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Latest revision as of 05:23, 15 December 2018

Middle of Nowhere
Date of Scene: 14 November 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Rogue

Gambit has posed:
    Believe it or not, fancy cars break down too. Somewhere on the road between Who Knows and Who Cares, the bright magenta land shark that Remy so nobly appropriate from a rich jerk has just puttered out and stopped working. The Cajun stands looking into the engine with a mixture of confusion and exasperation, his usual dark glasses pushed up and nestled in his hair for the moment. He reaches in to twist something, getting a face full of tepid steam for his trouble.
    "Embrasse moi tchew! Stupid ting."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue and Aces have been away for a few minutes now, she's taken the dog off on his leash to go enjoy some walking time and you know... Dog stuff.

Now though, the 19 year old and her faithful companion return to the car where the Cajun is located. She siddles up beside him, still wearing her dark gray peacoat, though she has a white winter scarf around her neck and a wool knit cap on over her head to stay warm.

The dog is panting and looking around at the horizon, while Rogue just grins and looks from the car to Remy. "Ya need me t'go find someone who has a bit more experience with this sorta thing?" She asks him, her gloved hands holding the dog's leather leash in front of her.

Gambit has posed:
    "Non," Remy shakes his head, reaching without looking to squeeze her hand affectionately through her gloves, "Non. Dis our road trip, belle. No fair if you gotta be goin' and doin' your job when you on vacation. 'Sides, /dis/ innocent civilian gonna figure this out /without/ the Mighty Avengers savin' him." He winks.
    He leans into the engine again, peering at something and attempting to reattach something else. The entire time he seems completely engrossed in the task, muttering to himself in that unique brand of French that is his native tongue. On the horizon, what looks to be a van rolls over a rise and continues along the road - bound to reach them in a minute or two.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue returns the squeeze with her gloved hand and then steps around him with Aces. "I'm not sure you even know anythin' about cars, is what I mean, sugah." She says to the older man then, grinning playfully at him as she goes. She moves around to the passenger door and loops the dog's leash on the mirror so that he's held onto by the car, but the dog himself seems to be pretty relaxed and just sits down anyway.

Rogue meanwhile leans into the car through the open window and starts digging around inside of it. "Besides, we only got a couple'a days before we gotta be back and if we're stuck here the whole time, what kinda vacation is that?!" She says loud enough to be heard while she's rooting around in there!

When she pops back out she's got a water bottle out of her bag and a one for him too. She hears the van before she sees it and looks off down the road. "Someone's comin'. Want me to flag'em down?"

Gambit has posed:
    For a moment, Remy seems as though he's going to shake his head and let the van go by. In the end, however, he acquiesces that he definitely does not know anything about cars beyond opening and starting them without a key. He finally moves away from the engine. Someone else will need to put the juice back in this particular lemon. Her words cause him to grin, sidling up alongside her and bumping her with his hip as he takes the offered water bottle.
    "Not so much bad about bein' stranded in the backseat of a car for a couple days," he murmurs, low enough to not be overheard by the van even though it is still a ways off, "I think up lotsa stuff to do to pass the time."
    Meanwhile, the van rolls closer and the large, bearded man in the driver's seat becomes more clearly visible as he peers at the pair through the windscreen.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue can't help herself but laugh at his muttered words. "Oh yeah?" She says back at him. "And how many of those things in back seats are doable with a girl who's skin is more deadly than the most radiactive place on the planet, hmm?" She smirks at him for a second but she's already backing up toward the truck of the car and then turning to wave at the van as it goes by, not a greeting wave so much as it is one of those 'Stop, help!' kind of waves with a couple little bouncey jumbs added into it. What kinda man could say no to stopping for a girl like Rogue jumpy-bouncey-waving for help??? honestly?!

"I guess we got our phones if this person doesn't wanna help though." She idly comments mostly to herself.

