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Black Sky: The Best Laid Dinner Plans
Date of Scene: 15 December 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Gao and the Black Sky sit down to dinner, they find a Dragon comes calling.
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Elektra, Dragon, Madame Gao
Tinyplot: Black Sky

Daredevil has posed:
The Hand's leadership kept itself on the move while the federal authorities stalked them through New York. Not that they didn't have enough informants to keep them safe, but it was always wise to assume your enemies were capable of surprising you. So, they moved. Tonight, Madame Gao and the Black Sky had been secreted to penthouse in Midtown. Expensive, a gift from one of their more wealthy allies.

"Come, we shall have tea," she says to the Black Sky. "And food if you have need of it."

She says leading the way into the dining room. There was a beautiful view of the city through the floor to ceiling windows that lined the room and their food was already waiting.

All around the penthouse and in the building below, Hand agents stand watch, these ones in plain clothes, but to a master their walk gives them away as warriors.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra's training had progressed well beyond those first bouts, and she'd been out on singular missions now. Had even run into Stick. Elektra didn't bother herself with wondering how Madame Gao took that. It hadn't rightly come up in conversation.

Not out of any desire to keep things from the woman - but she hadn't asked.

"Yes," Elektra agrees, following Gao to the diningroom, then remembering that people tended to speak more verbosely than that. "I would have both. They are.. not unpleasurable."

It was odd to be discovering a taste for things you did not need. Elektra wasn't sure how or why such pleasures or luxuries should be part of her mandate, but she trusted Madame Gao, and if Gao made such things seem necessary, or a thing to participate in, then Elektra would.

Dragon has posed:
Richard Dragon had enough.

For too long has the Hand continued their hidden terrorism, for too long has the Hand continued to exist, for too long has the Hand ruined so many lives, and for too long has the hand caused so many catastrophes.

Enough is enough.

Dragon is wearing long black robes, with a hood over his head to help protect his identity. His robes themselves mimic the ancient style of Chinese Martial Grandmasters. Just with his own personal touch. It didn't take long for Richard to get the location that he needed, after all, all he had to do was question the right person and break the right bones.

Upon seeing the Penthouse, Dragon knows his target, and he makes his way into the building, hands clasped behind his back, and only starts to become wary and cautious once he reaches the floor beneath the penthouse. How many men? how well armed? The only thing he knows for certain is that these men were warriors. Not well trained, but warriors nonetheless.

Daredevil has posed:
The men seem to be mostly armed with melee weapons, swords, staves, sai, but a few down stairs had guns. They allow him entry to the building, but follow him, sharing words with someone on the comms.

Upstairs Gao nods, "Good, even a weapon must find time to enjoy life," she says to the Black Sky before the hulking form of Paburo intrudes. Gao gives him a nod, permission to speak.

"There is someone here, our people say it is Richard Dragon," he reports.

Gao seems unperterbed. "Very well, show him up," he glances across the table to the Black Sky. "This could be educational."

As Dragon reaches the floor below the penthouse he'll find Paburo waiting for him, the big man standing at ease.

"Grandmaster Dragon, Madame Gao bids you welcome. If you would come this way I can show you to her."

Elektra has posed:
"I do not understand," Elektra admits. "Why is pleasure necessary? Am I not enough as I am?"

Even if her strength in battle, and her abilities, gave her a sense of accomplishment and pride that was akin to pleasure. It wasn't like the Elektra of old who got a thrill from not only fights, but the killing itself, no, this Elektra took pleasure in the lack of emotion she took from killing. Her pleasure was in merely being. The difference was subtle, but distinct.

"We are expecting a guest?"

This was unusual. Gao had not introduced her to anyone who was not herself, or a sparring partner.

Elektra finds herself curious. Or as curious as a weapon can be.

Dragon has posed:
Dragon still wore his hood, though eventually lowered it as he was greeted. He didn't plan on using stealth anyway, so in many ways, this was a much easier way of doing things. He gives a brief bow of his head as Paburo leads him upstairs, and he follows Paburo where he shows.

Richard is wise to take immediate looks at his surroundings. There's quite a few of them here...whic means he was right to assume that one of the Fingers happened to be here. He's silent though, his hands still clasped behind his back, and notices more than a few men taking looks at him. He probably wasn't popular, but at least they were polite.

Now? Now he just waits for the big reveal.

Daredevil has posed:
"It is a reminder that one lives," Gao counsels. "And it is good to remind oneself of that from time to time."

The Black Sky had performed as well as she had hoped, and with that came the confidence to allow her to be more human and less the blade that once used was put away in its sheath.

