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Latest revision as of 02:18, 6 December 2018

A Friendly Drink
Date of Scene: 05 December 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: A witch, a warlock and a kung-fu master walk into a bar, drinks are had and introductions are made.
Cast of Characters: Constantine, Scarlet Witch, Dragon

Constantine has posed:
John Constantine was bored, which was rarely a good thing, unless you happened to serve alchohol in which case, it was a very good thing. The lucky soul tonight was Mac, the gruff bartender stood his post and dutifully doled out drink after drink to the warlock, but not before he got paid for them first. Fool him once shame on him etc....

As he drank, John surveys, the bar, looking for trouble, or really, anything to kill the boredome, while snapping his fingers, *snap* *snap* *snap* each snap coupled a little gout of flame that burns bright then vanishes into the ether.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda, as it happens, hadn't intended on visiting John. She'd dropped in on House, and midway through a delightful cup of tea, House had gently suggested that Wanda drop in on the man. Something to do with idle hands, and likely to get himself into trouble. And while Wanda didn't rightly know how she could solve that little problem (or stop the other), Wanda had a fondness for House that left her more than willing to comply.

So it is that John goes *snap* (no Wanda) *snap* (no Wanda) *snap* (Wanda) *snap* and she's smiling at him. "I will have the poison that he is having, please," she asks of the bartender, sweetly. "Hello, John." Knowing she's likely to have surprised him, and pleased about it, too.

Dragon has posed:
It was a strange thing, to investigate and explore. But then, when you are the grandmaster of martial arts, you usually don't have many wizard friends. But imagine Richard's surprise when he comes across two individuals he doesn't know, Wanda Maximoff and John Constantine. He wears fully black robes, but they are of the classic chinese master variety. Thoug ha hood has been attached to the neckline.

"Hello. Would you mind another?" The 40-year old greets the two, hoping he's not interrupting a date or some such.

Constantine has posed:
Wanda's right, her arrival is a surprise. One moment he's staring at empty space, the next moment it's Wanda. His flame goes awry, leaving John to hastilly put out his coater giving a "Sorry, Chief," to Mac behind the bar.

"Wanda," he says once the fire's out. "What brings you down here? Got another mansion in need of saving?" he asks with a grin.

The new commer is met with an upwards nod of his head. "They don't call it a public house for nothin', grab a seat, always room for one more."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's smile is bright and engaging. "Oh, you could say that there is a mansion involved."

She nods to Mac behind the bar as he delivers a drink, peering into it and wondering, "What is it I am about to rot my guts with? That's the saying, yes? Rot the guts?"

Her question takes in both the men - John and Richard. "I do wonder, why were they called public houses? Were there private houses? It does seem silly to say it otherwise." Of course, there are private clubs, and maybe that's where it all got started, but it's fairly clear that drinking establishments aren't high on Wanda's list of places or things she knows a lot about.

Dragon has posed:
Richard smiles softly to the two of them, taking a seat on the other side of Wanda to look upon the bartender, placing down the appropriate amount of money. "May I have a whiskey, please?" Because it was the only alcohol he could really //feel//. But, he turns his head to Wanda, tilting his head at her. Her curiousity was rather adorable, but she made quite a point. "It is a tad silly, is it not? Perhaps they simply ran out of names." He extends a hand to Wanda. Then to John. "Richard Dragon."

Constantine has posed:
John can't help but roll his eyes. "'Course she sent you," he says. "Think I was getting up to trouble?" he asks.

"Just Mac's homebrew dark ale, and the term's rot gut." John supplies before chuckling about the whole public house business. "Comes from the dark ages, luv. Back then if you and your wife finished brewing a batch of ale you stuck green bush on a pole out front to let the town know you had it and they were welcome to come get some, for a price. So, it was a house open to the public, as opposed to all the other houses where they'd like as not brain you for walking in their door unnanounced."

"Constantine," John greets, pulling out a card and sliding it across the bar to the man. It had the rest of the details, John Constantine, Exorcist, Demonologist, and Master of the Dark Arts. "An' you're not really a dragon, eh? In this place hard to know for sure."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
That John knows /immediately/ who has sent her does not seem to surprise Wanda. Instead her smile gentles. "She did worry that you were perhaps the bored and maybe needing some company. I will not tell her you were playing with fire. It might only confirm what she thinks."

