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Sam Guthrie (Scenesys ID: 1258)
"Here's my closed fist, Professor! It can be used the way Cable taught us -- ta hit -- ta pound -- ways you say you don't agree with, right? But it can also be used ta warm... ta support... ta protect! As for the peaceful approach of the open hand -- well, that can be used ta hurt as well!"
Full Name: Samuel Zachery Guthrie
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Adventurer
Citizenship: American
Residence: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Education: College Degree
Status: Approved
Groups: Xavier's School, New Mutants, X-Men, X-Corporation, Mutant-OOC
Other Information
Apparent Age: 21 Actual Age: 21
Date of Birth 12 February 2006 Actor: Hunter Parrish
Height: 183 cm Weight: 79 kg
Hair Color: Blond Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Learning To Fly" by Tom Petty


Sam Guthrie, oldest of 10 siblings, is the son of a Kentucky coal miner. He was brought into the New Mutants by Charles Xavier. Over time, he came a calm, cool, collected battle leader, responsible guy, and a good man. He fervently believes in human/mutant coexistence, but has been has seen the might of at least two alien civilizations and fought a couple more. Sam might be a believer in Xavier's dream, but there can be little hope of coexistence if all of humanity, mutant or not, is subjugated by aliens. Sam has decided to take his training and become a more mainstream hero, and keep his eyes to the skies. He can serve all of humanity that way, or at least so he believes.

Current Player Approved: December 8, 2018



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Sam is a six foot tall young man, who has an athletic build. His blonde hair while stylishly cut in a short style usually has a bit of a wind blown look to it. His blue eyes seem to take in all that is around him without darting around and looking paranoid. He normally is sporting a friendly smile that seems to come naturally to him.

His normal attire is a black concert t-shirt for Lila Cheney's last tour. With a red and black plaid flannel worn open over it. He wears a pair of well worn blue jeans with a black belt to keep them in place. On his feet are a pair of brown work boots that have also seen plenty of wear and tear.


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Sam was born in Cumberland Kentucky, the eldest child to the Guthrie family. When his father passed away, Sam stepped up to provide for his family by working in the local coal mines, at the young age of 16 years old. During one of his shifts in the mines his life changed forever. Sam and another minor were caught in a cave-in. In that moment Sam's mutant powers manifested and he was able to save himself and the other from the cave in. This brought him to the attention of Donald Pierce, who offered him a job, a better way of taking care of his family. Sam was a guard for one of Pierce's plots against Charles Xavier and his students. Sam fought the other New Mutants until he realized Pierce was a bad guy and trying to do evil. Sam's moral compass brought him to help the New Mutants help save Xavier. After this incident and talking to Xavier making sure his family would be OK, Sam moved to join Charles Xavier's School and the New Mutants.

As a member of the New Mutants Sam found an extended family. He was one of the older of the group, and felt the need to look after them as he did his brothers and sisters back home. Here he would develop friendships that would last the test of time, with perhaps the most prominent being that with Roberto Da Costa aka Sunspot. The two would become best friends as the only guys on the team for a while.

Sam's time with the New Mutants lead to many adventures, and new experience from meeting aliens like Warlock, seeing that magic is real from dealings with the Demon Bear, to going to Limbo with Magik. He met and found his first love in an intergalatic musician by the name of Lila Cheney, and learning of his own mortality by loosing a team mate who was a bit younger than him. Friends and enemies were both made, and some who at different times would be on both sides of that line.

Both Charles Xavier and Magneto made an impression on Sam as he saw how each man interacted with the world around them, the things they did right and the things they did wrong.


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Sam is a bit good ole boy, a bit aspiring hero, and a lot big brother. Sam is a nice guy, who is a bit protective of his friends and family. He has a few issues with self confidence, but he is not the type to give up. Sam will sometimes over step boundaries a bit when he is trying to protect his friends, but will listen to those who tell him he is be it with words or a swift punch to the jaw.


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The same reactions that empower Sam to fly also generate a particularly potent force field about himself. This field renders Sam all but invulnerable to most attacks. A crazed Kryptonian will eventually disable the field. While the field is up, Sam is pretty safely ensconced in it.

In addition to rendering him all but invulnerable to attack the force field also redirects kinetic energy. On the off chance that Sam flies into an object his field and velocity cannot punch through an object, person, or energy barrier, the field redirects the force, and Sam goes rocketing off in a ricochet. The field extends to cover whatever Sam is carrying in his arms or carrying on is person. He can shield maybe two or three people on his body with his field, but Sam is not superhumanly strong, so his arms will tire.

The field does not protect him from poisons, toxins, or telepathic attacks. It functions regardless of the speed, so long as Cannonball is blast'n.

He can generate his field while on the ground, but it requires almost his entire concentration. The one advantage this has is that he can shield a downed companion while he is holding them. He can talk and observe his environment, but beyond the most basic of conversational efforts, Sam needs near total concentration to maintain the field while stationary on the ground.

Sam can use his powers for so much more than Blast'n". Sam can actually direct his energy field from more than just his his feet and legs. He has used his hands already when lifting off from a prone position. Sam has developed two forms of energy blast.

Bio-Kinetic Blasts: Sam can generate and project brunt, blunt force in the form of a bio-kinetic blast. These blasts can be fired while flying. Blasts impact with significant force, cratering and rending most armor materials. When not flying, these bolts are toned down significantly due to the laws of Newtonian physics. Sam can only exert a few hundred pounds of force at range from the ground unless he is willing to be subject to the same force.

Thermo-Chemical Jet: Sam can exert his thermo-chemical powers through his hands and jet out a flamethrower-like projection of heat, flame, and overwhelming force like being exposed to a rocket's exhaust. This is a devastating attack, but it usually causes Sam to go flying off in the opposite direction unless someone of sufficient strength is holding him in place.


Sam can flight as a high velocity but upon doing so he has his ?blasting field? up which makes him neigh invulnerable. The side effect of this is there is a roar of his power while he is flying and makes it hard if not impossible to sneak up on most people while flying. He has learned to turn and hover with his flight ability.


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Fantastic at flying, but far better at crashing perfectly describes Sam. Sam crashes on purpose, generally a great speeds into the biggest target in his presence. Sam has become a dynamic flier, but he uses it to crash into specific targets at very fight speeds to do incredible amounts of damage. He started with targets about the size of the broadside of a barn, and he has worked himself to target about the same size as his head and shoulder width.

He is a talented, expert flier, and has grown significantly since his days churning up the lawn at Xavier's School.

Sam is a dancer. It was something cheap to be done via the radio back home. Lila Cheney taught him more. More importantly, she taught him not to be ashamed to be seen dancing. Sam can cut a mean rug, and has been taught how to dance in order to make up for a lack of other social graces. From classical, to country western, to modern, Sam will not embarrass himself on the dance floor.

When he was a New mutant, Stevie taught them ballet and other forms of dance as well, right down to the legwarmers and leotards. There are pictures. Regardless of the pictures, Sam learned some grace, panache, and appreciation for art from Stevie and her lessons.

The Guthrie's own a farm. Sam has been working on the farm since he was a little boy, and he has never shied from a day's work, not matter how hard. He is no agronomist, but he can do the basics. Plant, harvest, chase chickens, milk cows, and generally do all the hard work that comes from working the land. He can swing a hammer, drive a truck, and just get things done.

Sam has your normal general knowledge skills of a first year college student who has not picked a major. This is from graduating from Charles Xavier's School for gifted youngers basic training.

There are better strategists and tacticians. Sam is better at the other stuff. Morale. Training regimes, sorting out issues, and handling the day to day life of an organization. He is motivated, and makes an excellent motivator. He is a good addition to any team, in just about any position. Sam is the guy to come to for harsh truths spoken as gently as he is able.

That being said, he is not that bad at tactical thinkiing. He comprehends strategy as well and is able to discern the plans of others and counter them. He just is not the best at it.

Same worked in the coal mines of Kentucky and has a working knowledge of how they work.

Due to some mental instruction, Sam speaks Spanish, Portuguese, and Vietnamese with fluency. He speaks a smattering of heavily accented and horrible Russian and French.

Sam lives and breathes physics, even more so than everyone else. A fundamental understanding of Newtonian as well as quantum physics has been granted by his education. He is not going to develop new technologies or science. He just understands how the basic laws of the universe work.


Like all students trained by Charles Xavier, Sam has learned to minorly shield his thoughts from telepaths. This is not enough to stop a directed probe or attack by anyone with any real ability, but can help avoid casual scanning or minorly talented people.


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Eitri would marry Sam to his daughter, if Sam would consent. She sure would. Sam can do no wrong with Eitri, and has saved Eitri's life at least twice. If ever in they are found, Sam would surely have a home amongst the dwarves.

Sam is essentially Eitri the dwarf's adopted son. While trapped on Asgard, Sam helped protect Eitri's home, hearth, and family. Sam proved himself as a warrior several times over with Eitri saving the dwarf and his family on a couple of occasions. In reward for his bravery, eitri gave Sam armour that could not be cut, and a sword that would not cut flesh. When Loki sent them home, the items lost their enchantments not their quality or beauty. Sam has them to this day. They along with a couple of weird knick knacks (some ticket stubs to a Lila Cheney concert a few other weird things) are his prized possessions.