Gambit has posed:
    Remy looks to genuinely think Rogue's question over for a moment: "Three tings. Maybe four if I was creative an' flexible. Which I /am/."
    But then the van is slowing down to stop at the shoulder of the road alongside them, and Remy immediately puts away any of his inflammatory talk. He may be an unashamed flirt, but he knows when the atmosphere is right and when it isn't.
    The van driver climbs out and he does look to be particularly large. A bushy brown beard, long-ish hair hidden under a trucker cap and what looks to be a muscular build that has seen maybe a few too many truck stop diners. He looks at the car, then at Remy with an unreadable expression on his face. Remy says nothing and makes no move to speak to the man, instead he drops his glasses down over his eyes and folds his arms. Finally, the driver turns to Rogue.
    "Car trouble? Or just sayin' hi?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue can't help but elbow Remy too after she hears that last comment from him, she grins at him for a second or so but then turns to watch the van slow down and she places her gloved hands together while its driver exits the vehicle.

A big grin greets him on the mutant girl with the brown and white hair. "The first one. And the second one!" She adds the last part quickly as she realizes that makes sense and its friendly. She then walks over toward the portly traveller and she offers him a gloved hand. "I'm Marie, and this here is Remington." She points at Gambit with her non-offered hand. "Over there is Aces." The German Shepard is standing up, still leashed to the mirror and he's waving his tail. He barks once too. But only once, cause Rogue's got him trained good!

"Don't suppose ya know anythin' about cars, huh?" She asks the man in her thickly accented voice.

Gambit has posed:
    "Mechanic by trade, so I suppose I ought to," the driver says with a half-smile, still peering warily at 'Remington' as he steps by him to attend to the engine, "Ah, yep, I see the problem already."
    Remy shifts awkwardly, moving away from the car as the man goes to look at it. When he's reasonably satisfied he's tinkering around under the hood and unable to see him, Remy lowers his glasses to give Rogue a concerned look. He doesn't voice it, apparently concerned about being overheard. Instead, the Cajun points down at his pelvis with one urgent finger. A potentially lewd suggestion, except he then points to the driver. The way his shirt has ridden up revealing a handgun of some sort tucked down the front of his pants.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue doesn't have the best perception when it comes to things like what Remy was about to point out to her, so she hadn't noticed it as she'd walked along with the man toward the front of their fancy stolen car. "A mechanic?" She says to him, being the friendly one here... something she was great at, especially with most men. "Well color me more surprised than a kitty cat in wakin' up in a yarn factory." A little stereotypical southern charm generally went over quite well with most men from her too!

Rogue watches him work, but she catches sight of Remy making that gesture at her and at first she's trying not to laugh but then she catches on to what he actually means and she's glancing at the man, then at his gun. "Whew... someoen's packin' heat." Rogue just blunders out, because she's utterly unafraid of guns. "I guess I would too if I were in your shoes though. Couple'a people like Remington'n me on the street, we'd look sketchy, right?" Rogue holds her big grin and drops her tone to a bit more flirty. "Best t'be safe, right?"

Gambit has posed:
    "Huh?" the driver stops what he's doing to peer warily at Rogue before he seems to remember, "Oh, this? Yeah, ain't anything to worry about. Carry some precious cargo from time to time. Got to make sure it isn't jacked. You know?" The driver stops messing with the engine for the time being, turning his attention fully to Rogue as he reads a bit too much into the flirting.
    Remy, meanwhile, hears the words 'precious cargo' and immediately moves towards the van like a moth to a flame. It is amazing how little sound he makes, not rousing the driver's attention at all. He climbs in through the open driver's side as though he owns the thing, peering into the back and looking for whatever it is worth killing (or at least threatening killing) for.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue nods her head a couple small times to the man's words. "I hear ya." She says then. "Lotta crazy people in this world unfortu--" She trails off as she sees Remy going for the man's Van and she starts to get HUGE EYES cause she knows what he's up to. "ately..." She finishers her thought and then steps over to the side of the car to try to keep the Mechanic busy/preoccupied.

"Remington and I are tryin' t'get Aces back t'my sisters place. We've been watchin' him all summer for her while she'n her kid have been in Italy. How fun does -that- sound? Italy all summ'ah long?" Rogue has the flirty body language going up a bit now too, swaying her hips as she speaks. "I'd just melt!"

She's stealing glances back to where Gambit is though, and giving him SERIOUS GLARES if he looks back at her.

