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Latest revision as of 18:13, 23 December 2018

Pied Piper: Hospital Tests
Date of Scene: 22 December 2018
Location: Genosha
Synopsis: Sam, Wanda and Illyana have a thought for the sleepers. Illyana tries the Soulsword. The spell can be broken. Yet there are thousands still afflicted so this cure is not feasible for all.
Cast of Characters: Magik, Cannonball, Scarlet Witch
Tinyplot: Pied Piper

Magik has posed:
After the discussion at the Royal Palace, the trio were sent off with a chauffeur in the direction of the hospital that housed the sleepers. It was a lovely vehicle with all the comforts one could imagine royalty can call upon. It felt strange for Illyana. Such luxury was not something she was used to, nor really ever aspired to have. Her life had been simple on Earth and she'd liked it that way. In Limbo? That was a story for another time but luxury was not high on their amenities.

Illyana had considered just teleporting them over but since the Lord of Genosha had chosen to give them a car, it seemed rude to decline.

Once at the hospital, they were directed to small section of a wing that had been quarantined for the victims of the Sleeping sickness spreading across the world.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has had a little more exposure to limos, and fancy cars but not much. He will look over to Wanda, and says "I did not know Magnrto has children. Considering some of the rules he had for us, you must have had an interesting time in your teens." Poor Sam not knowing what a mine field he is stepping into.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda could have ported the lot of them to the hospital, too. Not that she knows Illyana is capable, or had intended on it.. However, there's a limo provided by Papa, and Wanda is content to go with the flow, even if it does seem odd to her to be so excessive. She may not yet have adjusted to the fact that she is a Princess, and that sometimes, this was part and parcel of it.

"Oh, Papa does not have so many children." Her features grow very serious as she is drawn back to her teens - a time that was interesting, but not for the reasons Samuel thinks. "We did not know Papa then, when we were younger. It was not a happy time." Which was a gross understatement.

Magik has posed:
During the ride, Illyana's eyes are on the world outside the window as it passes by. She listens with half an ear to the conversation, glancing over at the question about her youth as she can't help but smirk. "You were lucky then. He was strict as hell. And I mean that almost literally."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "There was times he did seem to forget we had been taking care of ourselves for a bit before he came along, but looking back, was still better than when we first went to the school I guess.""

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Papa.. he means well most of the time," she tells Samuel. "He wants very much the best for us, but I do not know he always knows how to express that." And, he's mellowed some over the years that Wanda can tell. Though that may only be a product of the fact that his children were quite powerful being in their own right, and likely beyond the kind of oversight Samuel speaks of.

"Lucky?" Wanda muses of Illyan's assertion. "I do not know. I can not say that it would have been better or worse if Papa had found us sooner. We were very angry then. I do not think you would have recognized me if you knew me from that time." Indeed, things had had the potential to go so very, very bad had she and Pietro kept along the path they'd been set upon in their youth.

Magik has posed:
"He always wanted the best for us. Mutants that is. Not just us personally," Illyana comments as the car pulls to a stop at the curb in front of the hospital. The driver comes around to open the door and let them all out.

Already there is a representative from the hospital waiting by the door to greet them and lead the way, having gotten a call ahead of their arrival.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, I do think by the time we parted ways he did want the best for us personally as well. He may have took the job out of a feeling of obligation, but I do think we both sides grew on each other at least some."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
There's a soft smile from Wanda, remembering the contrdiction that was Magneto's fondness for his children against his rather brash agenda for mutntkind at the time. An agenda that he's purportedly mellowed currently. Or so he's said, and Wanda has no immediate reason to disbelieve him.

"He has not always been the easiest of fathers, but he has always wanted nothing but the best for his people." She says 'his people' in such a way as to denote that she speaks of all mutants - not just those on Genosha who look to him as King. "It was hard learning to be his daughter. I think it has gone well, though."

She doesn't say much more about it at this time, and their arrival at the hospital forestalls having to.

