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Latest revision as of 17:06, 13 December 2018

An introduction to the hellfire club
Date of Scene: 09 December 2018
Location: Hellfire Club, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Caim Kataras, Black Queen

Caim Kataras has posed:
    Caim was wealthy. Wealthy enough to join the hellfire club. He had hoped to join the inner circle but all things must start somewhere. Caim enters the club and orders a drink, Ouzo to be specific, a greek liquor. He takes his drink and looks around for anyone to speak with, sipping his drink softly.

Black Queen has posed:
The Inner Circle isn't well known, and those who do know if it probably have never witnessed anything that happens inside. Even what they do, or why they are here, or where they are going isn't very well known by anyone. Even some of the members are unaware of all the activities of the inner circle, and so it is that the Hellfire Club remains possible as a loosely legitimate club for the wealthiest folks. Here, no one is any different than anyone else, but all are powerful, influential and wealthy beyond normal standards.

Coming in from the back rooms is Selene, in a red dress. As she walks she stops here and there to make conversation with people, letting them know she cannot speak now, but is happy they are enjoying themselves. She continues to make her way through the main area of the club and gets to the bar. Without words, her drink is being poured, from a bottle that is old enough there was never a label, not one adhered at least to the bottle. The glass is kind of foggy, looking perpetually dusty, and the cork is a stopper type, that can be re-affixed easily. When the liquid is poured it has a memorable odor, herbs that have long since diffused into the liquid, a thick olive oil type smell, but little to no alcohol likely remains it seems so old.

Caim Kataras has posed:
    "Well isnt this a treat." Caim says as he makes his way over to the woman in the red dress. "The elusive backroom, and a woman who's beauty is like that of the gods." He says as he sips his drink. He looks to what she is drinking and smile. "Special vintage just for you, M'lady?" He asks, his greek accent there on his tongue. Cane in hand he leans on it as he addresses the woman. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Caim Kataras. I am hoping to join the elite in the backroom someday." He says as he studies her. "May I ask for your name?" He asks curiously.

Black Queen has posed:
There is a bit of a smile as Selene turns her attention to the person talking to her. And she listens to him speak, "Does a man ask for the tornado? To be whisked off into the land of Oz, to find himself amidst the Emerald City?" There is a slight smirk, "I am Selene. Yes, I am as beautiful as the gods, if not more so really. My skin, my eyes, my hair, my body. Born of this world, but heavenly. I know." And she sips the drink before she looks to it, "This is Speyer Wine, it has lost much of its alcohol, and there really are only about 16, well, 15 now, bottles of it left in the world with any liquid content at all. I drink it because I like to think of all the museums who would pay so much for it, and yet here it goes... down my throat, wasted. A fragment of history forever destroyed. And, you, Caim Kataras, what is it that you are drinking?"

Caim Kataras has posed:
    "Ouzo. It is a liquor from my homeland. A common enough drink, I suppose. When you live as long as I have, you are just thankful that the modern generation didnt screw up the recipe for it." Caim says as he watches the woman. "You are intriguing, depriving museums their history for your own pleasure. Why It is the very action of a god, to think of themselves before the greater good of humanity, because their will /is/ the greater good for humanity." Caim says as he watches the woman. "So, Selene, If meeting you is akin to be amidst the emerald city, then I wonder what it is like to have your favor? Is it akin to walking with the divinity?"

Black Queen has posed:
A pause, and Selene turns in her seat to look in the direction of Caim, and then turns her entire form in that direction. Not really leaning against the bar's counter but she is a bit snuggled up to it because otherwise her legs would be bumping into Caim's own, "As long as you have? You seem but just a babe, perhaps turning on just the edges of manhood. Wide-eyed still, encouraging a woman such as myself with words that sound so sweet to my ears. It is as if you have known me, or know of me. As for your question, if you have a dream, or a wish, or a fantasy, it could be yours with the mere gaining of my favor." Selene smiles at that and waves a hand in the direction of the people present, "All of man's desires come down to wanting more than they can handle. It is the story of the bible, Hell, really was for the angels, not mankind. For it was only they who could actually have too much, and many of them did. Many of men have entered here, many of men have walked with me, but bewarned, I am the Hellfire that burns those even born of fire. And you Caim? What is it that you desire? You said entry into the backroom, but what does that mean to you? Why there? What does space have to do with anything?"

