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Latest revision as of 07:31, 26 November 2018

Princess meets an Ant
Date of Scene: 25 November 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Ant-Man (Lang)

Wonder Woman has posed:
Late afternoon on a Sunday, a busy Sunday no less!

With the holidays in full swing and winter settling in for its long run, there's a lot going on in the city. Diana Prince has been busy throughout it, but she's taken a moment to bring a small gift to the Avengers who's home is not far from where her Embassy and Arts Center are located in Manhattan, just a couple blocks in fact.

Having picked up a flower arrangement while shopping with one of her assistants, Diana was now in the process of delivering it to the Avegners--unannounced however, so she mostly expects to just leave it at the front desk and make her departure.

Her black sedan pulls up to the front of the building and she steps out, wearing a maroon leather jacket and a pair of black slacks, her dark brown hair is tied back into a tightly braided ponytail. She gathers up the flower arrangement and tells her assistant she won't be but a moment. Then the 6'0" Amazonian Princess is making her way toward the Mansion's front gate, she THINKS she's on the security list, if not she'll buzz the on-duty employees.

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
    Unlike most of the Avengers, Ant-Man tries to keep a low-ish profile when he isn't helping to save the world. He has loved ones to care for, and as a result he tries to make sure that nobody outside a few trusted confidantes are aware that Ant-Man is Scott Lang. Of course, he has been known to pull off the mask and say hi more than a few times simply because the whole secret identity thing does not really come all that naturally.
    At present he is in full Ant-Man gear on his way out of the Mansion. The sort of people who hang out for autographs don't bother him once they realise he isn't Hank Pym, and he manages to wander out with a duffel slung over one shoulder along with his dry cleaning. He almost bumps into Diana as he does so, murmuring an apology before he takes a step back and looks at her. Even if he doesn't realise who she is immediately, he is nevertheless slightly agog.
    "Scott Lang." He says immediately, extending a hand to her.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana has never kept a secret identity since she became a public super hero and since the media dubbed her with 'Wonder Woman'. She's adopted that moniker and she's run with it. But her approach to this lifestyle is that she puts everything out there, no secrets and she openly invites anyone to threaten her or attempt to harm her... of course she doesn't WANT them to, but she's made it abundantly clear there there are consequences that few can match up to if they get on her wrong side.

That being said, Diana has publicly made her life a mission for peace, love and kindness toward all. Though she's known as a feminist icon, she cares for the wellbeing of all people, genders have no effect on her ability to love or care for another life form.

As of right now? Well, Diana is avoiding bumping into Scott and she steps back, she smiles brightly toward him with her lips painted in a crimson red lipstick. "Oh, my apologies." She says to him in her smokey voice, a thick foreign accent lacing her words. "Ah, yes, I was just bringing these... as a, gift. To welcome your home, home." She assumes he's one of the Avengers due to his outfit, but she's not sure of which one he is!

She extends her right hand to him from the flower arrangement to shake his when he offers it with his name. "I am Diana. Diana Prince." Her hand is warm, soft and strong.

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
    It takes all the willpower Scott can muster not to be immediately smitten. He hasn't even immediately recognised Diana as Wonder Woman, just as a very beguiling woman. Despite the name ringing a bell, that bell is locked behind half a dozen locked doors in his brain. His mouth is slightly agape, and though he quickly closes it he is silently thankful that the helmet he wears obscures his total lack of chill.
    "Well, uh, thank you, Diana Prince," Scott shakes her offered hand as he speaks, holding on for definitely too long, "They're nice flowers. We appreciate the gift. Did you see the footage on the news when we brought the Mansion back? I was there. It was a bit hectic but Tony - that's Iron Man, Tony Stark, we call him Tony - Tony had a plan and we managed to beat back the bugs in the end. I'm still shaking your hand, aren't I?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's slim pointed chin slowly nods as Scott lays out the results of their efforts to return their home back to this reality and she lets her lips turn from a smile into a sly grin at the rest of what he says. "You are." She quietly replies to him. "But it is okay. I am glad to shake the hand of a mighty hero who helped Mister Stark return this lovely home to where it belongs."

Diana then holds the flowers up with her left hand and offers them to him. "I was just going to take these inside." But she pauses. "Oh, you were just leaving, my mistake." She pulls the flowers back then and looks toward the front entrance before back to Scott. "Is it okay if I go inside?" She asks him then, her hand still shaking his of course. "Is Mister Stark around at the moment? I know I did not call ahead, however, so I expect not. Which is of course fine, its been a busy few days."

