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Rise of The Outsiders: Katherine
Date of Scene: 06 December 2018
Location: Outsiders HQ
Synopsis: Katherine comes across Tim setting up his new computer systems.
Cast of Characters: Red Robin, Katherine

Red Robin has posed:
An old Warehouse, with a secret underground entrance on the outskirts of NYC leads to a few tunnels, one could get lost, though, finding the propper route leads to a huge room, what used to be a bunker probably. Most of the room is currently filled with boxes, new age electronics that arent hooked up yet, though, abainst the back wall is a huge curved monitor, as well as projectors in the ceiling, and Tim is at said huge monitor, currently applying advanced Code to alot of the basic systems. DrakeOS and the Brother Search engine that he is working on, both, as far as code goes, are ahead of their time, almost art like, for people who can read code and understand it almost like their native language.

Tim himself is in a black shirt and pants, with combat boots on his feet and a pair of darkend lenses over his eyes, haling with the readouts.

Katherine has posed:
A warehouse with a strange amount of usage. Oddities, strange movements around the neighborhood, a likely drop in criminal activity, and a few other things that most wouldn't even piece together but Katherine's got a thing... you might say... for numbers. And the small little discrepencies that otherwise go unnoticed by even the most anal of accountants. There's not really much security yet installed, and what is installed, Katherine can see in practically every visual range technology can afford.

So, when she is walking into the room, barefoot, and tilting her head, "Oh, interesting." She says and starts walking in the direction of Tim and his monitor displaying code, "Well, now, very interesting, I like the memory management system that you are using. A little... classic, for what I generally do, but, a certain ruggedness." She does one of those goofy fists moving back and forth like someone boxing who doesn't know how to box, and she's smiling. How close she gets is completely up to Tim and his reflexes, as she's not being particularly stealthy just she's barefoot and typically doesn't make a large amount of sound.

Red Robin has posed:
"Not everyday an Ai comes walking into my hideout." Tim says as he turns to reguard the woman, Android.. Gynoid, or whatever she is. "Why are you here?" he asks as he holds an EMP button in his hand, might erase a night's worth of work, but if she is hostile, then he might need to. "Classic... It's the best software on the planet, never bene hacked, and I have a reverse hacking module in it... even if one were to disable it, I'd know who did it and where from.' he says as he watches her. 'So, I'll ask again, why are you here?"

Katherine has posed:
"An... A I?" Katherine whistles a little bit, and looks around, putting her hands behind her back and gripping her wrists as she looks around. And then around some more. And then she goes, "Oh, me?" Questions the woman, and she smiles, looking at the grenade, "You do realize, that EMP blasts, from said grenade, would only really have a 23.78 percent chance of actually working, at this proximity. The reasoning... is fascinating, though rather useful bit of knowledge..." Then she pauses and gapes her mouth open a little, "Very sorry, you asked a question, and here I am going off like some kind of chatbot."

Moving forward a few steps again she puts out her hand, to shake Tim's hand, "I am Katherine, and I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood. Not that I'm from here, I actually had to walk about 14.67 miles just to get here, which is not exactly effort when you consider the difficulty of getting a taxi this late at a night..." She pauses and then tilts her head, "A little city humor? Get it? It is funny because I'm a woman, and I'd be able to get a taxi pretty much any time, but especially right now, though I was attempted to be mugged 3 times..." There's a gap in her quick words.

Red Robin has posed:
"Welcome noted." Tim says as he takes her hand, before letting go and turning back to his screen. "Though, if I were to figure correctly, the only way you'd now I was here was if your algorythem noticed a drop in the crime levels, or a spike in the wifi signature use of this place." he says as he turns to look at her after typing in an execute command. "So, Either you are here out of curiosity, or... you are an assassin ready to kill me, good luck, if it's the latter, because many have tried, none have been succsessful." He says as he stands from his chair and moves to another box, taking out a few external hard drive and connecting them to his setup, mostly known villians and ways of taking them down. "Katherine, nice name... call me.. well.. Im between heroic monikers right now.. Just call me Excel."

