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Latest revision as of 18:18, 23 December 2018

Girl's Night Out
Date of Scene: 23 December 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Bishop), Claire Temple, Melinda May

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
It had been a hectic whirlwind of a few weeks. Since the spilling of her dating Matt Murdock had been leaked by the press, Kate had found herself in the centre of the public eye for a time - until something newer and shinier came along.

Sure, she and Matt were still making print, but they weren't headline anymore, but it didn't mean she wasn't still feeling the stress. And that, mostly because it hadn't solved as many problems as Kate thought it would.

Kate was glad of a quiet evening for herself. And because she was lacking friends she could be herself with, she'd taken a chance and invited Claire Temple to Josie's for beer and wings. Pizza too, but it was two for one night on wings, so you know where Kate's money is going. Even if she was temporarily flush.

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire yawns and knocks back the last of her bodega coffee before chucking the paper cup into the bin next to the front door at Josie's. There isn't much in particular she's got on her mind at the moment, except maybe relaxing with one of the safer recipes on Josie's wing menu. The shopping's done, the gifts are wrapped, and she's even tried baking. A little. She tried, at least.

It's fairly easy for Claire to spot Kate in the bar, a small plate of flappers and drums parked in front of her with what appears to be a few wedges of a pepperoni pizza. The nurse hums to herself as she peers. "As Christmas dinners go, this stuff sucks," she says when she reaches the table. "At least go for the hawaiian for special occasions."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate smirks as Claire joins her. She knows that Christmas day there is the obligatory trip home, but honestly, shre really considers folks like JJ, adn Claire, and Matt to be her family. They might not be horribly close, but there's a connection. At least on Kate's end of things.

"Pineapple on pizza?" Kate isn't convinced, but she grins. "Really glad you could make it. I was beginning to think I'd have to eat all of this myself."

As though take out containers weren't a thing.

Claire Temple has posed:
"Not bad on chicken, either," Claire allows. "Canned pineapple is generally safe."

"Speaking of not having to eat everything yourself... where's sweetie-boy, anyway?" she asks, eyes dancing as she peels the skin and fat off the side of a slightly underdone flapper. "Seems like he's a wing night regular, and I don't think he'd complain about helping you dispose of these wings."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate can only smirk. "I'm not sure I'm a pineapple person. I am most definitely not a chicken person." Sure, Kate liked chicken - just not on her pizza.

There's a pause as Kate considers her reply to Claire with regards to Matt. Finally, she shrugs, reaching for a flapper, I guess he's off being the nemesis of evil," she says with a half-grin that isn't convincing. Kate is pretty sure Claire is digging for info, and she's not sure how she's going to handle that yet.

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire snorts. "Uh-huh," she says, giving Kate a side-eye as she picks some unappetizingly charred pepperoni off the slice of pizza she inadvertently touched and... oh, yes, it's hers now, for better or worse, 'til metabolism do us part.

She pops the charred bit into her mouth and quirks at the slight crunch, reaching for her beer to clear the resulting tastebud mess. "I'm sure he is. Just like every night, except for date nights," she notes over another sip.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Right. Kate /could/ be coy about it all, but Claire is totally reading 'I so don't believe you, and don't even try that shit on me' which leaves Kate in the position of trying to carry on cultivating the lie. Or... to let Claire dictate where things went from here.

"You know Matt," Kate begins, trying to feel her way through this mess she's created.

Claire is given a long look as Kate takes a bite of pizza and chews thoughtfully.

"We're friends, right? We can be honest with one another?"

Claire Temple has posed:
"'Bout damn time," Claire replies, returning the beer glass to the tabletop with a satisfying 'thunk.' "Out with it. Where'd you stow loverboy, and who did you piss off to get your early valentine's day pictures into popular print?"

Claire nibbles on the end of a drum before giving up and tearing off a bit before pointing the sheared end at Kate. "What, you've flirted him into hiding, or something?"

Melinda May has posed:
Stepping into the bar is one Melinda May, looking not at all out of place. She steps up to the bar and orders a drink, then casually turns to lean against the bar and look to see who all's there.

She doesn't let it show that she's disappointed to NOT find Murdock here, then turns back to accept her drink and meander toward a table. Maybe if she sticks around for a bit he'll show up.

It's honestly sheer coincidence that she picks a table within easy earshot of the two women sharing pizza.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate sighs. It's not like she intended to lie to Claire, but it was all complicated.

"That obvious, huh?" Kate was willing to accept that she wasn't about to get away with this with the folks who knew Matt best. Her own life? Well, Kate was something of the consumate chamelion. She fit whatever scenario she was up against, and in her superficial socialite world, nobody really questioned the story that was a veneer thing facade. After all, if they did, their own lives would come into question.

"Right. What do you want to know?"

She hasn't noticed May yet - but to be fair, she has no reason to.

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire doesn't bother rolling her eyes, but her expression is still dry enough to sop up the Hudson. "All of it," she replies, her voice flat. She crosses her arms on the tabletop and leans over them.

"Boy's got a history, and now you apparently fit kind of snugly into it. Now," she says as she tugs a slice of pizza that wasn't quite cut to the edge, "That's not itself a big deal, but we're talking about someone who is a whole lot better at low profiles than most PI's I've met, and yet, he's ending up on the front page of the news." She takes a bite out of the warm but congealing slice. "Not his style. Not so sure it's yours, so option three is something fairly big is up."

"Spill it," she says, dropping her voice.

Melinda May has posed:
May sips at her drink, just barely tasting it, and looks like she's just sitting there contemplating when she's actually listening to the pair chat. It was the comment about 'Boy's got history' that caught her attention.

She pulls her phone and taps at its screen for a moment, again almost entirely to make it look like she's not paying anyone else any attention. She also uses that moment to subtly sutdy the two women, making mental note of whey they are each wearing.

Amazing what a person's clothing can say about them.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate really is flush for a change. Which means not only pizza and wings, but beer besides. Which gives her a moment of distration to use to think in while she grabs up her mug, in order to contemlate how to answer Claire.

She hasn't noticed May. Unlike Claire, Kate hasn't had opportunity to meet May yet. Yet.

"Yeah, about that," Kate begins. "You want the long version, or the short?" She does have the grace to look apologetic.

"Here's the thing. It's a mutually benefical arrangement."

Kate leaves that out there, waiting to see what Claire does with it.