A couple of his siblings are mutants, or at least latent. Sam also has a very tight knit, accepting family in Kentucky, and can be found there from time to time, recovering his strength of purpose, resolve, and his very soul. Momma Guthrie makes a hell of a pie too.

Sam has average resources this seems to be from a trust fund perhaps set up by Xavier. As the students usually have the things they need and a little spending cash.

Sam is a student of Xavier's school, and as such has access to items of advanced and alien technology at times.


Sam owns a farm in Kentucky that borders on his family's land. It is a decent sized farm, that he has hired some friends from home to work while he is away.


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Sam is a moral person. Where he gets in trouble is weighing different values against one another. Opponents with knowledge of the fact that Cannonball/Sam is a fundamentally decent human being can take advantage of this information. Opponents jeopardizing innocents will find that they tend to get away. Sam tries to do the right thing.

Sam is not visibly a mutant, but he is one. He can be detected as one on certain machines, and that means he can be subjected to the slings and arrows of public opinion or human rights extremists.

Sam has a secret Identity, and all that entails. Though Heaven help anyone who makes an attempt on the family farm. 10 rambunctious kids, a few nearby uncles, momma with a gun, and a couple of rather powerful mutant siblings to boot.


Sam has a bit of an issue with self confidence and self doubt, while this does not show often in the moment of decision, instead showing up when he is thinking about what he has done.


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... further results
Title Date Scene Summary
A snack in time December 29th, 2024 Sam tries to help out an old blood or a blueblood.
Flying for the sake of flying. December 7th, 2024 Summary needed
Drinks with Claws and Blasts November 30th, 2024 Sammy, Shiloh and Logan meet up in a club to have a short conversation with drinks.
Training with Bots and a Canon November 30th, 2024 Logan ends up training with an unexpected guest that proves their worth in spades.
A night at the movies, not a date. November 12th, 2024 part 1
A call in. October 27th, 2024 A friendly night out in the future
The Soltace Ball (1.5) October 24th, 2024 A few of the mutants gather for a special night.
We are here to pump you up October 11th, 2024 Sam and Remy talk about things, and a lady
A late night/early morning at Xaviers September 21st, 2024 Remy shows his secret heart
Dinner in a new place. August 15th, 2024 Sam stopped in to Mac's and encounterer the local wizard.
Pick up for a Shelter, or Hellfire Delivery System August 9th, 2024 Donations are made and Hellfire Directed
Only in New York. July 21st, 2024 Heroes find themselves chasing bad sorts in the Queens sewers. Nasty shenanigans ensue.
A cup of coffee,, or tea June 16th, 2024 Plans are made for the weekend.
Sweet Drinks Are Made From Teas... May 27th, 2024 Rogue and Sam catch up in the kitchen.
Do you know...the muffin ma--woman May 12th, 2024 Sam Guthrie visits a local bakery, takes home some goods, and gives the resident baker an idea!
Work work rec April 22nd, 2024 Which Fallout is your Fallout
Business duties and lunches March 31st, 2024 Nadia and Sam meet for the first time
Dinner without random interruptions March 8th, 2024 Sam and Angelica have dinner and watch a movie.
Coming back. February 21st, 2024 Angelica came back to the mansion for the first time. She and Sam made dinner and just hung out together for a while.
A hideaway at Harry's February 9th, 2024 Sam and Angelica make tv plans
With a Little Help From my Friends February 4th, 2024 Rogue and Sam play pool and catch up.
I weighed the options of this working... January 23rd, 2024 Sam and Remy discuss life and Hobgoblins.
Hey that smell aint Kurt. January 8th, 2024 Summary needed
Holiday Friends December 18th, 2023 Movie were watched Horror engjoyed!
Friends have dinner December 1st, 2023 Friends talk about whats been going on and plans.
A night out without the Zord November 16th, 2023 When a zoid is needed a zoid is needed
A visit from an old friend. October 28th, 2023 Sam came by to visit with Angelica and they got caught up.
Something was afoot at the circle K October 7th, 2023 Sam and Copycat catchup
Out to sea in the sky. September 26th, 2023 Sam and Angelica took a flight together over the ocean. Among other things they got shot at by a whale's blow hole.
Making sure things are settled. September 14th, 2023 Sam came by to make sure things were getting settled in the new place.
An unwrecked Rec room September 3rd, 2023 Sam and Rogue catch up
Sweet Tea and Misery August 15th, 2023 Rogue confides in Sam about some recent issues. Sam returns the favor. Then it begins to rain.
A slower night at the club. July 31st, 2023 Is Sam an External???
A night to paint the town July 15th, 2023 Tactics and Teleportation
A Mystical Hangover June 26th, 2023 Just another day in New York!
Sun, swimming and wet fur June 10th, 2023 A day at the pool with good friends, good food and thankfully, no oil-slicks in the pool.
Making dinner June 2nd, 2023 What started out as cooking for fun turned into Angelica feeding a crowd.
Late night snack raid May 31st, 2023 Insomnica Angelica catches up with Sam and Jimmy for a while over beer and burgers.
Trying to clear her thoughts May 28th, 2023 Sam and Angelica had a nice conversation at pool side.
Flying 101 with some of the newer students. May 19th, 2023 Sam teaches a group of students, and his little sister gets to meet Firestar

NPC: Aero (Melody Guthrie)

Cooking Experiment: Sucke...err Voluteer needed. April 30th, 2023 Angelica and Sam ran into each other in the kitchen. She used him as a guinea pig for her new recipe.
I'll have what she's having... April 22nd, 2023 Two X-Men, a Southern Mutant, and Sinister talk in a bar, Jean joins and likely regrets doing so, unfortunately.
Tony in the city April 20th, 2023 The suit is de-faced, but it all ends with a push of a button thanks to Stark Tech!
Mutant Assessment April 5th, 2023 Jean tests the new mutant
One Night Only March 18th, 2023 Zatanna does a magic show. People are ... entertained?
Three southerners in the same kitchen. What can possibly go wrong March 3rd, 2023 Remy and Sam talk food and family
Pick-a-Part February 18th, 2023 Summary needed
A night with a bird at the club. February 14th, 2023 Summary needed
Unstoppable: Setting up Shop January 26th, 2023 Kit and Sam stop Utroms from setting up a base near Xavier's.
At work but off the clock. January 10th, 2023 Summary needed
Fortunate Son: Bright Sunshine in Kentucky December 2nd, 2022 SHIELD and allies raid a former HYDRA site suspected of housing Project Prodigy. Things quickly go wrong, and an elaborate trap is sprung.
Club Evolution a night at the club November 28th, 2022 Harley and Sam discuss man.
That's not buffing out November 15th, 2022 Sam and Jax commiserate over a wrecked Jeep, and sketch out a plan to turn some mischievous feline energy to more productive means.
A Night on the Mutant Town November 1st, 2022 Summary needed
Sweet Christmas, it's a bloody hayseed October 11th, 2022 Two bar owners walk into someone else's bar, and a fight breaks out.
A night on the town or a night at work September 22nd, 2022 Finished
A night out at the club. August 31st, 2022 Some interesting.... people.... come into the club.
A night at Club Evolution August 17th, 2022 Sam meets Kori, and things get interesting.
Nine O'Clock On A Saturday August 6th, 2022 Sam and Sarah both come into Luke's bar.
Out shopping a bit. August 1st, 2022 Meeting and possible job obertunities
All the World's a Stage July 14th, 2022 Three mutants meet up in a club...and enjoy small talk over drinks.
Camped Out July 1st, 2022 Summary needed
Rocket Run: Mysterious Mutants June 21st, 2022 Rocket walks into Sam's bar to solve a mystery. Expecting trouble, he finds solutions instead.
A late night bite to eat. June 3rd, 2022 And the three meet one another
A Motley Crew May 16th, 2022 Ash stops for a cup of Joe. Nothing bad happens.
A night at the Evolution May 6th, 2022 And the start of training begins
Autoshop April 23rd, 2022 New Skills are learned and some are prepared to be taught
Amateur night. April 7th, 2022 And Sam and Thea meet.
Too Many Southerners in the Kitchen March 31st, 2022 Sam and Rogue have a bit of a heart to heart and Sam offers Rogue a job.
=And since they are away... Pizza March 19th, 2022 Sam and Rogue catch up.
Hanging out in the re-room February 28th, 2022 Remy and Rogue have a fight. It goes as well as can be expected.
Sam is writing a book February 12th, 2022 And another one is introduced to the danger room
A day in the Rec Room. January 27th, 2022 Pizza and good company in the Rec Room led to strange and amusing conversations.
Checking in on the Magic Yeen January 11th, 2022 And things are going well
A Place to Fight December 21st, 2021 Kit takes the first step in learning to fight by enrolling at a Dojo that was suggested to him by Mercy.
An early christmas December 9th, 2021 Summary needed
A bit of Christmas planning. November 30th, 2021 Presents and Amends are discussed.
Picnic Aftermath November 14th, 2021 Rest and recovery with close friends and good food. What more could a yeen ask for?
Late-night snacks October 30th, 2021 Food and hopefully some progress
Total Eclipse of the Heart.... October 13th, 2021 And a heart-to-heart talk was had by lil' sis and big bro.
a quiet night at work October 4th, 2021 a new friend is made?
Birthdays on a Boat IV: Here we drink... vine. September 3rd, 2021 Considerations on family, wine, and the memory of hills of Abruzzo.
A Little Night Music August 30th, 2021 Being young dumb and having friends is celebrated
Birthdays on a Boat part III: The Capri Caper August 20th, 2021 Capricious Capri capers collectively confound. A boat race, good food, good friends, an unexpected encounter. But who keeps sending these letters?
Training the Soul August 14th, 2021 A bit of training and a few interesting conversations by the cliffs behind the school.
Spread your wings: Happy 18th! July 26th, 2021 Cake with a fightin' twist was shared, presents given, and a good time was had by all. No Chippendales were harmed during the preparations for this party.
Birthdays on a Boat: Anchors a-weigh July 20th, 2021 Calm Cruising Commences, Crew Catered.
Forgotten treasures. July 13th, 2021 And a few treasures are found
A really late supper! June 26th, 2021 Just your regular post midnight chat at the diner.
Just Another Heartbreak June 10th, 2021 Jay is found lamenting a bit by Shannon and then they're joined by the older Guthrie brother, Sam. Plans are made to help Jay deal with his mental strife.
Danger Room: Spyder Byte final assessment May 26th, 2021 Jeremy has his final Danger Room evaluation of his senior year. Warren upped the game and he got stabbed with a sword.
Xavier School Prom May 25th, 2021 The prom for Xavier's School. Big wins, little wins, new friends, and old ones; a night to celebrate those that matter and the memories made. And dancing. Lots of that. Hank still remembers the Macarena.
Missing: One Rosie May 17th, 2021 Rosie is found and returned to the Xavier Institute.
Trouble at Il Galletto May 14th, 2021 So three... four mutants and a Iron Fist walk into a bar...
Readiness May 11th, 2021 Sam and Alexis sit by the lake and have a light talk
Xavier's Dream continues: Welcome Prismatic May 10th, 2021 Cyclops gives a speech about family and team, then welcomes Alexis Carr to the X-Men.
Not Your Momma's Fried Chicken May 6th, 2021 Rogue and Sam argue about fried chicken in the rec room...until a sudden Juggernaut and Deadpool appear at the front yard!
A night on the town. May 4th, 2021 And a nice date is had by all.
The Universal Language May 3rd, 2021 Rosie and Indi talk a bit of Faith. Jeremy comes in as a discussion gets heated with Sam Guthrie's help, and things calm down after a fair bit.