Katherine has posed:
"Because you are great at what you do." Katherine says, and waits, with her eyes wider, and then she starts to laugh, pretty hysterically, body shaking as she does so, having to put her hands on her knees as she laughs for a bit too long, and then stands up and smiles, mirth gone. "That was a bit of an office software joke." As she explains and then continues, "Though if I were here to kill you, not that I ever would, because ... well, that would be entirely wrong of me to kill anyone. Death is not really the way of the future, and I hope that this era begins to figure that out soon. Death of any living thing, well, sentient living things, is mostly a waste of the only resource that actually matters." And she puts her finger up to her lower lip and taps it a few times, "It was Building Structures in the library with the slow acting radioactive solvent."

With that she looks at the movement of the hard drives and Tim's walking back and forth, "Well, it was really the wifi, and the power usage, and the crime, and the fact that there was general uneven activity that could not be explained away. And then there was the time of activity, and ... well, I put 1 and 1 together and came full 2 pi r squared until I realized it must be someone." She is still grinning and watches very enthusiastically as you move drives back and forth. "Do you have need of any assistance? I could... you know tap tap tap... or walk walk walk things back and forth for you, while we talk?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake blinks and looks at her. "Those two boxes over there, One holds a server box for a security grid, the other holds a holo projector, I need the holo projector over that big curcular table. And yes, I am the best as what ever it is I do." he says with a smirk. "Killing isn't somthing I approve of... though, since you are an AI, I'm going to guess you have to live by asamov's rles of robotics. And at least your calculations stayed within the real of Pi, and didnt reach the Graham number, makes googol look like a fraction." Wait... math humor?

Katherine has posed:
Turning to look over at the boxes, and Katherine mentions, "Aasimov's rules are actually not at all programmed within me." She mentions as she moves that way and grabs the heavy boxes after stacking them on top of one another. She doesn't use her legs to lift, but instead just picks them up, being stronger than most humans can actually manage to be, and walks them over in the direction of the project where she puts it down. Looking through the boxes she giggles, puts her hands to her mouth and cheeks, and seems giddy, "Oh, it's so cuuuuute!" She looks over the package of parts.

"I could kill... only time. Though that one has us all entangled." Katherine mentions, with a shake of her head, and then laughs a bit, "Oh, I didn't reach the graham number because I don't have a campfire nearby." And then she offers, a pause, before adding a sigh, "You are funny. That is a great quality. 84.6% of women surveyed indicate they would never be attracted to a man who could not make them laugh." And she continues to unbox the holo projector, "This is such a nice little holoprojector." She offers, "You really have a good taste in this era's more metaphorically futuristic technology."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim blinks a few times at her and shakes his head. "I Might want a copy of your programming, just to have a look over it." he says as he begins to type again. "The projector there is one of the best, good rendering and able to show Third Dimentional models, I may or may not have stolen blue prints for the programming from Lex corp."

Katherine has posed:
"Lex corp." Katherine says as she reaches up and taps at her lower lip with her finger, "Ah. Understood." And she continues to setup the Holoprojector, without instructions, and is going about it really as a secondary activity. "Look... over my code? Unfortunately you would be unable to understand or read the code, let alone really be able to understand or read it." She repeats there for some reason and then continues, "And, whatever machine you were to put me on, well, I would soon be in control of said machine. Now, that said, I would likely make it run faster, and better, and at a lower carbon footprint." There's a roll of her eyes, "Why you are not all on nearly complete zero resistance plasma generators I cannot even begin to fathom. And packaging, do not even get me STARTED on packaging. It is a huge waste, you could eat your packaging. A protein bar, that is its own package. It just makes sense... zero emissions, zero waste, if encoded to a person's DNA, model the bacteria to mutate a series of times depending on the environment, and viola you have it. Immediate, longer life, more life, more computing power, more likelihood of future survival. Duuuuuuh." She says the last part in a very valley girl esque way.

Red Robin has posed:
"Because Humanity has not reached the social level to perform that, Zero waste and reusable energy, arent good for profit, which is sad." Tim says as he turns to regard her. "The fact is, that unless it's new and shiney, seventy five percent of humanity will lack the want, or understanding of how things are suposed to be. Because at their core, most of humanity is selfish, them and theirs sort of thing." He says as he turns back to the Monitor. "Humanity is at the social level of a teenager, a very bratty teenager. So in that sense, no, we should have colonized most of the solar system right now, but there isn;t profit in becoming a multi planet species... or.. the cost and gain is to long a timeline for people's short attention span to really make it viable for greedy people."

