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Revision as of 21:25, 17 December 2018

Rise of the Outsiders: Kid
Date of Scene: 17 December 2018
Location: NYC Alley
Synopsis: Kid is offered a spot in the Outsiders.
Cast of Characters: Kid, Red Robin, Arc

Kid has posed:
It late night in the city, way past any reasonble hour for most folks. By now save for parts like down town, the alleyways and small time shops where closed. And night clubs and bars remained open, with the flash of a neon glow. This was prime time to find hookers, drunkards, crimials, things that go bump in the night....and of course those unfortunenate enough to run across them.

Which made it Kid's specialty for hunting. He needed food, and the folks he hunted needed to be put off the street anyways. Win-win. As such he taken to his teen illusion, in a wheelchair no less. A coat, boots and hat and yea got yourself a seeming innocent bystandard.

And with his diguise set, kid...now Malcolm wheels along, the only part missing in his illusion being tracks. As he turns into an alleyway, he sense exactly what he wanted..some muggers, maybe gangster, it didn't matter. But now as he wheeled along it was accompanied by the squeeking of wheels.

And soon there in sight, a group of around 5 to 8 individuals, smoking cigerets, drinking booze, minding their own buisness. And like vultures to a dead man, one spots Kid, and the rest soon follow.

The large group approach Kid begining to circle him real quick. With one person speaking up saying "Eh Kid, what yea doing out so late..."

Red Robin has posed:
"Minding his Damn business." A modulated voice comes from high up before landing after using a grappel to get down, in a three point land no less. is NYC's newest Hero, Excel. All bkac, with the cowl almost like batman, but with a trench coat instead of a cape, and gadgets and weapons galore.

"Now, if you bunch of motherless scum are looking for a mark, why not try me on for size." he says as he flicks his wrist and a bo staff extends out of nowhere. "Then you can have a one way trip to riker's island, where you bunch will be the belle's of the ball."

Arc has posed:
A streak of violet is pretty much all anyone would notice. A rush of Air would hail the arrival of someone else... Well, that or a speeding vehicle. Either way, something just ripped through the area. Then, if things weren't crazy enough, two of the thugs are tied up and against the wall.

Suddenly behind the group with her arms crossed and looking like a right smartass, Arc stands with a smirk. "You know? Perhaps it would be a good idea to hang it up for tonight?" She smirks.

Arc is actually wearing a suit... though the suit looks a little rough. Its essentially a leotard and designed in Violet with intersecting gold lightning bolts on the front.

Kid has posed:
The group looks to Excel first, some already drawing weapons, such as a knife and even guns! Pointing it at Excel as he doesn't looks like such an easy target. One begins to say "Hold up and back u...." and before the sentence is even stated Arc had swooped them away at an insane speed, dropping their weapon and getting tied up with a friend. "The hell! Awww hells no, you best let us the fuck go!" while the person next to him says "Donyell shut up ya fool, pretty boy gotta one of dem freaks all up in here!"

And Malcolm looked right annoyed. Not with the thugs...but with Excel and Arc! Can a hunt EVER go smoothly! Well work with what you got! Another illusion goes up and the crippled teen seems to dissappear into thin air!

The troublemakers begins to group up more, as it was starting to get a bit too freaky for them. One even makes a run for it! But while this happens...one of them has the knife ripped out of their hand before getting slashed across the face and arm leaving deep gashes. They let out a startled yell!

This was the last straw, two charge Excel, one begining to shoot at him, with not the best accuracy. Another shoots at where the flying knife was - though notably they at least shoot away from their friend. These same ones also try to shoot at Arc unsure what they can do

Red Robin has posed:
Two smoke pelets his the ground and then, from the cloud of smoke, one Thug comes flying out, probably sparta kicked by excel, while the other follows suit and lands on top of his downed buddy, then Excel looks to the magicaly floating knife and does a spin his to knock the knife away, and a light front kick only to make whoever held the knife fall back. "Sit down, talk to you when I'm done." he says as he tossses an e-rang at the fleeing thug, leaving the other three or Arc.

Arc has posed:
Bullets? Meh. Arc takes off and catches some rounds. First the ones fired at excel, then the ones fired at her. She quickly does a left cross on the shooter, using her speed and putting him out cold. She then goes for the next two.

the second one would be a little more difficult. They happen to get lucky with flailing around with a chain. She gets hit hard. Getting knocked to the ground. Damn its times like this that she is thrilled for the fact that she heals fast. Scrambling to her feet she catches chain and smirks... "Shouldn't have done that." She takes off running while HOLDING THE CHAIN!! The guy goes flying behind. Racing around the third guy, she wraps both of them up together and in a position where it looks like they are staring deep into each others eyes. With that she steps back and finds a phone on the knocked out thug. Calling 911, she simply leaves the phone on the ground, on mute of course.

Kid has posed:
The knife successfully knocked out, Malcolm still not visible takes a double take...before he is suddenly knocked onto his rear, with a much louder than would be expected boom, as if something heavy hit the ground. He instinctively...and angrily lashes out, grabbing Excel foot and pulling him up and over onto the ground. He stands up reappearing again as his teen self. No wheelchair though...and much bigger, mostly cause he is standing up now.