"And we were not but one found his way here anyhow," Gao remarks seeming unperturbed by this fact. "Richard Dragon is a formidable warrior who has allied himself to our enemies. We shall see what he wants and then decide what is to be done about him."


Paburo shows Dragon up to the penthouse, leading him past the elegant but largely unlived in space, guards here and there throughout, until he reaches the dining room and shows the man inside.

"Richard Dragon," he announces.

Madame Gao rises from her seat, reaching for her cane as she does. "Welcome to my home Mr. Dragon, to what do we owe the honour of your visit?" she asks as if the thing that was his student did not sit across from her.

Elektra has posed:
"I see," Elektra says simply. It made sense in a limited sort of way. To exist opened one up to such possbilities. Madame Gao wished her to be aware of the pleasantries of human life. Perhaps to fit in in some manner. It was enough for Elektra to accept.

"We will kill him, will we not?" Elektra words are matter of fact. "Our enemies will not stand." Though she considers Gao's words, and her calm. "I see. It is like the tea and the food. We do not act until the time is right. We are aware he is an enemy, but we strike when it is to our advantage, not his."

Elektra is silent when Dragon is introduced to the room.

Unlike Gao, Elektra does not stand.

Dragon has posed:
As Dragon enters, he gives a nod to Paburo for staying true to his word and leading the way. Respect for an enemy who keeps his word. He turns his head to Gao first. "Thank you for welcoming me." His eyes then seems to fall upon Elektra, despite Gao's question reaching his ears. He looks in disbelief.

"I had prayed it wasn't true."

He closes his eyes, knowing full well they have likely done things to Elektra to make her believe her very friends were her enemies, if she's alive...or perhaps she was never an ally to him in the firstp lace. Many questions, hopefully answers.

"You know well enough why I am here, Madame Gao. The Hand have walked this earth long enough. Your crimes against life and peace have gone on long enough. I have laid dormant long enough. You struck this blow when you took the body of my student...my friend...and turned her into your weapon." he takes a slow breath.

"Because of this, you now have one last dragon to attempt to slay. I only ask one question: Why?"

Daredevil has posed:
Gao nods, "Yes, you understand exactly. There is a timing to these things we will wait until the time is right," he explains. "But be assured we will kill him."


When faced with Dragon and his accusations, Gao simply continues to smile beatifically, or appears to, that smile does not reach the hard onxy flecks of her eyes.

"Yes, you have always been happy to stay out of things before, to not take one side or the other, so I have the same question: why?"

"Is it because you were once this body's teacher?" she asks gesturing to the Black Sky. "Because if so, you walk a path that will see many of your students fall. Is that what you really want? Our side has won, Dragon, all that is left is to let the final sword stroke fall. It need not pass through you, you could walk away now and no harm will befall your other students."

Her gaze cuts briefly to Elektra, a steadying look, the time is not yet right.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra can only smile when she is told that we will kill him - all in good time. She already can imagine her blades cutting through the man, and the satisfaction of his last breath.

She's still smiling that small, cold smile when Dragon enters the room, though it quickly fades to a bland experession for the Master. She lets Madame Gao speak for them both, as is fitting.

Dragon has posed:
Dragon looks upon Gao, not making a response as she tries to talk herself out of what she knows full well is about to happen. At her question as to why he now gets himself involved, Dragon remains silent as she lists off all the possible reasons...including the biggest one.

His students. For what is a master who cannot protect his student?

"That is precisely why. More than a few of my current students have also been subject to you and your fellow Fingers as enemies." eyes narrow. "You proclaim victory so arrogantly. If we should fail against you, So long as there is always one who will stand against you, you have not won. This war has only just begun." when she offers him a way out, he shakes his head. "No. I have allowed too much to simply fall on deaf ears. No more."

He looks to Elektra. "In the memory of my student, whom you have replaced with another sword in your vast collection." his eyes shift back to Gao. "You are my enemy. and be it by my hand, or another's, vengeance will be had."

Daredevil has posed:
Finding her words falling on deaf ears, Gao dispenses with them save for one: "Now."

That is spoken to the Black Sky. Then Gao spreads her arms and without an out rush of breath shoves a hand forward sending her chi rippling out to blast the table up and into Dragon.

Paburo for his part, crouches then rises when the table has passed. Though he doesn't move to attack the first strikes belong to the Black Sky. If the Dragon lives past that then, he will join the fight.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra's movements are swift, and without warning.

In a fluid motion she stands, and flips bodily over the table such that she's facing Dragon, and then bearing down on him. There are blades aplenty on those who gaurd Gao, but Black Sky is empty handed as she turns on her former mentor and seeks to take him down.

Dragon has posed:
It all happens in an instant.