Ted has the worst timing.

Give me grace, or failing that a sedative April 28th, 2021 Worthington got his bandages off. There were steel feathers and angst. People grew.
The Aftermath of a Wet Student Rescue April 23rd, 2021 After contending with the crisis of a student's near demise and Rogue's recussitation of the student, Alexis and Sam have a frank conversation about the future.
Another awkward meeting April 22nd, 2021 Megan touches base with Sam about recent events
The talking to April 22nd, 2021 And that, as they say, is that.
Hey Sam, we gotta talk. April 20th, 2021 Andrea talks to Sam about some recent events at that went down at the club last night.
Thanks Where Thanks Is Due April 20th, 2021 Thanks is given where it is due, but is only accepted with some difficulty--and threats of Danger Room retaliation if reponsibility for hard work isn't accepted in kind!
Catching up at Club Evo April 16th, 2021 Andrea practices a new single at the Club and meets up with several friends and a photographer.
Coffee and Popstars April 12th, 2021 Juggernaut pays a visit to the Coffee Bean and runs into Andrea. Nothing got destroyed and no one got punched.
For Whom the Belles Toll April 3rd, 2021 Southerners in the Dining Room. Three different southern accents. That iced sweet tea never stood a chance.
In The Gloaming.... March 30th, 2021 A cookout by the lake to give Old Man Winter the one-fingered salute is held. Recent events discussed, fitness challenges issued, and common ground is found at long last. A good time is had by all.
Danger Room Session March 27th, 2021 Scott gives the team and students a Danger Room session of hide and seek with Logan and a mystery bad guy from the hairy Canadian's past.
Gargoylin' the Foyer March 24th, 2021 Rosie is settling in, got a flying lesson, and will someday, maybe stop addressing Shannon as Miss Shannon. No one bangs a u-ie in this case.
Cars need crushing March 22nd, 2021 Was it all a hoax?
Rec the Rep Already March 21st, 2021 When Rosie McGowan hides from feeling crisises regarding the second time she's launched a Xavier's instructor into a natural feature in a week, she poorly chooses the RecRoom. Shannon and Jeremy try to help, and Sam has to come in to clean up a broken glass and a broken Rosie.
Brother's catch up March 17th, 2021 And the brothers plan their futures
BRADDOCK March 16th, 2021 Thor shows up to get Psylocke's aid in attuning the Bifrost for the trip on the morrow!
Gravity Blues March 15th, 2021 Sam is dispatched to find a mutant in the Deep South who may be in a world of danger. And then gets knocked into a tree being the good guy.
The Gravity of the Situation March 15th, 2021 Ororo Munroe (Storm) and Sam Guthrie (Cannonball) show up to get a young mutant out of a bad situation; there's flears, hogs and dogs. It's not good.
An important Question. March 14th, 2021 She said yes.
An Important Question II: Italy March 10th, 2021 Sam asks a very important question, procedes to drink with old Italian people.
A Very Important Question: Shipping out to Boston March 3rd, 2021 Sam takes Andrea for emotional support to ask a very important question in Boston.
Happy news March 1st, 2021 Sam breaks the news to Jay and Andrea that he is going to propose to Alexis. Andrea now has ideas and Jay is going to have a long night.
The Cure: Infiltration! February 27th, 2021 The Xmen rescue the mutant prisoners from DAMT headquarters and ensure that no more twisted experiments will ever be performed there again.
Kitchen time February 25th, 2021 Warpath and Shannon tend to kitchen work together. Sam and Remy join in for conversation. Ted returns from tending to family matters, and all is well.
In the heart of Winter February 16th, 2021 In the dark of winter, we think of what matters to us. Bucky meets up with Shannon, Piotr and Sam outside of the Club Evolution. Lilli makes new friends and earns a treat.
The Cure: Search and Rescue February 10th, 2021 The Xmen locate and infiltrate DAMT headquarters. Afamiliar adversary rises from the shadows..
The Rocket Boots' Red Glare February 9th, 2021 Yoga! Galaga! Possible Chili Mac!
Wings for lunch January 26th, 2021 Warren is in the kitchen making lunch, Shannon joins for a bit of conversation
Checking on lil sis January 14th, 2021 Moods are lightened, and goals set.
The Cure: Ex-Mutants January 14th, 2021 Some students and Xmen chatter in the kitchen about current events.
Belated Christmas Presents January 8th, 2021 Sam and Shannon talk about life, recent events, and future plans. A late Christmas gift is given. The bonds of family, adopted or otherwise, hold strong.
New Years Explosion January 1st, 2021 Ringing in the New Year with music and explosives
It's Christmas time in the city. December 17th, 2020 And Presents are bought and decided on.
Santa Claws' Naughty List: Part 2 December 7th, 2020 Petty Revenge! But they deserved it.
The X-Games: Flag Football December 3rd, 2020 All Hail The Maple Marauders! Screw That Petunia Chick!
Preparing for popstar bootcamp November 30th, 2020 Andrea introduces Shannon to an opportunity and talks bootcamp
Date night in the Danger room. November 18th, 2020 Alexis faces a bit of a worry from her past.
You too can save 15 percent on your X-Insurance November 14th, 2020 Sam and the New Mutants fly to Austin to pick up a new student. Gecko!
Rumble in the Octagon November 14th, 2020 Scott and some students find David, an MMA Prodigy and teaches him a few life lessons.
Milk Cartons: The Fall Of The Black Dragons November 9th, 2020 Cloak and Dagger partner with The X-Men and Spider-Man to take down the Black Dragon Gang and save mutant children from being kidnapped. Not everyone made it.
Halloween Homecoming November 1st, 2020 Dancing, music, food, family, and fun are enjoyed by all at Homecoming! Crazy costumes and fantastic displays of geekdom abound!
Catching up with friends. October 30th, 2020 Sam, James, and Illyana catch up with one another.
Getting Ready for Halloween! October 29th, 2020 Some Xavier students get together to prepare for Halloween!
Continuing through Kentucky October 24th, 2020 Sam shows Andrea and Jay his new farm in Kentucky.
There can only be one Alpha in NYC October 21st, 2020 Andrea meets Bigby and square off to see who has the biggest teeth.
Catching Up and Training October 9th, 2020 Sam and Shannon catch up over a little balance training, talking about recent events, future plans, and dinner.
Heavy Discussions October 8th, 2020 Alexis and Sam have some conversation in the foyer of Xavier's, including what may be in store for them in the future.
No Glamping Allowed October 5th, 2020 The family gets together (blood and adoptive) leading to talk of future plans including camping, concerts, new singles and Danger Room sessions.
New Mutants 785.5 Tabitha Barr's First Appearance Special Holo Cover September 29th, 2020 Sam and Dazzler pick up Tabitha for the school.
The more they change... September 21st, 2020 Alexis, Sam and Andrea talk about the fallout from Magneto's visit to the concert.
Concert in Mutant Town September 16th, 2020 What starts out as a party and concert becomes trouble as Magneto arrives.
Enjoying a warm night. September 10th, 2020 Andrea and Nevada spend some time at the club to burn the night away. Joan drops her phone in the sink. Megan and Sam make an appearance.
Why Is It Called 'Shooting The Breeze' September 6th, 2020 Sharing snacks and shooting some pool turns into shooting the breeze. Plans for Sunday dinners were made. Fun was had by all.
Happy Birthday Jeremy September 5th, 2020 The New Mutants get together for Jeremy's surprise birthday party. He tells them his dark secret and gets cool presents. He's on top of the world.
War Room Meeting: A56234 September 2nd, 2020 The X-Men get a very long briefing on various plot threads.
Poolside with the Mutants August 22nd, 2020 Alice, Alexis and Megan are out by the pool, and discussion about why so many students stay during the summer occurs. Sam Guthrie joins in
Rain Boot Revolution August 17th, 2020 Containing impromptu dance offs and revisions to the physical education curriculum.
Dagger fighting with a Ninja. August 14th, 2020 Megan starts learning how to Knife Fight from Betsy. Sam watches from afar while taking notes.
Wolf Meets Cat. Welcome back to the Danger Room, Popstar. August 12th, 2020 Andrea meets Sabretooth and gives him a taste of her past, and perhaps, their future.
Peaceful Barbecue and Taco Danger Room Adventure August 10th, 2020 A few X-Men take Sabretooth to a barbecue. There are unicorns.
Commune Conundrum August 3rd, 2020 The X-Men save the day at a legal pot farm out West that's under siege by a Crimson Dynamo ripoff, a pair of villainous mutants and a bunch of guys with guns.
Today is the day! Neon Dreams August 1st, 2020 Andrea springs big news and gets a not so amazing reaction.
Danger Room Session: A5235Z1: Victor Creed July 22nd, 2020 Victor gets a taste of the Danger Room, and a chance to look at himself in the mirror so to speak.
I Always Feel like - Somebody's Watching me! July 18th, 2020 Hank comes to Jeremy for more answers in regards to Betsy's current situation.
Making Adam into a cool mutant. July 16th, 2020 Friends hit up Club Evolution for some hanging out and food.
Flying down south to recruit Ted July 16th, 2020 Recruiting Ted to the school.
Danger Room Issues July 15th, 2020 A training session went sideways quickly as the Danger Room went from training level to actual threats to those inside. The resulting wreck and shut down at least got everyone out without being injured.
Danger Room session aka Somebody isn't funny July 11th, 2020 Everyone got a chance to work out...really hard. Everyone got a chance to fall into some freezing cold water as well.
A Crappie Day July 10th, 2020 Sam and Shannon enjoy a fish fry by the lake. Life, future plans, and cooking shows are discussed. Now this is the kind of thing worth fighting for!
Summer Days. Summer Nights. Scott is on the grill. July 9th, 2020 X-Folks gather at the lake to barbecue and help Shannon deal with some heavy feelings. A great deal of food is consumed.
An evening in. July 8th, 2020 A draw on poker and some classes suggested
Pleasant Introductions July 5th, 2020 Hank introduces his friends to his new paramour, Sandy! It goes well. Dinosaurs aren't mentioned by name.
Hot Dogs and Hot Cars July 3rd, 2020 The holiday weekend starts with car washes and cookouts.
An interview with a pop star. July 2nd, 2020 Lois interviews a famous popstar and discusses mutant issues.
A quiet night at the club June 29th, 2020 And Sam and Kori learn a bit about one another.
Danger Room Files: Alexis I June 27th, 2020 Sam runs a test of the endurance of Alexis's crystaline structures beneath her skin, and simultaneously makes people want pina coladas, a trip to Henry's, and a tactical examination of suddenly dropping your girlfriend into combat.