Caim Kataras has posed:
    "I keep myself this age so I can remain fit enough to fight against my enemies. I have alot of enemies, comes from being on the wrong side of things for as long as history. I do wicked deeds to give humanity a monster to overcome. To force this world to change, one way or another. I am contend with being the villain if it gets the changes I desire." Caim says as he watches her. "But the feeling I get from you is that you are indeed something dangerous. This excites me and makes me desire you all the more." Caim says as he watches her, studying her eyes. "So why do I wish to go into the backroom? Because it is a mystery and I like to explore that which is unknown. Infact the reason why I am here in america is because my enemies reside here and I will kill them in their native soil."

Black Queen has posed:
"You say you are as old as history. What history is the question? Old like an antique painting? Old like a roman sword? Old like papyrus? Now, you see, there it begins to get interesting. For how old is a thing, an idea, a concept? Old as history..." Selene sips her drink again, shaking her head a little bit, smiling in the direction of Caim, "Oh, no, you are not as old as history. For how old is yesterday? And yesterday's yesterday? For the person who remembers all the yesterdays there is no history, and for the person who has just been born, there is also no yesterday. How then would I, on the outside, be able to discern the difference? Compared to the mountains, you are as if you had just been born. Compared to the universe we are all just barely arriving... a mere fraction of a dot in the calendar of time." With that she nods once, "You want to uncover the mystery. And you are correct, in this room, in almost any room, I am the most dangerous person. Do you know why?"

Caim Kataras has posed:
    "Tell me why." Caim says as he watches the woman and he chuckles. "I was born in 2026 bc. Ancient greece to be exact. Once upon a time, I was a hero. I killed those who plagued humanity, even going so far as overthrow dictators. But as with all things, the heirs I helped turned out to be no more different then their fathers. And what was I given for my trouble? An attempt to kill me to keep me from helping their heirs." Caim says as he watches the woman. "It wasnt until world war 2 did I learn how I was able to survive for so long. That I am a mutant with the ability to control my cellular makeup." He says calmly.

Black Queen has posed:
There's a small laugh as Selene sips her drink, "That is why." She points with one of her fingers from the glass to you, as she sips some more of it. "I know more about you than you do of me. The backroom that I know, is mine, and not yours. You sit here with a question, and yet I have none. You wish to explore the mystery. This is why you are not where you wish to be, or know the things you desire. You give too much away, too early, with little payment in return." And she drinks down a bit more of her drink, settling her glass, the bartender comes over and uses that same ancient bottle and pours out more of the liquid. She lifts it up, and looks at the drink for a moment, spinning it around, "Let us pretend for a moment. Let us go back in time. You helped some people by killing others, and you say you only gained and attempt on your life. What would have been worth it?" As she settles the glass on the bar, and looks back over to Caim.

Caim Kataras has posed:
    "But you dont know if I am speaking the truth. For all you know I could be just some rich fop." Caim says as he watches the woman and he smirks a little. "I see, so I should be more secretive. I could do that." Caim says as he watches the woman and sips his own drink. "What would have been worth it, well a place in the kingdom would have been a fair payment. I wouldnt have asked for much, just my fair share." Caim says as he watches her. "So tell me of yourself. Judging from your confidence, and your own demeanor, that you place yourself above all before you. A fair notion to have, considering your position." He says as he studies the woman.

Black Queen has posed:
There's a breath inward, as Selene looks over at Caim and then chuckles slightly, "It's true, I might not know, then again I may also not know where this wine comes from. I might of told a story about it's history to make myself seem more important." And she sips the drink a moment before she offers, "Hitler said it best, after all, if you are going to lie, lie big. I think that was Hitler, or Stalin, it does not quite sound like Stalin though. He was less of a... people person really." And then she thinks about that a moment, and nods once to indicate it being accurate, "That said, you asked of me. I am Selene Gallio, somewhat recent widower. Let us see, what else is important? I am probably the smartest person you will meet in your lifetime, as well as the most attractive. I can be funny, and mean, some people think of me as a real... witch, and others think of me as just that fashionista who has all the designers tumbling over themselves to get me clothing."

Caim Kataras has posed:
    "I knew stalin...I often shapeshifted into him to learn Communist secrets." Caim says as looks to the woman. "One of my many abilities." He says softly as he smiles at the woman. He then nods. "Selene Gallio, a beautiful name. It does you justice. And I am curious just how many men are trying to get you out of clothing as well as into clothing." He says as he chuckles a little. "Forgive me. I can be a bit of a crude man. Growing up I was meant to be a warrior, and social niceties are generally my weakness. Perhaps you can teach me how to become better at it. In return I can do your whim." He says calmly.