Just as Goa spreads her arms, Dragon touches the medallion around his neck, feeling a course of chi energy go through his body that he saves up during his meditations, and as Gao pushes a blast of pure chi energy towards Dragon, He pushes his own palm forward, entering a strong stance and effectively clashes it's energies with Gao, causing a burst of air going throughout the room as objects in the room fly in all directions.

Dragon slides backwards from the impact of chi energies, only to find his student rushing at him barehanded. Can't hold back anymore.

Dragon unleashes upon Elektra with a flurry of strikes aimed for her shoulder, her ribs, and a kick to the side of her leg, though it's clear he seeks to break bone, attempting to end his fight with her as quick as possible, or find a good money shot to push her away. 3 on 1.

Good odds for any Dragon.

Daredevil has posed:
Gao seems unperturbed by Dragon's block, and simply steps forward again lashing out with her chi to create an opening for the Black Sky and all her enhanced strength and speed to strike.

Paburo glances at Gao but she shakes her head, the strong man would only get in the way at this point.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra, it seems, has a trick in her bag. As Dragon does to Gao, so does she to him, and when he first strikes out, seeking to hit her, she releases a single, powerful blast of chi energy at him, that should knock him back. It's only a momentary blast, and he'll recuperate, but it allows her to settle into an offenseive stance, rather than a defensive one.

She doens't wait for him to be ready, but strikes out in a flurry of directed blows, much the same as those he intended, only with deadlier aim. She doens't care what she breaks.

Dragon has posed:
This sucks.

Richard takes BOTH chi attacks from Gao and Elektra, but because he is charged by the chi energy provided by his dragon medallion, his endurance has increased as well, crossing his arms as he almost flies backwards. smashes through the backwall and lands on his hands, flipping onto his feet. He takes a deep breath though, and as he leans back? He pushes forwards both of his hands in a palm strike to unleash his own wave of chi energy back at Gao and Elektra! Though...this was meant to overpower them. It might take one or both of them giving just as much back to repel it.

Daredevil has posed:
Gao steps forward as Dragon falls back. "Good," she calls to the Black Sky, keep pushing him back.

Dragon's counter is met not by chi, but Puburo. The big man steps forward having summoned his own chi, to strengthen his body, and steps in the way of the blast meant for Gao. He's hit hard thrown back and slams hard into the wall, unconcious and out of the fight.

Gao though remains unscathed and counters with a blast of chi of her own.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra is now bound to fighting with her hands, or other weapons. for the moment, though, she continues with kicks and strikes, pushing Dragon back.

"You will die," she says simply. "If you remain."

And with that, she grabs a weapon from the nearest of Gao's men. Because she does want him to know she means business.

Dragon has posed:
Dragon got one person. Well, better than none.

Dragon enters a bare-handed fighting stance, as weapons would only slow him down. "Then it would be a good death." he does look around though, to see if any of the other soldiers would attempt to attack him. But nay...perhaps this was now a fight between a master and a former student.

Daredevil has posed:
The rest of Gao's men in the penthouse begin to converge on the noise drawing weapons as they go, closing in on Dragon.

In reply to Dragon's bold response, Gao says, "Then we are happy to provide it."

Though while the other men are coming, for now this is a fight between the Dragon and the Black Sky

Elektra has posed:
"All deaths are good," Elektra agrees. "You can not win this."

She considers his bare handed stance, and smiles some, lips curling back in a cruel manner. "You think I will drop the blade because your hands are empty? You choose your weapon. Just as you choose your moment to die. They will come, and what I do not cut from you, they will finish. Would you not rather run back to your friends and let them know what you have learned?"

It would seem she has learned at Gao's right hand, listening to the things the woman has imparted. And though Gao has not rightly given Elektra permission to decide how this plays out, it seems Black Sky has taken the early admonition of Gao to heart. His death can be had, but the timing is not essential. There are better, more degrading moments to deliver this blow.

How much more satisfying it will be to deliver the killing strike in front of those who would stand against the Hand. Who would stand against Black Sky and think to tear her down.

Dragon has posed:
Dragon can hear the footsteps coming. This will be an intense battle..one that evne Richard Dragon might be unable to win.

But he knows his purpose, and when retreat is the only option. For now, he believes he can and will win this one. "You have already forgotten all I have taught you. To declare your victory before a battle has even begun, is a fatal pride." he smiles to his student, one of the lessons he taught her early in her apprenticeship. But now those memories were likely gone.

"I think nothing. Fight with the intent to kill." because now he's fighting for real. It's time to show them all why...

He's the Last Dragon.

Elektra has posed:
"As you wish," Elektra says in calm, direct tones.

Then she is a flurry of motion again, kicks and spins combined with the blade in her hands, as she stikes out at vital areas: neck; kidneys; his exposed back; knees; anything that might give an edge and bring him down.

