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Latest revision as of 18:13, 23 December 2018

Scenes from Manhatten
Date of Scene: 22 December 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ekaterina Vespucci, Kid, Nina the Conjuror

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
It is midnight in the 'Rasputin Coffee House' Ekaterina Vespucci is in one of her favorite haunts after commuting to central Manhatten after finishing teaching at the Community College in Queens. She has as usual way too much luggage for her small just over five foot frame. Ekaterina gets ahold of her order. A supersized long black that looks like a mega shake in the small immortal artists hands. She makes her way to a table with dancing steps listening to some music on her headset. Her dancing... it is not pretty. It's a good thing she is cute with those large cornflower blue eyes and angelic face. And that she had brains alvbeit frequently scattered ones. Elseways she'd be in trouble.

Kat sits down takes her headset off and starts reading a book. Sort of a reexploration of Carl Jung much like "Maps of Meaning". "Hmm - The least of things with a meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it." Kat reads the quote at the start of the literature and mulls on it. Even after 1200 years humanity had a capacity to suprise her. She sits alone quite absorbed by her reading.

Kid has posed:
    Walking down the street minding his own buissness was Kid. One good thing about the night life...alot less folks to deal with. Relatively speaking anyways. No hunting tonight, but it was time to warm up and so he heads into the Rasputin Coffee House, looking forward to one of lifes greatest pleasure - Hot Cocoa!

Of course, he gets looks of fear, uncertainty, as well as curiosity and wonder. Folks were...not exactly used to the idea of sapiant gorillas yet. Compounded by the fact that save for the rillas at the embassy who spend most of their time in the embassy or traveling, there weren't actually many if any gorillas walking around besides him. Still he been here before and even knew the person behind the counter. He signs "...Two BIG cups of cocoa!" his lips curl into a grin as he breaks out a 20, and spots none other than Kat. A familiar face to him at this point due to some run ins.

Nina the Conjuror has posed:
Well, now this is new. The entire everything is new. Who knows how time actually worked in that dimension she was sent to and now everything is...very different. Very very different. There's people everywhere. Lots more than she recalls in this city and a considerable amount more cars. Different cars. Then there's little boxes everyone is on and all the lights and...NYC really has changed. Nina is surprised by many things as she walks along. The innovations of man are really quite remarkable even for someone who fights demons on a regular basis.

Or at least did before she was sent into a side dimension for over 70 years.

Now she walks into the coffee shop for one simple reason. Smell. Coffee is a distinct odor that has lasted through the ages and as she walks in she blinks in surprise and stares at the gorilla. Her hand is at her hip fast and she is grasping at...something? See, first thing she did was cast a small illusion on her weapons to hide them. People, after all, don't take kindly to people walking around openly armed. Either way, she is eyeing the gorilla with some skepticism but the lack of screams or open fear makes her pause in her initial reaction to a large gorilla in a coffee shop.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Ekaterina's super senses pick up on the entry of the Gorilla and her large anime size cornflower blue eyes rise up to greet his entry. She manages a polite smile. Kat had always found Kid to be a little grumpy for her tastes but it was in her rather flighty nature to be infinitely forgiving. Her eyes shift to Nina around the same time the illusion is cast. Perhaps she notices an anomaly but there are so many strange things in the world at the moment that a mere magical illusion is almost pedestrian. So she pays the incongruence with reality no further mind after having noticed it once.

Kid has posed:
    And Nina...very quickly earned a fanged snarl from Kid. He didn't notice any change, didn't even know a weapon was there. But he was aggressive simply because he sensed aggression, sensed someone ready to cut him down. He shakes himself off...he been working on getting his own aggression in check, especially since it tended to rile people up, which in turn fed back into him.

A moment passes as he stares back at Nina as if stareing her down....before signing "The hell you stareing at?" his bracer speaking in a synthetic voice for him. He turns and slides the 20 onto the counter not saying much else...before walking back past Nina to take a seat by Kat...still giving the other the evil eye.

