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Revision as of 16:53, 13 December 2018

Pied Piper: Questions of the Day
Date of Scene: 09 December 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Professor Zoom, Doctor Strange, Raven
Tinyplot: Piped Piper

Professor Zoom has posed:
Future Solutions. Known for being a bleeding edge research and technology firm. Director Harrison Wells founded it ten years ago, and it has since become very competitive on the research stage. STAR Labs might have them beat in the 1st slot, but the firm is doing very well for itself. It's known for specializing in Speed Force study, among other things.

For current events, its' biology ability is being put to the test. Hospitals are good for emergencies and care, but investigation is something Future Solutions handles very well. Harrison has requested a known Black Sleep victim to be moved into one of the main facilities quarantine labs for advanced testing, and that request has been granted. A number of scientists have been consulted or called in -specialists all- to examine the results of various tests.

Tonight, Harrison is standing at the main console for the quarantine chamber, ready to start the process. "I expect these tests to last about a day, but we can take breaks in between. I'm going to start us off with a brain scan." Harrison declares as he hits the button for the machine to start it's work.

Doctor Strange has posed:
     Michelle Terry is hooked up to several kinds of machines, and testing apparatus. Her slumber is complete, and she didn't stir or rustle at all during the movement processes. She is sent into the brain scan and the computer begins to work, and the simple test would reveal without any hiccups that, Michelle doesn't have any brain readings. There's nothing. No signs of R.E.M. or anything that isn't necesarry for life to exist, she's breathing, and her heart is beating, and that's the only signals coming from her brain.

Professor Zoom has posed:
"Doctor Theropolis, please enter the chamber and do a nerve test." Director Wells states over the intercom. In a hazard quarartine suit, the Doctor was chosen as the 'hands on' assistant for this situation. In this case, a simple reaction test is going to be performed. Various points on the body are going to be checked with various needles and reaction inducers, "The scan suggests nothing is there. I'd like to see if there's a cloaking component involved, or this is a form of brain death."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Michelle remains breathing, and her heart continues to beat. The woman doesn't react to the inducers, and simply stays asleep. She was said to be well beyond 28 hours of sleep at this point, and the body should wake up after 8 or 10 at the most unless she was in a coma, and yet she doesn't have the brain waves of anyone in a coma, or sleep. She's mentally null and void. The woman is a vegetable with no readings to get.

Professor Zoom has posed:
"This has all the indicators of some sort of psychic vampire, but there's no damage. Something new? Mind control would leave something for control." Director Wells muses to himself for a moment, "we're probably going to need to bring in a telepathic specialist for this." He hits the intercom again, "Doctor Theropolis, you can step out again." Then, he looks to Doctor Falvon, "start the standard checkup tests now. We have a baseline to check against."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Michelle simply breathes in and out, slowly. Her eyes don't move under her eye lids, her tongue doesn't dart underneath her lips. She's motionless, thoughtless, dreamless. The woman is perfectly still and vulnerable to the entire world. Something has taken something important from her, but it seems like everything was taken by nothing.

Professor Zoom has posed:
"Standard motor control non-responsive. Instinctual control still active. Selective mental manipulation?" Director Wells then turns to regard the three other biological specialists in the room with him, "Any opinions so far? I have some biology training, but nothing at this level."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Michelle remains on her bed, sleeping her dreamless sleep. Her wakeless slumber. The woman seems to be gone, and yet she is right here.

Raven has posed:
    A Raven flies in through the window. This is a strange thing, of course, because not only does the room have no windows, but the Raven itself has no third dimension. Every mundane way into the quarantine chamber is nigh impassable, but mundane barricades don't matter to the Raven. From one small shadow on the wall extends the head and wings of a great bird, and the core of its body slips free from general shade and manifests upon the surface of the wall, out of it walks someone who is not dressed for medicine.

    After all, a hooded sweater and yoga pants are not the garb of a doctor.