About the New Mutants... June 25th, 2020 What does it take to join the New Mutants? Talking to their leader!
Late snack June 23rd, 2020 And a good talk is being had by the two
At Da Club June 22nd, 2020 Friends gathering at Club Evolution for talks of fashion, music and a family bombshell. Shannon sang the blues, Andrea did some pop-rock, Nevada ate everyone's food.
A Family and Familiar Faces June 13th, 2020 A post-graduation celebration, Andrea, Alexis and Jay Guthrie have a trio performance. Megan and Sam meet someone close to Alexis
Dinner at the Empire State June 13th, 2020 Andrea and Sam have dinner and talk about life after school and next plans.
Xavier's Graduation 2028 June 11th, 2020 It's graduation day for the latest round of Xavier's students. Party time!
Cars and Karaoke June 9th, 2020 There's a small gathering of the Xavier family in the garage, where car work turns to singalongs and finally the inevitability of war over burgers. Mutants, always looking on the bright side.
Trading a few tricks. May 31st, 2020 And the dance begins.
A Mixed-Up Kind Of Day May 24th, 2020 And the day gets frustrating.
Zounds! A Grilled Cheese Getaway May 20th, 2020 Sam gets hit with a grilled cheese sandwich
Abruzzo May 13th, 2020 Alexis and Sam travel to Italy to meet the other Caradenzas. Papa and Nonna instantly take a liking to Sam in spite of the fact that he speaks little Italian and is an American. Nonna likes that Sam's not afraid of hard work as a farm boy, Papa likes the fact that Sam wants to do right by the family.
Towers, Ta and Talking May 12th, 2020 Ice cream party on the roof. Chit chat and all that fun stuff
A word with the light. May 10th, 2020 Advice and healing are given
The Caradenzas May 9th, 2020 Sam Guthrie meets the other half of Alexis Carr's family -- the Italian Caradenza, Guiseppe
X-Men Assemble May 9th, 2020 Scott summons the team together to talk about current events.
Danger Zone, Alexis! May 6th, 2020 Samuel attempts to out-think rather than Out-Power Alexis with a Walk Accross the Room trial. He didn't count on Alexis Carr having never seen The Goonies!
What Did You Do This Time, Sam May 5th, 2020 Shannon learns of Sam's injury, and does what she can to help speed healing while Sam awaits assistance from Josiah.
Milk Cartons: Pier 17 April 30th, 2020 The raid finally goes down on Pier 17 and our heroes bite off more than they can chew. Guest starring The Punisher and Fantomex.
Reference Section Blue April 30th, 2020 Kurt Wagner and Shannon Lance are studying in the library, when Samuel Guthrie comes in with books. There is a discussion about the changing of teaching staff, and Shannon expresses interest in staying on after graduation.
Let's not kill ourselves today! April 29th, 2020 Scott presents Shannon with a Vespa and a helmet and talk with various friends.
Saint Cici's April 26th, 2020 Alexis and Sam meet Alexis's grandmother, the opera singer Dame Florin. Sam learns that Alexis will age like fine wine and that her grandmother supported her through growing pains into being a mutant, considers sending his brother to the school.
'Fence'd In Gardens April 26th, 2020 Alexis opens dueling a student name Simone in the gardens as a bit of tutilage in Fencing, with Sam Guthrie making sure that it doesn't go overboard with powers. Scott Summers and Jean Grey get the chance to get some air in after reviewing paperwork, and Shannon arrives fresh out of the medbay. Josiah is introduced to Alexis, and all comes to a stop when Megan Wynn, and her changed appearance, prompt a full stop.
A new day at Xavier's April 25th, 2020 Scott and Jean go over incoming students and speak with friends.
Dance like no one is watching you. April 18th, 2020 Dagger come to Club Evolution to try and be normal. It poses to be too difficult.
Milk Cartons: The Lion, The Beast, The Beat April 14th, 2020 The X-Men and allies come to Cloak and Dagger and learn more about the prey they hunt. Lines have been drawn. Are you prey, or are you the hunter?
Milk Cartons: Ezekiel 25:17 April 12th, 2020 Cloak and Dagger meet the X-Men.
Milk Cartons: 1 Peter 5:8 April 9th, 2020 Sam and Josiah talk powers while Tandy eavesdrops.
Milk Cartons: Psalms 139:14 April 5th, 2020 Sam and Alexis hear gunshots and find a terrifying secret within the dark of Mutant Town
Checking on the Club. April 5th, 2020 And things are learned, and places are cleaned
A snack for late night. March 31st, 2020 Food and friendship are had by all.
Speed Angel March 19th, 2020 Sam and Shannon run into Blurr again.
Spring Festivities March 18th, 2020 A Spring Festival turns into a goblin attack on a fairy. Heroes show up and goblin soup is served. Huzzah!
Dancing up a Storm March 13th, 2020 Megan and her entourage of young musicians discuss playing at Sam's club.
A Ride in the Country February 26th, 2020 A visit from Cap, Deadpool, and pieces of another.
Pizza Planet! February 20th, 2020 Alex and Shannon meet for pizza, and Shannon thinks she can surprise Alex with her 'big bro'.
House Call February 20th, 2020 Doctor Banner makes a house call. Pleasant talk and coffee is shared, and a mentor is found.
Working A Few Things Out February 19th, 2020 Sam and Shannon get a little bit of training in down in the gym, and talk a few things out. Oh, my. Could things be looking up?
A cross town trip. February 12th, 2020 And the pretzels were good.
Savage Lands: It's the Pitts February 8th, 2020 The X-men and Blink arrive to save Lorna and Roberto from certain doom.
Savage Lands: Release the Dinosaurs! February 8th, 2020 Savage Lands: The X-men and Blink finally try to track down Roberto and Lorna, only to nearly be speared to death.
Sam comes to check on an old teacher. February 5th, 2020 Old friends catch up, and Sam learns a new skill.,
DR-GA-1 February 5th, 2020 And Gwen almost made it to the button.
Meet the Caradenzas February 2nd, 2020 Sam Guthrie and Alexis -- returning to Allegra Caradenza, visit her parent at their home in Cambridge, Massachusettes. Things don't go precisely to pot, but they don't g o to plan either.
Light Revival February 1st, 2020 They recruited Josiah to Xavier's
No More Room For Jello January 29th, 2020 Day 2 of Shannon's unplanned vacation in Club Med(ical) begins with Jello, and ends with good company, plus hope for a more constructive direction for her healing gift.
A Nightingale With Broken Wings January 28th, 2020 Shannon's stuck in the medbay with some nasty injuries following what was supposed to have been a routine patrol, and has some visitors. Gwen is asked to begin training in preparation for joining the New Mutants. Bean makes good on the threat from both Cannonball and himself to make a magnetic nameplate for her bed during medbay visits! The stinker!
After All The Mud Has Been Washed Off January 27th, 2020 Colossus' cooking draws quite a crowd. Life, classes, frustrations, and birthday plans are discussed.
Plans for the future January 26th, 2020 Plans are made and some worries adressed.
When Pizza Runs Go Awry.... January 25th, 2020 Shannon winds up in the Wellness Office having to get stitches after being attacked by anti-mutant bigots in Salem Center. Sam Guthrie comes to visit her, and hears about not only the attack, but the incident the previous night of the theater as well. Life, love, heartache, worries, and loneliness are discussed.
Panic at the Disco! January 25th, 2020 Panic attacks. Resolutions. Tomorrow, tomorrow.
I Don't Mind Logging January 24th, 2020 Rogue's skin is so dang soft.
Doug Ramsey is a Freak January 21st, 2020 Doug unburdens his mind.
Chatting and maybe a movie. January 19th, 2020 The new student is met and may have a new room mate.
Friend New Mutants edition. January 18th, 2020 and a double date may happen
Takin A Trip January 17th, 2020 Laura is planned on leaving the school for a while and seeks a faculty member to tell. X-Men are next!
Surviving Infinity: That's What Friends Are For January 17th, 2020 Thor comes to Xavier's seeking help in the quest to bring Tony Stark and Captain Rogers home. Shannon, Bean, Sam Guthrie, Illyana, and Kurt answer the call. Plans are made.
Don't Wreck the Rec Room. January 16th, 2020 Sam finds out about the musuem
Bear Good Dog. Bear Walk in Park. Good Bear. Good. January 15th, 2020 Walkies and Talkies in the park.
And a friend finds a job. January 14th, 2020 And Strong Guy is his namo.
Late Night at Evolution January 11th, 2020 Sam stops by the club and hears about Bean defending Shannon's honor. Shannon tells him about Nick's musical talent, and the two also talk about life, music, and her self-confidence (or lack of).
A Night of music and fun. January 9th, 2020 And Id is disposed of
Out checking things out. January 9th, 2020 Exploring and dinner
Tell me if you heard this January 8th, 2020 A quiet day turns out to be not so quiet, as Hercules finds his way to Club Evolution. A little wheeling, a little dealing, and the club has gained a new bartender!
Mac 'n Cheese 'n Chill January 7th, 2020 What's a soul to do after a trying Danger Room session? Why, share homemade mac 'n cheese with friends and family, of course!
Selling Dreams, Buying Hope January 4th, 2020 One new mutant had. One problem in Scotland to resolve.
Thrift Shops have such interesting things. January 4th, 2020 A picture is found that leads to a loose end?
A Solo for a Lonely Heart December 30th, 2019 Sam Guthrie gets caught up in some music, Sam and Alexis talk decor in an apartment, adorable fluff.
Showing off the Hangout. December 29th, 2019 Harry and Slim are met at the hideaway
Morning at the apartment December 28th, 2019 cooking maybe learned, and Doug has how towel moment.
Packing for a southern Christmas Trip. December 24th, 2019 They trade presents, and get ready for the trip.
A Blue Christmas December 24th, 2019 Twinkies were had by some, and Christmas was had by all
A Date on the Town December 20th, 2019 And the couple have a happy date.
Lessons to last a lifetime... 101 December 19th, 2019 Lessons are taught, lessons are learned. Guns are dangerous, mmkay?
A Danger room session for Alexis. December 18th, 2019 And a barfight is had in the Danger room.
Santapool and the Snowflakes December 17th, 2019 Santapool stops by with some rather unorthodox decorations and some presents. Much laughter, frustration, and free-falling fun is had by all! Welcome, Squeakers!
First rule of Fight Club is... December 16th, 2019 After the events of the disasterous gala the night before, Sam and Alexis talk
New Surroundings December 14th, 2019 Warrior Joe is beginning to explore his new home (on a leash and harness), Sam Guthrie and Alexis Carr act lovebirdy, and then there is Ballet.

