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Latest revision as of 01:56, 6 December 2018

JLA Meeting
Date of Scene: 29 November 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Green Lantern (Cruz)

Wonder Woman has posed:
The invisible jet! Its not always invisible.

Case in point right now its very much visible, in the color tones of a white summer cloud no less. Its a large jet, capable of holding many passengers and it has a very elegant beauty to its design when its alien-powered-technology allows it to be visible to the naked eye such as it is now.

As of now, the boarding ramp to the jet is extended and lowered down to the Justice League's space base hangar floor and at the foot of it, Wonder Woman stands in her dark blue robe that covers her armored form beneath it. She's come up to the Station for a very specific reason...

Beside her is a series of boxes that have been offloaded and in front of her is a series of small flying robots with glowing eyes that look up at Diana. "Okay." She says to them in a chipper tone. She motions to the boxes. "I need your help on a special mission." Her Greek accented English is friendly in tone right now. "To wrap all the presents in these boxes, with all the wrapping paper in these boxes." Her hands motion from one set of boxes to another.

The flying robots chirp happily and Diana raises her hands up to press palms together. "Excellent, I knew you all would help me... like the others down below would not... Oh no, they were busy with their 'video games'." She scoffs.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn is in the monitor room. From there he detects the Amazon's presence. "Diana. I am not sure if you were informed that I have returned to the League. I have inserted myself into Flash's rotation spot in the monitor room. I am back because of the troubles in the Astral Plane. I have been investigating. There is much to do."

Aquaman has posed:
Aquaman strolls down into the hangar himself, shirtless and wearing metallic green leggings and underarmor. His long blonde hair is pulled back into a loose ponytail, shaved on the sides, and he wears a set of golden bracers of his own along his forearms.

"Your highness," he says in greeting to Diana, then quirks his head as he sees her eyes momentarily elsewhere, his own psychic senses momentarily tingling. "J'onn's talking to you in your head, isn't he? We do have intercoms, J'onn! Or you could come down and join us if you want to talk," he says. He regards the robots with a wary eye, "What're these things now?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana does indeed get a distant look as she is momentarily distracted by J'onn's telepathic ways. But after a second she just shows a soft smile and nods while Aquaman approaches and speaks. "We are very glad to have you back, J'onn." She tells him. "If you do not wish to leave the monitor room, we can likely come up to you." She gives a glance to Aquaman before she looks to the robots.

"These are my little helpers." She declares, or explains, either way the flying little disc-shaped bots are moving around the piles of boxes and are starting to organize a chain of command when it comes to being a fully automated wrapping production line. "Gifts." Diana elaborates. "For children's charities." She smiles then. "How are you, Arthur?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn slides through the ceiling, almost as intangible as Diana's plane when its invisible. He lands gracefully and becomes fully visible as he does. "Arthur." he nods respectfully to the King of Atlantis. "My long absence necessitated that I did not use my telepathy to communicate with others much. It is simply...nice to be able to do so again. I have set the monitor room to alert me if there is any situation that arises, so we are fine being here. I would not wish to disturb your..." he gazes fondly at the little robots. "..gesture of kindness and generosity with the upcoming holiday season approaching. I have recently been to see Dr. Strange. There is an artifact that I need to find. It is somewhere in the Himalayas."

Aquaman has posed:
Aquaman raises a golden eyebrow, "Manhunter," he says. He looks over the various packages, "I used to get things like this sometimes, when I was a boy. A motherless kid with a single dad, the charities always came around when the holidays arrived. Of course, they didn't know I spent summers under the sea," he said.

"And yes, J'onn, I can imagine. Much the same as I feel when I return home to Atlantis. What's this about an artifact now?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
The robotic packaging production is in full swinging now as their little arms are going crazy on the toys and trinkets that are being wrapped up. When J'onn arrives Diana pulls her eyes from Aquaman and smiles at seeing the Martian Manhunter as well. She looks back to Arthur then. "Would you like to pick one?" She asks him, playfully of course, being silly as she sometimes in while they are in downtime moments. She crouches down and picks up a plastic packaged action figure of Superman... she wobbles it side to side up near her chin with her eyes peering over it at Arthur. "I will not tell anyone." She then lowers the package and is grinning.

At J'onn she looks to then. "Do you need help with that?" She asks him, sounding a bit more serious. "That is a difficult land to traverse on Earth, I have only ever seen parts of it from afar."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods his head, responding to her mirthful teasing of Aquaman with his usual stoic non-response to it. "Yes, Diana. I was hoping to have the League present with me. I have no idea what kind of guardians the Staff of the Seraphim will have, or if its location is dangerous beyond the natural order in that region. But, we need it. The telepath that has taken over the Astral Plane is very powerful ordinarily, according to our report on the situation. Now that he has acquired an Infinity Stone called the Mind Gem no telepath can hope to face him in normal battle and survive. Dr. Strange believes with the staff in hand, I could be more protected and be able to shield you as well, during an assault."

