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Latest revision as of 16:51, 13 December 2018

Coming Home
Date of Scene: 08 December 2018
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Sam Guthrie returns to the school and finds an old teammate who recently did the same
Cast of Characters: Magik, Cannonball

Magik has posed:
The gardens at Xavier's are not a place a lot of the students visit during the winter. In the spring and summer, it is a riot of beautiful flowers blended with the more utilitarian plots of fruits and veggies. During the winter, the flowers are absent and everything takes on the more drab colors that come with the cold. Many of the plants have to be covered at night to keep them from freezing, although there isn't snow on the ground yet.

Illyana prefers it like this. The stark branches stripped of foliage. The stillness as there are no insects buzzing in search of nectar. While many don't appreciate the beauty of this setting, she can. Perhaps it was her upbringing, either here in Russia or over in Limbo. Whatever it may be, this is where she comes to sit when she needs to think.

The gates that normally have the place secured are open and inviting. Maybe a staff member opened them for her. Maybe not.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has decided it is time to come back to the Mansion. He has been away helping at home with some things and as it seems things are under control there, he is free to return to his other home. He has walked through the mansion looking for folks, and seems to have missed them, figuring they are out on a mission or something. He steps out into the back yard, and seeing the gate open he follows the path to see who is about. Upon seeing Illyana, he will smile and set his duffle bag down beside him. "Well, looks like Ah aint the only one who is hanging around."

Magik has posed:
When that Southern accent comes out of now where, Illyana doesn't jump or react in a way one might expect of the girl with the dark past. Instead, a smile that is reminiscent of days when she was more carefree appears, lighting up her face as she focuses on the former leader of their little group of New Mutants. "Samuel Guthrie. That is a face I had not expected to see. We are like bad pennies, always show back up, yes?" she says with the slightest hint of a Russian accent though not nearly as thick as it was once upon a time. She doesn't leap to her feet and rush to hug him as others might but for Illyana, this was a warm greeting.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and will step forward and place a hand on her shoulder giving it a little squeeze. He knows her well enough to know she is glad to see him. "It seems something like that, but Ah believe it is more we both know this place will always be a home when we need it. " He will look out over the garden, and says "Ah just got back in, it is good to find the first face I see a familiar one, but the mansion does seem quiet today.;

Magik has posed:
"Classes should be out soon and that will change," Illyana says as she acknowledges his observation. "Though not as crazy as it usually is. Many students have already gone home for their holidays though the official break hasn't started yet." She pats the bench next to her, offering him a place to sit if he would like. "I have only returned myself recently. I am often pulled away to Limbo." She doesn't explain further. He would be one of those who would understand the reality of that place and how she is drawn back to deal with ruling it properly. Perhaps not just for that but it is better to think of it as such. "What drew you away this time?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie does have a seat, and says "Well ma wrote me about how the other kids were doing, and it seemed like Josh, and Jollee needed somoene to talk to. Hope has El helped out when I got there, but Josh, wel he can be a stubborn one and it took some talking, some fighting and some more talking to get him to let me in. By the time, I felt like I had done all I could to help, and maybe was getting on Ma's nerves a bit, I figured I should head back up this ways.

Magik has posed:
As he goes into the list of siblings and situations, Illyana has to keep herself from smirking. She could never keep track of them all. Even though he was related to them, she had no idea how /he/ did it. It just seemed so strange to her. Having only two brothers did not give her the tools to comprehend it fully. It was so very Sam though. He loved his family. It was so obvious anytime he talked about them. "Sounds like the same tactics you used with use more often than not," she says with a faint teasing tone. People who don't know her well would be shocked but around her 'family' of New Mutants. This side was seen more often.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie grins and says "Well we know all family aint blood Illy, and with the things we have seen and done, You, Berto, Dani, Rhane, all of you are my family too." He will look over her, and says "So, anything I need to know thats happened while I was away?"

Magik has posed:
"Seems there have been quite a few things. The Shadow King was recently defeated." Again. She doesn't add that verbally. "I know some of the X-Men were involved but no details really. More recently, there is a situation that bears some looking into. I may take some of the students with me and do some poking myself." Illyana glances his way with a sly smile. "They are called New Mutants too so figure they should keep up our traditions."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Oh, so go snoop around without telling those in charge and see what kind of trouble we can get yourselves into before having to come back and face the music?" He chuckles a bit to this and says "How many kids in this class?"

