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An Honest Misunderstanding
Date of Scene: 29 October 2018
Location: Gotham - Upper West Hill
Synopsis: June mugs muggers, and gets attacked by Amarok who gets attacked by a gorilla. It's complicated.
Cast of Characters: June Connor, Kid, Amarok

June Connor has posed:
    Late night Gotham, as it always is. The Pussy Cat Lounge's half lit sign looks like it reads the Puss C Log due to missing letters. Out of the solid door, a young girl, perhaps not yet twenty years old, exits. While she might be the right age to work there, she is neither dressed like a stripper, nor has the curves usually desired in such a seedy occupation.

     She shoves her hands in her denim jacket, shredded jeans on her leg that simply seethe the rebel attitude. It generally isn't a very good idea for a young woman to travel these streets at night alone, and surely enough, a few men exit the 'gentleman's' club behind her. She tucks into a putrid alley, the smell of urine and alcohol filling the small crevice of the city, and she puts her back against the brick. She wrinkles her nose, then sniffs in the direction of the wall, choosing to quickly pull away from the wall. That's disgusting.

Kid has posed:
The night life was still the best life! It didn't much matter what city so long as he got some peace and quiet...and a little snack along the way. Wheeling along the street in a wheel-chair of all things, the massive teen fella, likely a mutant just by looking at him, seemed to be in search of something.
    He wheels by some old looking cars as he approaches what appears to be a club. He grunts in thought. Clubs where always a good place to score a meal. Drunkards and idiotes abound.
    Without a second thought, he makes a shop turn on his 'wheels', the squeek of metal evident as if the chair was old as he begins making his way into the alleyway. Several minds where here...some sharper than others..

June Connor has posed:
    June pulls a joint from her pocket with one hand, and a lighter from the other, igniting the blunt already half smoked, casting a dull glow on her face. The two men, much larger than she is, round the corner.

    "Hey sweet," one of them says. "You liked talkin' to a bunch of guys in there, but we didn't get to say hi, thought you'd get up and give a show maybe."

    "Yeah, I suck at that stuff, though," she says, taking a drag on the joint casually.

    "Aw, don't sell yourself short," the other man says. "We could be your test audience," he suggests, running his hand through a messy flop of orange hair. Both are easily old enough to be her father.

    "How very rapish of you to offer," June answers, blowing the smoke into his face. "But now that I have you," she adds, pulling a kunai from her belt. "Wallet, cell phones," she orders, holding up the sharp tip.

    The darker haired man laughs. "You think we're scared of that?" he asks. "That little blade won't do much." He pulls out his own knife, a much larger weapon than hers. He glances over at the sound of the approaching wheelchair, spotting the large young man in it, but then glances back to June, apparently assessing him to be a non-threat.

Kid has posed:
The teen keeps on wheeling closer and closer. He seem obliviouse to the world around him. Oh so seems. In truth he was watching the situation unfold. He seen this a thousand time - people underestimating people. Perhaps it from experience, but he could tell the moment June spoke, she wasn't one to mess with. But she none the less provided a good distraction.

He gets get even closer...and he quite suddenly lashes out, trying to grab one of the would be muggers to try and slam right into the wall with tremendouse force.

If they only knew the first rule of Gotham - never underestimate ANYONE you meet in Gotham at night.

June Connor has posed:
    June was about to act when the man in the wheelchair reveals his ruse. "Damn," she calls out. "I'm gettin' too good at this shit, gettin' gimps to help me too."

    The red-haired man finds himself caught by the disguised gorilla, fully unable to overtake the strength as he finds himself swung into the brick wall, knocking the wind out of him.

    The commotion draws attention from her, and she responds with a kick to the groin. The dark-haired man doubles over in pain, only for her to grab him by the hair and give a knee kick to the face. Blood sprays from his face, sending him backward in a daze.

Kid has posed:
Kid flips June the bird in response! Evidently he wasn't here to help her! Not mess with her either, but hey that is life. Though he quick movements DO get a whistle of appreciation out of the disguised creature.

