff." She chides Kal, her Greek accented voice laced with a bit of dry toned humor there.

The invisible jet's presence becomes well known once more as it starts to touch down onto the ground, its elegantly shaped hull partially visible as its pilots are revealing the jet's position for the people on the ground to more easily approach it, taking on a smokey white shade of color.

"The way to where?" Diana asks as she guides them all toward the jet's entry ramp which is quietly settling onto the soft grass now as well.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "he said something about a....fortress?" Suzanne says to Dianna. "That's all I got." She looks over towards the now partly visible jet that's touched down nearby. "And I don't think he had much of a choice in the matter, Diana." Then she realizes it's humor, and she lets out a breath. Seems she's a little worried. "Whatever's going on, I don't think the Hall of Justice has what we need to rid Superman's body of this kryptonite." She then looks to Diana. "he said you'd know the way." She glances to Superboy as if to say 'I'm not ignoring you on purpose.'

Superman has posed:
     Superman smiles.. "owe you a pint of ma's ice cream." he says weakly his body feverish against the two as he tries to help make his way to Diana's jet.. "yeah.. Fortress.." he says the words laboured "Kon..doors'll open for you.. Father will know what to do.." he says before adding.. "I think I need to lay down.." he says his eyes rolling back in his head in unconciouness his legs giving out.

Superboy has posed:
"He keeps saying something about a Fortress," confirms Superboy, briefly glancing to the redhead in blue. "Maybe he is delusional. Er... not sure if it can happen to Kryptonians. Never happened to me!" And then Superman goes and faints. "Hey, man, wake up," he demands, shaking the larger man. "You can't faint in front of Wonder Woman. That is like... a serious crime." He looks at Diana apologetically, "sorry."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's eyes glance once more to Suzaenne and she nods one small time toward the other. "Well then. That is certainly a lot." She looks over to Conner and then to Kal as he passes out, which makes her faint smirk. "Goodness, we best hurry." She says then as they start up the ramp to the interior of the jet. "You are all welcome to come along, it is a bit of a trip... but it will not take long aboard this craft."

As they make their way inside of the Jet, its rear passenger compartment is all the same white shade as the exterior of the aircraft, it looks spotlessly clean and is illuminated by a resonating glow coming off of literally everything.

The walls and floor of the jet shift and turn forms, creating a place for Superman to be laid down upon, shifting at Diana's will as the tech behind this strange plane is attuned to her mind.

"Place him here." She tells Conner. "We will worry about prosecuting him for the fainting crime once he is back on his usually very sturdy feet."

Diana will then turn to Suzanne. "Can you do anything to stablize his pain while we are enroute?" She asks then.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "I'll do what I can. I owe him that much." Suzanne says as Superman is laid down on one of the places for him. That's when the Blue lantern turns her ring to SUperman and fires a beam at him....encompassing his form. "As long as there is hope, I'll keep him from getting worse." She says sitting down. "But please hurry." She really seems to be concentrating upon Superman and.....humming a tune, as if to keep her spirits up.

Superboy has posed:
"Okay, sure," Superboy drags the larger man to the shifting platform that is being created for him. He would be more impressed about this piece of supertech (or is it magic) if he wasn't so concerned about Kal's health right now. Of all things he never expected to see Superman looking like this was among the first in the list.

"Yes, lets hurry up!" He agrees, "where this Fortress place anyway. Sure hope he has not decided to build a secret hideout far from Metropolis."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana watches Suzanne use her ring to stablize the Man of Steel and she gently nods her head. Her eyes drift over to Conner then. "Somewhere, very cold." She replies to him, letting Superman give the Fortress' mailing address to Superboy should he so desire too, she didn't want to be responsible for that information going to anyone!

Diana turns then and makes her way to the cockpit where one of her Amazonian sisters is at the controls of the jet. The Princess takes the co-pilot's seat and in moments the jet is back in the air and the exterior of the plane vanishes once more, while people outside are snapping cell phone images and videos of the infamous jet as it vanishes in mid air.

On the inside the jet remains just as visible as it has since they boarded. The jet moves unlike a usual airplane, it doesn't need to obey the same laws of physics as a man-made jet does, it cuts through the air slippery smooth without any turbulence or jarring reaction to air currents outside.