Aquaman has posed:
Aquaman shakes his head, "That damn Shadow King again. He apparently has some sort of giant tentacles mushroom devouring Mexico, according to Iron Man and his minions," he sighs. "I offered to thrash the thing for him, but he suggested a more wary approach, so I left him to it for now. I might go back and take a whack at it yet, though," he says.

"Iron Man said he had been informed that the Stone seemed to no longer be in the creature's hand, although I have no idea whether or not that's true. I'm not sure I'd be particularly well-suited to the Himalayas - they're a bit more above sea level than is my liking - but if you need me at your back, J'onn, of course," he says.

Does he take a present from amongst the pile? Perhaps, but only to give something to some of the little ones back in Atlantis. Wonders from the surface always delight the little swimmers.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The packaged plastic Man of Steel in Diana's hands that she was making wobble-dance is summarily grabbed by a tiny metal arm and pulled out of her grasp. She looks offended only for a moment while she looks down to the robot that is now busily wrapping it, then her eyes lift again and she looks between the two of them after hearing their summation of the different tasks ahead of them.

"My... word." Diana starts. "I am certainly here to help either of you." She tells them. "I have no issue with trudging into unexplored territories to find lost artifacts, but... I will admit that I lack much experience with doing such a thing. I would not know where to start. A lot of Research, I would suspect." At Aquaman then she looks to. "The Shadow King... Thor, and the Doctor, spoke to me of him... I wish to fight whatever it is he is trying to summon to harm others. But I have yet to hear back from either of them after offering my support."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn folds his arms as he floats above the ground. His face etched into a grimace. "It appears we have been relegated intentionally to other matters. Your experience with Iron Man not wanting immediate assistance, Arthur, was also shared by Flash and Green Lantern. Dr. Strange seemed wary about giving me any information at all until I...changed my tone to one that was more...convincing." He leaves a pregnant pause here to indicate that his conversation with Strange was not cuddly and friendly. "If Thor and Dr. Strange also did not recieve your offer for assistance warmly, then we should consider our alliance with them to be...odd. We are the Justice League. Keeping us at arm's distance from danger and trouble is not something I am used to dealing with. We will have to educate them not to dismiss us so casually." He pauses again, and considers, turning to Aquaman. "Whether or not this Shadow King has the gem or not, if someone else took it from him, that does not make that individual our ally. And if the staff can help at all, then it is too powerful to be left lying where it currently resides for anyone else to claim. I don't believe research will be necessary Diana. I believe Green Lantern should be able to detect any oddities in the region by scanning it with his ring."

Aquaman has posed:
Aquaman gives a shrug, "Ego," he says, "Hero or king or billionaire or wizard, there's plenty of ego to go around amongst us all, I'm sure. Except for Clark, of course," he says. "I don't know so much that he didn't want my help, so much as they're not even sure what help to ask for. This thing is vast and complicated. They're flummoxed and they don't want to look it in front of us. I can understand that. I only hope they don't place the world at risk for pride," he said.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana looks between the two of them with J'onn on her right and Arthur more forefront and to her left. "I would have to agree with Aquaman on this." She says then. "I know Strange well and I know that he would ask me for help if he needed it, he has in the past. And Thor? Well, he chose to come to the Embassy to tell me about the Infinity Stones, so that is a big deal for him. Having helped him with his displaced society, I know that he trusts in me... in us, to be there when he needs it as well."

The Princess softly shakes her head right to left. "I would be willing to bet that they simply do not know how to utilize what it is that I can provide. But, perhaps I am wrong. I have worked with Tony Stark the least, though we are certainly on friendly terms. I took a... flower arrangement to their newly returned home in Manhattan, I met a nice member of their team, goes by Ant-Man. Charming, if a bit silly. They are good people though."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn rubs his chin. "Well, I will give them the benefit of the doubt based on your recommendation Wonder Woman. But, if they are, as Arthur says, flummoxed, then bringing us in as allies should be central to their plans. With a threat this large, being embarrassed is not just cause for..." he trails off, and considers. "Well. We do have a mission. The Staff of the Seraphim. Let's focus on that, and then we'll see what we can do to help with the situation in Mexico."

Aquaman has posed:
Aquaman laughs and gives J'onn a clap on the shoulder, "Ah, my Martian friend. Not everyone is so instinctively noble and selfless as you. Especially not Tony Stark, I would wager," he says. "Brilliant man, but not precisely of the most gleaming reputation.'

"Still, it probably wouldn't hurt for us to keep an eye in and, if they seem out of their depth, well...sometimes the grown-ups have to step in."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana glances down to the robots around her who are are diligently wrapping all the presents that she and her sisters had brought up to the Watchtower (There are two more Amazons here, but they're inside the jet at the moment!).