Though he wasn't quite down with the red-head. He never let go...and soon swings the man right into his own body and grapples him tightly.

The man of course struggles weakly considering the wind was knocked out of him, but it doesn't stop Kid. Kid eyes begin to glow dully as his mouth twists into a smile showing much larger than average canines. It was time to feed!

Kid drains the man of his mental energy, gaining the mans memories, knowledge, and skills as he does so...at least temperarily. And in return, the man would find himself becomming confused, and increasingly tired...slowly going still.

Amarok has posed:
As Kid psychicly vampiresez the stupid mugger, a shot rings out. A shot which painfully bounces off Kid's skull. Up above the mugging gone wrong, on an old fire escape, stands Amarok, scarcely lit up by the blue glow of his cold LED eyes. The large pistol quickly retrains on Kid, "Last warning." He calls out in a monotone barely loud enough to be heard by those below.

June Connor has posed:
    June gives a hairy eyeball at the appareance of the glowing eyes Kid exudes. "What the-" she is cut off by the crack of the gun, and her head snaps toward the fire escape at the source. She seems distracted for a moment, as is her opponent, the dark-haired man also pausing, his nose gushing blood. He reaches up to wipe it.

    "More action than you banked on, huh?" June says, as if they were standing by a water cooler. "Me too."

Kid has posed:
Needless to say the sudden shot to the head makes Kid release the red-head who stumbles to the ground, barely able to move and clearly about to be unconciouse. He let out a rather beastial roar at Dan, snarling. He was an unhappy teen now, and has so far been the only moment of vocalization. He procedes to now flip Amarok off as he rubs his hurting skull.

Amarok has posed:
Amarok holds his aim square on Kid's face, totally ignoring his eloquent gesture as he slowly tilts his gaze to Broken Nose Man(tm), "Call the police, sit down, shut up, and you might live to see the dawn." He says in the same barely loud enough monotone as he slowly descends down to the next level of the fire escape.

June Connor has posed:
    There's a moment where June, the red-haired man on the ground, and the dark haired man with the bloody nose exchange glances, as if none of the three are certain what they should do. The attempted rape/attempted mugging seems to be mutually interrupted by the large young man and the mysterious hero.

    June breaks the tension, throwing a kick at the man with the bloody nose, and then pouncing upon him, her smaller form grabbing him around the back of the neck and shoving him with both knees against his chest, knocking him back agains the wall. He slashes at her with the knife, cutting opent the back of her jacket before he is slammed into the opposite wall, and drops the blade. June follows the impact with a brutal head butt to his already wounded face, and then takes the kunai, still gripped in her fist, and plunges it into his leg just above the hip. He yells out in pain before she flips him forward, and flat onto his back, ending in a rather lithe crouching position, her opponent writhing on the filthy alley floor.

    The man with the red hair starts to fumble his phone out of his pocket, and begins dialing as he was told, disoriented and mostly taken out of action.

Kid has posed:
Some heros were pure assholes, least that's the thought that run's through Kid's mind. Though he can't help but glance over at June while she opens up a can of whoopass on the other man. His lips curl as if amused, but there was the matter of the red head trying to dial up on the phone.

Kid is fairly adaptive to the situation, he seems to lay back in his wheel chair, arms crossed as he keeps his eyes leveled on Amarok. Though as he does this....he begins to affect the Red-Head man's mind.

He imploys a telepathic illusion on the Red-Head. His phone would looks like a brick...and a brick the man's phone. A simple illusion to prevent the police from being called successfully.

Amarok has posed:
At June's sudden violent outburst, Amarok's aim turns on her, firing three rounds right at her back as she plunges the kunai into him before leaping out from fire escape, kicking off low from the opposite wall, and using the momentum to take a swiping kick at her as he nears the ground.