There is no hesitation to her motion, or her moves. At least not any borne of consideration for her opponent. It's as if Dragon does not exist, and she fights only herself. The object always being to push herself to the edge and come up victorious.

Whether he lives or dies is insubstantial to what she does now, excepting for the fact that she intends on killing him.

Dragon has posed:
Dragon's eyes narrow.

The kind girl he knew was gone.

He takes a breath, before he opens his eyes. His forearms easily block her kicks, but it's the sword he should worry about. Each time that piece of metal moves, Dragon is moving away from it, often times barely dodging, and other times completely dodging. However, her blade does nick his side lightly when she aimed for his kidney, but it's a grazing wound. Not anything that will come close to debilitating him.

Now, fofr retaliation.

Dragon attempts to snap-kick Elektra in the jaw, so quick that maybe Gao will have some trouble seeing it coming. But it sure as hell would make Bruce Lee proud. he aims a few more strikes, a kick to the side, and a back elbow aimed for her temple. three strikes in total. will she counter or dodge them?

Elektra has posed:
She is fast. Almost superhumanly so. Certainly there are few who can avoid her blows - though Dragon may rank among them. And she can certainly avoid most strikes aimed at her as well, or parry them effectively.

Being able to, however, does not always equal the winning strategy. Oftimes it is necessary to take a strike in order to move within the window of the other's safety, in order to place a killing blow, or to disarm. Sometimes a parry leaves the opponent vulnerable for a counter that will leave them damaged as well.

Elektra takes the kick to the jaw, her head snapping back with a motion that one expects a literal *snap* of sound to come from. She recovers from it almost instantaneously, so that when he kicks, her blade is twisted in her hand to allow her to grab that leg and knee such that if she turns quickly, drawing him into her she can torque his knee, perhaps dislocating it - though it does leave her vulnerable to that temple strike.

However, that strike will leave him vulnerable to an elbow to his gut, and both of them a tangle of limbs unless one of them draws back.

Dragon has posed:
Dragon is an expert at body control.

As he kicks Elektra right in the face, only for her to catch his foot and try to twist it, Dragon simply twists with the direction of the spin, further aiding him in striking her with that elbow shot to her temple..which owuld have easily knocked out anyone else.

But she wasn't anyone else. Not by a mile.

but, he does take the elbow to the gut, but doesn't seem even closed to affected by it, instead, moving away and re-entering his stance, and if she saw that look in his eyes, he was just as willing to kill her as she was willing to kill him. He enters a...unique stance. Wing Chun, most likely. His hands are open, and his eyes narrow. He's about to rush forward-!

Daredevil has posed:
The potential of that rush forward is met with a blast of chi from Madame Gao. Her attack is timed with the arrival of her men, after the chi blast passes, they join the fight. Striking hard and fast at Dragon, while giving the Black Sky a wide berth.

The odds are quickly turning against Dragon.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra may be the perfect weapon, but she is also new to this role, and still learning control over herself. It is this that has the woman caught in tunnel vision of the man she is attacking, meeting those eyes of his with a like expression, one that says she will kill him. That all else in this room has ceased to exist but for him and her.

Elektra wades in, pushing aside Gao's people. They are nothing but a petty annoyance between her and her target.

Dragon has posed:
Dragon //felt// the energy building in gao before she released it.

He lifts up his hand, palm striking back at Gao to cancel out her chi blast....then suddenly, there's a LOT of hand ninjas in here.

Dragon dodges the first few strikes, throwing kicks and strikes like no tomorrow, and in an instant, five men are down, and Elektra is back in the fray, which he seems to notice...and with a sigh.

Dragon looks down to the floor, and one hand pushes forwards, and the other pushes down. Both releasing a powerful blast of chi energy. One meant to push back his attackers, and maybe even gao, and the other bursting through the floor beneath him to allow him to fall to the ground below, allowing him to make his escape.

Elektra has posed:
There's a roar of frustration from Elektra as her target escapes. It's a frustration she immediately turns upon those standing near her - and with a blade still in her hands, and her training, she wreaks mortal vengeance for them allowing her prey to escape.

Daredevil has posed:
Gao pushes forward as Dragon makes his escape, peering down at the wreckage that is the floor. For a moment she thinks of sending her men after him, to send the Black Sky after him, but she relents. Turning to the Black Sky, she says, "We're leaving." Then she turns to the men Elektra hadn't killed. "Bring Paburo and the others, I want no trace of our being her within the hour."

Dragon would pass on word to Daredevil no doubt, and that would be a true test of the Black Sky. One Gao was not so eager to test. "And get me Shredder, it is time he delivered on his deal."