Gambit has posed:
    Every time Rogue looks his way, Gambit glances up and waves back to her through the windscreen. Not finding anything worth taking in the front of the van, he climbs over the seat and rolls semi-gracefully into the back. He is all grins and bravado. This, it seems, is the kind of thing he loves doing as much as it can be /infuriating/.
    Meanwhile at the car, the driver has his eyes locked squarely on Rogue: "Oh yeah? Never been to Italy myself, but the way you talk about it makes me want to pack up an' go right now. So you and, err, Remington? How you know each other?"
    Back in the van, something shiny briefly illuminates the darkness in the back of the van. The driver turns as though he's going to look, although he's slow and reluctant to divide his attention.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would punch Remy if he were close enough to reach and she's trying to relay that in her stares/glares back at him. But when the Mechanic talks again she looks back at him and laughs softly.

"Oh, well... its a bit embarrassin' and not very ladylike'a me t'say but..." She smirks then. "He was one'a my teachers in school. And... its _possible_ that I may have used some'a my feminine wiles on him t'get what I wanted. Which was him." She laughs a little more, one of those 'I'm so silly and ditzy' kind of laughs.

"But, he couldn't resist. So now we're just travelin' around and enjoyin' life t'gether, ya know? Least for now..." When she sees the Mechanic is about to glance back she quickly reaches a gloved hand out to touch his forearm. "Till I find somethin bette'ah, right?" She now just smiles all bright and happy at the man. Yep, she's a piece of work!

Gambit has posed:
    As Rogue speaks her last flirtatious quip to keep the driver's attention on her, Remy opens the back of the van. He holds something small, sleek and silver in his hand which he waves triumphantly. But when he sees the look on her face, he sort of deflates a little and reaches to put it back where he found it.
    "Is that so?" the driver glances down at the hand on his arms and raises his eyebrows before he lowers his voice to a conspiratorial whisper, "This is a pretty easy fix, but I could say I need to get a part. You can hop in the van with me and we'll take off. Leave Teach here. Someone'll be along soon, I'm sure."
    Remy finishes putting the stolen goods back and closes the van's rear door noisily. The driver turns around to look but finds nothing amiss. Just Remy standing with his hands in his packets looking out at a nearby field as though he is deep in deep thoughts.

Rogue has posed:
Its just too damn easy sometimes, her looks have gotten her so many things in life she couldn't even counter them all. Of course, once people find out about her mutation then the jig is usually 'up' as they say. Most mewn have completely abandoned her once they found out about her limitations in the intimacy department, and thats why she's stuck with Remy for the longest than anyone thus far in her life. Because he hasn't dropped her like a bad habit after finding out.

"Sadly, I can't." She replies to the mechanic though. "Got some unfinished business with the good Miste'ah Remington." She grins then as Remy is approaching once more and she looks over the open hood at him. "Aces needs a milkbone! Look at how good he's been!" She says to Gambit, the dog is just standing there wagging his tail and quietly whining. "I think our car needs a part. Looks like I'm gonna have t'pick it up and fly it to a shop somewhere. Best crawl inside."

Wait, what?

Gambit has posed:
    "Oh, sure, I understand," the driver is a little disheartened, but he takes it on the chin. He nods his head understandingly when Rogue mentions picking it up and flying, before the words actually parse and he looks at her, "Wait, what?"
    But Remy is already moving, climbing into the car and bringing Aces with him. He fumbles around in the glove compartment for a moment before he produces a milk bone, popping it in the happy hound's mouth. Both of them secured, Remy leans out of the car window and waves to the portly gentleman.
    "Oui, we got to get down at the garage, get us a part. Thanks for the help though, cher!"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue does feel somewhat bad for the Mechanic in the van so she takes a step back, but not before she reaches out to give his bicep and a soft pat. She'd kinda played him there, which she didn't LIKE doing any more now that she had a good paying job being a celebrity hero of sorts. "Thanks again for stoppin' and not blastin' us with that gun'a yours." She says at him while Gambit and Aces crawl inside the car together. "Its good knowin' there's still some decent folk out there."

She doesn't outright answer his 'Wait, what?' question though but she does walk over to the side of the driver's door and then smiles at him once more. "Bette'ah step back now though." She says then before she crouches down beside the car and within a second she's gone underneath it.

A couple seconds after THAT and the car is lifting up off the ground, steadily and slowly at first so that the Mechanic doesn't get bumped into by it, but once she's up enough in the air that he can see her beneath the car? She's smiling at him. "Jeezus its too cold for this!" She says quite loud enough to be heard. "Have a good day now, sugah!" She shouts down at him and then they're off! Soaring through the sky!

Best ride in town, that Rogue. (Quit your dirty mind!)