Wanda's laugh is light, and impish.

"Oh. That is why." A twinkle in her eyes. "Perhaps House would like a green bush?" Totally making it questionable who was keeping who out of trouble.

Her glass is peered over just as Richard makes his introduction, which leaves her still pondering what is in her glass. "Hello, Richard. I am Wanda." Nothing more, nothing less is offered. Merely Wanda. "And I do not think he is a dragon." For which Richard gets a long, considering look. Just in case.

Dragon has posed:
Richard Dragon tilts his head at both of them as they immediately suggest that he's probably a Dragon, or at least they think he's not really a dragon but...suspect him anyway? Richard chuckles. "No, no. I am as human as any other." he shrugs softly, but he gives Wanda's hand a firm squeeze in greeting before soon releasing it."

Though Constantine gets a small look in curiousity. "That's quite a name." Richard examines the card. Probably never gonna use it because YA CAN'T TRUST AN EXORCIST but he shrugs and pockets it anyway. "It's a pleasure to meet you both." he says politely.

His drink arrives, and he sips it. "If you do not know what it is, Wanda, I would not suggest drinking from it."

Constantine has posed:
John can't help but chuckle. "Thanks for not narcing on me, luv," he says about the fire. "An' no bloody bush, get enough visitors as it is!" he protests lightly, his chargrin more for show than born of honest feeling. "But if you want to toilet paper her later, be my guest."

"fair enough, Richieboy, human it is then. "An' good to meet you."

As to the comments about the drinks, "If this was one of my more usual haunts you'd be right, but Mac here is a real artist when it comes to beers, aren't you Mac?"

The bartender grunts.

"See, what'd I tell you? Anyhow, no need to worry about your drinks here."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"For you, maybe!" Wanda protests. "This would be for House. So she does not get lonely. Also to play the joke upon her."

John might note, for his brief familiarity with Wanda, that Wanda seems very serious about this little prank, and so far his words have done nothing to dissuade her.

Richard she manages to grin at, "I should not drink it? But it is only the bartender who has given it to me. He is nice, yes?" Besides, how will it be bad? It puts the hair on the chest." Wanda peers into her glass and crinkles her nose at the fumes - John is drinking soemthing strong, no surprise there - and Wanda downs the contents in one fell swoop, choking and gasping afterwards, as the liquid burns down her throat. "Maybe not the chest, but the throat."

John is given a disproving look. "You drink that on purpose?"

Dragon has posed:
Richard Dragon looks to John, giving a small smile at the fellow. "Likewise." Though as the bartender's drinks are the stuff of such legend that he would never give to anyone a terrible drink, Richard seems put to ease at this. "Excellent." though Wanda is given a warm expression.

"This is true. I do not know, but something tells me there is an innocence of your soul that is best left preserved." he bows his head then, before he sips his whiskey gently. "It appears he does."

he looks between Wanda and John. "My arrival has not interrupted important business between the two of you, has it?"

Constantine has posed:
"Great, my house is more likeable than I am," John says with a shake of his head. "But if you wish, go ahead, just give me a little warning first. Knowing the House, she'll likely pull visitors from the actual dark ages."

John takes a swallow of his beer chuckling as Wanda does hers in one go. "Yeah, I do," he says finishing his. "Hit me again Mac. One for the lady too, for the hair on her chest," the last is added with a wink.

"An' nah, mate, we're just a couple of old friends bumping into each other, what about you mate? What's your story?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda is still gasping and choking somewhat, but she doesn't decline the drink. "The next one will be easier." Though, given it's Wanda, it might be surprising that the alcohol actually hit her as it had. Things had a habit of.. well, not being what they seemed with her. She's quick to add, "If I tell you, where is the fun in that?"

Richard gets like assurances from Wanda, "No, he is just my friend. So you do not need to worry. You are not the interrupting. But I have not seen you here before."

Wanda says that like she's a regular at McAnallys - which she isn't. Not that Richard knows that.

Dragon has posed:
Richard looks between John and Wanda, happy to just smile and look between them as they are quick to add that they are just friends, and this is just a meeting between old friends. "I see. It puts my heart at ease to hear such words." He seems to enjoy the playfulness in the air.