June Connor has posed:
    June had just landed when the first round struck her in the back, causing her to recoil in pain. "Fuck me!" she curses, the second round whizzing past her neck, and the third smarting her in the ribs. Amarok's approach is a long enough distance go give her time to roll to the side and out of sweeping kick. Right through...something nasty. "Dammit!" she growls, feeling the cold wet. "That had BETTER just be water." Smells like something that was once food leaking from a dumpster. She peels out of the jacket, revealing a black tank top underneath, the left shoulder strap was cut by the previous knife slash, and a black footprint is visible, tattoo'd on the back of her shoulderblade, a thin trickle of blood across it from the cut. "Aren't you trying to stop the gimp?" she challenges. "Look, he's dangerous and stuff."

    The red haired man meanwhile drops his phone, glancing at the stray brick that is now his phone, and picks it up, attempting to dial on it. "I got hit harder than I thought," he mutters.

Kid has posed:
    Kid raises both his arms as if to say 'What the hell!'. How the heck is he the dangerous one! He points to the kunai wielding June, the knife slashing Broken Nose, and the gun Toting Amarok, and than at himself as if to question how HE was the dangerous one here!

And more impotently, trying to figure out what the heck a gimp is. Though the mark on June draws his eye. It wasn't his first run in with the foot, a rather interesting development.

Though while he has his illusion up, he decides to have some fun with the red-head who thinks he is going crazy now. he would hear a gruff voice on the other end after 'dialing'. "911, whats your emergency." the voice was blunt, rude and to the point. And only he would hear it.

Amarok has posed:
Amarok rolls along the ground, stopping himself at the wall opposite the wall he kicked off with his foot and rolling back to a standing position in the middle of the alley, turned to keep his focus free on both June and Kid, the gun focused on Kid. He takes a moment to size June up, his head tilting slightly to the side as he looks over the tattoo, "....From mob bosses, to common muggings.....Quick fall." He remarks, still in his monotone, slowly inching closer towards her, hand up defensively.

June Connor has posed:
    June stands back to her feet, a ready ninjitsu pose, her tattoo once again hidden from the front. The drooping strap is given no attention, and she glances between Kid and Amarok with a slightly confused look on her face. "What?" she asks, inching backward as he inches forward, and beginning to circle so that he has to choose between facing her and facing Kid. "The fuck are you talking about?"

    "Yeah, I'm on Bronson, by Pussy Cat lounge," the red-haired guy says. "There's like, gunfire, someone's muggin' me, and another person with a gun. It's crazy, send the cops!"

Kid has posed:
"The cops on the way Sir. Please get somewhere safe. And don't do anything stupid like running to school without pants again" comes the voice, repeating a best left forgotten memory, before the phone line dies.

Kid rolls his eyes at this point. But fairly confident in his own abilities, he stays put for now, only wheeling back a few inchest at a time. He looks to June and shrugs as if not sure what Amarok is talking about either.

Amarok has posed:
Amarok continues his defensive inching, moving to block June from making a point to run through. At the sudden distant sound of Kid's wheels backing away, his leg comes up, his free hand pulling the sawed off from it and aiming it dead at Kid, "I didn't give you permission to move." He monotones, his focus still on June.

June Connor has posed:
    "Damn kid," June answers as the shotgun comes out. "Peace, bitches." Her hand pulls a small pellet from her pocket, giving it a fling to the ground. There is a small explosion as smoke bursts from the pellet. June doesn't waste time on more words, but sprints toward the wall, running up it and leaping to the right to catch the fire escape, then showing a remarkable control of her core muscles as she pulls her legs up and over her head to flip up onto the metal platform. She has little interest in sticking around with shotguns being flung around.

Kid has posed:
Kid raises a brow. Now he was annoyed, and clearly didn't appreciate this. Now he quite deliberatly turns his wheelchair around and begins strolling on back the way he came. It was in otherwords kids 'Frack You' move. Of course looks can be decieving when it comes to Kid, as really only the illusion turned around...Kid himself was actually just moving backwards cause you should never take your eyes off the gun.

