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Latest revision as of 01:57, 6 December 2018

The Shield and the Vault
Date of Scene: 29 November 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Captain America, Beryl

Captain America has posed:
The day starts out so normally. The city comes to life and gets to bustling; so too does the world of finance, where numbers fly and shift by the second as the commerce of society adjusts to needs and requirements. Everyone's gotta deposit something at some point in their life and today, it falls upon Steve Rogers to do such a thing. After a rather less-than-spangly crack-down on illegal shipments near the docks with a few SHIELD agents, he's in possession of a pound of pure Vibranium. Encased within shatter-proof cylindrical glass and capped on both ends by bullet-proof metal, the container is tucked away into a cross-body knapsack in military black. He's dressed in jeans and his brown bomber jacket, maybe a little counter to the serious nature of his delivery, and the set of his jaw probably gives him away as he steps up to an empty counter.

When asked the nature of his visit, he simply tilts his head to one side in mild disbelief, his blond eyebrows sliding up. Really? But then, he pulls from his coat pocket an ID card and slides it towards the young man, keeping fingers on it as not to have it taken from his person. A bit of stuttering on his part, but then the guy's calling the manager over for a very specific set of keys. This sample's going into a heavy-duty vault until SHIELD can figure out jurisdiction.

Steve looks around in this brief period of lull in business, scanning the crowd idly and attempting //not// to make any further big deal out of his presence.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke was walking along. She was curious about the banks. They seem to have a rather large metal room in them. Probably a vault of some kind. She's doing her best to look human today with a normal skin tone - but it's a struggle. Her concentration is taxed in this crazy city full of metal and electricity - it's almost overwhelming - she's had to learn to tune thing out. Holding a normal skin tone isn't easy for the young, glitchy droid. But then... her sensors ping on something. A metal unlike anything she noted before. And the redheaded woman walks into the bank for the first time... and yelps as an alarm goes off. "What?" she asks, sounding spooked, as she steps back. "What did I do?" she whines softly, her skin flickering to green for a moment.

Captain America has posed:
The sudden bright and clarion sound of the metal detector at the doors going off is enough to draw a lot of attention. Everyone waiting in line turns around and eyes flick between the security guard now approaching Minoke and the young droid in question. Very few caught that brief shift of her skin into green, though those who do stare a bit longer to make sure that they aren't seeing things.

"Excuse me, m'am, please step to one side." The guy in his uniform, bearing the name-tag of 'Carl', attempts to usher Minoke off to one side by the doors even as he's pulling a crackling walkie from his waist. Steve too frowns at the commotion by the front door, but he dismisses it soon enough. He's got a deposit to make.

It's in the few moments where folks are switching their attention away from the front and towards the glass-windows of the tellers that it happens. Scattered through the lines, three gentlemen suddenly pull face-stockings out of their pockets. There's time for befuddled looks from the bystanders before the one wearing a blue coat (we'll call him Blue) pulls out a high-powered handgun and shoots it into the air. "ON THE GROUND!" Poor security guy. He's brave and draws fast, but not enough. Robber number two, Baldie, nails him in the gut with no remorse with a pull of his Ruger's trigger. The security guard collapses to the ground in front of Minoke. Robber number three with sneakers (we'll call him Sneakers) is already striding to the front and barking for the keys to the safe.

Steve's crouched along with the rest, making no peep and already attempting to slip the cross-strap of the knapsack from his body. Maybe there's enough time to catch Sneakers off-guard before another bullet is fired.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke just watches the chaos in question. The weapons appear to be metal projectiles - mostly lead with a copper shell. She looks down at the guard who's hurt. And has a metal slug in him. Quite convined that a simple bullet won't even hurt her, she just boldly marches right toward Blue. "You injured that man. Why?" she finally asks. She is not standing down, and looks more confused than afriad.

Captain America has posed:
Steve sees the young woman near the front door begin to walk forwards and his eyes widen a touch. Baldie's got his gun aimed now at Minoke and appears to be unsettled by the fact that she's less than concerned about the weapon.