Magik has posed:
"Learning to be his daughter? That sounds like a tale in itself," Illyana says as she exits the car. She will wait for the other two to do so before approaching the doors where the man in the blue suit is waiting for them.

He offers a hand and a greeting as they arrive. "Tom Rodriguez. A pleasure to meet you all. We received a call from the Royal Palace instructing us to help in any way possible." Upon seeing Wanda, he falls into a bow since she is of the royal family.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will hold the door, for Wanda if someone has not got it already. He will look over and says "You said children, your not his only?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"We are three," Wanda murmurs to Samuel. Nodding to Illyana by way of agreeing that there was a tale there, though given the bowing going on, perhaps now was not the moment.

She gives a small, flushed smile to the man at his bow. "You are too kind. And it is not necessary. You are a busy man. Please. Today I am just Wanda, and I am only watching the others to see if there is a way I can help. They are the important today."

Magik has posed:
"Yes, Hi--Wa--" It is obvious he is uncomfortable with the idea of calling her Wanda. "Ma'am," is what he finally settles on. "If you all will follow me, I'll take you to the third floor where we have the patients."

Illyana glances over at Wanda as she falls into step behind the man, entering the elevator as he holds a hand on the door to keep it from closing. "I wouldn't say important. We just want to test a theory. Sam's theory." She gives him all the credit since he came up with the idea.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "It is just an idea, that I hope migiht work, but it would be best if we had a private room, as our idea might shock a few people, but if it works we maybe able to help quite a few here.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Of course you're important," Wanda insists. "And you may be solving a mystery, which is even better!" Nobody could accuse Wanda of being elitist. At least not intentionally.

The 'Ma'am' does get a gentle correction to 'Miss', however. She accepts that as as close as she's getting to Wanda from the man, and carries on.

"Oh," Wanda asks of Illyana as she, too, enters the elevator. "It was Sam's idea? See, I thought it was yours. But no matter, we are all going to see if it works. And you are the one who will be doing the trying, yes?"

Magik has posed:
"Yes, I'll be the one trying. It's a power I have that we are hoping may let us know if it is or is not magic in nature. There are other ways but they would take longer." Illyana doesn't explain what the way is but she does catch Sam's eye a moment, a hint of a smirk appearing. "Definitely need to be a private room with a single patient. Don't want to go scaring anyone."

That gets a bit of a look from Mr. Rodriguez. As they arrive on the floor, the doors slide open. He holds the door-open button to be sure they all get off with no interruptions then steps out behind them and leads the way to the right. "Down here. We have about a dozen patients." The nurses meet him at the station just before the set of rooms. "We need a private room please." One of them motions to the first door on the left and they are all allowed to enter.

Inside is a single woman laying in the bed. Monitors show her vitals but she just seems to be asleep. Yet, she won't wake up. No matter what the doctors have tried. There are two members of her family sitting with her and they look up, having also been briefed they might get a visitor.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and looks her over for a moment, but will just step aside. "Looks like it is your show now Lil." He says and watches.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda follows along, and is mostly quiet as things are arranged, only bothering to offer in a soft voice, "I can make certain that we are private, if you wish. Beyond the room, I mean. I am not certain what it is you are worried about, but if it is something important, I can make sure it is okay."

She's not seen one of the Sleepers this close before. Even the news hadn't made them look so.. peaceful and vulnerable at the same time. Like they really were just sleeping, and not under some unbreakable spell.

"I do wonder what it is that has caused this."

Magik has posed:
"We are going to try to wake her up but our methods may seem...unorthodox," Illyana says, glancing to Sam as she says it. "Perhaps you would prefer to be out of the room?"

"We will stay here with our daughter."

So much for that idea. Illyana sighs softly and summons her Soulsword. One moment she is there, a moment later there is a gleaming silver/white sword that seems to glow slightly in her hand. Her entire left arm is covered in what looks like metallic armor.