Come for the goofy puns, stay for the mental image of men participating in intense daily training in tights.

X-men: Irresistible Force vs Immovable Object December 14th, 2019 Blob and Juggernaut's partnership comes to blows, and the X-men arrive to save a dam and power plant from being collateral damage.
To Rescue a Warrior: Warrior Joe December 14th, 2019 TO RESCUE WARRIOR JOE, Alexis Carr takes Sam, Chris, Theresa Cassidy and Shannon to the Palasade apartment building run by the extremely foul Othello Iiro, who has nothing good to say about his tennants as he runs a slum specifically meant for mutants to survive in.

Invoking Matt Murdock and the police don't help, so Sam resorts to not taking insults to Alexis and Shannon sitting down, and as Sam and Alexis retreive Warrior Joe (an aged alley cat who adopted Alexis), Chris and Shannon encounter another resident of the mutant-occupied building and make sure there are plenty of ways to get in touch with the group should they need help.

Finding the Chords December 12th, 2019 Samuel comes along Alexis playing in an empty classroom, and gets to enjoy a lesson and a little information exchange. Sam
Muddy Birthday December 12th, 2019 Rogue beat EVERYONE in a mud wrestling birthday blowout for her 21st birthday. From a wayward Gothamite to a giant harry pokemon man, to a created-from-lube Kitty Pryde and more. What a crazy time!
You Make Me Feel like Dancing December 12th, 2019 Alexis stumbles upon Samuel
Danger room Show and Learn December 11th, 2019 We are gonna need another Timmy-bot as we learn Gwen's strength
Morning Tea December 9th, 2019 Tea and brunch are shared by all. Gifts changing over time are discussed, and plans to rescue Warrior Joe from the clutches of a scumbag landlord are made. Save Warrior Joe!
Danger Room 01-AC December 8th, 2019 And we learn more about Alexis and Shannon's powers.
Anything but routine December 7th, 2019 Alexis Carr visits the Wellness Office to discuss medical care but draws a crowd instead.
Bubble, Bubble, Toil and... Soup December 7th, 2019 Chicken soup for the soul turns into talk of recent battles, holiday preparations, and friendships strengthened.
DR-Gwendoyn - 01 December 6th, 2019 And an interesting time is had by all.
New Faculty December 5th, 2019 Alexis gets the job and maybe more to come.
Celebrate and Good times. December 5th, 2019 Alexis learns more about Sam.
Mean Streets of Mutant Town December 4th, 2019 Sam and Alexis go for a walk, and interrupt a robbery in progress at the shelter where Alexis volunteers.
Friends meeting Girlfriend... No pressure. December 3rd, 2019 And they all seem to get along well.
Team Building: Storming December 3rd, 2019 A difficult discussion is had, concerns aired, and the determination to talk amongst team leadership about how best to handle introducing students to the idea of the New Mutants is made.
Back at the Carr Apartment -- wouldn't that be a garage December 1st, 2019 Sam and Alexis head back to Alexis's apartment, and talk a little about their lives together.
A little lesson for the teacher. December 1st, 2019 And Andrea and Sam show what the others can learn to do.
Music in the Mall November 30th, 2019 Alexis Carr and Shannon Lance give an impromptu performance of Veni, Veni, Emmanuel. Alexis and Rahne Sinclair (Wolfsbane) meet acquaintence, and poor Sam's former wardrobe is brought up for the second time in a week!
Turkey Day part 2 November 30th, 2019 Leftovers are yummy. Andrea feeds Jay some pie. They look cute too.
A Westchester Thanksgiving November 28th, 2019 And the food coma took them all.
Learning about Powers. November 28th, 2019 Sam finds some more info on Nat's powers
Friends catching up. November 27th, 2019 Sam and Doug talk through some things.
A talk about Family. November 26th, 2019 Sam and Alexis discuss family
Sammy G wants to know What Sammy M has been up to. November 26th, 2019 Sam needs to talk to Sam.
Jubilee should not be in charge of Thanksgiving. November 26th, 2019 Jubilee is a fantastic counselor and teacher, but admits to her lack of culinary expertise. Enter in Gwendolyn, Shannon, Triage, and Nathaniel to save the day! Mr. McCoy, Cannonball, Bean, and Alexis also join in the fun!
Let's talk about the future. November 25th, 2019 Andrea is back on the New Mutants. Jay is going home to talk to Julia.
Battle Damage November 23rd, 2019 Tony and Wanda check on the results of the protection spell, and speak with Samuel, Shannon and Cannonball
Third time is the charm November 23rd, 2019 Andrea has finally found her freedom.
Adapting November 22nd, 2019 Nathaniel is settling in and gets help from both Sams.
Dancing On My Own. November 22nd, 2019 Chrysalis came out to play. Sam and Alexis have concerns.
Good Boys in a Park November 21st, 2019 And a wintery wonderland was had by all.
Worry for the Pop Star November 21st, 2019 Sam is a bit concerned as she seems a bit to happy.
Just more Time November 20th, 2019 Jay talks to Sam and Brad about his relationship woes.
Nathan's Day one. November 20th, 2019 One of us.
Watching In A Winder Wonderland November 19th, 2019 Students and staff gather on the roof tower to watch the year's first blizzard, then have a snowball fight.
The Tao of Taleggio November 19th, 2019 The wisdom of the mother of all comfort foods is explored and shared amongst friends and family. Life, happiness, holidays, and the wisdom of seeking help are discussed, with a sprinkling of play-boxing as well!
Returned In The Blink Of An Eye November 18th, 2019 Blink returns to the school and catches up with Samuel Guthrie, Kurt and Kitty.
Pizzacasso (not a violin technique) November 18th, 2019 Cooking is therapeutic. Introducing the Xavieritano, the new delicacy of Westchester.
Invisible Mystery November 18th, 2019 Brad's powers are investigated, so that he can see and be seen.
Be vewwy vewwy quiet--it's Cannonball hunting season! November 17th, 2019 Andrea and Sam play pool and talk about dates. Shannon and Andrea talk about music and cheerleading.
Advice for little sis November 15th, 2019 Sam reminds Shannon of some things she already knows.
Introductions and Questions November 14th, 2019 Cannonball and Triage finally get to meet Poseidon, and hopefully concerns for Shannon's safety are laid to rest. The blessing of love and friendship is found to be the greatest gift of all!
Long night early morning. November 13th, 2019 New arrivals seem to find a bright spot.
Night on the (Mutant) Town November 12th, 2019 Sam gets to meet Warrior Joe, Sam and Alexis kick some butt.
It's not a spark-plug.. it's a carborator November 12th, 2019 Elementary engineering, Christmas Planning and a dog named Bear.
And now for something completely different. November 11th, 2019 Bean finds out it's his birthday and gets presents.
Aftermath of Choices November 11th, 2019 Jay is depressed. Sam to the rescue with comfort food and brotherly advice.
In Stitches November 11th, 2019 Christmas presents are planned and made. Holiday plans, life, love, heartache, and family are discussed. Adopted brother and sis butt heads over the matter of fair compensation for one's skills; big brother wins the battle. For now. Only for now.
Sam got a call, and now time to talk to Andrea, and Later Jay November 10th, 2019 Sam is a bit releaved but also worried a bit about Andrea
A Mysterious Transmission: Working The Angles November 9th, 2019 Plans are made, contacts are reached out to, and lessons learned about keeping a full team in the loop.
Speak No Evil.... November 8th, 2019 Chris and Shannon discuss the encounter with Loki. Cannonball is brought into their confidence, and the pendant is spirited away from school grounds for safekeeping.
Midnight Snacking November 8th, 2019 abd that was that
A Mysterious Transmission: Passing It On Up November 7th, 2019 Cannonball and Nightingale discuss the mysterious transmission; Beast's expertise is consulted, and Triage shares what he can as well. Chain of command is maintained.
Gwendolyn's First Flight November 6th, 2019 Gwendolyn tests her wings and finally learns to fly! Cannonball joins in; ethics are also discussed.