And it seems Kid had the same idea, whoever this vigilante was, clearly wasn't getting any respect from this two. Luckily Kid has choosen to go the other way. With the difference being he wasn't so much 'escaping' as he was giving zero damns about Dan and his 'orders'.

Amarok has posed:
Kid's show of defiance is met with about as much tact as can be expected from Gotham. Namely, a shotgun blast, one of the four barrels spraying riot suppresent bean bag pellets down the alley, no doubt ruining the day of everyone involved. As June produces the pellet, his other hand shoots up to his helmet, tapping at a space on the side of it. As she tries to make her escape, his head follows her effortlessly, the helmet's eyes tracking her heat signature effortlessly. As she starts pulling herself up the fire escape, he swings the shotgun around, another barrel opening up, followed by another three round burst from the pistol. If nothing else, the fire escape is gonna have a bad time, the old rickety structure not really being able to take that level of abuse.

June Connor has posed:
     The first round strikes the fire escape, bouncing off the metal, the second smarting her on the left tricep. She doesn't cry out, true to her Foot training, though she was clearly hit. Her other arm grabs the fire escape, then grabs the ladder, pulling herself up. She nearly launches herself to the next level, thought physical reaction says she felt the impact on her arm.

Kid has posed:
There is a reason Kid didn't actually turn his back on this Amarok guy! And this is basicly why! As he saw the trigger begining to be pressed, he quickly pressed himself up agaist the wall, fighting the urge to let out a roar as a few beans skip across his belly. His illusion is of course unaffected simply raises his hand giving Amarok the bird. But still if Dan is going up...than he is going out!

Amarok has posed:
Amarok doesn't bother looking back at Kid, simply reholstering both guns and pulling out the grapplegun. A moment later, he's zipping up onto the roof, the momentum pulling him up over the lip to stand on it. As he holsters the grapplegun, he turns to look down on the fire escape, and the advancing June, "You cant run from me..." He taunts in the monotone, the lifeless LED eyes cruelly staring down at her. Kid it would seem has been deemed unworthy of Amarok's continued attention when there's the much greater threat of a young woman with a torn shirt to deal with......I do believe that's a burn.

June Connor has posed:
    "Think those toys of yours are gonna help you catch me? You might be surprised what I can outrun," June says, looking up at the figure before her. She looks back down, then leaps all the way back down to the concrete again. It isn't a pretty landing, but it's a utilitarian one to prevent injury. She lands in a sprawl through...aw yuck, whatever that nasty stuff is she keeps getting in, and then rolls back to her feet. Giving little attention to Kid, she bursts back to the road from the alley, showing a remarkable fleetness of foot. She's really fast.

Kid has posed:
    Kid was in no hurry it seems, having synced back up with his illusion. He let out a whistle as June drops down and begins running. It was rather amusing if it wasn't for the zeolot up on the rooftop shooting off guns. He snorts, if what he seen is true, he likely has nothing to worry about as he'll probably still go after her.

Amarok has posed:
Amarok does indeed continue to ignore Kid, chasing after June along the rooftops for a few seconds before leaping off the side, using the grapple gun to hook a lamp post before someone can lick it in winter, and swing under it, launching him over and past June, landing in a roll and skidding to a stop in a low stance, looking predatorially up at June, not unlike the animal his mask invokes, ".....You...Cant...Run...From...Me...." He repeats, head tilting to the opposite side with each word.

June Connor has posed:
    As Amarok lands in front of her, June catches the same light pole, changing her trajectory and moving down the sidewalk, not stopping to converse. She's making a break back toward the Pussy Cat Lounge. Perhaps a place that she can either hide, or use the defenseless creature routine to get interference from the patrons. After all, she's bruised, has a torn shirt and cut jacket. Surely she is completely the victim.

Kid has posed:
With Kid being ignored, it was a good way to become....well less notcible. Technically more noticible, but how many people are going to mistake a gorilla for a teenage mutant? Not Many.
    And so Kid has by this point dropped his illusion out of sight. Standing upright he was heads above other folks, and his oversized sweater with the hood pulled up minimized what is seen. But still he turned the corner...and layed agaist a brick wall just watching all this go down.