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
    "Leaving? No, no, I was just coming out here to check if there was any, uh, injustice going on," Scott looks around pointedly for a moment and then nods in satisfaction, "Nope. All set out here. Come in, come in, I'll show you around." He takes the offered flowers.
    Never mind that Scott has only visited the Mansion a handful of times himself and one of those times it was full of evil bugs and floating in a hell dimension. Still, he walks with purpose as he leads Diana past the front desk and into the Mansion proper. He quietly thanks his lucky stars that they don't stop and ask him for ID like they have every other time he's visited the Mansion. Note to self: buy a donut for Ed at the front desk.
    "So, how's your day? I'm Scott, by the way," he definitely already said that, "Also called Ant-Man. Not that one, the other one." Perhaps to emphasize his point, he reaches up and pulls the helmet off to carry it under one arm. He seems positively overburdened now with his duffel, dry cleaning, bouquet of flowers, and helmet but he does his best to seem cool and collected.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Oh." Diana says then as the man reverses his course and instead intends on leading her back inside. "Well, aren't you a dedicated defender of the people." She continues to grin lightly as she's lead indoors, she gives a nod and a quiet wave with a smile to Ed at the desk then proceeds on further inside, her wedge heeled black leather shoes quietly impacting on the floors as her tall figure walks along with Scott.

"Scott, yes." Diana says then, her eyes looking over to him as he removes his helmet and she nods once. "Ant-Man... the Other One." She nods her head once. "I was starting to wonder if you were a robot of some kind. Advanced... artificial... intelligence, system." She grins again at the other. "Mister Stark likes to make those, yes?" She's just teasing of course, as she's got a good sense of humor when the mood and moment calls for one. "My day is well, Other Ant-Man. I just..." Her blue eyes roam around the interior of the house. "Am glad that this place is back and safe. I wish I could have been present to help, bring it back."

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
    "You do the super hero stuff, too?" Scott asks, looking at her curiously for a moment. He'd been smitten by her sheer presence and the notion of her fame as Wonder Woman hadn't even entered his head. Maybe he'd forgot or maybe he was just failing to think very clearly. He blinks owlishly at her for a moment, as the pieces slowly put themselves together.
    "Oh! You're - Oh! Hey!"
    Suddenly, he seems less like a lovestruck teen and more like a nervous office employee who has been asked to make an impromptu presentation to the board of directors. Is he even allowed to be talking to Wonder Woman? This is definitely a Tony or a Cap job. What if he offends her? Ah, jeez.
    "Nope. Real boy. Man. Real Man. Real Ant-Man."
    Stop talking.

Wonder Woman has posed:
And for the Princess of Themyscira, the silly man before her is just amusing and charming in a way. Slowly she nods her head to his affirmation of his manliness and she reaffirms it herself by speaking back. "I am sure that you are, Mister Lang." She adds to him. "And yes... Wonder Woman." She confirms that part too. "Though I do prefer Diana." A light grin is shown then before she points to the flower arrangement.

"I put a card in it." She indicates, her blue eyes going from the card back up to Scott's eyes. "It is labeled for Mister Stark, but it is okay if others read it also. It is simply well wishes and open invitations for anyone to come to the Themysciran Embassy should anything like this ever happen again. Avengers need not be displaced from a home, when the city and world at large needs them to be safe and well cared for." Once more the Ambassador to the Amazons smiles to Scott. "Would you let them know of this?" She asks in that uniquely non-American voice of hers.

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
    "Definitely," Scott nods several times for emphasis, "I'll let them know. You might want to reconsider, though. They stayed in a penthouse and Thor threw his hammer through the wall. If you're going to house Avengers, you might want to make sure it coincides with any plans to remodel the guest rooms."
    As they venture into the main foyer of the Mansion where the Mighty Avengers congregate, Scott searches several cupboards for a vase before he finds one and rushes off to the kitchen to fill it with water. Returning, he places Diana's gift in the vase and then sets it pride-of-place on a table in the middle of the room.
    "This was a really thoughtful gift," he adds, "I'd like to visit the Embassy one day. Hopefully it won't take a house-napping to make it happen, though."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana laughs softly at the part about Thor. "Is blatant disregard for public safety with the use of that hammer is going to be... bad, at some point, at least I fear anyway." She responds before she follows along for a few steps and then stands beside the table he'll eventually bring the flowers to in their new vase. "This home looks to be in fine shape still though, so at least things turned out positive." At least far as she can tell, maybe other parts of the house are in much worse shape though!