"Boss?!" This makes Blue turn around and also bring up his gun.

"Get down on the ground! NOW!" he barks at Minoke, taking two steps to bring himself up beside his robbery partner. Now this has Sneakers glancing over his shoulder and that's the distraction Steve needs. With the black knapsack tucked up against the wall now oh so slowly and carefully, he brings one foot up beneath him to balance before the spring. One of the bystanders gives him a fearful look and mouths, 'No! Don't!' Steve mouths back, 'Stay down, it'll be fine,' and then lunges.

Poor Sneakers -- taken out, linebacker-style, by Captain America. The gun goes flying due to reflexive reaction and then they're tumbling off behind an island counter. The sound is enough to draw attention from Minoke briefly; Blue curses and Baldie simply stares. Who the hell just tackled their gunman?!

Beryl has posed:
Minoke ponders as she walks right up to Blue, and when he was distracted by the tackle, just grabs the gun in her hand. She stares at him. "You cannot hurt me with this weapon," she states as the gun glows green - as the barrel collapses into nothing. She then states, "Explain why you are causing chaos here. I do not understand..." She glances at one man who is taclking another bad guy - but her eyes linger on the knapsack for a moment. She is just trying to figure out what this situation is.

Captain America has posed:
Blue makes a loud yelp of shock to feel the gun suddenly lighten as the majority of it dissolves in this young woman's hands. "HOLY SHIT!!!" That's enough to make Baldie stumble backwards a step and as he does so, his own gun discharges in Minoke's direction!

While Minoke's speaking, there's the sound of scuffling behind the island counter and one nice, solid //THUNK// -- kind of like a head bouncing violently off the floor. Then comes the gun discharge and that's enough to make Steve pop up again, now wielding Sneakers' gun. "Drop your weapons NOW!" He's got one hell of a bark, easily mimicked from those days running miles and crawling under barbed wire, only to listen to the drill sergeant berate him. We'll see if it's enough to make the robbers think twice about continuing!

Beryl has posed:
The bullet hits her right in the middle of the chest... and bounces off like it hit solid metal. A tiny glowing-green mark is left on her skin and clothing which seals up in no time. She looks at Baldie. "That tickled," she notes. "I would do as the man says. Or else." She points a finger at Baldie - and the tip starts to glow. Though she looks like just a normal 20-something, there's an alienness to how she speaks and moves... and that finger looks like a dangerous weapon.

Captain America has posed:
There's yelling and Blue's gone pale now, staring at Steve: the civilian guise only worked for so long. The robber knows Captain American's in the house now. He simply scrunches up his face like he's considering crying and then stoops to put his gun down before he takes up kneeling, his hands interlaced behind his back. Baldie has time to glance away from Minoke to stare at the boss now having completely folded like a house of cards and then up at Steve.

"...shit," he whines before taking up the same action and posture as Blue. The bystanders are beginning to poke up their heads and murmur amongst themselves. Steve walks out from behind the counter, never dropping his gun's aim, and speaks loudly.

"Everyone remain where you are. Help is on the way." And by help, he means cops. Oh look! Sirens can be heard already. He gives Minoke a short nod and then tilts his head to one side even as he takes up a stance behind the two robbers kneeling and half-crunched upon themselves. "You might want to move out of the way, m'am, they'll be coming in those doors."

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods, seeing the situation well in hand. "But I have something to do first. I hav an affinity for metals..." She moves to the shot guard. "I do not know what this will feel like... but... from what I understand of organis, having that projectile in you is not good." She puts her finger on the bullet wound... and focuses... and pulls her finger back - which now ends in tweezers, and the blood-soaked bullet retrieved. "This world is very strange," she states, as the guard shakingly thanks her for her help as she stands up, dropping the bullet as her finger returns to normal. "So... what was this all about? These three were after the currency in this facility?" she asks the heroic man.