Her blue eyes go back up then and over to J'onn, she shows a soft smile at what Arthur says about Tony Stark and then dips her chin in a single nod toward the Martian Manhunter. "We can focus on the task that you are dealing with, J'onn, complete it and then go from there. I agree. It needs to be done and it will showcase our continued willingness to support in this ever developing situation. So we have to find one of the Lanterns? It has been some time since I spoke to Hal."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Right as Wonder Woman finishes stating that, a flare of bright green light occurs: a Green Lantern drops out of hyperspace moving fast towards Earth. The Lantern changes course for the Watchtower, deciding to pay respects before heading to Earth. She sets course and flies in through the hangar doors, as they open for her arrival and lands near the others. "Ummmm... honey, I'm home," she states, waving cheesily. Jessica Cruz has returned. She then blinks. "Wow... Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, and Aquaman... I should've brushed my hair..." She creates a hairbrush construct and works it over - the trademark 'Lantern-around-her-eye' there. "It's been a while... how's Earth been? Oa is a wonderful place but... there's no place like home."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn raises a brow as Jessica makes her entrance. "Greetings. Your timing is most...intriguing. As you are heading for Earth soon anyway, I request that you utilize your ring to scan the Himalayas for an anomaly. We are searching for an artifact called the Staff of the Seraphim. It is vital..." he stops himself. "I'm sorry if my greeting is a bit cold. But there is a crisis, and the League has a mission. Will you undertake this challenge on our behalf? Once you have located the anomaly, do not seek the staff alone. We do not know the exact nature of what we will encounter there. This is a League mission." he levels his gaze at the rookie. "Understand?"

Aquaman has posed:
Aquaman flicks his tongue against his teeth, "Let the girl get a cup of coffee first, at least, before you lay the fate of all humankind on her shoulders. Hey, kid," he says, raising a hand in greeting to Jessica.

"Earth's in peril, as per usual. Dark psychic god, magickal alien gemstones. Mushrooms. It's a bad scene all around."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's gaze also goes onto Jessica as she arrives and the reaction that she gives make the Amazon show a soft smile. After the others talk, Diana walks toward her and nods once toward her. "Welcome back." She says to her as well. "We were just talking about... well, needing the assistance of a Lantern. So this is, very optimal." She glances to J'onn and then back to Jessica with a light grin. "I think in his excitement at the convenient timing of your arrival he forgot that well, you likely do need a moment's rest before you take off on a mission. So yes, please do not feel rushed."

The robots at the foot of the Visible Invisible Jet are getting quite a pile of multi-colored shiny wrapped presents stacked up from their production line that is as efficient as robots can be!

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods as she smiles. "Coffee first - then crazy mountain quest," she muses. "Mushrooms? Never did like those things. The texture is all no good." She then heads towards the nearest coffeepot and brings back a mug's worth, with some cream in it. "So... business as usual I take it. The Christmas drive is well underway - so there's some artifact or something?" she asks, looking between the three more expereinced heroes.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn floats patiently as Jessica gets her coffee. He certainly heard his teammates but offers them no witty responses. Employing banter is just not his way, even when he is genuinely amused. "The staff will be useful to us in assisting the Avengers in combating the Shadow King. In what precise way we will only know once we have brought it in to study it." There's more information of course, but J'onn keeps it to himself. There is no need to bore everyone with details that don't change anything regarding their circumstances. "I should return to the Monitor Room. Please relate your findings to me there once you have an opportunity to survey the region."

Aquaman has posed:
Aquaman nods, "Tell the truth, J'onn - you're watching a Korean soap opera on one of the monitors, aren't you? I can tell you're a sucker for star-crossed romance," he says, teasing.

He continues to watch the robots do their job, assembling the toys for the tots and all that. "I might have a cup of joe myself. Don't tell Superman that I put a little whiskey in it sometimes. I'll show you where I hide the bottle."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana definitely lets J'onn explain about the Staff and its importance, she can tell he's got the bulk of the info on this matter. "I should speak to Strange again soon, but I get the sense he is one of the more busy people... perhaps on the entire planet, considering the level of threats he goes up against seemingly on a daily basis." She shows a light smirk then before she glances back to Jessica. "Oh yes, the Christmas drive is in full swing. I have... admittedly come to the station to get our little metal elves here to help us with some wrapping." One of the robots looks up with its glowing blue eye and it beeps something then goes back to work!

Diana smiles before she looks toward Arthur. "So thats what you do when you are on duty, hmm?" She asks him with a visible grin.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz raises an eyebrow as Anillo whispers the translation to her. "At least your 'elves' are happy," she muses softly as she looks around, sipping her coffee. "Alright... I guess my house can wait a bit longer. And... who would 'Santa' be in this case? Superman?" she asks. She giggles. "Anyway.... shall we take Lantern Express? The jet's busy."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn tries to explain to Aquaman. "I only watch them because they keep me current with the language inflections. As you know I travel to Korea quite frequently to battle the forces of evil there, and...and...you were joking, weren't you?" He purses his lips, unsure of what to say. "There is more wrapping paper in storage room D on level 5, should you need it Diana." Yes. Changing the subject...changing the...he gazes over at Jessica. "Ah. The League can teleport down to the proper coordinates once you find them. But, we don't have everyone assembled. We should bring Flash and Superman along on this mission as well. For now, please just scout the region and see if you can locate it."