They will arrive in a matter of minutes.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Strangely, the entire trip, Suzanne is....singing. Even as she's concentrating on Superman's stabilization, she's singing a song. "Sugah....Awwww honey honey! You are mah candy girrrrl! And you've got me wanting you! aw honey! Aw sugah sugar! You are mah candy girl! and you've got me wanting you! When you kissed you girl, I knew how sweet a kiss could be. Like the summer sunshine, pour your sweetness over me. Pour your sweetness over meeeee!"

Who knows what song that is from.

Superman has posed:
     Superman's breathing becomes less labored as the blue light shines over him, the ring able to mask the pain even as the Kryptonian stays unconcious during the flight, the invisible jet moving as fast as Superman north, then further north, then even further north into a blizzard swirls around the plane before it too vanishes the weather clearing like the eye of a hurricane for Diana and the pilot to see the glittering citadel of Kryptonian history and technology that Kal-El calls home..

Superboy has posed:
Somewhere very cold, she says. So Conner facepalms and follows Diana into the cockpit, somewhat weirded out by the singing. Oh well, whatever works. "We are going to the North Pole. Well, of course we are going to the freaking North Pole. I guess if I want to build myself a cottage it would be in the pole. Or maybe in the moon. Cheaper rent, Manhattan is crazy."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana maintains a watch over the holographic imagery that is display the ship's sensor readings, its showing everything that the Watchtower sees, in a much more condensed manner. Her right hand occassionally reaches out to adjust one of the displays, to move it with her fingertips silently through the air. She glances back to Conner as he speaks and then looks beyond him to Suzanne as she's singing, it doesn't seem to bother her!

Her eyes go back up to Conner. "Yes, I imagine rent is much cheaper up here." She says in a matter-of-fact sort of way, because well... its true!

When they come upon the location of the Fortress, the jet once more lowers down to touch upon the surface of the snowy tundra and Diana moves to stand up and slip past Conner. "Come, we must get him inside at once." She says to Suzanne though she expects Conner will likely aide once more in achieving this.

She'll move to take Superman back down and out of the ship, a blast of freezing... supercold air meets them once they are outside of the jet too!

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne is up and floating Superman out of the jet as soon as the ramp goes down. "Lead the way..." She says to Superboy. She still doesn't know his name. "It could be worse....you could've been to other planets."

Superman has posed:
     The fortress glitters, glowing with it's own inner light as the trio escort the unconcious Superman towards the fortress, the vast crystaline edifice humming musically as the hard hexagonal floor outside of the Fortress starts to shift a plinth rising out of the ground with the sound of rapidly growing crystal the end angled slightly towards the newcomers to display the Crest of El carved into the surface a brighter light pulsating underneith the crystal in silent waiting..

Superboy has posed:
The arctic cold would have really bothered Superboy a couple years ago, but right now it feels more like a cool breeze. He can't see any building, though, so... oh wait. He can see IT now. "Damn," he summarizes.

And here come the readheaded lady with Superman. "I have been in other planets," he mentions. "No way the rent is worse than Manhattan. "By the way, who are you? I am Superboy. Or just Conner." He is terribly bad at keeping a secret identity, too. Never wears glasses. Unless they are sunglasses.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The cold certainly wasn't Diana's friend. She hadn't even seen snow for the first 800 years of her life. But at the same time her physical resistances at least made her not prone to suffering in the deep chills, like the average person can and does.

She'll help guide them to the precise spot where she remembers the entrance to the Fortress to be and when the seal presents itself she motions toward it. "Here we are. The rent is cheap for obvious and chilling reasons." She says, her eyes going once more to Kal's face to check on his condition. "I am not sure that he is capable of opening this facility's doorway. We need to wake him." She's not aware of Conner's possible 'clearance' or ability to take Kal's place in this scenario.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne is handled by her ring, so she's not bothered by the cold...since it never reaches her. it has a better chance of freezing her constructs first. However, upon seeing the 'crest' on the ice...she remembers something. "Uh...Conner was it? He said you'd be able to get in. Give it a try." She says pointing to the door. "hurry, we may not have much time."

Superboy has posed:
"Yeah, it should work for me," agrees Conner and not explaining why. So he puts his hand on the seal and right. The cloning stuff gets him a pass. The door opens. "You said you knew the place?" He asks Diana. "Because we need some kind of medical lab or something. And I really hope it has a good doctor." He glances back to Superman, wondering if he can freeze now. And deciding just in case to rush the others in. "Now you lead on, Princess," he states.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Once the door is open, Diana whips her head to the side to get her dark hair out of her face from the cold winds that were blowing it about wildly. She helps to haul Superman into the Fortress where the atmosphere and temperature are radically improved from the exterior winter wonderland.