Captain America has posed:
Steve watches her at her work briefly and grimaces for the pain likely felt by the security guard. Here come the red-and-blues. He has to wait to reply to her as the officers come in, their own guns drawn. It takes about a minute or two for things to settle and once Steve is recognized for who he is, he's shuffled off to one side along with Minoke. She's spoken for by him in the sense of being nowhere //near// involved with the failed heist. Finally, he gets to answer her and replies,

"Yes. They wanted to rob the place. There's enough money here to keep people happy for a long time." He glowers at the men being taken away; Sneakers is on a stretcher, but coherent. The security guard was carefully moved out as well, before all else, given the severity of his wound. "They chose poorly. Should've stuck to their day jobs." A shake of his head, tsk. He glances over and runs his eyes down and up her without a touch of impropriety. "You're not from around here?"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke just doesn't want to make an issue. She waits patiently for the chaos to wind down. "I understand. And I come from far far away." She then looks around, and very quietly asks, "What's in the knapsack? It called to me from quite a distance... also something from not around here?"

Captain America has posed:
Steve's eyebrows rise again. He looks over at his abandoned knapsack, under the watch of a very serious cop with a handlebar mustache, and then back to Minoke.

"A very rare metal. You can sense it?" The cop isn't going anywhere. After all, Captain America asked him to keep an eye on it while the Captain did what was necessary to keep things continuing towards a calm normalcy. Of course there's twitter about him from the bystanders. He steadfastly ignores it, focused instead on Minoke.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods slowly. "Yes. I am... very connected to metals. I am curious about it..." She shivers softly. "So... you might've noticed... those weapons can't hurt me. I am... not like you." She frowns. "Hard to explain." She ponders. "I am... made of metal."

Captain America has posed:
The Captain, while clearly intrigued, seems less worried than some might be about the statement from the young woman. He nods, replying, "You do a great job of blending in. I had no idea until you told me." He's too polite to reach out and touch at what appears to be human skin. "Good work, by the way, keeping them distracted. You probably help save a lot of lives." Steve glances over at the black bag again and back to her. "The metal's very rare. I came to get it safely stored away until it can be collected by the proper authorities."

Beryl has posed:
Minoke whsipers, "Can I at least see it before you have it tucked away? I promise I won't do anything to it. It feels so... dense... that I'm not sure I could eat if if I tried..." She smiles faintly.

Captain America has posed:
Those blue eyes linger on Minoke as he considers her request. He comes to a conclusion and by how he tilts his head yet again for her to follow, he's decided it's not an extreme security risk to show her briefly. The cop steps to one side to allow him access to the bag, but gives the young woman a suspicious look.

"She's with me," says Steve quietly. The handlebar-mustacheo'd cop then sidles off a few feet to allow them privacy. Unzipping the bag, Steve turns to say his back blocks all view of the inner contents. In the crystal-clear glass cylinder, the Vibranium shines a weird lustre of silver with blues and purples through it. Unrefined, it looks more like an elongated cluster of metal. "It needs to get home again," he explains quieter yet before he zips the bag closed again. "I promised to make sure it's safe."

Beryl has posed:
Minoke just stares at the substance, mesmerized by it. "It's so beuatiful..." she whispers softly, nodding. "It is precious indeed. That metal - I can sense it from a ways off. If it moves, I'll know of it." She nods slowly. "Thank you for that. My name is Minoke. I think I heard someone say 'Captian America'?"

Captain America has posed:
Adjusting the knapsack along his body until he can keep a hand resting on it, Steve then looks up at the young woman again and gives her a small smile. "You'll hear it a lot around me," he jokes lightly. "Yep. That's my nom-de-guerre. Captain Rogers is fine. Hell, Steve is fine too."

A quiet sigh and he offers out his hand for a shake. "Nice to meet you, Minoke. Hopefully next time I see you, it'll be under less exciting circumstances. Not every day you walk into a bank robbery." Someone speaks up from a few feet away -- the bank manager -- and Steve gives the man a curt nod. "Gotta go get this stored away," he says to Minoke as his lips curl another polite smile. "You put it well. It's beautiful and precious, needs to be kept safe. Hope the rest of your day is quiet."