When he returns with the vase she makes a soft noise and then smiles when he places them down on display. "Oo. Lovely. Quite perfect." She looks up to the man in the fancy suit and offers him a singular nod of her head. "I would be happy to have you. I admittedly have only heard of the name Ant-Man through the exploits of Hank Pym... at least up to now. Now however, I will make sure to follow your own exploits, Mister Lang." She grins lightly to him before she starts to turn. "I should not keep you though, I just wanted to make sure the flowers would find their way here." She's a Princess filled with training in etiquette and doesn't desire to be a hassle onto anyone as that would be rude!

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
    "Yeah, we really need to work out a deal with the names," Scott admits, shrugging his shoulders, "I get big as well as small - maybe I should be Big-Man? But then how do you explain the shrinking parts? Big-and-Small-Man? That's too wordy. Honestly, I kind of wish the papers would just give me a name, too."
    When she turns to leave, however, he blinks a few times. What? She's leaving just like that. For a moment he just lifts a hand to wave and say goodbye. But then, struck suddenly by either great courage or great foolhardiness, he drops his things with a clatter and hurries a couple quick paces to catch up with her.
    "Hey, can I - do you like ice cream?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Truth in fact, ice cream was one of Diana's greatest weaknesses. Maybe not on the level of like Superman and Kryptonite... it doesn't KILL her, its just a weakness in that she loves it and can rarely say no to it. Not that it matters since she's incapable of physically looking anything less than she does already!

His words about his name have her smiling as she was turning but that question just makes her dip her chin. "I love it." She says with the words mixed together lightly with a soft laugh. "Is that a random question or an invitation?" She asks him then in response. "And you should use the name Molecule Man. It rolls off the tongue nicely. And... I think it still applies, does it not?" She tilts her head then to the side as she stares at him.

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
    "Molecule Man, huh? I like the sound of that. Although I might need to check with Doctor Pym before I go rebranding."
    Scott shakes his head, mentally chiding himself for going off on that brief tangent. When Diana questions him about the ice cream, he nods his head: "It was an invitation. That is, I mean, if you aren't too busy with anything else and you have the time? I'm sorry, I don't even know if they have dates on Themyscira. I hope I'm not breaking the protocol or anything."
    He offers her an expression that is equal parts 'Oh god what am I doing?' and 'Hey, I'm Scott, I'm actually a really nice guy!' - resulting in what could be likened to a warm smile with slightly, mildly terrified eyes.
    "Of course, I understand if you can't or you don't want to - I promise I'll still deliver the card anyway. I'm not a jerk or anything."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana just straightens her stare and she turns to face him again. "I have been away from Themyscira for the better part of a hundred years now, Mister Lang." She replies to him. "I have learned all there is to learn about dating... and I still do not fully understand it." She grins then, having made another Wonder joke. She nods her head once to him then though. "I would be happy to get ice cream with you sometime and hear about how you became an Ant-Man. But... I probably should not do it now as there is another in the car outside waiting for me." She glances in that direction and then back toward him.

Diana walks to him though and she pulls a small glossy blue card out of her jacket pocket with gold lettering on it. "Here, my contact information. We can back and forth, figure out a time and make it happen?" She offers that then with a smile. Apparently he just scored Wonder Woman's personal information! So good for him, Ant-Man II!

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
    Scott takes the card and treats it with all due reverence. He makes a point of putting it in the little pocket on the suit designed to hold delicate containers full of Pym Particles. This is arguably more important than those, after all. He isn't the sort to brag, but if he were he definitely would. All over town. For days. To whoever would listen. But no, he isn't the sort to brag. So, he just looks extremely grateful.
    "Oh, yeah, of course, I've got work - uh, crime fighting, I've got to do," his shift at the ice cream store starts in about thirty minutes and he's already debating flying via ant to get there faster, "I'll call you. And hey, don't worry, I don't know anything about dating either." Never mind that he hasn't been on one since he got divorced. Still, he may have secured her personal information but he isn't about to bombard her with the whole mess that is the Scott Lang Biography just yet.
    "It was really very nice to meet you, Diana."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana respects honest and upfront people, she respects those who are kind and themselves more than any others and because she got that impression from Scott she was more than happy to spend more time with him when she's able to find that time. Sadly she's a very busy woman!

"Likewise, Scott." She uses his first name then as she turns to go and on her way out she raises her hand up to wiggle her fingers in his direction. "Thank you for letting me inside and delivery the gift." She tells him and with that said the tall woman makes her way back toward the lobby and past Ed's desk, who himself gets another smile and a wave before she departs the house.