Nina the Conjuror has posed:
A blink and Nina squints more at the growling gorilla until he growls at her and she, uh, well, growls back. She then tilts her head, "A large talking gorilla." She seems to stare past him a moment and then looks around before hmming and then she states, "Interesting device." She gestures to the talking bracer and then steps up. With a flick of her wrist, what appeared to be for a moment much older cash seems to update to match the cash that Kid put on the counter as she asks for one coffee, large. Then there's a small moment about how it's Venti and not large and she glares, "Large."

Then she looks toward Kat and that Gorilla before considering a moment this odd pairing and the world that is passing by outside right up until her coffee arrives and she takes it over to add sugar and cream.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
The small girl (Ekaterina) accompanying the Gorilla seems to ignore his aggression for the moment. She focuses on the fish oput of water lady getting her coffee. "You have the scent of someone new. Perhaps somewhat unused to this new world where there are Greek and Norse deities running around alongside aliens, mutants and talking Gorillas." She does turn to Kid at this point, "And talking Gorilla's - no offense my friend - aren't that unusual by comparison with what else is running around New York city nowadays." She returns to speaking with the girl, "Don't fault our friend here he has a right to his tempremental nature. What strings pull you may I ask? What brings you here? If I may be so forward?"

Kid has posed:
    Kid signs "Why would I find it offense to not be consider unsual? Hell it's half a relief. He sips his cocoa before signing with one hand "...what is...Venti?" he wonders of Kat not being familiar with the term. And frankly he thought Kat had a point - between all these things, he not exactly extrodinary, though still freaky to many humans.
    His side glances Kat and than Nina before signing "...I ain't tempermental. But if I had to guess, warmth and the smell of good food brought here here. That what brought me!" he let out a deep rumble...his version of a laugh perhaps. "But since your hear take a seat" he signs before rolling his shoulders.

Nina the Conjuror has posed:
A look over at the woman and Nina hmms, "You're way more intuitive than normal." She states and then walks over with her coffee and looks to the Gorilla, "And you are far more cordial than I expected." She nods her head, a hint of a South American accent in her voice. She settles into the offered seat and gestures to the Gorilla, "It is the food and drink that brought me here specifically." She nods her head, "More than that that brought me further. This is what? 2026?" She asks and looks at Kat first seeing as she asked questions.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"You've lost some time then?" Kat recieves a bagle she ordered earlier - a change from her donut heavy diet. "I am familiar with time. Not so much lost time except when I was drunk." She waves to Kid, "They have an awesome mango frappe here. Are you sure you wish to stick to Coco?"

Kid has posed:
Kid grunts and signs "Yea, long as you don't get on my bad side, I'm real peachy." not that he ever loss that aggressive aura about him. He been working on his temper...so still remains somewhat brutish, but he trying. "But first time I met a person who aint a drunk bastard who doesn't know the year. Where yea kept under a rock or something?"
    He than looks to kat "Coco good with me. Frappe are nice but want some warm not cold." he concludes in his signing. He rolls his shoulders in thought

Nina the Conjuror has posed:
A look at the woman and she staets, "Yes...yes I have." She frowns and looks to the side a moment, "But that's not what's important. What is important is what pulled me out." She looks over at Kat and then at Kid, "Neither of you seem to have any magical talents..." She considers, "I don't believe anyway." She then looks out the window a moment, "I am interested in finding someone who does. You wouldn't happen to know what a Sorcerer Supreme is, would you?"

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"You've met an immortal and a talking gorilla thus far who needs a sorcerer?" She turns somewhat serious when she says, "he's one of the Avengers. Seek them out."