"He has... a bit of a homebrew medical assistance at his disposal here." She says, recalling the way to where they'd taken the previous guest. She leads them to it and once more is finding herself having to place Kal into a laying position.

"You may have to activate this as well." Diana says, her eyes studying Conner's face more closely now if he has the ability to open this complex then he can likely access its systems also.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Once the door is open, Suzanne moves her way on in. However, she also focuses part of her attention towards Diana, namely, to warm her up. So she puts on a barrier, at least temporarily, so she can make herself warm. "Can't believe I didn't think of it in the first place."

Superman has posed:
     "What in Rao's name has happened to my son!" comes the angry voice of a man, coalescing out of motes of light, Jor-El's robed image appears, the floor of an area of the bare floor of the Fortress starting to shift and grow "place him on the table." he says with a tone of urgency. Once Superman is on the table, the hologram starts to speak in Kryptonian "Now step back." he adds turning to face the trio. "His body is heavily poisoned with Kryptonite radiation, how did this come to pass?" he asks focusing on Diana, the only one of the trio he's met before.

Superboy has posed:
Conner looks very much like Superman. Except of course he dresses better, listens to better music, and he is all around cooler and smarter.

Well, at least Conner thinks so.
(Chances are... not many others do).

Zor-El's appearance prevents a flurry of random button pushing. Assuming Conner could find buttons to push. He blinks quickly, than clears his throat. "Guy in armor attacked him. He had Kryptonite."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana turns to Suzanne just prior to the manifestation of Jor-El appears. "We may need you to help keep him stable, I am uncertain how we fight back against Kryptonite poisoning." She softly says, but then the presence of the ill-fated father shows itself and Diana's attention turns back to him. She lets Conner answer the question as he was actually there.

"It seems as though someone... terrible, has gotten ahold of some measure of the poison that Kal is susceptible to." She steps back beside where Superman rests. "We... need your help to heal him, so that we may find this person and end this from ever happening again."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne nods to Diana, but then jumps when Jor-el appears. "Son?" She says before she walks her way forward and.....attempts to poke the image on the side of his head. "I thought Superman's father was dead. Or this is one freaky haunted house."

Superman has posed:
     The hologram vanishes to reassemble on the other side of the waist height table his hands 'resting' on it's surface. "I am a holograpic recreation, sent when I sent my son to this planet. Now please, place him on the table, the Fortress is configuring a regeneration matrix but can't do that until he is on the table." Comes the exhasperated command of Jor-El "Then we can discuss with this young man, what happened since it appears he was there and what we might be able to do to find and capture this maniac.."

Superboy has posed:
Superboy helps Kal on the table and steps back, looking somewhat relieved, and somewhat annoyed at the hologram authoritarian stance. "Yeah, sure... actually I think it would be best if Superman tells you when he is feeling better. He will want a piece of the armor guy. I thought it was a robot, but he assured me he could hear a human heart inside the armor."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana glances back to Suzeanne but the hologram of Kal's father explains himself. "It is impressive technology, and it offers Kal a place of comfort when all else in this world seems too alien for him." Its as close to home as he'll ever get and Diana understands that about her friend. She moves to help Conner get Kal onto the table then and she too steps back.

"Thank you, Jor-El." She says to the Manifestation, because she's kind to every 'living' creature even if most would not consider them alive at all, she likely does.

Diana's hands fold back together in front of her lap and she merely takes up a watchful presence for the time being.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne, despite being in awe over the technology here, steps back as well. "I'll stick around until Superman is feeling better as well. I can recharge my ring here as well." She then takes a deep breath. "I think, after Superman's recovered, I'll take all of you out for pizza. My treat." She then looks to Superboy. "Also...Superboy, I think Conner is meant to be your name when you wish to be normal, as in...not be a superhero...where Superboy is meant for when you are....helping people like Superman does. Like me, I'm the Blue Lantern. I'm not always the Blue Lantern." she then looks to Diana. "Diana's one of the few exceptions, but I don't think she can ever NOT be Diana...."

Superman has posed:
     with Kal placed on the table, the crystals start to grow up over him again, another layer of crystals, very opaque growing up over this the layer closing over the entire table in a pyramid keeping Kal from sight as the ambient light of the Fortress actually dims, the pyramid starting to glow brightly even through the darkend layer. "Now, if you will follow me, Kal-El keeps a small pantry of food stuffs here, I will have Kelex prepair something and we can discuss what happened.. "