Winterizing the Roses November 6th, 2019 Several residents of Xavier's Institute help Ororo secure her rose gardens for the winter.
A Night at the Roc... Errr Club Evolution. November 6th, 2019 Music plans and romance plans are made
Scoping the Competition November 4th, 2019 While scoping out the competition for bar space, Samuel Guthrie comes upon Alexis Carr playing piano. Extending an invitation to visit Xavier's School, the two share a quiet moment on a Brooklyn rooftop
Chance Encounters in the front yard November 3rd, 2019 Fans are met and declarations made at the meeting of many in mid-autumn.
Catching Up With A Sam November 3rd, 2019 Sam and Shannon catch up; Shannon may wind up with a roommate for a few days, if Alexis visits the mansion. Choices and possibilities are discussed for Shannon's future, and she puts roots down at the school.
Seeking Advice and Permission. November 3rd, 2019 Advice and permission granted
Time For A Duet... November 1st, 2019 Shannon learns some new music, and Sam and Alexis figure a bit out.
Breakfast the day after November 1st, 2019 Sam gives some encouragement
Of Apples and Flying Things.... October 31st, 2019 Shannon's inner demons begin to come to light, and the battle against them begins with friends at her side. Life, love, and flying with a body cam on (among many things!) are discussed.
A Different Thinking Spot October 31st, 2019 Shannon vents worries about losing Sam to life, and also learns that there's no shame in seeing a counselor. Life, love, fear, and many things are discussed, and plans are made.
Second Date: Trick, Treat October 31st, 2019 After coming upon Alexis Carr violining for tips, Sam convinces her to join him for a costume party. Kitty Pryde arrives to give expert opinions, and Sam and Alexis work out a couples costume.
a brotherky chat. October 30th, 2019 And Jay gets just the smallest bit of closure, maybe it is a start.
Lunch..the day after. October 29th, 2019 A nice family dinner, and no one gets stabed with a fork.
A Little Fall Entertainment October 28th, 2019 Thanks to Andrea's mechanations, which may or may not be for evil, Sam Guthrie and Alexis Carr meet for a most extraordinary date. Italian, flight, a little dancing, and of course a little brooding on rooftops, all the rage among the young superhumans these days.
Halloween Eve Bash October 28th, 2019 the Van Dyne Halloween Party is a great success!
A little Sam to Sam. October 27th, 2019 Thoughts and concerns are voiced.
Music in the Medbay October 26th, 2019 Andrea and Sam Guthrie visit Shannon in the medbay. Future plans, love, life and family are discussed. Sam has to go looking for Bean, who has gone AWOL.
The Wild Hunt October 26th, 2019 Sam Bean heads into the city, followed by Vi. He takes down an FoH group, while Samuel Guthrie comes looking for them.
A chat about future plans with Berto. October 25th, 2019 Sam gives Berto something to think upon.
Plans for the future. October 25th, 2019 A place for 2, and a girlyfid restroom
So what are we going to do tonight Doug October 25th, 2019 And a house plan is made
are Brownstones bad news October 25th, 2019 Plans are thought about and made
A Taste Of Home October 24th, 2019 Shannon and Sam discuss the frustrations of family, and share a taste of home as she attempts one of ma Guthrie's recipes
Music Together October 24th, 2019 While entertaining in one of Mutant Town's shelters, Alexis Carr makes the acquaintence of Andrea Jackson and reacquaints herself with Samuel Guthrie when they catch her doing a very special rendition of
House Warming part 2 October 22nd, 2019 Sam checks on family and worries about some while getting reasurrance for others.
The Night of the Living Sams. October 22nd, 2019 Wolfman got Nards
Sweet treats and red feathers October 22nd, 2019 Andrea talks with the Guthrie boys. Jay is a bowl of jello around her.
Getting To Know People October 21st, 2019 Samuel Guthrie visits Vi, then brings Samuel Bean back to talk. Revelations result in a big hole in Vi's wall.
Oooo, boy... October 21st, 2019 Shannon tells Sam and Scott about Bean's meltdown, and surrenders the baton to Sam. Also, how can she now get a hold of Illyana...? Oooo, boy
Sam is a bit of a worry wart. October 21st, 2019 And haggis for all.
Vi gets her first taste of life at the school. October 20th, 2019 Vi meets the fuzzy elf and the almost zoo crew.
An Alpha looks to protect her pack October 20th, 2019 Andrea talks to Sam about Jay. She's worried.
On the mend October 20th, 2019 Megan stops at the Wellness Office, where she, the healers, Cannonball discuss her condition and medical needs.
Good News and Bad News October 19th, 2019 Shannon and Sam talk about the importance of knowing one's limits and respecting them, life, and many other things!
Protect Xaviers: Jotunheim October 19th, 2019 Rogue, Samuel Guthrie and Doctor Strange travel to Jotunheim to recover a component for Wanda's spell.
After the Fury October 18th, 2019 Triage gives Sam Guthrie the brief version of a long story, and sends the Cannonball on course to his next target.
No Wins without Costs October 17th, 2019 Andrea discusses a new project with Triage over lunch, and other issues surface.
Glee Club October 16th, 2019 First (un)official meeting of the Xavier's Glee Club! Singing and a good time was had by all!
Sam meets Allegra October 15th, 2019 Music is made, and plans are planned.
A Royal Coronation Birthday October 14th, 2019 Lorna's birthday party and coronation ends with Magneto's nightmares coming to life and wrecking everything.
Harvesting a bit of veg. October 14th, 2019 Gambit shovels poo
Sam and Kurt have a Talk. October 13th, 2019 Sam does not hit Kurt... yet.
A visitor for Andrea October 12th, 2019 A visit to Andrea in the medbay finds that patients don't always have patients, but Andrea is healing well.
A Healer's Feast October 12th, 2019 Breakfast for dinner--is 'brinner' even a thing?--for Triage goes very well, with Bean, Cannonball, Alek, and Kurt even joining in! Plans were made, and a good time had by all!
Backscene: Andrea in the medlab gets a visitor. October 12th, 2019 Jay visits Andrea at the MedLab before she is released. They talk about music.
Get to the choppa! Part deux October 12th, 2019 The aftermath of the attack in the garden--Andrea is pulled from the fire by Triage, Shannon and Bean are healed, and all have to decontaminate from the scent that triggers Laura's baser instincts. Triage is back! Yay!
Ow. Ow. Ow. October 12th, 2019 Sam visits Andrea the next day at the medlab. She's at a cross roads now.
A Brotherly Chat. October 12th, 2019 The Brothers talk the day away.
Age of Darkness: Celebration of Life October 12th, 2019 It was the Memorial Celebration for Superman, and it was a sombre event for everyone to be a part of.
Deemed Worthy October 12th, 2019 And Sam gets his beat stick.
We were wrong. October 11th, 2019 Sam gets some Advice and worries a bit about Doug.
X-Corporation: New Clients October 11th, 2019 Summary needed
Get To The Choppa! October 11th, 2019 Bad guys beaten, but escaped.
Broken Arm, Broken Heart October 10th, 2019 Some things, even the best healers can't quite fix....
A Chat between Sams. October 10th, 2019 Sam comes clean to Sam.
Dangeroom Session AJ-236 October 10th, 2019 Andrea passes with flying colors
Planning for a show. October 9th, 2019 And the Devil went down to bludhaven
Of Brothers and Blue Boxes October 8th, 2019 Thor visits the X-men to discuss Loki, and discouraging any further possible threat to the school or students.
It's just a Hallway, dude October 8th, 2019 Wade is Wade in the hallway with Shannon and Sam.
Quiet Morning At Xavier's October 8th, 2019 Shannon, Andrea, Megan, Gwendolyn, Bean, Kurt, and Samuel Guthrie wind up meeting in the library for talk of school, life, love, music, and upcoming theatrical productions for the school!
Good Food and Good Friends October 8th, 2019 A group effort for a simple meal of fried chicken turns into a candlelit dinner for Bean and Shannon. Awwwwwww! <3
