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Latest revision as of 16:46, 13 December 2018

Green Dragon
Date of Scene: 08 December 2018
Location: Like's Bar. Harlem, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: She-Hulk, Dragon

She-Hulk has posed:
Luke's Bar doesn't seem like the kind of place that would get a lot of superhero traffic. But that's for those who don't really know much about Luke Cage. And about the company he keeps. Jennifer Walters isn't one of THE closest members of that circle, but she's in it. She just doesn't blend like other people. Jessica Jones looks like a normal woman. Jen is tall and bright green. And it's also Friday, which is the perfect day to unwind and let yourself kick back. She's still in her business suit; less a mark of how long she's been here, and more a mark of how late she had to stay at the office. Which is that much MORE a mark of how much she /needs/ a drink. Or two.

As it turns out, she's sitting there with a fruity drink, very unlike the normal hard-drinking fare here, by her left hand, with her phone in her right, idly poking at something online.

Dragon has posed:
For once, Richard Dragon is not wearing some flashy robes belonging to the Grandmaster of Martial Arts that he is. Instead, he wears Jeans, some regular shoes, a black shirt, and a brown jacket. Approaching the bar, he becomes curious to see Jennifer, and he coincidentally chooses a seat beside her. "Oh, hello, May I have the whiskey, please? No other flavors or spikes."

He looks over to Jennifer, half wondering if she's already wasted and half wondering if she just got there. "Hello."

Believe it or not, he actually says it in a way that isn't flirtatious. Just a stranger greeting another stranger.

She-Hulk has posed:
Pfft. Wasted. It takes a LOT to get you drunk when you've got gamma metabolism. She looks over to Richard, and gives a nod of the head, smiling over. The casual attire just makes her think it's yet another regular joe here at Luke's. He's not the most common skin-tone in the place, but then...neither is she.

"Hey. How's it going?" she replies.

Dragon has posed:
Richard gives Jennifer a small smile. "Enjoying the evening as best as I can." he takes his seat. "How are you?"

Finally, his drink arrives, and Richard takes the time to seemingly actually enjoy his drink. Though his eyes fall back to Jennifer, a smile still touching his features.

She-Hulk has posed:
"Trying to ease myself into a much-earned weekend." She lifts her drink, and sips. "How about you? Got a weekend in front of yourself, or are you stuck working it?" She takes a moment to take him in with more detail, giving her conversational partner a good once-over.

Dragon has posed:
Richard turns his head to her, sipping his drink and smiling to her. Her once over would acquire a few things.

Firstly, he's extremely physically fit. He might even be able to handle her if they got into a fight...but that's only assuming that she has the strength of a normal human women...which is doubtful. Secondly, he's very handsome. He's no Adonis, but he's certainly a looker. Though she'll find that RIchard has perhaps unwittingly done the same, giving her a full once-over before he shakes his head. "No. I have a free weekend as well. Do you have any fun plans?" he asks curiously.

She-Hulk has posed:
The 6'7" gamma-green woman has WELL over the strength of a normal human woman, being one of the heavy-hitters strength-wise out there. She chuckles. "Well, my first plan is going gloriously. Have a few drinks, to get my brain out of work thoughts as quickly as possible." Another sip of her drink. "From there? Enjoy myself. Not a lot of details on that one."

She looks back to him, considering. "So, no good guesses. What do you do for a living?" Jeans and a black shirt could be ALMOST anything.

Dragon has posed:
Richard smiles to er. "Sounds like a fun time. I hope you enjoy it." he angles himself to face her so he doesn't have to keep turning his head. "Well, for starters I'm a martial arts instructor. Aside from that, I am a simple office worker." Which was both truth and lie at the same time. It was actually pretty amusing, perhaps. "What about you? A part of me wants to guess an office worker of some kind."

She-Hulk has posed:
"Martial arts, huh? That explains all the muscles." It might be shallow, but Jen tends to have a thing for the muscular types. "What style? And you're not too far off, just aim for the upper end. Lawyer." She says, finishing her drink.

Dragon has posed:
If Jen seems to be a little shallow, Richard doesn't mind. After all, Jennifer was a beautiful woman, and there was no shame in admitting that. Though the question makes him smile. He didn't wnat to brag. "Oh, a few. uhm..." he ponders, trying to find the best way to say it without coming off as shallow or prideful.

