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Latest revision as of 17:26, 13 December 2018

Also in the front yard...
Date of Scene: 12 December 2018
Location: Avengers Mansion, New York City
Synopsis: Deadpool gives Natasha a napkin of clues.
Cast of Characters: Deadpool, Black Widow (Romanoff)
Tinyplot: Piped Piper

Deadpool has posed:
    Deadpool is where Natasha asked him to be. Roughly. He has set up a horrific neon yellow lawn chair just outside of the security fence on the sidewalk. The guards from the Mansion are staring at him while he drinks from a big-gulp of some kind of sugary drink: the bendy straw is inserted inside his mask up to his mouth. He's just sitting there drinking it, while looking at his phone in his other hand, thumb moving to scroll now and then.

    Flick, flick.

    His patience will run out soon, though: Wade is not one to wait for much of anything.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    Natasha made sure to take the time to change before coming out. Dressed in a pair of jeans, a sweater and a heavy jacket, she walks out of the front doors of the mansion and heads for the sidewalk. The security guards allow her out then close the gates behind her.
    Looking at the position Wade has taken up, she can only shake her head as a faint smile touches her lips. "Wade, what are you doing? You had to bring a lawn chair and ...Nevermind. I don't even want to know what you're drinking." She waves a hand as though dismissing that thought physically. "What'd you need to see me about?"

Deadpool has posed:
    Wade holds up one finger, and then takes about a full minute to fiddle with the straw and extract it entirely. He then offers her a sip with two little movements as he jostles the drink. It sloshes just a little.

    "I had the chair with me. It wasn't for here," he says cheerfully. "But I wasn't just going to LEAVE it, somebody might really fancy it and it's my best ass-rester stake-out chair."

    "So, stuff on um, the people staying asleep. Have it, I do. I got a stupid dead end, so hey, I can sell what I have, and at least recoup my costs."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    The first question is why did he have a neon yellow lawn chair with him. She knew better than to ask. Natasha had learned a lot over the last year and, more often than not, it was when not to ask the thousand questions that always seem to pop in her head around him.
    "The Black Sleep thing? What do you mean you have it?" Okay, she asked a question. Now that could lead to anything with Wade. But she has to understand.

Deadpool has posed:
    "I'm focused today. It's fun," Deadpool replies, as if somehow figuring out that she might have censored or something to talk to him. He's relatively coherent and hasn't leaped up or done weird stuff. yet. "So I wanted to find the Norway chick and figure out how she was waking people up. That way, if somebody did fall asleep, boom, I could start waking them up too, which would be great for lots of reasons."

    Deadpool does take a breath. Deep. "SO I found out what people do to like, summon her. She's magical, I think, and you gotta do specific stuff. Stuff I don't think I can do, so."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    Serious Wade. It happens, though not that often. Natasha gives a bit of a nod as he explains what he was trying to do. "This Elle person?"
    She's read some reports on it but the psi unit was involved and it wasn't really an area that Natasha was going to be able to help with as of yet. It was more WAND even, drawing on magic to see if they could figure out the cause of the sleepers.
    "I didn't realize she was a magical person. Guess it makes sense if she can wake up the sleepers. There's a way to summon her? Who or what is she?" She's not sure if he's found that part out yet but it's worth venturing to ask.

Deadpool has posed:
    "Well, all my information is second-hand, but I do have first-rate contacts that owed me," Wade answers. He fishes in a pocket, and draws out a napkin with pen notes on it. "Okay, so you have to envoke her, sort of like a spirit, so that's why I think she's magic. You have to revere both life and death -- so I'm immediately out," Deadpool says with some frustration.

    "But I saw on TV like, people want you guys to solve the problem. I'm helping." Look how helping he is. "You'll tell Captain America, right."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    He has always been a fan. After what she's seen on the internet recently, she's not sure the love is shared. "I'll be sure Cap and the others know, of course."
    She takes the napkin, tilting her head as she considers. "Soemoene who reveres life and death? Not sure who might fit that bill." Cap certainly reveres life by maybe not death. Thor perhaps? Wait..she might fit that but she's not sure reverance is big on her list of things.
    "Anything else they were able to tell you that might be important?"

Deadpool has posed:
    Deadpool hops up and moves to the napkin, tracing a finger over his list. "So you need the thing I said, and you have to have a little trinket, like this one." He shows her the picture on the lower fold of the napkin: a valknut. "And you need to like, care about the person you're trying to cure, be their friend or family... blah." Deadpool lets her keep the napkin, and moves to start to fold up his chair, kicking it into submission twice. "All of it is one big 'not Deadpool', which saddens me very much."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    The notes are looked over carefully then Natasha glances up as she hears the impact of the boot to chair. Then she gets to witness the second kick as she shakes her head. "Wade, Thank you. I'll keep you in the loop. Just because you and I can't do it personally doesn't mean it won't come in handy for someone else."

Deadpool has posed:
    "I tried to do it on a person, but I don't fit one of those instructions, so. I don't know WHICH one. Possibly all of them," Wade says over his shoulder, picking up the chair, and turning on heel to 'beam' a smile at her. Often they show through the mask. "So if it works, I'll come for my cut of the profits," he 'teases'. Then again, he might not remember even that he did ask for profits. Or a cut could just be a hug from one of the family. It's Wade.