Though he does tilt his head. "Oh, I am no one special." Bull. Shit. But Richard plays it off well. "Just a simple traveler, wandering about almost endlessly into the plains of the world."

Constantine has posed:
"That's the spirt, keep drinking 'till you get used to it," John encourages tone full of irony. He knows that's a dark road for some but he imagines Wanda will manage.

"And the point isn't fun, so much as me not being there with random strangers poking about my bloody house," John grouses into his third beer of the night. He takes a healthy swallow.

"Very well, no-one-special, why the wandering? On the run? A crook? Or just a student of the world?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's cheeks are already rosy. This might not be a good sign. "I have too had the drinks before. Just maybe not this much in so small a swallow." What she means is she's not gulped down a full shot's worth in one fell swoop. And while she most certainly might have had a taste of scotch at her father's side, or her brother's even, it's a fair bet that it isn't her drink of choice. Now, vodka.. maybe ;)

When Richard declares himself no-on-special, Wanda settles back, a grin reminiscent of his own upon her lips, content to see how the man responds to John.

Dragon has posed:
Richard looks upon Constantine, a smile on his face. Though he seems to be amused that Wanda appears to be giving him the same expression that he's been giving them the whole night so far. "Well, I have already been a student of the world for quite some time now. At this point, it is merely retracing my steps to see if there are details I overlooked. Rarely these days to people stop to smell the roses, as they say. So...why not?" He lowers his hood to reveal his face.

Do either of them know who the Grandmaster of the entire martial arts is? They're looking at the best of the best.

"I am simply an old man who likes to explore."

Constantine has posed:
"Oh sure, can tell you're a regular lush," John says with a wicked smile. "'Nother round, or shall we do flights?" he asks. Oh, getting someone as powerful as Wanda drunk is a bad idea, but then John's the expert on those.

"Old?" John laughs, "You can't be much older than me, unless you're really not human." A smile at that. "Anyhow, student of the world, what was your best lesson? An' more than that, what'd you want to learn here tonight?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Well, that does it. For whatever reason, Wanda throws caution to the wind, and downs her second drink, this one not trying to kill her as steadfastly as the first, leaving her to only a small cough and trying not to make a face. "A flight!" she declares with no knowledge of what one is. "A flight! Oh, better still, TWO!"

Wanda, it should be noted, may regret this later.

She's utterly pleased with herself though.

"He can not be that old," she notes of Richard. "He isn't even magic. How old is old? You are, what?" Head tilts as Richard is considered. "You are not as old as Papa. So I would think still a young man. Yes?"

Dragon has posed:
Richard is surprised how much Wanda is drinking. She looked like a complete featherweight. But, that is besides the point.

The questions from John make him laugh now. "Because I am not. I am only a mere 40 years old...though, I have been fighting a long time. I only feel old." he laughs a little bit. Though his eyes do fall upon John.

"Many lessons have been learned. To choose the greatest among them is like to decide if a rose, or a cherry tree, looks better in the seasonal prime of it's life." old sensei wisdom that...makes little sense.

"hmm...I will perhaps have to return to you for that."

Constantine has posed:
John chuckles and jerks his head at Mac. "You heard the lady, two fights, make it two for me too."

He looks to Dragon then. "What about you, Student-of-the-World, you want in?" he asks.

"An' see she agrees, not that old. But I hear you on feelin' old. There are days..." he says before shaking his head.

As to the lesson. "Think you lost me, what's the lesson there?" he asks of the tree.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Ah, feels old," Wanda says, nodding sagely, as though she has complete understanding of how that is, despite the very obvious lack of years she has. "That is not the very same as being, old though. There is still much life in you yet. But, more importantly, are you to join us with this flying?"

She taps the bar delighted, showing Mac where to put her flights, and now that it seems she's on this path, she's determined to enjoy it.

Dragon has posed:
"Oh, no, I believe I have had one too many flights already." Richard Dragon smiles to the drinks before he stands up to his feet. "Thank you both for the wonderful company, and to you, Joh, it is a lesson you will understand in time." Or would he? Richard must be sleepy.

Either way, Richard bows almost sagely to the both of them, before he turns on his heel to leave. "I bid you both a good night. Please, try not to drink too much."