Sam and Dani chat a bit. October 7th, 2019 Sam and Dani talk and Dani agrees to be Jay's advisor
Visiting family, and studying. October 7th, 2019 And a Fun time is had by wings and her family.
Guthries Everywhere October 7th, 2019 Jay Guthrie arrives at Xavier's School. Everyone comes to say Hi!
Quiet In The Medbay At Last October 6th, 2019 A long night in the medbay is lightened by a welcome visit from Megan and Sam, with long talks of family, friends, and plans made for visits to both.
Talking to Logan about a few students October 5th, 2019 Sam chats with Logan, and they check on friends.
My Brother went to the Savage land and all I got was this T-shirt. October 4th, 2019 Least I got a tooth
New Meat looking for well New Meat. October 4th, 2019 Sam meets the new kid and has breakfast burritos
Out at the club October 3rd, 2019 Sam And Karen chat and dance, will they meet again?
The Lightness of Being... it's Unbearable. October 3rd, 2019 Summary needed
A Little Extra Dessert.... October 2nd, 2019 Sam and Shannon talk about what could be learned from the danger room session with Kurt.
Sam working in the Kitchen Nook. October 1st, 2019 Sam and Andrea talk about life, music and love.
Weight Of The World.... September 30th, 2019 Sam and Shannon celebrate the outcome of Shannon's meeting with Jean and Scott; they discuss life, cooking, origins, and gods.
That's What Friends Do September 29th, 2019 Shannon and Sam attempt to reconcile with Blurr after giving him faulty information about the Sentinels.
The Trickster's Mess, part 2 September 29th, 2019 9363 Sam and Shannon seek out the help of Doctor Strange in regards to the mysterious pendant from Loki. Doctor Strange crushes the pendant; however, all is not lost....
Letters From Another Home September 29th, 2019 Shannon and Sam talk about the visit with Doctor Strange, the letter from ma Guthrie, and kind--if somewhat bold--gestures from friends.
The chatting of the Sams aand others September 28th, 2019 Information is gathered and Doug is bribed.
Get me outta here! September 26th, 2019 Triage is able to heal the remainder of Shannon's wounds; Sam comes to check on things. Talk of life, and everything, and good humor all around!
Silence, Solitude and Stables. September 26th, 2019 Dealing with the aftermath of Loki's duplicity, the new New Mutants disturb the sound of silence.
Letting the fur out in the Danger Room September 25th, 2019 Andrea and Samuel rumble in the DR and impress each other.
Checking on Shannon, while catching up with Andrea. September 25th, 2019 Shannon lands herself in the medbay from a healing gone pear-shaped. She finally gets to meet Andrea; Megan, Andrea, and Shannon make some music, Sam and Kaydin pay a visit as well.
Out Of The Woods... September 23rd, 2019 Kurt receives the good news about Kitty; Samuel and Shannon deal with one more day stuck in the medbay, with good food and good company making it much more bearable.
Down, But Not Out September 22nd, 2019 A very long day in the medbay is lightened by good company all around. Rachel reveals that Kitty is still 'home', even if in a coma. Shannon and Samuel have a long talk about home, heroes, and their histories.
Ketucky meets Chicago. September 21st, 2019 The two club owners share a few drinks and talk shop...
DR Session Flying through the air with the greatest of ease. September 20th, 2019 Summary needed
A Week of Freedom September 19th, 2019 Samuel and Shannon celebrate his first week at the school with some lasagna. Many friends join in, and Samuel is shown he is not alone.
X-MEN: Dino Crisis September 18th, 2019 The X-Men arrive at a Science Outpost in the Savage Land to find out why the outpost went dark. Turns out they were being kidnapped by a mysterious band of mercenaries in the jungle who were riding dinosaurs. After being rescued from a convoy of heavily armored trucks, the scientists said they had no idea who these people were or why they were snatched!
Loaded Questions September 18th, 2019 9247 Sam and Shannon talk about how to help Samuel, growing, and how best to sort out matters with Blurr.
When do you call for help September 17th, 2019 Sam and Shannon work out a lot of answers, swap some stories, and find a way for her to move forward.
Introducing Samuel to the Danger room and a little practice for them. September 17th, 2019 Training and mud was had by some.
Time to learn something about the sentinels... maybe. September 17th, 2019 The Xers learn about a possible threat and get some advice going
Sam needs to chat with Megan. September 15th, 2019 Sam talks to Pixie and sets up more training.
More than meets the eye... September 14th, 2019 Sam and Shannon follow up on the warehouse encounter, meeting with 'Will'. A new friend is made, possibly a new ally.
Showing Hydra Sam around the mansion. September 14th, 2019 New Sam is slowly starting to feel more at home with folks.
What The Heck Was That, Anyways September 14th, 2019 Sam and Shannon make plans to venture into Mutant Town and track down the mysterious teenager from the warehouse arms deal incident. They also make plans to help the new Samuel further acclimate to his new life.
Bobby and Sam have a chat about the New Mutants. September 13th, 2019 Sam and Bobby talk about folks not listening
So, We Meet Again September 13th, 2019 Shannon spots the mysterious masked man from the warehouse encounter, and requests backup from Sam. It turns into a learning experience as she has to let Zorro get away this time.
Honoring The Bet September 12th, 2019 Shannon and Sam talk about life. Doug joins them, and all three talk about life, movies, literature, and the burdens of leadership.
Xaviers called in about Samuel Morgan by shield September 12th, 2019 Sam is brought into the fold by Sam and Doug, and wishes the best by Lara.
Zorro's Crusade Begins September 11th, 2019 Zorro begins his crusade against the Freinds of Humanity with the aid of allies.
Healing Shannon September 11th, 2019 Hisako got healed. Shannon got healed and re-injured. Hank uplled a Leonard Nimoy and didn't do anything. Sam dreaded responsibility.
The Xers Go Scouting September 10th, 2019 Jamie Madrox, Roberto, Theresa, Sam, Ororo and Kitty go looking for locations in Mutant Town that might be useful to X-Corporation
Late Night Run September 9th, 2019 Shannon vents about her encounter with Bobby to Sam, and reveals her worry about the safety of her kin.
Oreos Cure All September 7th, 2019 Professor Green and Shannon share Oreos and deep discussion. Sam, Shannon, and Kaydin later talk about gods and men.
The parents' curse September 6th, 2019 9098 Sam and Shannon talk about her first date, abilities, and he challenges her with another 'research assignment'. Things are about to get real.
The Man in Black September 4th, 2019 Samuel and Henry McCoy meet Zorro
When angels weep.... September 3rd, 2019 Sam finds Shannon by the lake, and they work through the aftermath of the Sentinel attack in Mutant Town.
A Night at the club. September 2nd, 2019 Sam and Rahne make a new friend?
Chillaxin' August 30th, 2019 Late-night snacks in the rec room. Sam and Shannon chitchat about life, and the possibility of drama lessons.
Blow Out The Candles, Peter August 26th, 2019 Xavier's students and staff, Cap, Tony, Cindy and Carrie gather at Harry's to celebrate Peter Parker's and Alek's birthdays
New Clothes for the Southern. August 26th, 2019 Sam meets Ivory and orders some shirts
Girl's Night! August 26th, 2019 After a night on the town with friends and
Garage Side Chats August 24th, 2019 8943 Lorna and Sam chat, but Shannon arrives and flying cars!
Last Night of Freedom August 23rd, 2019 Sam, Shannon, and Megan discuss life, cooking, and matters of the heart.
(Genosha Rises) Go Go X-Rangers August 22nd, 2019 Witty Ripostes and Global Ramifications.
Back to Mutant School August 22nd, 2019 An assembly of the students is called for the beginning of the 10th year at Xavier's. Explosive incident, tragedy averted, fun aerial stunts and a good time had by all!