Kid has posed:
"Avengers won't help. Strange is missing - that would be the sorcerer supreme" Kid signs "Another fella, Captain Marvel, she believes his dissappearance coincides with the Black Sleep, that has started plagueing people." he explains.
    "But no, no magic far as I know. Though I do got a few tricks up my sleeve" Kid signs smirking as he makes his claim. "Anyways perhaps we can field a question if yea got one...wait" he double looks at Kat "...your immortal?" he blinks again

Nina the Conjuror has posed:
A look over at Kat and she hmms before considering the Gorilla, "What...is an Avenger?" She asks and tilts her head and then blinks again, "Strange? Strange is Sorcerer Supreme?" She stands up and then shakes her head, "What...what happened to..." She trails off and looks out the window, "Black Sleep...new Sorcerer Supreme missing..." She then looks back at Kid a long moment, "I am Nina, the Conjuror. Based on this information I am the former assitant to the Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme of my time. I was trained by him." She then looks to Kat a momenta nd then back to Kid, "If these Avengers are some kind of group in charge, I need to meet with them. This Black Sleep may have been the reason I was returned to this realm."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat clarifies for Kid's sake. "Yeah I'm immortal 1200 years old in fact. Used to be the holy Roman empress back then. And I'm very immortally immortal been decapitated burned at the stake. I literally don't die or age. Not that I want to demonstrate the phenomena - it is extra painful for me."
fr She turns quizically to Nina, "Ancient One? How ancient is he? Would I know him?"

Kid has posed:
"In charge? No. There a hero group, like the justice league. Yea got Iron Man, The Hulk, Dr. strange and other folks. Luckily Tony pretty easy to find..." he points to Stark Tower. "Right, Tony is Iron Man" he signs afterwards/
    Kid than looks to Kat and just STARES at her for several long minutes. He looks her up and down and signs "....I find this hard to believe on a number of levels. None the less, well...have no interest in testing your statement" cause he actuall likes Kat, she not an idiote!

Nina the Conjuror has posed:
"When I last knew time it was the year 1951." She states to Kid and then to Kat before saying, "Umm..." She stares, "You might." She then shifts her spot a little and then clears her throat, "Seriously though, I really don't think now is the time to believe or disbelieve in whether or not someone is 1200 years old." She then idly shifts her gaze to Stark Tower, "I suppose that is a good place to start but I need to speak with whomever is available or find out who might be in charge of the defense of this realm in the absence of this Strange."

She then looks to Kid, "Also don't know who this Justice League are but I do need to know what is happening if your Sorcerer Supreme is missing."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat keys a few things into her phone and shows Kid a video of her in central park - in a battle with a biomechanicahal construct with Diana Prince aka Wonderwoman as the principle fighting the monster. Wonderwoman watches in horror as Kat teleports over the creatures eyes and blinds it with spray paint. And is snapped broken and thrown dead to the ground at Diana's feet. Within two minutes before a horrified crowd the broken girl is whole again - she doesn't simply regerate. She comes back to life - missing fingers grow back - neck and bones are unbroken. All on film. "Yeah I don't die. Do you want some old picture of me like tapesries and such like? To prove my actual age?"

Wth respect to Nina's very pivotal question she again asks Kid, "You have Tony Stark's ear?" "Can you ask for her?"

Kid has posed:
    Kid stares at the phone and takes it, replaying it several times. His eyes lit up, in curiosity more than anything. He signs rapidly "Alright, now that just awesome. Painful...but awesome...must be boring though. Hell you must have done everything under the sun. Except maybe get a decent sense of fashion" his lips curl in that humorouse way.

But back to Nina. he hands the phone back and signs "No. What makes you think that? I just pay attention, contrary to popular belief." he looks to Nina "Look girl, just go over, and waltz in. Fate of the World trumps manners. Just saying"

Nina the Conjuror has posed:
Looking over at what Kat is doing, she stares for a long moment and leans down to try to see the thing. She then shakes her head, "That is impressive." She nods her head, "I dont' believe I've ever seen anything quite like that." She then looks over at Kid and shrugs, "I suppose you make a point." SHe then takes her coffee and sips, "This...coffee is really good." She then turns and then looks back, "Again, I'm Nina. Good to meet you both. Sort of." She then heads for the door, "Be safe."