Amarok has posed:
Amarok drops down in front of June again after her attempt at breaking away, not wasting a moment to stride towards her, "Keep running and I'll have to break your legs. Answer my questions, and you leave here alive." As always, his tone is monotone. As if the events of the night haven't gotten the slightest rise out of him. It's rather clear, running simply isn't going to work against the humanoid bloodhound.

June Connor has posed:
    "I don't respond well to threats, dick head. What do you want? You want a piece of me like that trash back there? Bring it, you won't be happy how it turns out." June takes a ready stance, hand at her belt, clearly preparing something should he advance.

Kid has posed:
Kid's incognito not incognito state works well. He looks between Aramok and June. His eyes wander to the belt, and than to June and finally settle on done. A low growl is emitted, but he remains out of it for now.

Amarok has posed:
Amarok doesn't break stride, stowing his grapplegun as he approaches June, "The Foot clan. Tell me everything you know, and I'll overlook the attempted murder. Refuse, and I stick you with a thousand hooks and suspend you over the bridge to midtown." He stops, standing up straight and undaunted maybe six feet from June, ".....Your choice who scares you more...."

June Connor has posed:
    June grins, and then bursts out a contained laugh. "Far enough pisshead," she says, stifling the laughter, and backing up. "I ain't doin' shit for them, ain't doin' shit for you. You can go fuck with them at your own risk, looks like you deserve each other. I ain't gettin' involved. And in case you were wondering, they scare me more than some nobody in a mask. Now you can buzz off before I cry rape and let everybody know how you beat up that weirdo in the wheelchair back there. Your choice which scares you more."

Amarok has posed:
Amarok resumes walking when June starts backing up, "Cry all you want. But you /WILL/ tell me what you know before I leave." As he says this his hand goes up to the opposite shoulder, pulling the large combat knive there from it's sheath, "I'm losing patience." Despite this claim, his tone is still as calm, quiet, and measured, as when he first arrived.

Kid has posed:
Kid gets a dead pan expression. This flipping good for nothing idiot. He doesn't crack his knuckles, or anything like that. He didn't walk concern or defensively. He merely goes up to Amarok and June proper...well more Amarok and taps his shoulder. He already knew size would not intimidate this guy, and nor does he try, he simply taps to get his attention.

June Connor has posed:
    "I don't know shit about what they're doin'. Go check out That shitty Chinese restaraunt in the basin if you want to find stuff about them. I ain't your bitch." She eyes the combat knife, then stops, planting her feet. "Take another step, and I will seriously fuck you up." It's then that Kid's approach catches her eye, shiftinger her attention in his direction. "Holy fuck!" She quickly unplants her feet, backpedaling from the two.

Amarok has posed:
Amarok stops pressing forward when June plants her feet, "...Specifics." This is clearly said as a command, not a question. Kid's tap seems to go ignored for a moment. Then, Amarok slowly, agonizingly so, turns to look at and then up to Kid, "....What?" For the first time, the monotone drops. He is clearly officially annoyed. A job well done, Black Knight Kid. June's backpedal goes ignored as he addresses the interloper....The interlorilla.

Kid has posed:
Well nice to meet someone who who doesn't seem to get spoked by a rilla. June reaction get's a grin out of Kid not seeming to mind her getting startled by him. But than he is looking back down at Kid. He begins to sign, a bracer-like watch on his wrist speaks in his place "One. Your an idiote and a terrible investigator. 2. Try heading into New York City, you should be able to find some purple gang goons there that still loyal to the foot" yes, he well knew about the foot, had a run in with them. "And 3. Why are you harrassing a girl that was trying to defend herself from some low life scum?"

June Connor has posed:
    June continues to back up, eyes wide as she looks at the monstrous ape. Then it speaks. "A talking gorilla, I mean, our world is fucking crazy enough, why the hell not, right?" She continues her reverse, trying to make sure to get enough distance that she can make an all out attempt to escape. Never mind the gorilla is actually defending her perspective.