"I know a few. Jeet Kun Do, Kung Fu, Aikido, Krav Maga, Judo, and Jiu-Jitsu." he smiles. He knew ALL the martial arts. He was THE grandmaster. No martial artist has everm anaged to succeed him quite yet.

"Lawyer? Very nice." it means she's intelligent! Quite a lady, so far. he seems to be all smiles.

She-Hulk has posed:
Jen's eyebrows go up. "NICE. That's a pretty good range. You must really bust your butt on it. MMA Fighter?" she guesses. "And it's okay. It's a little on the dry side, but the superheroing makes up for it." It's not like she's a secret identity; she's about as public as it gets.

Dragon has posed:
Richard seems to smile, considering Jen's apparent admiration of such an achievement. "More time than I care to admit. But...I am happy I did it. Martial arts teaches you two things: How to fight..and when." he nods almost sagely. If she looked into his eyes, there's a wisdom there.

"Once upon a time. Though not in any kind of official fighting circle such as the UFC. But, I had a brief fighting career, yes." he nods. He didn't seem to mind her lack of secret identity either.

"Though I imagine you are rather larger than life?" hey, she was TALL. It was a small play on humor to see if she had a sense of humor at all. She was already attractive enough, but that would make it soar.

She-Hulk has posed:
"Sounds pretty awesome. You teach?" she asks. "Right now most of my fighting style sort of boils down to "She-Hulk smash!"" It's not THAT bad, but she does tend to let her strength carry her through her fights. A bright grin crosses her face. "I'm larger than life no matter WHAT I try."

Dragon has posed:
Richard moves just a taaaad closer to her. "Well, I do, actually. I've had many students that I think you'll get along with." The list: Batman, Daredevil, Nightwing, Huntress, Lady Shiva. the list goes on. She-Hulk would be in good hands.

"But I understand that. Sometimes, brute stength is it's own kind of art." he smiles at her returning of his joke. Yep! "So...what would you prefer I teach you?" if she says wrestling....

She-Hulk has posed:
Jen grins at that. "Well, that depends. If you know that much, I'm sure there's lots you could teach." Double meaning? Maybe. "You have a place near here?" Her glass is empty, and she takes out a twenty and lays it on the bar to pay for what she's had.

Dragon has posed:
Probably a double meaning. Richard smiles, his drink having just finished. "I do actually. Just down the street." He pays for the one drink that he's had, and turns to the door, offering the woman his arm. "shall we?" it was a humorous gesture. Whether she took it or not though, he'd lead her to his home if she followed.

She-Hulk has posed:
She grins a little and stands. "Sure." She looks amused at the offer of the arm; with her heels on, Jen's juuuuust about on 7 feet, so she will take it, mostly /because/ of the awkward angle, and because she thinks it's funny. "Lead the way."

Dragon has posed:
Richard couldn't help but laugh. It was good that both saw the humor in it, even though the act is gentlemanly and chivalrous. It's barely even a seven minute walk, but eventually they came to one of those immaculate apartments: A Penthouse. It's on the top floor, and has one of the best views of the city. Though once those elevator doors open? she'll notice that it's pretty much all oriental themed. But it had the basics. A fine kitchen, more than a few sparring mats, an upstairs which had multiple rooms in case of guests. The outside was beautiful. A lovely garden done in Japanese style. Clearly, either Richard put some serious work and money into decorations, or this is just how he found it. It's good living.

"I welcome you into my home." He turns to see Jen, closing the door behind them. He wondered if she was an aggressive woman for a brief moment, she certainly looks like it...must be because...you know, 'hulk smash!'

She-Hulk has posed:
Jen blinks. "Either you were /really/ successful in MMA, or you come from money. I /know/ how much property like this goes for in New York." She'll stop before she steps onto his floor, mostly because a 600 lb. woman in steel high heels is going to put divots in that nice floor. The heels come off, and she steps inside, not AS tall now. "This is a REALLY nice place." Jen can be very forceful, but despite her rep, she isn't going to throw someone in the bed in the first few seconds of getting inside. As a rule.