"Do you trust us?" She glances to Sam, wondering if he might be able to help keep this from going to hell in a handbasket.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie wil move to a point where he can restrain te parents if he needs to "Of this does not help, it will not hurt. " He tells them, and says "This is part of her power."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda might not know what Sam and Illyana have planned, but she knows enough that they're suggesting it might not go all that well. While she remains quite, she also prepares to take control of the sitution should it go sideways, to keep the parents from either interferring or freaking out, or worse. Not that she's sure what 'worse' would be in this situation, but it's certainly a thing she's capable of, calming things down so that Illyana can do what is necessary.

Magik has posed:
With Sam in position and Wanda focused as well, Illyana walks to the side of the bed. "I swear to you, she will not be harmed by this." Her vow is firm and honest.

She considers a moment, eyes going a solid white for an instant. As the blue returns, she raises the sword, turns it in her hand so it is point downward and slams it into the chest of the woman in the bed, blade going deep.

It is at this point the mother screams and the father tries to move forward.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will step in front of them, holding them back "Ah know it is hard, but this is nothing bad, it will be ok, if you just give it a moment." He makes sure the man can not get to te girl while the sword is out.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda, as it happens, wasn't prepared for what Illyana does, but she was prepared for something of that reaction from the parents. And as Sam steps forward to stop them, Wanda lifts a hand and with gentle waves of her fingers and words uttered under her breath, soothes them, easiing not only their concerns, but blurring their memories of this event. They're not seeing a sword in their daughter's chest, they're seeing Illyana standing there with her hands over their daughter, a white healing light issuing from them. It's a small illusion of sorts, but a powerful one. One they won't be shaking anytime soon, and certainly not likely without help.

"See?" she says gently, adding to Sam's assertion, "It is nothing more than a blessing."

Magik has posed:
Those who are not having their perceptions altered will see there is no blood, after the initial shock. An instant later, there is a pulse of magic through the room that can be sensed by the magically inclined, as though a spell is breaking. She withdraws the sword and steps back.

There is no wound. No cut. Nothing to show the woman was just stabbed through the heart.

About five seconds later, the eyes of the woman flutter open.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie look sover his shoulder, and as the girls eyes blink open, he smiles at Illyana, and will step out of the way as he says "I think someone would like to talk to you.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Oh, that is very interesting," Wanda says under her breath as she feels the spell lift. And soon as Illyana withdraws the sword, she ceases her affecting the parents, leaving them with only that memory of their child being healed. It's a much better memory than seeing her stabbed through the chest - even if there was no blood or harm done. Some things are just easier to not have to explain.

Magik has posed:
The parents immediately rush forward to talk to their daughter.

Illyana concentrates and the blade disappears along with the armor. She backs away from the bed, giving plenty of room for the parents as she motions Sam and Wanda closer to the door. There she speaks in a whisper.

"It is a magic spell of some sort. It will take much more work to try to discern where it came from but at least we know the Soulsword can wake them. One at a time but it's better than nothing."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head, and smiles to Illyana and says "I knew you could do it, I had faith in you." He will tel Illyana, yes Sam is pumpiung up his friend like normal.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda is mostly quiet and observant, speaking up only to note to Illyana, "Now that we do know it is magic, it is perhaps that there will be some help I can give. That is if you are willing to have my help?"

She's not about to assume, and she's not familiar with the Soulsword.

Magik has posed:
"If you have any spells that will break it, you are more than welcome to assist. As it stands, I want to try to wake all the people in this ward. Then we can see if they know anything, after their reunions with their families," Illyana adds, glancing over at the crying family nearby in the room. For her, family is the most important thing in the world so that should come as no surprise to Sam. She looks back to the pair.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head, and says "I will step out and talk to the doctor, tell him to start getting them into a room alone, one by one." He will step out to tell the doctor what hey need and that the girl is awake.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"I think for now, we will leave you to do that magics, Illyana. But if you would allow? I would help you with the other parents so that there will be no more distress. And then maybe later we talk about what it is you do." Wanda moves closer to the door, to follow the others lead.