Amarok has posed:
Amarok simply blankly stares at Kid for a few seconds, before turning his attention back to June and matching her stride, "I'm still waiting for my answers....I am not patient...."

Kid has posed:
    Kid signs the watch speaking "Was a surprise for me too girly", clearly directing the statement at June. But with Amarok insistance on idiocy he rolls his eyes and unsurpingly reach forward quickly to pick up Amarok by his head/helmet thing.

June Connor has posed:
    June gives a bizarre look to Dan. "You shitting me? You wanna do this with a giant gorilla right-" She sees Kid's massive paw reach out to grab Dan by the head. That's her cue. She takes flight, leaving the hero to deal with the new threat. She's running for all she's worth, straight across the road and toward one of the small parks in Gotham.

Amarok has posed:
As June begins reacting to Kid's reach, Amarok's knife holding hand tightens slightly, but as she turns, he jolts down into a low sprint, causing Kid to either miss, or overbalance himself and fall on his face....Probly the former, but the latter is funnier. Of course, being a cheater, running from Amarok is quite difficult, as he pulls his grapple gun yet again and uses it to swing ahead of June, landing in a roll up to his feet and pointing it right at her, "Run from me one more time. See what happens....PLEASE." Once again, the monotone is gone, and it seems he's one more push away from just going for violence. Sweet sweet violence.

June Connor has posed:
    June anticipated the grapple gun maneuver this time, which is why she went the direction she did. Knowing that the trees were the most prevalent thing to grapple to, and the likelihood of a grapple getting caught in the branches, she pulls a pickle juke as soon as Amarok starts his flight over her, she changes direction, giving her a several second head start. By the time he lands, she's a good distance back the way she came. "Thanks buddy!" she announces to Kid as she sprints past him back to the nightclub doors.

Kid has posed:
Kid gets really REALLY annoyed at this point. What the hell was this guys problems. He takes a deep breath and leans back agaist the wall as he looks to Dan. He concentrates on putting up a new telepathic illusion - for Dan's perspective he tries to simply erase June from his sight and all that incompasses An illusion of the eyes. Which was hard enough to make as he was trying to quite litterly make her a blind spot and all that entails. So hearing and smell are still viable tracking options if the din and stench of the city doesn't do the job of erasing the rest of June.

Amarok has posed:
As Amarok comes up, ready to put a grapple into June's stomach, he suddenly stops, drunkenly wavering back and forth, grapple gun going limp, and knife dangling from loose fingers. Extremely accute ears will be able to make out barely audible mumblings.

Kid has posed:
Kid grunts as he sees this. He frankly doesn't give a crap whats happening with this guy. He simply metains his illusion on June and begins to head his own way. Though once there about a...city block apart, give or take, his illusion on june would cease...though now he was idlely considering tracking her down himself.

June Connor has posed:
    June pulls open the door, breezing past the bouncer. Of course, since she had just been in the strip club, she's hardly stopped. "There's a guy out there," she announces. "Tryin' to get me!" She points back in Amarok's direction. Of course, between Amarok and the bouncer is a giant gorilla that is likely to get more of the attention.
    Naturally it does. "What in the world is that?" he comments with wide eyes. "We better call the zoo, looks like one of the apes has escaped."

Amarok has posed:
Once the illusion drops, Amarok sways a bit more before steadying, groaning, grumbling, and then letting out a roar of rage and frustration, A moment later, with nothing within strangling distance to take his frustrations out on, he bends down and picks up his knife, returning it to it's sheath before grapple gunning away to the rooftops, dissappearing into the shadows.

Kid has posed:
Kid gives pause and he turns to look at the man who made the zoo comment. He STARES him down as if he might just swallow his soul. His hand slowly comes up and gives him the middle finger.
    He than continues on his way, June was for now safe, and Amarok was gone for now. But he had the feeling he would be meeting both of them again. One way or another.