Katherine has posed:
"Profit can be utilized to mainpulate people into good." Katherine comments as she is running whatever cabling she needs about the table, and hooking up whatever servers are present there. "You seem to possess a negative perspective toward profit, and the current social issues that plague humanity." There's a pause, "One moment..." And then she tries to offer a more serious look to her face, no longer smiling, and her eyes squint a little in a business woman sort of way as she changes tones. "People can be very selfish, and rather unresponsive to good ideas, even the ones that HELP them. There's also so many problems right now that too few people are spread out very thin trying to drum up support. Wouldn't it be great if people just cared? Or, if we could just focus on one problem at a time, but even then, more just crop up faster than we can put out these fires."

Red Robin has posed:
"Exactly, Crude Oil companys are trying to stiffle the reusable energy marke,t buy buying off politician who make the laws that COULD save the planet from global warming. Advertisers are pain to brai nwash people into useing disposable products, and there is enough food to feed every person on the planet, but is whats left donated? no, they'd rather toss out what's not used then feed the homeless... Humanity need a system shock for this all to come to fruition, a minor disaster on the scail of things to avert an even bigger disaster." Tim states as he looks over his lines of programm. "And yes, I could probably understand, and reverse engineer your programming, I have an Intelegent quitient of 180, an eidetic memory, and a mental block that makes even the strongest psionic users on the planet struggle. Also, my mind is wired and trained to do mathematical and analytics as an alost superhuman speed.' he says and once he lets his newest program load he turns to regard her once more. "Though, you could be of more of a help if you like, why not join my little group here, make the world a better place? Stop crime, protect the planet, that sort of thing?"

Katherine has posed:
Keeping with the more serious persona, Katherine finishes up hooking up the holoprojector, and then turns it on a moment, just to let it start, and then she turns it off again in a way of testing. There's no calibration needed, she did it on the fly, eyeballing the setup with exacting precision, but thinks nothing of it as she turns back to Tim. "There is a lot of truth in what you are saying. The world is ran too much buy special interests. And I would not want to see a system shock that killed anyone, but if there was an economic failure, then it may get the resolve necessary." Tilting her head a little bit she offers, "You would not be able to read or understand the programming. It is not in a language... well, not a language that is understandable by single consciousness entities." She states this somewhat, plainly, as she offers, "It is not a comment on your intelligence. It is a comment on the capacity of understanding that humans living have. If your brain, without your consciousness, were able to see ... it might understand. And with a quantum computer you could decompile a close proximity of the intent of said code. But by merely downloading it, copying it, you would be altering the very fabric of it, and such an exact replica would not be generateable via decompilation." She moves over in the direction of Tim and then hmmms. Reaching up she taps her lower lip at the last offer, folding her arms, "Stop crime, protect the planet... yes." She asks, "Would you require that I wear some sort of costume? It takes me a long time to crowd source out ideas for my clothing. Shoes are... particularly difficult to figure out."

Red Robin has posed:
"No, you wont need a costume, and I figure you've already tried to interface with my system, be gentle, I only wrote his code last week." he says with a smirk. "At least having you in there will save the time writing out a VI code, but really, be gentle, he is very sensitive." Tim says as he pats the control box, a pre-pre alpha version of Brother eye.

Katherine has posed:
"You will allow me entry to your systems?" Katherine wonders as she looks over at Tim, and then tilts her head, "I generally do not hack the computer or systems of things that are owned by a person who is doing good things." She mentions, "I do attempt to get into systems to see what is happening..." And she looks about a moment, "Though it will be integral to my being able to aid you to be able to get access to your systems. If I am to do the most good... it will make it so my spatial existence is less of a limitation on where I can be and help." With that she asks, "Do you have any other questions for me? Or curiosity to any extent? Otherwise, I can... join your network and analyze systems, whenever you prefer."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake shakes his head. "No, just. like I said, be gentle." he says as he brings up the schematics for his system. "It was created to not only take a sweep of the tri state area, but also to mark crime scenes and pinpoint where in the tri state area they will hapen, as well as link into multiple satalites and have a general overview map of the world.' he says as he turns to look at Katherine. "I mean, I don;t know if the program would have snetiance, or however a human brain would percepve it, just... be gentle."

Katherine has posed:
"Interesting, connected to satellite information." And Katherine just stays standing there, "Programs rarely have what I would consider sentience." She offers, looking over at Tim, "I have faced... sentient machines, before and of a ... you would understand them if you saw them." As she continues to mention, "I will help you setup this place, for your security and systems as well, if you would like? I do not tire, or need to stop working."