Bowling Babes or Gutter Girls: Take Two August 21st, 2019 Sunday Sunday Sunday!! Rogue and Peter square off for an epic bowling rematch! You have to pay for the whole seat, but you'll only use the edge!
Really, Sam August 21st, 2019 Summary needed
Old records off the shelf August 20th, 2019 Karaoke night at Club Evolution, with many from Xavier's in attendance. Sam and Shannon also talk things out, all is well.
X-Corp One August 19th, 2019 Brainstorming for the X-Corporation. Decisions are taken!
Decompression Chamber` August 19th, 2019 Overwhelmed by the recent charity gala event, Shannon has to decompress, talking things out with Sam.
Gonna Fly Now! August 18th, 2019 Shannon and Sam talk about life pets, Negasonic and Surge join them later
Tesla delivers a not for Lorna, but she is not home. August 17th, 2019 Sam took custody of Lorna's Letter.
Red velvet August 17th, 2019 Baking a treat for Sam. Shannon and Sam talk about life, food, music, and their kin.
Sitting in the kitchen with Shannon August 16th, 2019 Sam and Shannon talk about life
It looked at me funny August 16th, 2019 The Oven explodes under mysterious means. A new one is installed. Fin.
Danger - High Voltage! August 15th, 2019 Nightingale and Surge do some training using the Spawn scenario. They do well and get a few pointers from Cannonball and Elixir. Nobody died.
Hanging out in the X-Rec August 14th, 2019 Friends chat and a gig is set up
Nothing bad happens on school trips August 13th, 2019 It started as a field trip. It turned into a trip mine. BUT DID YOU DIE THOUGH?!
A 2nd date, sorta. August 13th, 2019 Nita gets to know Sam a bit more.
Mobbed in the Streets August 12th, 2019 In NYC a protest turns violent, very quickly, and Lorna is pulled into the crowd. Sam, Doug, and Josh help save the day!
Cleaning out the stalls. August 10th, 2019 =The stalls are cleaned for Dani and Brightwind's return home
Racing Is Such a Drag August 6th, 2019 Peter Parker and Kitty drag race scooters down the drive, with Shannon flying, and Samuel and Scott watching
Analyzing the Hammerhead Ambush August 5th, 2019 And Twinkies were had by all... no, just Hank, while research into Hammerhead began.
Hanging out trying not to Wreck the rec room. August 3rd, 2019 Shannon and Sam chat about movies.
Distant Fires July 31st, 2019 Shannon undergoes flight training.
Healing Touch July 29th, 2019 Shannon's healing gift is put to use to help Megan, Sam and Shannon talk about healing, history, and cooking.
The Chaperone July 29th, 2019 Sam brings Shannon and Megan to Mutant Town, where Rahne gives them a bit of a tour.
TV night. July 28th, 2019 Sam and Shannon talk about movies and classes.
Nightingale in Flight July 26th, 2019 Nightingale takes flight, only to meet a new friend and enjoy good company by Breakstone Lake.
So Now She Can Drink July 25th, 2019 Shannon and Kitty have the same birthday, and their friends at the school, old and new both, help turn it into a special day
Repairs and Security Upgrades July 25th, 2019 New security is hired
Guthrie Fried Chicken July 24th, 2019 People get to know one another over Sam's chicken.
Undercurrents: Talking Past Each Other July 24th, 2019 Cannonball and Cyclops talk about the attack on the gang that shot Cypher.
Thus Sayeth. July 23rd, 2019 Sam Guthrie visits Doug, who is still sort of in a coma.
Dare July 23rd, 2019 Sam Guthrie and Doug Ramsey have a discussion while the latter is trying to fend off an overly helpful technovirus.
Undercurrents: Revenge July 22nd, 2019 Cannonball, Wolfsbane, Beast and Nightcrawler exact revenge on the gang bangers who shot Cypher. (meant to be 7/22/19)
Recycled Breathing July 20th, 2019 Summary needed
A southern fried Night on the Town. July 18th, 2019 And a fun night is had by all
Doug helps Sam prep for his date. July 18th, 2019 Sam is sent off with a bit of confidence.
A Visit and an Offer July 17th, 2019 Sam comes to see Rahne in Mutant Town and brings up an old offer again.
A night on the town at club Evolution July 16th, 2019 The club gets a mention in the Daily Planet, and Sam gets a date.
Summer By The Lake July 16th, 2019 Kitty, Betsy, Illyana, Josh, Lorna, Megan, Pietro, Sunspot, Samuel and Siryn come by the boathouse, and some go out sailing together on the Lake
One Small Step For Man... July 14th, 2019 The X-men go to the moon seeking a crashed Cybertronian probe.
Undercurrents: Den of Snakes July 14th, 2019 Cannonball, Jubilee, Beast and Armor track down missing Xavier students to a den of scum and villainy, drugs and prostitution.
Hot Days July 13th, 2019 The Xavier crew and Scarlet Witch hang out at the pool for sun, fun, fist fights and twinkies.
Hanging out at the pool. July 11th, 2019 Sam and Doug chat a bit.
Do All Pools Have Glass Sharks July 11th, 2019 Illyana, Sam, and Betsy relax by the pool. Sam shares the details of his leather hobby.
A roof with a view. July 10th, 2019 Friends Chatting a bit
picking veggies. July 10th, 2019 Sam and Doug talk about making peace with the past.
Limbo - A social call July 9th, 2019 Samuel comes looking for Illyana and the discuss ethics.
Clubbin at Evo July 7th, 2019 Sam meets an Explosive redhead
Rolling Into Town July 5th, 2019 Sam welcomes Alex home.
Leader to Leader July 4th, 2019 Sam suggests changes to the team rosters. His station wagon gets a new alternator.
Because Xavier's July 3rd, 2019 Several students meet up in the backyard. Rachel apologizes. Laura hugs someone. Sam recruits for garden patrol. Hisako gets a new roomate. And no leather pants were used in the making of this scene.
Breakstone Lake July 4th Extravaganza July 2nd, 2019 Students, friends, and faculty of Xavier's School gather by the Lake to celebrate July 4th!
Dream of the Shore Near Another World July 1st, 2019 Summary needed
Back at It July 1st, 2019 A day in the life at Xavier's School
Late Night Hang over cure July 1st, 2019 Summary needed
Sentinels: Meet the Mold - Team 1 June 29th, 2019 Team 1 lays down a major distraction with an attack on the factory. Master Mold reacts with extreme force.
Curfews are for Losers June 27th, 2019 People hit up Club Evolution to unwind.
New Student Testing CC-1 June 27th, 2019 Colt does well in his first time in the Danger Room.
Xavier's: Friends Like No Others June 24th, 2019 A cookout at Breakstone Lake has surprise guests: therapy dogs brought by a mutant family.
New Student Testing BM-1 June 23rd, 2019 Blinkdog learns a bit about his powers.
New Student testing MM-1 June 22nd, 2019 A clue of just how powerful Mila is found.
Oh What a Niiiiight! June 22nd, 2019 Summary needed
Long Time June 19th, 2019 Summary needed
A quiet night under the stars June 18th, 2019 Sam and Rachel talk and Sam gets the hint.
Even Sam has chores. June 17th, 2019 Sam chats with Mila about classes.
Poking Around June 17th, 2019 The police show up to ask some questions at Xavier's.
Lunch time Pizza time June 16th, 2019 Food and Deadpool times had by all.
A night at work. June 13th, 2019 The guys talk about the future.
Working the soil June 12th, 2019 Summary needed
Sci-Fi night. June 12th, 2019 Sci-fi night in the Rec room.
Astronomy 101 June 12th, 2019 Summary needed
Breakfast of Heroes June 7th, 2019 Summary needed
1-2-3 Soundcheck June 7th, 2019 Summary needed
So You Got Detention... June 6th, 2019 Steve, Janet and Tony visit Xavier's school and meet the students and staff for a cookout and then a motorcycle race against Cap. Doug Ramsey wins!
Student Orientation part 2 June 5th, 2019 Summary needed
Colt's First Day June 3rd, 2019 Sibil and Colt wait for a tour from Lorna. The mansion is a busy place, though, and Sean, Doug and Samuel show up to chat as well, while Lorna takes off to leave Sean with tour duty.
Everything is Lizardier in Texas. June 3rd, 2019 Summary needed
X-men Natural Disaster May 29th, 2019 The X-men, Scott, Doug, Emma, Kurt, Nate, Storm, Rogue, Sam, Sunspot, and Kitty, respond to a suspension bridge collapsing after an earthquake. Blinkdog arrives to help survivors
Clubbin May 28th, 2019 Summary needed


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