    Her midnight eyes momentarily light on the other occupants of the building, but they don't linger there long. Instead, she takes a few steps forward towards the girl laying still. Expression inert, Raven has come to investigate this dark matter, and her mystic presence here is immediately apparent. She is not playing games, and though silent, she has already activated a form of mystic sight.

Professor Zoom has posed:
    "What the-" Harrison states with some confusion. Then, the intercom button to the security hub is pressed, "security, we have an unidentified occupant inside the quarantine chamber. Unknown intentions. Repeat, security report to the quarantine lab."

The two guards already just outside the chamber set their helmets and walk into the airlock and start to cycle it, their MP7s with rubber bullets already at the ready.

Then, the intercom into the actual chamber itself is activate, "This is Director Wells. I demand to know who you are, and what you're doing in our testing chamber." Harrison barks. He has all the confidence of a man in control of the situation.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Michelle is unaware of any interaction or new presences in the room. She remains asleep and unwavering in her dreamless slumber. The MP7's get no reaction, nor does the raven flying through the wall or out of nothing. She simply sleeps.

Raven has posed:
    Raven stands her ground. Guns aren't especially a threat to her, even if the bullets were metal. Harrison's statements reach her ears, and she responds without looking towards where the voice came from. "I am Raven." she begins in this dreary monotone, which might be one or two steps detached from the kind of voice any person should have. There is only a moment's worth of pausing before she continues. "If your security enters the room you will either lose your 'test subject' or the guards will end up in Canada. I have not decided yet, so I will give you the choice." It is not particularly an empty threat. "As for what I am doing, you could call it testing."

    Raven, meanwhile, has brought one of her hands out of her pockets, and is proceeding to place it on the forehead of the sleeping patient. She is attempting something a little more invasive- a telepathic link of some kind, and if that doesn't work, she'll bring out the big guns. Under her breath, she'll begin to speak- words that sound like English only in that the letters that make them up are similar to English. "Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos." Now, she looks to check in on not the mind, but the -soul.- It is precious, and Raven fears, perhaps, that it has been taken.

Professor Zoom has posed:
    Gritting his teeth, Harrison indeed hits the intercom for security, "move to standby. Given we just witnessed some sort of teleportation power from 'Raven', I have no doubt she can make good on her threat. Rest assured, I'll be making a complaint to the Titans about making appointments."

Once that's finished, the Director looks back to Raven through the reinforced window into the chamber, and hits the intercom into it, "I don't appreciate threats in my lab, Miss Raven, but I have no doubt you can make good on them. If you insist on barging into this without an appointment, then at least share your findings so we can add them to her chart."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Michelle's mind is vacant, except there's a pulling, a tugging, a sucking feeling. Like Raven herself is being pulled by something. Michelle's subconscious remains, but it's trapped beneath that pulling force, her soul is there. She is alive, but it's something to do with her mind and ... dream. She's not being allowed to wake up, she's being forced into dreaming, but she's not receiving any pain from this process, just being forced to sleep indefinitely.

Raven has posed:
    Raven thinks on this for a moment. "You may lose your subject, temporarily." Admittedly, Raven's stock solution for problems like this is severing the connection. She can feel that... Hungering, that connect drawing the girl in, and keeping her asleep. This is... Similar to something she had before, but she has to wonder if, on the whole, Michelle is entirely present. Taking her somewhere that this force cannot reach may work, but it also might be disastrous.

    "She is being drawn into sleep, into the dreaming, without her consent I would wager. It is not a medical issue. There are no 'findings' to share." she states, looking just a little deeper. The idea, of course, is to make sure that drawing the sleeper into her soul-self isn't going to, well, harm the sleeper. If she determines it possible, of course, Raven and the girl will very shortly disappear into a cloying shadow that leaps up from the floor.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Michelle remains motionless, and yet her mind is still being sucked into a hole in her dreams, almost like a straw stuck into her mind. It's starting to pull on Raven, like it feels a new source of energy within the mind and so the pulling feeling grows stronger.