He looks between Arc and Excel, his teeth bared, showing four massive canines as if ready to take them on, his fists clenched. His ears twitch as he hears the bullets land on the floor from Arc catching them. Due to the quick work...all the goons have been stopped, leaving just the three...

Red Robin has posed:
So the kid's got power... and didnt need a wheel chair.. who were they saving exactly?

"Excel aims a gauntletted arm at Kid to spray a puff of smoke at him before rolling away and looking at him, the lenses of his cowl flickering through different signatures. "You aren't human, and you chose to be baint for criminals, so you arent evil either, but your anger is misplaced..." he says in a calm voice, though, he is ready to fight if Kid decides to lash out at him.

Arc has posed:
Given the fighting style, height, and general appearance, Arc can tell that Excel had to have been one of the previous Robins. As such, She simply leans back, and props herself against a wall. The phone clicks. "Got about 5 minutes. Police are on the way." With that she just goes quiet. Seeing the fangs and such she just laughs. "Cute."

Kid has posed:
Kid glares dagger first at Excel, than at Arc...untill he hears the police bit. He place his face in his palm annoyed as all hell, the bristiles on his neck standing up as he drags his hand down it. GREAT they just shorten his time frame!

Enough for one...half feeding aybe if he isn't too rough, maybe he could extend it. One hand begins making a series of gestures...and following it comes a synthetic voice. "Yea yea, whatever. Look SpeedFreak...and beanpole, I'm just hear for a meal. You wanna talk, do it on the roof, cause I ain't got time for this shite tonight." he grabs one of the downed folks and tosses them over his shoulder...and begins to ascend the side of a fire-escape. The same synth voice calling down "Well come on" pushy ain't he.

Red Robin has posed:
"This mother.... MEAL! HELL NO!" Excel says as he extends his arm and grapples to the top of the bulding, bo staff out. "Put, the thug.. down!" He says as he doesn't look like he is in any more for any of this nonsense. "No eating criminals." he says as he has that same look at batman.

Arc has posed:
Top of the building. Yeah. Makes sense. For a meal... and then he grabs a thug. Oh crap. "Are you freaking kidding me?!" She races up the wall and of course beats both guys up there. "We do not, EAT, the bad guys! Don't get me wrong, these guys are douches but that doesn't mean they are on the menu! Good grief I'm going to be sick!"

Kid has posed:
Kid of course makes it up there LAST! He looks between Excel, and Arc, getting this face like he might just put the smack down on both of them. He takes a deep breath the aggression just rolling off him. One deep breath. He drops the thug and begins to sign once more, the watch speaking "Oh sit your asses down and relax. Damn thugs not gonna die. So long story short. Psychic vampire - I need minds, else I die. On the bright side - no killing is not a requirement. So can a brother dine?" it was less a request and more an exasperated back the hell off.

Red Robin has posed:
A heart rate monitor lands on the thug, and Excel looks right at Kid. "Just to make sure you're telling the truth." he says as he turns, even if it's just some mental thing, he doesn't wanna see it, donkey kong done lost his damn mind.

Arc has posed:
Arc winces and shakes her head. She quietly just turns away and looks down the building as the first police cruiser shows up. She is avoiding the thought of someone eating anything human.

Kid has posed:
Kid rolls his eyes and signs "Oh grow the hell up." he places his hand on the thugs head and his eyes glow lightly. The heart rate goes up at first...and than slows to a steady pulse. This takes several minutes as the police down below deal with who was currently down there. Once Kid finishes...he backs up and sure enough said thug was fine - but they wouldn't be waking up for awhile. He signs "Heh, little fish to big ones. Anyways, ...i'm done" a moment "...and thanks"

Red Robin has posed:
"That's dangerous, how you have to survive, we can't have you losing control." Excel says as he flicks a black card at Kid. "Number on the back of it, text that number with a burner phone, then we'll text you an adress... keep you save, and you can do somthing positive with that power." Excel says as he walks to the edge of the building. "Why is it the hungery ones?" He says to Arc, who was almost starved when he found her as well.

Arc has posed:
"With great power comes a greater apetite." Arc comments before looking at Kid, "Sorry that ya gotta get by that way. I get it. Really. You chose to target those who would prey on the weak. That means something. It will give you an outlet and maybe, a more steady means of food. Look forward to meeting ya on better terms." With that, she looks at Excel, "So, what buffets haven't I shut down yet this month?" She laughs in a playful tone.

Kid has posed:
Kid let out a growl...Excel sounded at the moment quite familiar. He rubs his neck a moment not seeming to happy. But they at least let him feed without issues...so maybe there not so bad. He signs "Fine. Make no promises though" before tucking the card behind his watch. He'll call the next afternoon.

Red Robin has posed:
Excel aims an arm at an overhanging gargoyale. "I'm just shocked they havent put you on a blacklist, I think the Cafe east on west street is open for business. Also, when you return to HQ, I'm overhauling your outfit." He says as he grappels away.

Arc has posed:
"Got it. Not going to argue in the least." With Arc rockets off in a blur of violet lightning and rushing air. She heads to the cafe, grabs some food, then rushes back to Base. She probably will arive there either before, or just after Excel. Yup, turns out getting properly fed makes a speedster actually more prone to speeding around!