Black Queen has posed:
"You have had plenty of time to fix those pieces, if you so desired. So, I suspect you do not desire to fix those things." And Selene shrugs a little bit, taking a moment, "Every man I meet I would assume. And if they do not, they are usually far past the line of another sexuality where they could even be considered bisexual." There's a pause and she seems to get a bit more serious, "Just, look at me. I am, woman, incarnate." She smiles lightly, that smile of a person who believes they are right, and there's nothing much that could dissuade her. "I have found, as you will find, that a person's nature is unchangeable. No matter the amount of ... guises you can wear. We are all as we are born to be. It is only if we have realized what our birthright truly is... if you are a warrior, then that is what you will be. I would sooner change the core of the Earth, than the core of a man."

Caim Kataras has posed:
    "I have had plenty of time to fix them. I simply put it off. Next life time I will try doing the social thing...after I am done killing people." Caim says as he watches the woman and he nods. "You are indeed woman incarnate. I would probably die trying to gain your hand, if I were to give it my focus. I used to care about men and women both, but in the end, they die and I live. I do not wish to die so I will never see them again." He says calmly as he watches the woman. "I focus on the now, on life to live. What few morals I have is too outdated for this age. Of course by this age, I am a bloodthirsty psychopath who enjoys killing."

Black Queen has posed:
With your words, Selene offers a smirk, "Oh, Caim. Everyone enjoys killing, they just do not enjoy the fact that they enjoy killing." And she shakes her head a little bit, bemused by this idea as she sips more of her ancient drink, and then offers, "You have been so agreeable, and enjoyable with your words thus far. Beyond the mystery of the backroom, what is it that you are seeking? You are alive today, but you can die. All mortal beings can die, it is just harder for some than others. Do you wish for a task to kill? A purpose or place? There are certainly plenty of beings worthy of dying. Why I would believe that a warrior such as yourself would be gleefully in the streets razing and pillaging the lot of them."

Caim Kataras has posed:
    "I dont believe much in causes anymore...The last time I killed for a cause my side lost and I was hanged by the victors." Caim says as he sighs and chuckles. "What am I seeking...What if I am seeking a night with you in your bed? Would you offer yourself so freely to me?" Caim asks as he watches her and he smiles. "I seek to test my skill against those who call themselves superhuman. I want to kill those who protect so freely, because they think they are better then me because I cut life short. What most people dont realize is history cant be changed, what comes to pass will come to pass, even if you killed the named players of the game. History would create new ones."

Black Queen has posed:
"No, I would not offer one of my many beds so freely." Selene offers as she mentions that, "Such a thing has to be earned, or I have to desire. And you, are boring. I wish for you to become far more exciting. Anger, killing, what is this to me? Life, death, it is all the same, dull. I wish for an exciting life, or exciting death. That is what I consider currency." Selene says as she sips her drink, "That specificity is part of the problem. And what you see as players in history, are merely the kings and queens of the board. And yet who are the actual players? Those that control the hands which move them? The illusion is the piece matters at all."

Caim Kataras has posed:
    Caim just chuckles a little and he nods. "Very well." Caim says as he watches the woman. "Give me a task that you desire done." Caim says as he watches the woman. "You desire I prove myself, then allow me to do so." Caim says as he finishes his drink and he watches the woman. "Tell me who you need killing." He says calmly as he watches her. "Course with the feeling I get from you, you may want me to kill an entire nation." He says with a smirk, as if the idea excited him.

Black Queen has posed:
A smirk crosses her lips, and Selene mentions, "I want you to ... find someone. Of innocent mind, and heart. Someone who has lived a bit, perhaps, so this may be a challenge. And bring them to me. Let us say, somewhere in his or her early thirties. Someone with a family, someone who is friends to others, an influencer, volunteers for ... I don't know, a children's hospital. Someone not so important that if they went missing for a bit, the world would immediately notice. Capture, detain, and when you have such a person let me know. And we will play a game."

Caim Kataras has posed:
    Caim nods as he watches her and listens to her request. "If I didnt know any better, I would say you would like to kill this person yourself." Caim says as he shrugs. "Not my place to judge. I will find you your person and bring them to you, detained." He says as he looks at his watch. "I should probably get to work. I will see you again will I?" He asks curiously as he studies the woman.

Black Queen has posed:
"Well, if you bring me such a person, then yes. If you don't, then no." Selene offers, mentioning that to Caim and smiling, "Off to work with you. And remember my requirements. They are very precise, and every single one is important." And then she downs the rest of her drink, and slides the glass away. "Please, feel free to utilize your membership however you wish though, there are plenty of private areas and rooms that are not... back there, but off over there." And she points to a double-door off to the side where no sound comes through, but is where most of the fun goes on. Certainly in this place there's attention paid, scantily clad women and men, but nothing explicit is happening.