Magik has posed:
That earns that dark smile. "That is precisely what I mean," Illyana ssays before contiuing. "I'm actually not sure how many there are. I met two of them recently. One of them may be directly involved in the situation. There is a company called StockGen who made some announcements about having a magical cure for cancer. At their press conference, they also said they would be willing to hire mutants openly and pay them for the use of their powers. During the press conference, there was an attack by shapeshifting mutants who could take animal like forms."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit to this and says "Intersting, a full group with simmilar powers? Thinking a family or possibly a batch of folks that got experimented on?

Magik has posed:
"You always were the quick one," Illyana says. "The latter. Three large men, each taking on a different animal. Wolf. Snake. Hyena. Our suspicions were sort of confirmed when I came here to talk to the X-Men about it. I met Andrea and Mason, two of the students here and New Mutants. At least she is." She tilts her head slightly, glancing toward the building then back to Sam. "Mason may or may not be. It turns out that they had dealt with Stockgen in the past. People were sent to try and take Andrea's blood sample by force. They were efeated. But then the CEO of Stockgen, Oroku Saki, then tried to blackmail Andrea with photographic evidence of her shifting to her wolf form and killing some of her attackers. Jean supposedly went and dealt with the man as did another student. But now...well, Andrea at least suspects that the other student was a double agent of some sort and took her blood samples to them. She felt the wolf in the attack had her fur and is positive they used her DNA to create him. There isn't proof but I feel it would be good to go look around at StockGen and see if they are hiding something."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods his head a bit to this in thought. He seems to think about it, and says "Ah could possibly try to get a job there, and see if I could get an in, mind you that might be giving tem access to my blood and somoene else with a blastfield could be a pain, unless he flys like I used to, and then ya just gotta side step him." He will joke. So, you considering trying to get an in, or just disk in and disk out?

Magik has posed:
That earns a genuine laugh from Illyana. "You did quite well most of the time. Usually you got there before they could sidestep at least." She gives a little shake of the head as memories of their training and adventures are called to the fore with such an innocent joke. Then she sobers and focuses on the situation at hand. "I was thinking more in and out without getting seen. I'm not sure I like the idea of them getting our DNA. Any of us."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods his head a bit to that, and says "I know what ya mean there, so any line of suspects?" He asks, I mean if you say magic I can name a couple, or if you say Genetic manipulation there are a few on that side, but do we know anyone who actually combines the two?"

Magik has posed:
Illyana shakes her head. "None I can think of off the top. The Reavers were involved in the initial attack on Andrea. But they've since disappeared so I don't think they are involved. Unless they were hired on purpose for this guy to get the video of Andrea." The fact they think so suspiciously of things is a sign of the strange lives they have led. "They mentioned magic with their cure all for diseases. If it is a copying of Andrea's DNA that did create the others, then it could be magic or tech. Just all questions and no answers right now. Oh, and the possible spy has disappeared off the face of the Earth too. His name was Tyler. He would be another possible lead if we could find him and question him."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods a bit and says "And could be using some type of gen manipulation to cure things and get others DNA, and saying it is magic doing it to cover there tracks. You felt any traces of magic around their place?

Magik has posed:
That earns a nod from Illyana. "While the news conference was going on, I was picking up a faint feeling of something. Couldn't pinpoint it. Then it swelled when the attack started but it seemed to be coming from the crowd, not the attackers or the company. I'm not sure if it was involved or not." She frowns a little. "I had to port out rapidly and was planning to go back to help while armored up to hide my face." So much they have learned since growing up. "But there was an...issue in Limbo and I was forced to deal with that instead. By the time I was done, the situation was over."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Yea, I got some new Ideas for my costume, but might need to add more than jsut the goggles I aint sure. So, you know your ready to check this out all ya got to do is let me know right?

Magik has posed:
Illyana leans over just enough to nudge his shoulder with her own then she's back where she was. "I was hoping you might say that. I'm not sure it's something worth getting the X-Men involved in yet. If it is, then we'll tell them. Wouldn't want to waste their time, right?" she says with a sparkle in her eyes.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and says "True, they have important things they have to deal with, and besides, it sounds like a New Mutant thing and who is better to handle it than the most experienced New Mutants?"